Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 227 I feel like a fool!

this day.

Dai Tianqing's laboratory conducted a large-scale experiment. It took two days to prepare for the experiment. Everyone in the laboratory was involved from top to bottom, but in the end no valid results were obtained.

Dai Tianqing sat on the chair a little bored, and he thought of Zhang Wei again.

In Dai Tianqing's laboratory, Zhang Wei is one of the associate researchers with the least experience. If ranked among associate researchers, her qualifications and experience would be last.

However, qualifications and experience do not indicate competence.

Perhaps because young people have active minds, Zhang Wei always has some ideas in experiments, which may be helpful to projects and experiments.

Inspiration is really important.

Dai Tianqing believes that detecting inhibitory factors, that is, the project of finding new things, requires most not experience and ability, but that mysterious inspiration.

After Zhang Wei left, the youngest associate researcher in the laboratory was over forty years old, and the doctoral students participating in the project really had no experience at all. When their abilities did not meet the threshold, it was meaningless to have inspiration.

Dai Tianqing was very anxious because he knew that the laboratory at Shuimu University School of Medicine was also studying possible inhibitory factors based on Zhao Yi's conjecture paper. They had even confirmed their existence, and the progress was no worse than his own laboratory. .

This is a time competition!

If the laboratory cannot find the important properties of the inhibitor before its competitors, everything will be in vain.

All human investment, energy investment, and time investment will become meaningless.

Dai Tianqing took a deep breath.

The next morning, he came to Zhao Yi's laboratory again and talked to Zhang Wei about returning to the laboratory.

Zhang Wei refused bluntly, "I'm so sorry, Teacher Dai, we are only halfway through the project, and the laboratory is also short of manpower."

"If I can help, I will definitely go there, but I can't leave at all. You know the situation in our laboratory. There are only two of us, Liu Chengjie and me. Zhao Yi has to go to class every day and has less time to come to the laboratory."

Of course Dai Tianqing knew the situation, but he felt that Zhang Wei was wasting his time in Zhao Yi's laboratory, working on a project for his own laboratory eunuch. The project funds were not enough, let alone whether he could produce research results.

He had already talked to Zhang Wei last time, but he didn't talk about anything again, so he could only go back with worries.

When he returned to his laboratory, Dai Tianqing saw Ai Lixin waiting there. He was a little confused and asked, "Why didn't you send your wife off so early today?"

Ai Lixin has to take his wife to work and his daughter to school. He usually goes to work in a pinch.

Ai Lixin smiled and said, "I came here by subway today, and my wife went to see off my daughter. Director Dai, I have something to do with you."

"Is something wrong?"

Dai Tianqing suddenly frowned. Ericsson was not much younger than him, and he usually called him Lao Dai. The two sides had cooperated for nearly ten years, and they were familiar with each other.

If you call him Director Dai now, there must be something wrong.

Dai Tianqing sat down, asked Ai Lixin to sit down as well, and listened to what he said slowly.

Ai Lixin said with some embarrassment, "Yesterday Zhao Yi came to me to help in the laboratory. He was working on a project that our laboratory does not do. I just wanted to go to Zhao Yi's laboratory to help with Zhang Wei."


Dai Tianqing was stunned. He didn't expect that Ai Lixin would say that he wanted to leave?

"Stop joking! Go to Zhao Yi's laboratory? What are you thinking about?" After realizing what he was doing, Dai Tianqing stood up suddenly, his expression obviously a little excited.

Ai Lixin nodded and said, "I have already made up my mind, Director Dai, to go to Zhao Yi's laboratory. Zhao Yi and I have always had a good relationship. If he asks me for help, I can't turn him down."


Dai Tianqing absolutely did not believe this reason. He immediately shook his head and refused, "No, our project is short of manpower now. How can we continue if you leave?"

This emphasizes the importance of Ailixin.

Ai Lixin shook his head and said, "Director Dai, I did participate in the project, but I know that it is the same with or without me. I can't provide any advice. I just do what you say."

"When I go to Zhao Yi's laboratory, the research content on hand will definitely be handed over. Don't worry."

"Before coming to you, I have already gone to Director Yan, and the director has agreed."

This is...kill it first and show it later!

Dai Tianqing sounded very depressed. He ignored Ai Lixin and went directly to the director's office. He said, "Director Yan, you should know how important our project is. How can you agree to let Lao Ai leave?"

Yan Xuelin leaned hard on the backrest and nodded, "I have said before, anyone who wants to go to Zhao Yi's laboratory can do it, as long as both parties agree."

"Old Dai, you should know that Zhao Yi is a key talent trained by our institute. His laboratory has completed a project, and I hope to continue our efforts."

Dai Tianqing's face was full of disbelief, "You actually believe that Zhao Yi Laboratory can complete the project that we don't want to do?"

"Do not believe."

Yan Xuelin said with certainty, "This is our investment. Even Academician Zheng supports my approach."

Yan Xuelin's idea is simple.

The institute wants to give Zhao Yi real researcher treatment. Researchers naturally have the right to apply for projects. Of course, the projects of the eunuchs in the institute can be handed over to him. As for success or failure, it is his own problem.

This office doesn't care.

The people in the institute, including himself, whether they believe in Zhao Yi or not, have given him the treatment he deserves. If he can do well, he will have a happy ending. If he does not do well, it will be an investment in the institute. Got a genius.

Is it important that a eunuch dropped a project and didn’t spend his own money?

The money was research funding, so it was meaningless even if it was kept in the institute. However, Zhao Yi applied to continue the project and spent it in vain without even the superiors saying anything.


That's Zhao Yi!

When this report is typed and Zhao Yi's name is filled in, no one will even question it.


Zhao Yi is not a regular researcher. Even if he is a regular researcher, he will definitely be questioned or held accountable by his superiors if he squanders two to three million research funds.

However, Zhao Yi is different.

Who would hold a national treasure-level math and computer genius accountable?

The same goes for biomedical research.

Mathematics and computer geniuses are absolute talents in any field, and can even be said to be a valuable asset.

Anyway, no matter what, the research institute must give Zhao Yi the green light.

Now there are two or three kittens in Zhao Yi's laboratory, only Zhang Wei and an intern who is about to become a full-time employee, plus Ai Lixin, which feels natural.

Of course.

Yan Xuelin also knew the importance of the inhibitory factor project discovered by Dai Tianqing's laboratory and Han Hui's laboratory. He made a suggestion, "Otherwise, I will ask Dong Sheng's laboratory to put down the project at hand and study it with you... …”


Dai Tianqing refused directly.

Now there are two researchers, he and Han Hui, who share the research results. At most, there is one academician Zheng who is just interested in helping. When other researchers come, it is equivalent to sharing the work.

Originally he could take half of the results, but in the end it became one-third.

Dai Tianqing talked with Yan Xuelin in the office for a long time, and the final decision was to send an associate researcher from another department over.

Coming out of the director's office, Dai Tianqing was still very dissatisfied.

Ai Lixin is a general in the laboratory and cannot be compared with others. After a few more years of experience and completing a large project on his own, he can be promoted to a formal researcher. It can be said that Ai Lixin is no longer as good as him in terms of ability. What he lacks is the qualifications to complete the project.

After returning to the office, Ai Lixin was still waiting there.

Dai Tianqing's tone also improved a lot. He decided to play the favor card, "We have cooperated for so many years, and you left suddenly like this..."

"Actually, I also want to improve myself!"

Ai Lixin thought about what to say, "Old Dai! Our rheumatoid arthritis research last year was completed only two months ago."

"I think this project can be completed, but we didn't stick to it until the end. We found there was no progress midway, and there were other projects, so we gave up."

"I'm quite unwilling."

"As the saying goes, you have to stand up from where you fell. This is why I want to go to Zhao Yi Laboratory to do research with them and continue this project. In the end, it was not completed, which is also a result. When the time comes, I I just gave up."

When Ai Lixin said this, Dai Tianqing didn't know what to say.

That makes sense!

As a researcher, you must have the spirit of never giving up. He occasionally talks about a similar work spirit when he goes to schools to teach students.

This is the basis for success!

Now Ai Lixin hopes to go to Zhao Yi's laboratory to complete the unfinished project. What's wrong with that?

"All right!"

In the end Dai Tianqing agreed.

After Ai Lixin simply packed up a few documents and walked out of the laboratory with his teacup and utensils, Dai Tianqing suddenly felt something was wrong.

Didn't he apply for that project?

In the process of doing the project, he is also the absolute leader. Ai Lixin is at best a small main force, responsible for the design and preparation of some experiments, but no matter how the main force is, he will definitely not be able to keep up with him, right?

Moreover, the termination of the project application will not have any impact on Ailixin. The only one who will be affected is himself. It can be said that he got up from where he fell...

He should be the one to get up, right?

The addition of Ai Lixin is definitely good news for Zhao Yi Laboratory.

Ai Lixin was only one of the associate researchers in Dai Tianqing's laboratory, but when he arrived at Zhao Yi's laboratory, he was the most experienced.

Zhao Yi knew something about Ai Lixin.

Ai Lixin is one of those people who is down-to-earth and hard-working, has good abilities and experience, but lacks creativity and imagination.

This kind of person is exactly what Zhao Yi's laboratory needs most.

Creativity and imagination, Zhao Yi is enough, and Zhang Wei is also very capable in professional aspects such as design experiments.

So Ailixin is the core ‘worker’.

In order to welcome Ai Lixin to join, Zhao Yi decided to let the laboratory rest for an afternoon and have dinner together at a good restaurant near the university.

"You can bring your family members!"

This sentence made Ericsson smile.

Among the four of them, he was the only one with family members. The restaurant they found was relatively high-end and they would definitely not be able to go there normally. It was nice to be able to bring their wife and daughter with them.

at the same time.

Dai Tianqing's laboratory is busy at work. Because the last large-scale experiment did not produce any results, good people had to work overtime to do research. While they were preparing for the next experiment, they also talked about Alixin who had left.

"Don't you know, several people from Zhao Yi's laboratory are going to have a dinner today."

"The restaurant on the south corner I went to is super luxurious and has great service. It's also very expensive. A casual meal costs 200 Canadian dollars per person."

"I've only been there once, when it was someone else's wedding."

"I'm so envious. If I had known I would have gone there too. Look at Zhang Wei. She went to Zhao Yi Laboratory and received a bonus of tens of thousands of yuan."

"very nice……"

"Lao Ai probably came here to see this..."

Dai Tianqing also heard other people's comments and felt extremely depressed.

the next morning.

Zhao Yi and Ai Lixin went to Dai Tianqing's laboratory together. Ai Lixin wanted to get the previous research materials and transfer the personal computer there.

They met Dai Tianqing.

Dai Tianqing was nice to Ai Lixin and gave him a smile. His eyes when he looked at Zhao Yi were really filled with resentment.

"Old Dai!"

Zhao Yi greeted, "Brother Ai, just go to my place. Let's get some information together."

"Zhao Yi!"

Dai Tianqing sighed, walked over and whispered to Zhao Yi, "You can't do this. We are very familiar with each other. If you want to poach people, you can poach them. It turned out that Ai Lixin poached him. He is the most talented person in my laboratory." Able.”

"How can we continue our project like this? We have made no progress with this inhibitory factor. We have designed several experiments, but..."


He was too bitter to speak any more.

Zhao Yi patted his shoulder and sighed, "Please forgive me!"

Dai Tianqing was so depressed that he laughed.

Ai Lixin turned his head in the distance, thinking why did his words sound so awkward?


Zhao Yi just made a little joke, said a few words to Dai Tianqing, and then went over to help Ai Lixin organize his things. He saw a folder on the table, opened it, glanced at the contents, and asked, "What is this?" ? Pretend it up?"

"Experimental data, no thanks, it's a project of inhibitory factors."

Ai Lixin explained.

An associate researcher named Li next to him said, "That's our experimental data from the day before yesterday. It's useless. All the data is normal. We didn't get the abnormality we wanted at all..."

Abnormality refers to inhibitory factors.

If there is an influence of one more factor, there will definitely be abnormalities in the experimental data. The absence of abnormalities means that there is no discovery.

Zhao Yi held it in his hand and looked at it carefully for a while, and continued to flip through until he reached the last page. Some of the data was understandable, but most of it was simply incomprehensible.

His basic knowledge is still too weak.

But that's okay.

["Supervision Law"! 】

Zhao Yi spent more than 20 points of energy and got the feedback results of the "Supervision Rate". He turned the document in his hand to the third page, pointed at a data with letters and said, "Isn't this an anomaly?"


Dai Tianqing came over, and the associate researcher named Li next to him also came over.


Zhao Yi pointed to the data, then turned to the fourth page, and pointed to another data, "And this one." He raised his head and asked, "Do you have a pen?"


Ai Lixin handed over a pen.

Zhao Yi drew a line through the two data just now, then marked the next five data, and said, "If you look at these data together, I think these are the anomalies."


Dai Tianqing took it over with suspicion and looked carefully at the place where Zhao Yi had drawn the line.

Slightly low, slightly low, slightly low, slightly low... This is all normal low...


Are these all normal low levels of performance?

Dai Tianqing's eyes widened suddenly, then he lowered his head to look at the data, and then looked at Zhao Yi in shock, "How did you find out?"

Zhao Yi spread his hands and said with puzzled eyes, "Isn't this obvious?"

He said and moved the box and left.


Dai Tianqing and Associate Researcher Li looked at each other, their eyes full of confusion and confusion.

In this experimental result, there are hundreds of densely packed data, but only a few values ​​with normal bias in characteristics. How come it is so "obvious"?

Is this the difference?

Associate Researcher Li took the document and looked at it carefully. After making sure, he closed the document and immediately said to Dai Tianqing, "Compared with Zhao Yi, I feel like I am a fool..."

Dai Tianqing glared and said seriously, "I studied it for several hours, and even read it before going to bed at night, too..."

"...Silly P..."

"Fuck, fuck!"

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