Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 239 The terrible number of papers (please vote for me)

Zhao Yi left.

He left cleanly without taking away a single virus.

He only came to the laboratory to record some ordinary data, talked to Wei Shiqing and Bai Jianwu about their speculations on virus mutation, and then left neatly.

This surprised both Wei Shiqing and Bai Jianwu.

Wei Shiqing also grabbed Zhao Yi and reminded him, "The research has just begun, right? Aren't you with us? If your speculation is true, it must be a big discovery, and there are many things that can be explored..."


Zhao Yi shook his head firmly, "I'm not interested in studying viruses."

He really wasn't interested.

Zhao Yidi was not interested in microbial research before, mainly because of Wei Shiqing. Wei Shiqing seemed to want to treat him as a wage earner to help with computer work.

That's obviously impossible.

Now Zhao Yi is not interested in studying microorganisms. The reason is that the work is very scary. He is always exposed to various viruses. It is not interesting to talk about. Thinking about the various viruses in the test tube, he feels uncomfortable all over his body. .

So he left.

He doesn't want to take away any virus.

Zhao Yi is not interested in studying microorganisms, and he also feels that his work is over. In terms of exploring the direction of virus mutation, he has found a good starting point. There will definitely be many places worth exploring in the future, but in any case, the beginning That's the most important thing. After taking away the most important and influential fruit, it doesn't matter if others do the rest.

Even if others have achieved higher achievements than him...who cares?

He didn't expend much energy anyway.

Wei Shiqing and Bai Jianwu were a little confused. One of them didn't understand Zhao Yi's attitude towards research, and the other didn't understand why Zhao Yi could conclude that there would be a discovery so early.

They thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out, but when they looked at the experimental table again, they knew that the real research had begun.

It's definitely a big discovery in front of you.

If it is according to what Zhao Yi said, the virus has become more contagious and destructive, that is, less virulent. In other words, it has mutated.

How did this mutation occur?

Is it controllable?

"This must be related to the conditions. Is it a mutation that occurs in a harsh environment, or is it a mutation that occurs in a specific environment?"

"The dyeing environment is unfriendly to cells, but there are no nutrients around, and cell materials will naturally die. It will take a long time to study the specific changes caused by the environment."

"If you follow what Zhao Yi said, it explains the fundamental reason why some viruses mutate in the body. For example, being targeted by drugs or being affected by certain acidic environments in the human body may cause viruses to mutate. "

"What is the direction of mutation? What Zhao Yi said is not necessarily correct. He is only targeting the virus in the experiment. The experiment is in a fixed dyeing environment. If it is changed to another environment, there is a high probability that mutation will not occur."

"So, what kind of environment can give the virus a greater chance of mutating?"

All of the above need to be explored.

Wei Shiqing and Bai Jianwu continued discussions in the laboratory, and they determined several research directions.

Although everything has just begun, for virus mutation research, getting a good start is much more important than the research process.

Anyone who is a microbiology researcher can do this process, but most people can't find it in the beginning.

At present, they still have to start with staining experiments. The first thing to determine is the experimental results. More than a dozen groups of viruses have all mutated or partially mutated. The data results are very important.

Even if they get a definite result, they still have to isolate the virus again, continue to do staining experiments, and then continue to isolate the virus and do staining experiments.

This requires many loops.

Finally, they will need to do complex genetic testing, preferably to determine which genes have been mutated.

This research process alone takes several months or even a year, but both of them are very motivated because the results are right in front of them.

Even the worst results are enough to write several papers and publish them in top medical journals.

When he was not doing research, Wei Shiqing felt very depressed when he looked at the busy Bai Jianwu.

Research... How wonderful it is to eat alone!

"Why do you want to work with Bai Jianwu? I should have done it alone. At least do some pioneering research first and publish the results first!"

"Why did you just join Bai Jianwu?"

Bai Jianwu finished processing an experimental material, came over to get a glass of water, and said to Wei Shiqing with a sigh, "Old Wei, thank you! I really want to thank you this time. I didn't expect that you would drag me along for such an important research. Together!"

"You're welcome."

Wei Shiqing took a deep breath. A smile appeared on his face, and he said vaguely, "We are good friends! When it comes to research, especially in the field of virus mutation, the first thing I think of is you."


Bai Jianwu sincerely thanked him again, and then looked at Wei Shiqing's strange expression and asked with concern, "Old Wei, you may be too tired recently. Go and rest for a while. Let me do the rest of the work. It's okay."

"...Okay, I'll trouble you then."

"It's nothing."

Wei Shiqing breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and left the laboratory. Working with Bai Jianwu probably had certain benefits. At least he could relax a lot.

Bai Jianwu, what an honest man!

Zhao Yi began to make real efforts.

Except for regular class time, he spent most of his time in the dormitory, writing papers all the time.

This was really his first time working on biology. He had written a medical conjecture paper on myocarditis before, and he just expressed the process in his mind in words.

It's different now.

This is a paper proven by experimental results, and he needs to carefully consider it before writing it.

Research papers in microbiology are similar to research papers in biomedicine. They all use a large number of experimental results to analyze and illustrate the conclusions drawn.

After writing long paragraphs, it is like writing a long composition, most of it is text, and similar things are a bit awkward for Zhao Yi to write. When he wrote a computer and mathematics paper, most of it was text. The calculation process and formulas are like writing a paper, which feels really weird.

Of course.

This is not a big deal.

Zhao Yi was inexperienced in writing similar papers, so it took him more time. It took him nearly two days to complete the paper, and he found that the full text was only a little over 10,000 words.

"It's so slow!"

Zhao Yi sighed.

This kind of paper requires no systematic ability, so he has to bite the bullet and write it. Naturally, it cannot be done quickly. However, he is still very energetic and hopes to write this paper with this paper, which will definitely be influential. Life goal mission accomplished.

Three days later in the morning, Zhao Yi came out of seclusion.

There was obvious relief on his face. After coming out, he went to the cafeteria and met three people in the same dormitory.

"Zhao Yi!"

There was a shout from the people queuing up in the cafeteria, and Zhao Yi looked over and spotted Fan Lei.

Fan Lei, Li Renzhe, Meng Zheng.

All three are there.

Other students looked over when they heard Zhao Yi's name. Zhao Yi is a legend at Yanhua University. The reason why he has not become a legend is because he is still alive in Yanhua University and many people may meet him on the road, so many people also No wonder.

Zhao Yi really enjoys being "not surprised" by others. He doesn't want to be like a star and be surrounded by a large number of fans wherever he goes.

That's not a normal life.

It's Friday.

There is an advanced mathematics class on Friday morning, so the trio in the dormitory will come to have breakfast together. They don't come early, and they are already a little late to the classroom after breakfast.

Zhao Yi went to the classroom with them.

Hu Zhibin was also walking in.

Seeing Zhao Yi, he smiled awkwardly. Fortunately, he got used to it after many times. He sighed and said, "Zhao Yi, I heard that you have been running the laboratory of the School of Biology recently? Can you You can’t focus solely on living things!”

"You are a mathematical genius. You cannot waste your mathematical research. I also hope to see you crack those advanced mathematical conjectures, such as Goldbach's conjecture."

"If I can see it in my lifetime and you crack Goldbach's conjecture, it will be..."

"If I die, I will rest in peace!"

Zhao Yi looked at Hu Zhibin in shock, not expecting that Hu Zhibin would say such a thing.

Is this a way to get yourself to study mathematics even if you drink your life?


"Then I won't dare to study mathematics. If it doesn't take long, I will solve Goldbach's conjecture."

"Professor Hu, aren't you..."

Hu Zhibin was stunned. He just sighed. He didn't expect that Zhao Yi could continue to speak. He said in a somewhat broken voice, "If you can solve Goldbach's conjecture, even if something goes wrong with me, I won't be able to solve it." What's the big deal!"

"Compared to domestic mathematicians proving the world's top mathematical conjectures, my life as an ordinary mathematics teacher..."

"It's nothing!"

Zhao Yi almost vomited blood after being criticized by someone. For the first time, he realized that Hu Zhibin was really a ruthless person.

If this guy doesn't speak, he doesn't speak. When he's serious, he's so cruel to himself, and he also shows his dedication to the country... How can we continue talking about this?

So, give in!

Zhao Yi gave in decisively. He gave Hu Zhibin a thumbs up, and then walked into the classroom safely and said, "I will not neglect mathematics, so I came to class."


Hu Zhibin suddenly wanted to vomit blood even more.

Zhao Yi just made a joke with Hu Zhibin and said a few words that he thought were interesting. When the class actually started, he found that it was really boring, so he simply stopped listening.

He wants to earn ‘rest coins’.

After trying hard for more than ten minutes, he found that it was very difficult to fall asleep. The hypnosis on the podium was far from strong enough. He was quite energetic. Suddenly, he thought of the conversation with Hu Zhibin, and he simply started thinking about the prime number problem.

If it is to directly prove Goldbach's conjecture, Zhao Yi can say that there is no starting point, but there are too many problems to think about prime numbers.

He thought about the simplest prime number verification problem.

The algorithm for prime number verification is available in ordinary C language courses. The method is to put it bluntly, it is to take a number and continuously divide it by a number smaller than itself. If you cannot get any positive integer result, it will eventually be judged as a prime number.

But the algorithm can be simplified a lot.

For example, when the divisor is greater than or equal to the result, the verification can actually stop.

This greatly simplifies the calculation.

Also, the best strategy is definitely to let the number being verified only divide prime numbers less than or equal to the open number once, but unless all prime numbers are listed, the design algorithm will be very complicated.


So, can using computers to verify prime numbers and other methods related to prime numbers help to crack Goldbach's conjecture?

For example, the characteristic of an even number will be classified as a non-prime number during the initial verification of division by two.

What is the correlation between this property and its decomposition into the sum of two prime numbers?

Zhao Yi fell into deep thinking.

Thinking about Goldbach's conjecture and the law of prime numbers will certainly not produce any results in a short time, but it is very interesting to think about it.

Zhao Yi found some interests.

In the next few days, every time he took advanced mathematics classes, he would constantly think about the prime number problem. Sometimes he would fall asleep while thinking about it, and he could earn rest coins by the way.

"very good!"

"This is a good method."

"At least it shows that I have not given up on mathematics research. I have been studying carefully in every advanced mathematics class..."

While Zhao Yi was thinking, an exclamation suddenly came from beside him, "Look! This report!"

It's Fan Lei.

He is playing with his mobile phone.

Several people around looked over.

Hu Zhibin on the podium was a little dissatisfied. When he found that it was Zhao Yi next to him, he glared dissatisfiedly.

Zhao Yi felt a little innocent. He really didn't say a word, and he didn't disturb the classmates next to him. It was Fan Lei who spoke, so he was taking the blame.

Fan Lei didn't pay attention to Hu Zhibin's reaction. He handed the phone to Zhao Yi and said, "Look at this report, it's about you!"

"How infuriating!"

"It's just a report."

Zhao Yi took it over nonchalantly and saw the article——

"A top mathematician is also a biological genius?" 》

Zhao Yi frowned, clicked and looked at it carefully, and suddenly felt very depressed.

It's him who's talking about it.

The article lists a set of amazing data, "Since August this year, Zhao Yi has published eight papers as the first author in two domestic medical journals, and nine other papers, all of which have been published. With Zhao Yi's name on it, most of them are 'second works', and one is 'third works'."

It’s only the end of December.

In less than half a year, there were 17 biological research papers, all directly related to Zhao Yi.

Not to mention other people's data, even Zhao Yi was a little confused when he saw it. He himself didn't know that he had published so many papers, but it was normal if he thought about it carefully.

In addition to the medical conjecture paper, he led the team to complete three projects. Each project averaged two papers, which was not many. Rheumatoid arthritis was still a big project, and he gave all the incidental results to others, otherwise the paper The number is even more astonishing.

Although Zhao Yi thinks so, it is obvious that the author of the article does not think so.

After the author of the article listed the numbers, he first recognized Zhao Yi's mathematical ability, and then a twist showed that he may not necessarily have mathematical talent in biology.

In addition, even if he has a talent for mathematics, it is really amazing to publish eight papers as the first author in less than half a year, let alone nine other papers with his name on them. .

Then a series of speculations began.

"Zhao Yi is a mathematician. Why can he publish so many biological papers?"

"Did he really do those so-called studies by himself?"

"He is only a freshman. Biology is different from mathematics. Doing research requires a laboratory and you need to apply for projects. His thesis mentioned several projects, but is it possible for him to do these projects? "

"In addition, many of the papers are related to the Institute of Biomedical Research, and six papers were published in the same medical journal."

"We can't use this to determine what's wrong with it, but I think anyone who reads these data will have some questions in their mind, right?"

New Year's Day is coming soon, I wish everyone a happy New Year's Day, and by the way, I would like to ask for a monthly ticket.

It is said that starting from next month, the monthly ticket rules will be changed. Little Pumpkin has almost never asked for a monthly ticket, but now I still have the shame to ask for it. Thank you everyone!

This month’s update is over 200,000, and next month I’ll try to get over 250,000... I’ll be sure to update it carefully~~~

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