Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 183 A professional actor?

hotel restaurant.

Seeing Zhao Yi leaving, Qian Hong didn't react for a while.

She was thinking about the question of 'left leg is longer, right leg is longer', and she stood up and took two steps with doubts, and then asked blankly, "My two legs are different lengths?"


The two seniors laughed out loud at the same time and quickly pulled Qian Hong to sit down.

The three of them talked quietly.

The two seniors were laughing all the time as they talked, and one of them kept shaking his shoulders, and seemed to be suffering from discomfort while laughing.

Qian Hong knew the meaning of 'brain teaser' and suddenly became extremely annoyed. He gritted his teeth and stared at the door, but it was empty and Zhao Yi had already gone back.

Qian Hong felt very depressed.

She originally wanted to 'find face' with her senior sister, not really looking for anything, but just to make the other party feel 'shy', and it would be good to use her momentum to overcome her. She is a university lecturer with a Ph.D., but she always loses to an eighteen-year-old boy in terms of momentum, and she feels really unhappy. seems like I've lost again!

Anyway, after talking for a long time, the other party was not moved at all. Before leaving, the other party said something that made her feel ashamed.

If word of this gets out...

Qian Hong glanced down, not knowing exactly what he was looking at, and his cheeks became rosy.

Amidst the 'secret snickering' of the two senior students, Qian Hong returned to the room with embarrassment. She immediately checked online and found that there was nothing the same.

"Did he think of it himself? He wrote and directed it? This is too... perverted!" Qian Hong immediately raised Zhao Yi's 'ability' level by several notches.

She couldn't understand.

A bad student who doesn't study hard and is a mixed bag can still understand so many complicated things in his mind.

Zhao Yi?

Judging from the achievements this guy has made, he probably started studying seriously when he was young and studied until he was eighteen years old. He didn't waste even a minute and it was only possible because of his strong inspiration.

But why is there still so much shameful content in his mind?

If the other person was a peer, Qian Hong would only feel angry. If it were an eighteen-year-old boy, she would only feel embarrassed. It seemed that she was being molested by a boy of the younger generation. If she said it, people would think it was her. No, even if something happened, it was her who took advantage.

Anyway, depressed.

It makes sense to be young!

Zhao Yi didn't know that a brain teaser could bring so much trouble to Qian Hong, so even if he knew about it, he pretended that he didn't know about it.

He just came up with a very pure and ordinary brain teaser, "Which is higher, the letter A or the letter C?"

"Answer: C."

"Reason: ABCD."

As for why Qian Hong’s leg is used as a metaphor, it’s just because it was given to Qian Hong. Using real things as a metaphor will make the title sound more vivid.


The most admirable thing about Qian Hong is her long legs.

So he just admired Qian Hong's figure in the process of writing the topic. Isn't it the tradition of ancient gentlemen to describe a woman's beauty in poems, articles, and titles?

A graceful lady, a gentleman is fond of quarrels.

There is a beauty in the north, peerless and independent.

A beautiful smile and beautiful eyes.

The graceful girl is shy, but the years are worry-free.

The vermilion powder is not deep and uniform, but the idle flowers are faintly fragrant. Look carefully at all the good things, everyone is humane and willow waist.


Anyway, a lot.

Zhao Yi's mood was very indifferent, as if he had just done something extremely ordinary, and when facing Qian Hong's expression, it was as if nothing had happened.

Of course.

Don’t let others know about the three learning coins you got from the critical attack yesterday.

The next day is the academic conference on artificial intelligence.

Because the number of participants reached about 500, the organizer Jincheng University decided to hold the academic lectures in two conference venues, and there will also be several small venues for guests to use.

Many people in the country knew that if Zhao Yi and Yanhua University were successful, he would probably attend Yanhua University, so they simply arranged for Zhao Yi and the people from Yanhua University to be together.

When Zhao Yi came in the morning, someone was already giving a speech, but because it was a 'warm-up small role', there were not many people listening seriously.

This is not disrespectful, but a normal phenomenon in academia.

The research results of most graduate students and doctoral students are nothing at all in the eyes of top figures in the field. The research results of some small laboratories and key laboratories may have been available for a long time, but they have not been made public for some reasons.

In addition, most of the research results are actually meaningless.

People who go on stage to give "warm-up speeches" also know that it is difficult to attract attention with their speeches. They don't have much energy when speaking, as if they are providing the soundtrack for the "discussion" at the venue.

Zhao Yi walked in during the "Soundtrack". He glanced at the venue and walked directly to Qian Zhijin. When he was about to arrive, he was stopped by someone.

"Who are you……"

Zhao Yi glanced at the person who stopped him and found that he had never seen him before. Looking left and right, he noticed Professor Liu Hemin inside.

"This way!"

Liu Hemin waved to Zhao Yi and motioned for him to sit in the empty seat next to him.

Zhao Yi made an apology gesture to Qian Zhijin who was greeting him, and then sat down. Professor Liu immediately helped introduce him. He pointed to the middle-aged man at the edge who stretched out his hand to stop Zhao Yi, "You should get to know each other. This is He Mingcheng’s student, Ying Huaguo.”

Professor Liu did not admit that Zhao Yi was He Mingcheng's student. He happened to hear that He Mingcheng later denied it again. He commented lightly in his heart, "This old guy still wants to be shameless!"

In fact, Liu Hemin had long wanted Zhao Yi to be his student, and wanted him to apply for the University of Science and Technology, so that he could come to the laboratory to help him. Later, when they communicated with each other, he discovered that Zhao Yi was really capable.

Although age limits the knowledge base, some ideas and occasional inspirations are really shocking.

For example, valid and irrelevant carry screening methods.

This kind of computer algorithm is not something that ordinary people can study. It is even said that most people will not think from this perspective. However, in the process of studying the Rubik's Cube algorithm, Zhao Yi summarized this set of core screening methods.

This is ability.

Liu Hemin knew that Zhao Yi had developed the screening method, so he regarded him as an equal partner and had no further thoughts of accepting students.

You can imagine how unhappy Liu Hemin was when he heard that He Mingcheng had accepted Zhao Yi as his student. But considering that He Mingcheng is a master of fuzzy mathematics, he can indeed guide Zhao Yi in the field of fuzzy mathematics.

Confucius said that when three people are walking together, there must be one teacher. I feel better when I think about it.

Fortunately, He Mingcheng still wanted to show shame.

When Zhao Yi publicly cracked the Kakutani conjecture, He Mingcheng immediately said that he was not qualified to be Zhao Yi's teacher.

This is right!

Zhao Yi didn't know Professor Liu's complicated heart. After hearing the introduction, he shook hands with Ying Huaguo and looked at him carefully.

He knows Yinghua State.

Ying Huaguo is the most famous among the 'He Clan disciples', or he founded the 'He Clan'. In the process of winning awards abroad, he mentioned that the teacher he respected the most was He Mingcheng. It was only later that he A disciple of Hemen said.

Ying Huaguo is also the most accomplished. He is not only the chief researcher of the Academy of Sciences, but also the director of the Software Institute of the Academy of Sciences. He is higher than Professor Liu in terms of level.

Ying Huaguo looked at Zhao Yi with eyes full of admiration. After the introduction, he started talking about Professor Liu's research on evolutionary algorithms.

This is the main project in the field of artificial intelligence of the Academy of Sciences.

There are more than a dozen people around from the Academy of Sciences, including researchers, associate researchers, and several doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows. The research content is all related to artificial intelligence algorithms. Because Zhao Yi has become the core, they talk about everything. It is related to the screening method, and it is also because the screening method is recognized as an 'indispensable' link in the field of artificial intelligence algorithms.

Computers will accumulate a large amount of information. In the field of artificial intelligence, no matter what kind of algorithm it is, the purpose is to be 'closer to intelligence'. Just like humans filter the knowledge in their brains, artificial intelligence must also do the same. Only by filtering can you get concise and useful information, but a large amount of information without filtering will only cause internal information confusion.

Previous artificial intelligence algorithms were mostly related to calling databases, comparing information, etc. The screening method achieved the most direct ‘elimination’.

Of course.

There are pros and cons.

If key information is eliminated, it will directly cause intelligent errors. The detailed design in the algorithm design process becomes the most critical part.

This is one of the reasons why Zhao Yi doesn't care about making the algorithm public.

Others know the algorithm, but they only know how to do it. They still have to deal with the details themselves, just like building a house. Everyone knows what the house looks like and can build it accordingly. Specifically, it is to build a skyscraper that goes straight through the clouds. , or a pitiful thatched hut, it all depends on the ability level.

Zhao Yi started talking about this issue.

When it comes to the screening method, Professor Liu can occasionally say something, and everyone else can only listen and feel that they have gained a lot.

They unconsciously thought a lot of Zhao Yigao.

In fact, many people in the academic world consider Zhao Yi to be "lucky" because his resume is completely blank and he is too young. It is difficult to understand how an 18-year-old student can do it without adding himself. So many great results can be researched.

Now they take it for granted that Zhao Yi is indeed young, but his understanding of algorithms is already top-notch.

The morning passed like this.

Zhao Yi sat next to Professor Liu and listened to two speeches by the way. One was a professional algorithm speech, which was indeed a bit innovative. The other felt like it was not a speech, but a look into the application and development trends of artificial intelligence.

This kind of speech is not intended for people engaged in research.

When Zhao Yi asked, he found out that he was the boss of a certain technology company. Because he had cooperation with universities, he came on stage more for publicity.

What he promotes is not a brand, but a person, facing the media and ordinary people.

This kind of speech is indeed very popular with the media, because it is too professional and ordinary people cannot understand it at all. Look forward to the application and development of artificial intelligence, talk about how powerful artificial intelligence is, and what kind of enterprises are most likely to be in the future. Rise is what ordinary people care about.

In fact, all researchers know that such speeches have no content.

Future applications?


As long as it is good technology, everyone knows how to use it. Artificial intelligence is indeed very powerful, but as long as it is a real research breakthrough, it will be very powerful.

For example, the direction of image information processing in the computer field.

Who dares to say it’s not awesome?

Computer-based hardware technology is what supports the development of software technology, and no matter how artificial intelligence is said, the academic perspective is biased towards software.

If there is a major breakthrough in the processing of image information, it will definitely be quickly applied to various devices, hundreds or dozens of times faster than the popularization of artificial intelligence.

Therefore, regardless of the future of technology, it can be regarded as 'clichés and official slang' in academia. It sounds powerful, but has very little actual meaning.

The key is technological breakthrough.

If there is no technological breakthrough, just talking about application and development is just a hooligan.

In fact, in the field of artificial intelligence, large domestic technology companies currently do not invest much in related research. Most of their scientific research investment is in the research and development of underlying hardware technology.

Because software is hard to say.

If most of the money is invested but there is no corresponding return, the investment will be in vain.

This is also one of the reasons why most computer laboratories cannot make ends meet. It is difficult for them to obtain external scientific research funds, and they rely on state support to maintain their operations.

On the contrary, some small entrepreneurial teams will focus on the research and development of a certain technology. For example, Yuan Zhongchen's team has been developing a robot operating system. However, due to "uncertain prospects", the board of directors of Zhouyu Company decided to go out and develop it independently. 'Partner'.

This kind of small team is not afraid of failure. If it succeeds, it can become bigger and stronger. If it fails, the impact will not be big.

There are many things that large companies need to consider, and some companies simply adopt a "borrowing" approach. When they find a technology that can be improved, they just "buy, buy, buy" or "acquire, acquire, acquire" through the crushing of capital. way to achieve not falling behind others in technology.

All I can say is...the positions are different.


After Zhao Yi had lunch, he went back to his room and took a nap. He arrived at the venue at the right time. His speech was at three o'clock.

When he walked into the venue, Zhao Yi was a little surprised. There were many more people in the venue than in the morning. There were still many empty seats in the morning, but now it is overcrowded.

Zhao Yi couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "Am I already so popular?"

He walked onto the stage with a smile on his face.

Zhao Yi is not popular, but attracted attention. In the past year, he has been the most accomplished person in the fields of mathematics and computer science in China, whether it is effective and irrelevant carry screening, cracking the Kakutani conjecture, or the newly published 'irregular three-dimensional tremor' Waveform diagram' is a top research achievement internationally.

One person can produce several top-notch research results within a year, and he can't do it without attention.

At the same time, there are also people who are dissatisfied with Zhao Yi, such as Professor Feng Mingyu of Jinning University.

Feng Mingyu once commented on Zhao Yi's mathematics level, but was quickly slapped in the face by the 'three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram', which caused many people to laugh at his way of looking at people.

Is it difficult for Zhao Yi to achieve mathematical results in a short time?

The results of it!

In less than one or two weeks, Zhao Yi built a function based on the Riemann Hypothesis that covers a wider range of prime numbers than the Riemann Hypothesis and looks simpler.

Of course.

Others also know that the 'three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram' was not immediately developed, but if you can create such a function, your understanding of the Riemann Hypothesis must be the best in the world.

Can such a person say that "basic mathematics" is not good?

Zhao Yi took the stage after preparation.

The reaction in the venue was very dull, and the enthusiasm of the applause was also average, but everyone looked at the stage carefully, wanting to see what Zhao Yi was going to do in his speech.

Zhao Yi opened the prepared PPT and started the prepared report.

Two keywords--

Fuzzy mathematics and valid and irrelevant carry screening methods.

“Artificial intelligence, an important research direction, is to make intelligence close to the way humans think, thereby creating ‘human-like’ intelligence.”

"Human thinking and calculation patterns are most appropriately summarized by fuzzy mathematics. When fuzzy mathematics is combined with the screening method, we can obtain an algorithm that is 'human-like thinking'."

"I named it 'Fuzzy Algorithm.'"

After a simple opening remarks, Zhao Yi expanded on the 'fuzzy algorithm', extending it to the specific implementation of the algorithm and what fields it can be used in. He focused on the content of 'image recognition'.

"Image recognition" is a very big topic. Zhao Yi's research result is to identify objects. He focused on identifying objects and explained how to use the algorithm.

Zhao Yi spoke quickly.

Because the duration of academic lectures is half an hour, the organizer recommends keeping it within 20 minutes. Some things are simply skipped. It doesn’t matter if the people in the audience can’t keep up. There will be videos of the lectures later, so you can slow down. Take your time to see and understand.

The reaction of everyone in the audience was pretty good. Many old professors started taking notes, obviously very interested in what Zhao Yi said.

Twenty minutes later, the speech ended.

Next came the question time. Many people in the audience raised their hands to ask questions, and the host helped to name a few people.

Zhao Yi answered patiently one by one, explaining clearly and unhurriedly.

The host pointed to Professor Feng Mingyu in the front row. Feng Mingyu is still very famous. He is a top figure in computer mathematics. His initial research field was differential equations. Later, he became influential in the fields of mathematical modeling and data mining. results.

Feng Mingyu asked a very crucial question, "In fuzzy mathematics, the word fuzzy means that the results may not necessarily be correct, and what computers need is accuracy. There will be many errors in the system constructed by fuzzy algorithms, right?"

Zhao Yi didn't know Feng Mingyu, but he thought the other person asked a good question. He nodded and said, "Yes, the probability of making mistakes is indeed not low, but we know that the human brain can also make mistakes."

"For example, if you determine the specific species of a sapling, many people may admit it is wrong. This is normal."

"Now using traditional algorithms, it is almost impossible to distinguish details, so fuzzy algorithm is an option, and it is also the option that is closest to the way humans make judgments. Our purpose is to reduce the amount of calculation and the probability of errors at the same time ."

"In fact, as long as there are programs, there will be errors. The most important thing about the fuzzy algorithm is that it has a low amount of calculation. When it comes to identifying items, it requires dozens or hundreds of times less calculations than the method of instilling a large number of pictures to identify objects."

Everyone in the audience couldn't help but nodded.


Human beings often make mistakes when making judgments, and rigorous programs will also make mistakes. It is normal for fuzzy algorithms to make mistakes, and reducing the amount of calculations is the most critical. This means that there are no high requirements for hardware, and it will be easy to popularize it. Much.

Feng Mingyu did not sit down, but continued to ask, "But if it is just to recognize static images, how different is the fuzzy algorithm from the ordinary algorithm?"

"good question!"

Zhao Yi couldn't help but glance at Feng Mingyu in surprise. His speech was all about algorithms and did not talk about data transmission. Others would understand it as 'static images', which are ordinary pictures.

This is mainly because saying "dynamic image recognition" seems to be a bit of an advertisement for one's own research results.

Zhao Yi feels that it is not good to advertise at academic conferences.

The professor in front of me seems to be paving the way for him to advertise?

"Isn't it Qian Zhijin's arrangement?" Zhao Yi looked at Qian Zhijin with doubts and felt that with his character, he could indeed do such a thing.

All right.

do not care!

Zhao Yi replied with a smile, "Yes, when it comes to dynamic image recognition, there are more conditions to support it. The fuzzy algorithm is more effective and faster in identifying items. In terms of calculation amount, it may be less." Hundreds, thousands, or even more times.”

Feng Mingyu's face showed pride, he felt that he had asked the key point.

It’s best if the other party admits it!

He immediately continued to ask, "As far as I know, the technology related to dynamic image recognition has just begun. Is it too advanced to talk about dynamic image recognition algorithms now?"

Another thing he means is, "No matter how good the algorithm you study is, it is completely useless and cannot be applied in reality."


Today's computer technology is booming, and the most important thing is not basic theory, but practical application.

This is different from mathematics and physics.

The most important thing in mathematics and physics is theory, because application is far behind theory. A new theory may represent a broad future.

Computers are different.

What supports the vigorous development of computers is not theory, but actual capital and application. Technology companies will only support technologies that can be used. Things that exist in theory will not receive financial support at all. With the support of the rapid development of hardware technology, The theory is also easy to work out.


What Feng Mingyu expressed was, "No matter how fanciful you say it is, it is like the moon in the water. You can only look at it and understand it."

Zhao Yi smiled instead.

Now he was extremely sure that the person in front of him was the 'sitter' hired by Qian Zhijin, a very tall and dedicated actor, otherwise why would he always ask the key questions?

This is ‘forcing him to advertise’.

It’s impossible not to do it!

Zhao Yi was silent for a while, and then spoke, with helplessness in his tone, "I have mastered the dynamic image analysis technology and made a robot that can recognize objects."

Among the Yanhua University team in the audience, Qian Zhijin stood up suddenly and announced loudly, "Yes, our Intelligence and Automation Laboratory, in technical cooperation with Zhao Yi, has created a robot that dynamically recognizes objects. At the same time, , the robot also has a very powerful path-finding function and can shop in the supermarket just like humans."

"Our first technical test is scheduled for the 10th of next month. Those who are interested can come to Yanhua University to watch."

Zhao Yi stood on the stage and opened his mouth, showing an expression that said, "This matter has nothing to do with me." He deeply despised Qian Zhijin's character.

This is an academic conference!

Qian Zhijin only hires "actors to praise", but he actually advertises publicly? There is no bottom line!

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