Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 222 Aloof, just a modifying word

"Didn't you say you've been very busy lately?"

"That was some time ago. I just happened to have nothing to do in the past two days. All the busy things were solved, and I can have some leisure for a while. Are you still adapting to school?"

"It's not bad. I met some new classmates."

"That's good. By the way, Xiaoqing, did you miss me? Are you surprised that I'm here?"

"I miss you so much! Who would miss you!"

"It turns out I was thinking about it at night..."

"How do you understand!"

"Ghosts only appear at night! When you are sleeping, they will be at the dormitory window..."

"It's annoying, so scary. Stop talking, it'll give me nightmares at night."

"Let's go. I see there is a good shopping mall near your university. Let's go eat hot pot together. The latest "Transformers" is released. Let's go watch a movie."

"Okay, I'm going to eat ice cream while watching the movie."

"I just know how to eat, Greedy Cat."


"After watching the movie, come to my place in the evening..."

"What did you say!"

"Ouch! Don't touch your feet. It hurts so much. Just step on your feet. These are new shoes I bought."

"Does it hurt?"

"It hurts, help me blow it!"

"Go to hell and get your stinky feet off!"



Looking at the figures retreating while quarreling, the two boys on the spot were all a little dizzy. They had been fed a lot of dog food in a short period of time, and they all had the urge to go to the side and vomit.

The two looked at each other and said, "I just found out that Lin Xiaoqing has a boyfriend..."

"Sure enough, goddesses usually have boyfriends, even Lin Xiaoqing."

"No wonder!"

"This is big news!"

"That man doesn't look very good either. How did he catch up with Lin Xiaoqing?"

"It should be high school... By the way, you heard them talking just now. What was that man's name?"

"It seems...Zhao Ying...Zhao Yi? Zhao Yi?"

"Yes, it's Zhao Yi. This name sounds so familiar. I thought it sounded familiar just now. Zhao Yi, Zhao Yi... I think I've heard it somewhere?"

"Isn't that Zhao Yi?"

"Which one?"

"He is a genius in mathematics. The one who topped the Nanjiang College Entrance Examination and won international awards is now at Yanhua University."

"Lin Xiaoqing seems to be from Nanjiang too..."

"It can't be such a coincidence, right?"

The two looked at each other and quickly rushed into the library. There was a computer room in the library that was open to the public. The Internet speed was not very good, but it was enough for students to surf the Internet and play small games.

They checked the news related to Zhao Yi, and after finding a photo of Zhao Yi, they quickly confirmed their judgment.

That is Zhao Yi!

The top scorer in the college entrance examination with perfect scores in Nanjiang Province, the prover of Kakutani's conjecture, a super genius who won international mathematics awards and studied at Yanhua University.

This kind of character...

Turns out to be Lin Xiaoqing's boyfriend?

This is really super exciting news!

This super gossipy news that day spread among the freshmen of the University of Political Science and Law, and was quickly placed on the internal forum of the University of Political Science and Law.

While Zhao Yi and Lin Xiaoqing were watching the movie, the news had already spread to the Yanhua University forum.

"Shocked! Zhao Yi actually has a girlfriend who is his high school classmate!"

"Zhao Yi's girlfriend is a freshman at the University of Political Science and Law!"

"I have a photo here. That girl once appeared on TV. She was a character column on CCTV!"

"You can find it by searching online. He and Zhao Yi participated in the Nanjiang Province Youth Cup Knowledge Competition together!"

"It turns out they've been together since high school."


Zhao Yi didn't know that his love life had been exposed and attracted a lot of attention.

Good harvest today.

Only in shopping malls and movie theaters, I got six 'flirtation coins'. Looking back on the process of getting the 'flirtation coins', I can only regret that I failed to achieve my goal.

Lin Xiaoqing went back to school.

It was originally planned to go back with Lin Xiaoqing, but Lin Xiaoqing found various reasons to refuse.


It seems that the journey of "picking up girls" has not come to an end. Comrades, we still need to continue to work hard!

Zhao Yi sighed and simply went back to the dormitory to play games with a few roommates. In college life, weekends are game time. Others don't know what the situation is. Anyway, most singles are like this.

For example, Fan Lei.

For example, Li Renzhe.

Meng Zheng was very romantic and went to the same university and major as his girlfriend, but he didn't seem to be interested in dating. He would either go home on weekends, or stay in the dormitory if he didn't go home.

"Who knows if he went home? Maybe he went to the hotel, hehe..."

Li Renzhe was making malicious speculations about Meng Zheng's private life when he saw Zhao Yi pushing open the door and walking in.

"Zhao Yi?"

"Zhao Yi!"

Li Renzhe and Fan Lei suddenly became excited, and their eyes were filled with gossip, "Have you read the school forum?"

"What the hell?"

"Everyone knows about you and your girlfriend, Lin Xiaoqing!"

Zhao Yi quickly turned on the computer and took a look, and found that, as Li Renzhe and Fan Lei said, many posts on the school's internal forum were leaking information about him and Lin Xiaoqing. Some of the news came from the University of Political Science and Law.

"Depend on!"

"Such a gossip!"

Fortunately, the media doesn't seem to be interested in this. After all, he is not the kind of star who relies on his looks to attract fans. Ordinary people don't pay attention to his private life. There are also related gossips on the Internet, but just like in high school, it doesn't matter if he is in the news. No one pays attention.


Zhao Yi doesn't want to be gossiped about everywhere. It would be too depressing if his personal life is affected. It's just a gossip in the school forum, but it's not a big deal.

People in the school pay attention because he is in this university. Many classmates can meet him on the road, and other people will naturally be interested.

Zhao Yi didn't care, so he dragged Li Renzhe and Fan Lei to play games.

This time it was twelve o'clock in the evening.


Zhao Yi's love life has been gossiped about, which has a certain impact on the people around him.

For example, Fan Lei.

Fan Lei felt a little sad. He always thought that there were three singles in the dormitory, and Zhao Yi and he were in the same camp. It turned out that Zhao Yi actually had a girlfriend.


"It turns out that Li Renzhe and I are in the same camp!"

When they were eating in the cafeteria, Fan Lei looked at Li Renzhe, who was sitting upright, and then at the girls who were deliberately sitting close to him, feeling a little depressed.

Fortunately, Zhao Yi has a girlfriend.

This is good news too!

"If all the girls know that Zhao Yi has a girlfriend, their attention will probably be on me."


Fan Lei's mood improved a lot, and he turned around and teased Li Renzhe, "Why are you doing so right? Your movements look weird."

Li Renzhe said disdainfully, "Image, do you understand? My mother has told me since I was a child that there is a sitting posture and a standing posture. No matter what time, you must pay attention to your image!"

"real or fake?"

Zhao Yi felt very funny when he heard it.

There is nothing wrong with Li Renzhe's words, but has this guy really done it?

Obviously not.

When the girls at the table next to him walked away after eating, Li Renzhe immediately changed his appearance. He put his arms around his waist and finished the food on the table in a few mouthfuls, completely forgetting what he just said. back.

"This guy is just a coin collector!" Fan Lei concluded for Li Renzhe.

Zhao Yi nodded sympathetically.

Li Renzhe was immediately dissatisfied, "What are you talking about?" He felt that he couldn't stand Zhao Yi, so he immediately pointed his gun at Fan Lei, "Only by maintaining a good image can girls like you, do you understand?"

"You mean, girls will like you like this?"


Li Renzhe twitched the corner of his mouth and sat up straight, assuming that cool image again.

Fan Lei took a deep breath.

Zhao Yi carefully observed Li Renzhe's movements and found that he did have a bit of a cool feeling. Maybe girls would really like this?

Isn’t there a popular kind of man called the ‘cold male god’?

This needs to be verified!

In the afternoon of the second day, there was a class on advanced mathematics exercises.

Zhao Yi doesn't plan to go to the exercise class, because doing the after-school questions is really meaningless to him.

However, he still went because of the mechanism of 'rest coins', which can only be obtained when sleeping in class, so Zhao Yi could only spend some time in class. After all, you can never have too many study coins. , it’s good to have some time to sleep and brush it.

After class.

Zhao Yi opened his eyes hazy. He was not sleepy when he came to class. After listening to Hu Zhibin for more than ten minutes, he didn't need to cultivate sleepiness at all. He put his head on the table and fell asleep. When he woke up again, he didn't feel sleepy. I noticed that there was a circle of girls surrounding me.

"Teacher Hu said that if I have any questions, I can ask you. Your math level is much higher than him!"

"Zhao Yi, tell me about this question!"

"I didn't understand this question!"

"I don't understand either!"

Zhao Yi knew the source of the trouble, but why were all the girls surrounding him?

What about boys?

In fact, the reason is very simple. The questions explained in class just now are not too difficult, and most students who listen carefully can understand them.

So all the people gathered around were girls.

When they saw so many girls surrounding Zhao Yi, the boys were too embarrassed to come over. Fan Lei, who was sitting next to Zhao Yi, quickly said enthusiastically, "I can also do this question. I understand it."

No one paid any attention to him.

Fan Lei could only continue to sit bitterly. He finally understood that they were all drunkards who didn't care about drinking.

Zhao Yi pressed his forehead hard. He couldn't help but lament the trouble of being too popular. Just when he didn't know what to do, he saw Li Wenzhe standing two seats away with a cold face.

Is this guy trying to be cool again?

Zhao Yi suddenly thought of the experimental idea, and immediately leaned his head over and asked mysteriously in a low voice, "By the way, I have a roommate, Li Renzhe. He has always wanted me to help introduce him to a girlfriend, but I don't know him. , Suitable, you all know Li Renzhe, right?"

He said waving his fingers.

A large group of girls looked over collectively.

"Which of you is interested? Tell me in a low voice, I won't gossip, don't worry!"

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

The girls dispersed without a single one left.

"Fan Lei, have you seen it?" Zhao Yi turned his head and said to Fan Lei seriously, "So the most important thing about the word aloof male god is that he is a male god. Whether he is aloof or not is just a modification. Just vocabulary.”

Fan Lei nodded with deep sympathy. He turned his head and saw Li Renzhe with a confused look on his face. He couldn't help but hold his belly and laugh.

"What are you laughing at?"

Li Renzhe was a little confused.

Zhao Yi also burst out laughing and explained, "Just now a girl told me that she has a crush on you and wanted me to introduce you to you, but I didn't think that girl was very good-looking, so I didn't agree."

"Ah? Who is it? Which one? The girls just now were all beautiful?"

"You should have told me earlier!"

Zhao Yi lamented as if he missed millions, "There will be a chance next time, there will be another chance!"

"Who exactly is it?"

"I don't know him, ask Fan Lei!" Zhao Yi said and walked away quickly.

"Don't ask me, I don't know him either!"


Li Renzhe felt that the two people were teasing him, but he couldn't help but think carefully about which girls were gathered around just now.

Even the worst one...

That’s okay!

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