Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 212 It turns out that I am a sharpshooter

Society is full of injustice.

Liu Chengjie is the one who was unfairly squeezed. Compared with Zhang Wei, his "being unfairly" is a bit dramatic, mainly due to his "luck".

The two have the same level of education. They are both around 27 years old. They received their doctorates from Yanhua University and then worked in the Institute of Biomedical Research.

Zhang Wei's luck was pretty good. After she entered the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, she worked on projects with Dai Tianqing and received a lot of care. She didn't understand anything at first, but little by little she gained experience, research results, and published After a few papers, he became a full-time associate researcher.

Now I have been working as an associate researcher for two years. I have worked on many collaborative projects with others, as well as personal projects, and have accumulated quite a lot of experience.

Zhang Wei is only thirty-two years old, and even in the research institute, it can be said that she has a "huge future".

Liu Chengjie is the opposite example. After entering the research institute, he went abroad with the researcher. When he came back a year later, he had no time to take special care of him.


Until now, Liu Chengjie has had little experience and no results. He is about to face the dilemma of being forced to leave when his contract expires.

This is a matter of luck.

Of course.

To a certain extent, it may also have something to do with appearance. It seems to be a normal thing for beautiful, cheerful and generous women to be taken care of.

Liu Chengjie looks very ordinary. He can't speak or do things. He has very few outstanding points. It's really not easy for others to take special care of him.

No matter what you say, Liu Chengjie is the one who is ‘being unfairly treated’.

Because they have similar education and work experience, Zhang Wei can understand Liu Chengjie and is willing to guide him when working.

After listening to the "possible process" described by Zhao Yi, Zhang Wei immediately realized that "the possibility is very high" and immediately started designing the experiment.

In order to prevent the experiment from becoming useless and wasting a lot of money and time, she first designed the simplest experiment, with a few data that could be directly detected, so that she could verify it immediately.

While Zhang Wei was designing the experiment, she also explained to Liu Chengjie why the experiment was designed this way.

Liu Chengjie's foundation was very good. He understood it quickly and even thought about supplementing the experimental content.

Both were motivated to work.

Liu Chengjie is more motivated, because the success of the project research may be directly related to his work. He records every data extremely seriously, and he is meticulous in his treatment of experiments.


The calculated data is out.

"Sister Zhang."

Liu Chengjie held the data form and said excitedly, "Look at these data, proteins, T cells, phagocytes...all meet our expectations!"

Zhang Wei's solemn face also showed a smile. She took the form and read every data, nodded and said, "Then we will prepare for tomorrow's experiment. By the way, I will go to Director Yan to apply for it in a while. You can go there." Our partner hospital will prepare some materials and prepare them today. We will conduct the next set of experiments tomorrow morning."


Zhang Wei walked out of the laboratory with the document bag and met Dai Tianqing who was walking over.

Dai Tianqing seemed a little excited. When he saw Zhang Wei, he quickly asked, "Where is Zhao Yi? Is he gone?"

"Gone long ago."

"What a pity, if I didn't call..." Dai Tianqing seemed to mutter to himself with some regret, then looked at Zhang Wei and said, "Would you like to come back, let Xiao Liu do it first."

Just when Zhang Wei was about to say something, Dai Tianqing said, "Here is a backlogged project. You can work on it yourself. It will be difficult to produce results within half a year or a year. We have made major progress just now."

He took a deep breath as he spoke, but his voice became very low, "Don't tell others, we discovered what Zhao Yi said, the inhibitory factor released by immune cells."

"Found it?" Zhang Wei was suddenly surprised.


Dai Tianqing continued, "It's just a coincidence that a new substance was discovered. The content is very small. There is no definite detection method, and we are not sure what cells specifically released it. However, we can prove that it is indeed There is one more substance, and if nothing else, it should be an inhibitory factor."

"You should know how important this discovery is. If you come back and join our verification work, within a few months, you will be able to accumulate at least one paper that will be included and have a high weight."

Zhang Wei nodded.

If she had put it before, she would definitely have considered it. Papers are very important to people in every research field. Papers that are included and have high weight are almost equivalent to the results of their work. They will also be an important reference standard for promotion to 'researcher' in the future.

It's different now.

After listening to Zhao Yi's inferential analysis, she felt that it was more promising to stay in Zhao Yi's laboratory and continue project research, because no one else would share the results.

In Dai Tianqing's laboratory, she is just one of many researchers. No matter how important the project is, she only publishes the results of the scraps.

Now there are only two people, Zhao Yi and Liu Chengjie, sharing the results with her. Even if they only share one-third, the personal results of the entire project will be remarkable.

Zhang Wei shook her head and refused, "I still want to come down, our project has made progress."

Dai Tianqing shook his head after hearing this and did not continue to persuade.

He was mainly afraid that Zhao Yi would know.

It was okay to persuade Zhang Wei to come back in private, because only he and Zhang Wei knew about it. If others knew about it and spread it to Zhao Yi's ears, wouldn't it become a 'poaching'?

Although Zhang Wei came out of Dai Tianqing's laboratory, she has already entered Zhao Yi's laboratory.


Dai Tianqing never thought that Zhang Wei was telling the truth and thought she was looking for an excuse to stay. "Now that there is progress, let's work hard and try to complete the project."

He said something to deal with it, and then told him, "By the way, next time Zhao Yi comes, make sure he comes to me."


Zhang Wei agreed and sent a text message to Zhao Yi, explaining that the 'Dai Tianqing Laboratory' had found clues to the 'inhibitory factor'.

When Zhao Yi received the message, he was having dinner in the cafeteria. He just glanced at the message and didn't pay much attention to it.

For one thing, he definitely had inhibitory factors, and it was normal to find them.

Second, he doesn’t care much about past projects anymore.

At that time, I was just helping Zhang Wei complete the project and discovering new inhibitory factors. It was really just incidental.


Even if he discovers a new factor, conducts a series of experimental verifications, and publishes a large number of related papers, he is just a "logical inference" and has not participated in the experimental verifications, whether in terms of reputation or money. Go one step further.

In short, it doesn't mean much.

Zhao Yi still enjoys college life with peace of mind. He wants to have a military training that "doesn't require thinking about research."

There is no need to study, and there is no need to think.

Doing a job that requires the use of the brain for a long time, not having to think is equivalent to relaxation, even if it is manual labor, because there is no need to use the brain at all, and you will feel very relaxed.

Of course, the premise is not to be too tired.

That's it for now.

Many students complain about the hardship and fatigue in military training. Zhao Yi actually enjoys the process of military training. During the day, they train together, turning left and right, walking in unison, and kicking forward. They are constantly training in formation. In their free time, they can also chat with other people about life. It's really easy.

Military training has entered the middle stage, which means continuous practice of formation and goose steps.

Instructor Black Fatty’s requirements for one platoon are not high, that is, ‘it cannot be obviously worse than other platoons’, and at least it should have a neat feeling, and there should not be too obvious problems.

This requirement is not high.

But that's what happens when there are more people. Occasionally there will be students who make mistakes. They can't tell the right and left after a few turns. After practicing for a few days, they will make some small mistakes.

During the military training on the fourth day, the instructor's requirements were a little stricter, and the training time was no shorter than that of other platoons. After the requirements became stricter, the queue became much more orderly.

This is probably an example of 'pressure brings results'.

While Zhao Yi was enjoying his military training life, the biggest gain was that he didn’t have to worry about the ‘sport coins’. He used them up early every day. Six coins was indeed not much, but it was better than nothing.

You can never have too many learning coins.

On the morning of the fifth day, the anticipated project arrived--

Target practice!

The first row of shooting was scheduled very early, at 8:30 in the morning. After breakfast, everyone took the bus to the shooting range together.

The shooting range is in a farmland on the outskirts of the country, in a military-controlled area. Everyone queues up to receive the gun. When they arrive at the shooting place, they receive the bullets and load the gun for target shooting.

In fact, target shooting in military training for students is just a formality. Without any training, it is impossible to expect to hit the target and achieve any good results.

Of course, the form also needs to be completed.

Each student's target shooting performance still needs to be recorded. Generally speaking, even if all students miss the target, they will be given a passing grade.

All in all, it definitely passes.

Zhao Yi is also interested in target shooting. It is rare for Chinese people to have the experience of shooting with a real gun.

He was placed in the last group.

This can be regarded as a kind of special care, because the bullets assigned to each platoon will always be the majority. The last group can shoot a few more bullets depending on the instructor's mood.

Zhao Yi played with the small-caliber rifle in his hand, and went over to receive the bullets with the others who were grouped together.

He was right next to the fat black instructor.

The fat black instructor kept talking, "Hold the gun properly and put it on your shoulder. It must be tight. The strong recoil may cause injury..."

Zhao Yi got up carefully, lay down and carefully aimed at the target a hundred meters away.

A hundred meters away is really a bit far!

Many students in the past only hit the target with several shots. If three or four of ten shots hit the target, it is already a good result. There is no need to talk about the number of rings.

Zhao Yi was waiting for the instructor's command from Fatty Hei, and suddenly thought of shooting...


"Contact Rate"!

He immediately used "Contact Rate" and counted the ten-ring target hit as the result. He spent almost no energy and knew which point the gun was aimed at.

Compared to shooting, target shooting is much simpler.

As long as the muzzle of the gun is aligned and the gun body is stabilized with standard movements, there is no problem of "amount of force".

Following the instructor's instructions, the fat man put the gun's back seat firmly on his shoulder, and aimed the gun's muzzle firmly at the right position.


At the command, the trigger was quickly pulled.


With the sound of a gunshot, the bullet rushed out instantly, and the next moment the target in the distance briefly shook.

Of course.

When a row of people were shooting at the same time, it was normal for the target to be hit, and no one cared at all.

Second shot.

The third shot...

Five shots were quickly completed and the first round of shooting was over.


The fat black instructor shouted loudly, carefully checked everyone's guns, and cocked the guns one by one, before waving to the scorer to record the results.

The scorer went over to record the results one by one. As soon as he reached the first target, he was stunned.

I saw five holes in the ten-ring circle on the target...

Five ten rings?

real or fake?

He rubbed his eyes and looked again, and made a record in surprise. Then he recorded the results of others and immediately ran over.

"Who is number one?"

"Number one?"

Everyone next to him looked at Zhao Yi.

The fat black instructor quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

"Five ten rings!"


"All ten rings!" The recorder was obviously excited. "Did the students do it? He was a sharpshooter! He was so lucky."

Seeing that the students were a little confused, he immediately explained, "This is a broken gun. The error is so big that even a sharpshooter can't guarantee that it can hit ten rings five times in a row!"

Everyone nearby looked at Zhao Yi, and the fat black instructor said in surprise, "Zhao Yi, you're really good, you're a sharpshooter!"


"You also prepare for the second wave of shooting!"

Zhao Yi chuckled, laid down on the ground with the gun in hand, and took aim carefully.


"Bang, bang, bang, bang! Bang!"

This time it was faster than last time.

The scorer quickly ran to the target, immediately checked Zhao Yi's results, and immediately opened his mouth in surprise, "Another five ten rings!"

He felt incredible.

There are some good target shooters in the army, but if you want to hit the 10th ring ten times in a row with a Type 55 rifle, it really depends on luck.

Nowadays, it is only target practice for students in military training. The students must have never practiced before. Most of them are shooting for the second time. Some high school military training may not have target shooting events. It is only the first time, and the results are all ten rings.

"Have you practiced?"

The instructor recorded the results and quickly ran over to talk to Zhao Yi.

"First time, good luck!" Zhao Yi smiled carelessly.

"If this is your first time, that would be amazing. You are very talented in shooting. Have you ever considered becoming a shooter? I think you can win a gold medal in the Olympics if you train regularly."

"Sir, you are wrong!" Fan Lei said suddenly with a smile, "Zhao Yi is a national treasure-level genius. The Olympic shooting team has no shortage of athletes who can win gold medals, but domestic mathematics still depends on him. !”

Zhao Yi secretly gave Fan Lei a thumbs up.


How well said!

Make a record and write it down in a book, and it will be passed down through the ages!

The fat black instructor and recorder both wanted Zhao Yi to try another round, since he still had some bullets anyway.

Zhao Yi lost interest.

Relying on the "Contact Rate" to hit ten rings is really meaningless. It's like completing the job. He is not a member of the shooting team, so he can just shoot ten bullets.

After Zhao Yi and other students left, the next platoon was still sharpening their guns in front of the battle and talking about how to hold the guns. The recorder picked up Zhao Yi's gun and aimed a few rounds.

Go to the target and look at the results: five rings, six rings, seven rings, four rings, missed the target?

"There's something wrong with this gun!"

"My average is above seven rings, right?"


"How did he shoot ten consecutive ten rings with a gun that was not accurate enough?" The recorder stood blankly in front of the target, feeling a little doubtful about life.

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