Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 33 Come and help translate translation

Earning more than a hundred yuan during evening self-study classes, and inadvertently gossiping about Hu Lengleng's privacy, it was really hard to feel comfortable.

When Zhao Yi was lying on the bed sleeping, he was still thinking, "Hu Lengleng is indeed an experienced driver. He actually had a boyfriend in the second grade of junior high school."

"This is the symbol of puppy love!"

"I guess that man must have hurt her deeply? Youth is accompanied by countless pains. Otherwise, the Law of Cause and Effect... forget it, a waste of energy!"

Close your eyes.

Think about things.

If you close your eyes and think quietly before going to bed, you will often feel more lonely...


It's inspiration!

Zhao Yi thought of a good idea.

He has been thinking about how to enhance his causal thinking ability, that is, changing his thinking to make "using the "Law of Causality" without consumption" a habit, instead of using it specifically for questions when encountering certain things or just exams.

He thought of ways to exercise.

When the sky was still hazy in the morning, students could already be seen everywhere on the campus of No. 13 Middle School.

Zhao Yi walked towards the teaching building.

He was carrying a schoolbag on one shoulder and chewing gum in his mouth, showing a relaxed and casual temperament. The most eye-catching thing was the coins he kept throwing in his hand.




Zhao Yi threw it casually, without looking carefully, and immediately told the front and back of the coin.

This is what he came up with.

If he is using the "Law of Cause and Effect" normally, he must set up questions to determine the pros and cons of the coin. What he needs is to get used to using the "Law of Cause and Effect", and reaction speed is also very important.

In the process of tossing a coin, constantly accelerating the establishment of questions, the most perfect thing is to let the "law of cause and effect" catch up with the vision. The moment the coin falls into the palm of the hand, you will know which side is up.


Throw it again!

Hu Tianyan happened to walk to the door of the building and shouted in a strange tone, "Isn't this Master Zhao!"

Usually when meeting Zhao Yi, Hu Tianyan would just give him a cold glance and walk away as if he hadn't seen him.

This is not directed at Zhao Yi.

She treats all the boys in the school like this.

What happened yesterday left a deep impression on her. The scar was only painful for a moment, and the past was over after all. However, few people in school knew about her being a single-parent family, and no one knew that she had been in love in junior high school.

She went to Zhengyang No. 9 Middle School.

The Ninth Middle School and the Thirteenth Middle School, one in the south and the other in the north, were divided into two districts. There were no junior high school classmates of hers in the Thirteenth Middle School.

So, how did Zhao Yi know?

Hu Tianyan didn't figure it out all night. Just like Sun Liang's suspicion, she even suspected that Zhao Yi was in love with her.

But is it possible?

"Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin are both worse than me, and I heard that he likes Sun Jiali."

Hu Tianyan became curious.

When she saw Zhao Yi again, she couldn't help but make a sarcastic comment.

Master Zhao!

This nickname came about because of the competition. Zhao Yi got all the questions right in the preliminaries.

Now when it comes to Hu Tianyan’s mouth, one can immediately relate it to ‘fairies and ghosts’.

Zhao Yi looked up and noticed Hu Tianyan's dress. She did not braid or tie her hair, but put it on her shoulders.

This was definitely an illegal hairstyle in high school.

Zhao Yi's heart moved and he said in surprise, "Leng Leng! Is it your daily style to wake up late and not have time to comb your hair?"

Hu Tianyan was stunned.

Seeing Zhao Yi go up the stairs and leave, she grabbed her hair in a frenzy, "How on earth did he know!"

Zhao Yi from Class 3 knows how to tell fortunes!

Quite accurate!

In the morning, the third graders knew everything.

The students in Elite Class A kept talking about the evening self-study, including Zhao Yi guessing the number of Zhao Linlin's pens, guessing the number of questions Lin Xiaoqing got right, and two or three things about Hu Tianyan's family.

Not sure how Hu Tianyan felt, Zhao Yi felt a little irritable.

"I don't count my fortune!"

"You don't care if my calculation is accurate or not!"

"You want to do the math? Yes, time is money, a hundred dollars per question!"

One hundred yuan is enough.

After all, there are only a few "Bai Fumei" like Hu Tianyan. Most students live a hard life with less than ten yuan of pocket money every day. Students who can spend a hundred yuan will not spend money to come and ask questions.

"crazy for money!"

Zhao Yi received such a review, but finally calmed down.


Still stuck on function questions.

After finishing the simple questions, he began to study a few difficult questions. In the process of studying the questions, he also practiced the use of the "Law of Cause and Effect".

As the number of questions increased, he quickly found the pattern——

Using "The Law of Causality" to do function questions is like using a shovel to dig for gold.

Totally depends on luck!

Of course, it has its uses. When Sun Liang helped explain, Zhao Yi kept up with the idea and used "The Law of Cause and Effect", and occasionally he was able to surpass Sun Liang's lecture rhythm.

"Let's first study how this function can be transformed into..."


"We also need to think about the minimum value x of this function..."

"it's 1."

Sun Liang buried his head in calculation for a long time, and the result he got was the same as what Zhao Yi said. He suddenly asked dissatisfiedly, "You have read the answer and still ask me?"


"Then how do you know?"


Zhao Yi decided to talk less.

"The Law of Cause and Effect" is not limited to solving math problems. During class, it can also be used continuously if you follow the teacher's explanation.

"Let's first analyze how a small ball suspended under a spring and placed on an inclined surface is affected by several forces..."


"Xiao Ming's blood type is inherited from his parents, and his parents' blood types..."

"There are three possible blood types."

"This is an image of the chemical formula of organic matter. Let's first count how many carbons (C) there are..."


"The first question of this question is to study in which quadrant the intersection of the parabola and the straight line is..."

Niu Lianhua explained a complex function question, including parabola, curve and straight line.

She called Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi answered clearly, "The intersection is in the first quadrant."

"Correct, why?"


Zhao Yi was a little confused. He was just about to analyze it when Niu Lianhua asked him to sit down.

"This kind of question will definitely be the last one. I don't require you to get everything right, but for the short questions, you still need to get points if you can get them!"

"Can you rely on guessing to solve the questions!?"

Niu Lianhua glared at Zhao Yi as she spoke, "No one can always have good luck. Moreover, even if you write the correct answer, you will be deducted for not following the process!"

"If I were the judge, I wouldn't give you a single point!"

"You are in a science class and you failed the math test. You still want to go to college or get an undergraduate degree?"

"Wow wow wow..."

Niu Lianhua said it to everyone in the class, but Zhao Yi always felt that it was aimed at himself.


There was a knock on the classroom door suddenly.

Li Lisheng, the grade director, stood outside the door, "Teacher Niu, I'm sorry to interrupt, please look for Zhao Yi."

"Zhao Yi!"

Cow Lotus waved her hands in disgust.

Zhao Yi walked out of the door with doubts and heard Li Lisheng say with a strange expression, "Go to the principal's office. Someone is looking for you. There is also a foreigner who says he is from a company. Didn't you get into trouble?"


Zhao Yi entered the principal's office with doubts.

Two people were sitting on the sofa in the principal's office, one was a middle-aged man dressed in a standard business suit, and the other was a white man dressed more casually.

"This is Zhao Yi!"

Principal Wang made an introduction.

The white man stood up immediately with a warm smile on his face. He politely stretched out his hand and said in English, "Zhao Yi, I didn't expect that you are so young and are still in high school."

"When I heard it, I shouted God several times, God, I'm sorry, please forgive me!"


"My name is Caballero, Vice President of Engineering for the Fruit Company's Technical Development Department."

The middle-aged man in a suit next to him was about to help translate, but Zhao Yi spoke English smoothly, "Hello, Zhao Yi, a high school student from Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School. I am very curious about the reason why you came to see me."

The middle-aged man in a suit shut his mouth.

Wang Chengmin immediately looked at Li Lisheng, the meaning in his eyes was very clear, "You teach English, come! Translate, translate..."

Li Lisheng immediately became energetic.

Promote the group number: 164788089. By the way, I would like to thank the following book friends for their rewards——

Mo Qisheng, 1,000 coins.

Like water foam, 300 coins.

Red Blood Dragon Rider No. 1, 100 coins.

Cold and frivolous, 100 coins.

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