Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 207 He is a genius, a talent of the country!

I gave an academic report at a conference of mathematicians, proving that the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram has a second set of prime solutions, and at the same time proved the logical error of Wiles's Fermat conjecture. I also won the Nevinlina Prize, and my trip to Madrid can be It is said to be complete.

Next, Zhao Yi planned to stay for a few more days, listen to academic reports by other mathematicians, and then take a flight back.

In fact, he underestimated the influence of the Newanglina Award.

The Nevonliner Prize is indeed not as good as Fields, and not many people in China know the name of the award, but it still has considerable influence in the field of mathematics.

There is no need to compare the Nevanlina Award and the Fields Award, because they are awards in two completely different fields.

The three awards awarded by the International Congress of Mathematicians all belong to awards in different fields.

Among them, Fields rewards those who have made creative research contributions in the field of mathematics, focusing on the field of basic mathematical theory, such as some research on world mathematical conjectures, and those who can win the Fields Medal.

The Gauss Prize is awarded to research in the field of applied mathematics. Mathematics and applied mathematics are like theoretical physics and experimental physics. There seems to be no difference in the initial study, but in advanced fields it is divided into two directions. .

The Newanglina Prize rewards mathematicians for their outstanding contributions in mathematical computing, that is, information science.

These three awards reward three different areas.

Fields' influence is indeed very large, but because the fields involved are different, there is no way to directly compare the three.

Of course.

Mathematics is different from disciplines such as computer science and medicine, which focus more on theoretical exploration. Fields has a century-old history and is known as the 'Nobel' in mathematics.

The news that Zhao Yi won the award at the Mathematicians Conference soon spread to the country. Domestic public opinion was still stuck in the past few days. After the discussion of Zhao Yi's academic report and the addition of a piece of news about the award, the public opinion suddenly became more heated.

"Zhao Yi is really amazing. He is just over 18 years old and he has already won an award at the International Congress of Mathematicians."

"He is a true genius and has been recognized by the world."

"Congratulations to Zhao Yi for winning the prestigious award in the field of information science."

"I think the most interesting thing was at the award ceremony. Zhao Yi didn't seem to care about winning the award at all. He kept discussing things with Terence Tao."

"I also watched that video, it was really interesting."

"Zhao Yi is also very interesting when he talks. After receiving the award, he said, 'It's okay to win the award.' To him, the Naiwang Linna Award is really just okay."

"Many people say that Zhao Yi hopes to win the Fields Award in four years' time. But if the Linner Award is said to be okay, it is considered good."

"Anyway, Zhao Yi has also set a record. The youngest winner of the International Congress of Mathematicians, he won the Newanglinna when he was less than nineteen years old."

"A master of mathematics and computer science!"

Most of the discussions in the public opinion were surprised and congratulatory, but because the reputation of the Newanglina Prize is indeed not high, the focus of the discussion quickly returned to Zhao Yi's academic report. To be precise, it was proved to be logically wrong. British mathematician Wiles.

In the world of online public opinion, Wiles has become notorious. He deceived the world of mathematics for more than ten years and won numerous awards and bonuses.

In fact, Wiles didn't cheat because he didn't even know he was wrong.

This will definitely become a stain on the world of mathematics, but it is far from a scandal. As Zhao Yi said in an interview, mathematics and science progress in the process of constantly correcting errors.

The fact that Wiles's report paper was approved is enough to prove that his paper is very content and logically rigorous. However, because the argumentation process of the paper is too complicated, more than 99% of mathematicians If you don't understand it, few people will spend a lot of time studying the complicated process.

After one or two review editors make the decision, others simply stop doing research.

In the past decade or so, many mathematicians have suggested that Wiles's thesis process was not rigorous, but most of the problems raised were minor problems. Subsequently, mathematicians helped correct some minor problems, and there was no proof of the overall thesis. Influenced.

Now Zhao Yi has made a real decision and directly linked Wiles' logic of argument with the Riemann Hypothesis.

This is the real coup de grace!

Even those who believe that there is no problem with Wiles's paper have no way to refute Zhao Yi's proof, unless they use computers to verify that Zhao Yi's results are wrong, or prove that the Riemann Hypothesis is wrong.

Both mean almost the same thing, both are almost impossible.

Zhao Yi stayed in Madrid for another three days.

During the three days, he spent almost all of them in the academic report venue, and also met and got to know some people.

A review editor of "New Advances in Mathematics" enthusiastically invited Zhao Yi to submit the manuscript of the academic report to New Advances in Mathematics, and said that it would be reviewed and approved quickly.

Zhao Yi thought about it and agreed.

If the manuscript only shows that Wiles's proof is logically wrong, it doesn't matter whether it is submitted or not, but it involves a three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram, which is a function that was shaped by oneself, and it is more suitable to be published in the four major journals in the mathematics world.

After Zhao Yi agreed, he came back to his senses, thought about it carefully, and suddenly felt it was funny.

The academic report he made proved that there were serious logical errors in Wiles's proof of Fermat's conjecture. The result was that Fermat's last theorem regressed into Fermat's conjecture, and Fermat's conjecture is one of the two major problems in the world of mathematics. One of the conjectures.

This is probably a step backward in mathematical research, right? The journal in which the results were published was "New Advances in Mathematics"?

It sounds a bit humorous.

Zhao Yi returned to China.

He returned to China earlier than the Academy of Sciences group. Many people who attended the Mathematicians Conference really waited until the last day before going back.

Zhao Yi returned to China two days early because most of the subsequent academic reports were esoteric and involved some very eccentric subjects, which had no practical significance for him.

The journey back home was not boring at all, and Zhao Yi began to study the system carefully.

[Complete the proof of the second set of prime solutions to the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram. 】

[Research Coin +12. 】

【Academic reputation increased! 】

[Research Coin +12. 】

[Academic reputation is improved, learning coins +1200. 】

Looking at the system prompts, Zhao Yi frowned slightly, suddenly feeling that something was missing.

"What's missing?"

"Complete robot shopping last time... By the way, achievement mission!"

He immediately went to check the achievement tasks, only to find that the computer category was still blank and no new tasks had been obtained, and the mathematics category was still Goldbach's conjecture...

"That does not work!"

"If I don't know if Goldbach's conjecture can be proven in my lifetime, then the achievement module in mathematics will be useless!"


Zhao Yi gritted his teeth and decided to refresh extravagantly to see what he could get.

[Do you want to refresh math achievement tasks? 】


[Consumption of 200 learning coins and 10 scientific research coins, the refresh is successful, and you have a new mathematics achievement task. 】

[Achievement task, mathematics, three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram: You need to complete a detailed analysis of the prime number solution.

Task reward: 1000 learning coins and 10 scientific research coins. 】


Zhao Yi looked at the task content in surprise, and suddenly understood the rules of refreshing the task.

Achievement missions are the same as main missions. New missions are refreshed based on the research decisions made in the heart.

When I first came across Goldbach's conjecture, it was probably because I was thinking about the prime number problem and had no definite mathematical research goals, so Goldbach's conjecture appeared.


He completed the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram...

"its not right!"

"The mission was not completed directly!"

"Detailed analysis of prime number solutions...didn't you write a paper? Or are there other prime number solutions?"

Zhao Yi frowned and thought carefully. The former and the latter were both possible, but considering that at a mathematician conference, the impact of proving the second set of prime solutions on the spot would be no worse than publishing a paper.

the latter……

Other prime number unmarshalling?


It can be said that he has a very good understanding of the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram, especially the prime number solution. After the second set of prime number solutions appeared, he has been studying it carefully for several days. It is impossible...

【"Law of Cause and Effect"! 】

[It requires 42 points of energy consumption. Do you want to continue the verification? 】

"! # ¥%..."

A series of curse words almost came out of my mouth, but I still needed to verify it, so I could only choose——


[Answer: B. 】

"B, just not!"


After finally getting the answer I wanted, I felt like I was in a daze, so I quickly bought four learning coins to make up for it.


"Now I can accept spending forty points of energy in one go. I just feel a little tired, but at least I don't have a headache..."

"So there must be other answers. It seems that the submission to "New Advances in Mathematics" needs to be postponed..."

He thought about simply closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

The plane lands.

After a journey of more than ten hours, Zhao Yi mingled with the crowd and walked out of the airport tiredly. Because he was returning home early, his schedule was very low-key.

There is still a lot of discussion in the domestic public opinion, and many media hope to interview him, but few people know that he is coming back today.

Zhao Yi was not recognized along the way.

This is probably because...


more than!

The most important thing is that they look ordinary. The reason why celebrities are highly recognizable is because they either have amazing looks, have strange looks, or are just too popular.

Zhao Yi is not that famous and does not often appear on TV. There is a lot of discussion about him on the Internet, but few people know what he looks like.

In addition, his appearance is a bit popular, and he is definitely not ugly, but he is just an ordinary person. Young people with short hair are everywhere, and you can find hundreds of them at the airport.


Even if someone looks familiar, it's hard to really identify them.

Zhao Yi was relieved that he was recognized on the plane as a beautiful stewardess.

The flight attendant was Spanish with long blond hair. She could speak a little Chinese and knew a lot about China. She talked to Zhao Yi a few words in her free time and asked him to take her around the capital.

That means...

Zhao Yi didn't think he was an experienced driver, but he still understood a little bit, especially when the other party stuffed a piece of paper into his trouser pocket very openly, using his fingers while stuffing it...


"I'm not that kind of person!"

Zhao Yi shook his head vigorously and was about to stuff the note into his backpack when he spotted a familiar figure in the distance.


"Why are you here?"

He quickly threw the note into the trash can nearby, walked over with enthusiasm and shouted, "Xiaoqing!"

It was Lin Xiaoqing.

Lin Xiaoqing wears a pair of close-fitting cropped trousers on her legs, sports sneakers on her feet, and a somewhat fashionable short-sleeved shirt. Her whole body exudes a capable and pure atmosphere.

"Zhao Yi! Zhao Yi!"

Lin Xiaoqing faced the direction of Zhao Yi. When she heard the shouting, she waved with a smile, and half ran towards this side, "I saw you from a distance, and I didn't dare to recognize you. You seemed to be looking at something, how to throw it away" Already?"


Zhao Yi smiled and said, "I've recorded a foreigner's phone number in my phone."


Lin Xiaoqing thought that Zhao Yi had gone to Madrid and it was normal to meet a few foreign mathematicians. She didn't think too much about it and just said with a smile, "I came to pick you up specially. You are from Zhengyang. Isn't that interesting?"

"That's interesting!" Zhao Yi stopped and looked into Lin Xiaoqing's eyes, "Thank you, I'm very touched!"

Lin Xiaoqing smiled gently.

Zhao Yi continued to stare and found that she was a little shy and her blushing face was so cute, so he simply stretched out his arms and hugged her.


Boys and girls.


Similar scenes are very common. In the eyes of others, it may be a separation or a reunion. In any case, it is also a very touching scene.

Lin Xiaoqing pushed Zhao Yi away, her face turned purple and said, "What are you doing?"


"You..." Her eyes seemed to be in the wrong position?

[Flirting with girls, target: Lin Xiaoqing, learning coins +3. 】

"Critical attack?"

"Ah, haha~~"

Zhao Yi was stunned for a moment and smiled awkwardly, then realized what happened and quickly covered it up. He didn't pay much attention at first, but when he turned his head, he found...

"Aunt Zhao?"

Zhao Hongjuan walked over slowly. She saw the two hugging each other from a distance, and she felt uncomfortable.

In public places!

Don’t young people nowadays pay attention to the impact?

Zhao Hongjuan was a little dissatisfied. Due to her daughter's appearance, she couldn't say anything. She could only change the subject and said, "Xiaoyi! I read on the Internet, what award did you win?"


"Oh, Milk King...what's going on?"

Zhao Yi explained speechlessly, "The Nai Wang Lin Na Award is an information science award!"

Zhao Hongjuan nodded and said, "I know, but the name of this award is too complicated and I can't always remember it. Congratulations!"


Zhao Hongjuan continued to care about Zhao Yi's life in the capital, and then asked, "Then let's go back to the hotel..."

Zhao Yi quickly asked, "How many days have you been here?"

"We arrived last night. We didn't come here just for you. We just happened to come to the capital to visit and wanted to walk around. You happened to be back today, so we came to pick you up at the airport."

There is no three hundred taels of silver here?

Zhao Yi expressed concern about Lin Xiaoqing's lying IQ.

Zhao Hongjuan couldn't help but interjected, "I told you to come back in a few days, but you insist on..."


Lin Xiaoqing shouted in embarrassment.

Zhao Yi smiled and didn't expose it, but he was still very moved.

Lin Xiaoqing was embarrassed. They walked out of the airport and arrived at the taxi place. They stood here and planned, "Zhao Yi, will you go back to the hotel with us?"

She wanted Zhao Yi to go back together, but she felt it was a little awkward.

"Go back to the hotel? No need."

Zhao Yi thought for a moment and said, "Why don't you check out the hotel room and go live with me."

"Your place?" Zhao Hongjuan was a little confused, "Don't you live in a university dormitory?"

"I bought a house right next to Yanhua University. There is no need to renovate the second-hand house. You can just live in my place."

Zhao Hongjuan thought that buying a house was a big deal. Zhao Yi's parents were not around, so she might as well go take a look. The area around Yanhua University was not far from their hotel, and they could go back quickly by taking a taxi.

"Then go and take a look first."

On the way.

Zhao Hongjuan looked at Zhao Yi suspiciously and couldn't help but turn around and ask a question, "Is doing research so profitable?"

She also knows that many people who do research are no better than ordinary office workers. When they come to Zhao Yi, they just buy a house when they come to the capital to study?

This is the capital!

Zhao Yi hadn't spoken yet, but the driver, who was good at chatting, spoke first, "Doing scientific research, you don't make money at the bottom, but you make money if you do it well!"

"Every job is very profitable if you do it to the best. In scientific research, if you can do it to the best and design airplanes, rockets, etc., the country will give you a lot of money!"

"During this period, it was said on the Internet that there was a young man named Zhao Yi, who is about the same age as the guy sitting in the back row. He is amazing. He is winning awards abroad even under the age of twenty."

"This must be a talent valued by the country, so why worry about money?"

Zhao Yi smiled as he listened.

Lin Xiaoqing couldn't hold back her laughter, and Zhao Hongjuan almost laughed out loud and quickly covered her mouth with her hands.

The driver was a little confused, "Is what I said funny?"

The car stopped at the entrance of Yanhua University.

As soon as Zhao Yi got out of the car, he heard a shout, "Zhao Yi, here!"

It's Xu Chao.

Zhao Yi went over to talk to Xu Chao.

When Zhao Hongjuan was paying the fare, the driver kept looking outside. After taking the money, he finally couldn't help but ask, "Is that young man Zhao Yi?"


This time Zhao Hongjuan finally couldn't help but laugh out loud. She didn't hold it in any longer, but got out of the car with a smile.

The driver stopped for a long time, twitched his mouth hard, and cursed loudly, "I'm so stupid!"

He immediately turned on the intercom and said coquettishly, "Guess who I just pulled?"

An impatient voice came from the other side, "Just tell me!"

"Zhao Yi! That's what was mentioned in the news during this period. He's a teenage genius mathematician who won a prize abroad. He's from Yanhua University. I'm at the gate of Yanhua University now, and he just got off the bus."

"You don't know! I recognized him as soon as he got on the bus. When he got off the bus, I didn't even intend to charge him for the fare. He is a genius and a talented person in the country. How could he ask for money? In the end, he insisted on giving it, and I pushed for a long time..."


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