Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 353 The mathematical charm of theoretical physics

The first report ended early, and the host announced a twenty-minute break.

Taking advantage of the break, Huang Zhong simply came to Zhao Yi and discussed his research with him, mainly on the mathematical structure.

Zhao Yi was very interested in talking to him. He pointed out Huang Zhong's mistakes, but he was still very interested in Huang Zhong's research ideas and ideas.

Everyone else was listening, and they were all surprised by Zhao Yi's 'brain power'.

Huang Zhong's research level is definitely very high.

This top-level theoretical physics research involves very advanced mathematics, and it is not easy to understand. If you follow the explanation and understand the ideas, you will be very good.

In fact, it's like a high school student, even if his academic performance is not bad, suddenly sees a Mathematical Olympiad problem. Without thinking about it, he just listens to the teacher's step-by-step explanation. The explanation speed is very fast, and he skips the calculation content and can follow it. It’s great if you understand it.

The results of it?

Zhao Yi pointed out the mistake directly, which is really surprising.

Huang Zhong really admired Zhao Yi's level. He had been doing research on his own, but he didn't see this problem. However, Zhao Yi pointed it out directly. When communicating with Zhao Yi, he discovered that Zhao Yi Yi is very proficient in the mathematical construction of microphysics.

Microphysics is a general term for particle physics and quantum physics. Some theoretical physics can also be included. The mathematical structure of microphysics is more theoretical. Theoretical physics is a branch of mathematics. The mathematical structure of microphysics is naturally pure. mathematical content.

Many physicists study microphysics, and most physicists are interested in the composition of particles. They use mathematical methods to study the composition of particles, which can be called "particle mathematics."

Huang Zhong is a researcher of "particle mathematics", and Zhao Yi is also studying particle mathematics. The two have a lot in common in this regard.

Zhao Yi talked about some of his own ideas, mainly particle boundary theory, which is about discussing particle energy distribution.

"I have studied your particle boundary theory. It is very interesting and very helpful to my research."

Huang Zhong said eagerly, "I really hope I have time to communicate and discuss more with you in this regard."

"Welcome to Yanhua University as a guest at any time." Zhao Yi replied with a smile.

In fact, he was still a little uncomfortable. He felt that Huang Zhong's tone was too polite and seemed a bit respectful. However, he was actually only 21 years old. He was always called "you, you" by a professor who was nearly fifty years old. It's a little awkward.

Of course.

In academic exchanges, those who are successful come first, and he can indeed withstand respect.


The second person to give a report was Professor Lin Li from the Institute of High Energy of the Academy of Sciences.

Lin Li is a researcher at the Academy of Sciences. He belongs to the Institute of High Energy of the Academy of Sciences and is engaged in research in the fields of high-energy physics, accelerator technology and high-energy astrophysics.

The Institute of High Energy Physics of the Academy of Sciences is a very important institution for domestic quantum physics research. The only collider in the country belongs to the Institute of High Energy Physics and is the electron-positron collider in the capital.

The electron-positron collider in the capital was built under the supervision of the top leadership team in the last century and has completed many important scientific missions.

In the past ten years, the largest research achievement is the Capital Spectrometer International Cooperation Group's precise measurement of R value in the 2-5GeV electron energy range. The results have been highly praised by the international high-energy physics community.

Of course.

The Capital Electron Positron Collider lags behind the times in terms of performance and is on the countdown to be eliminated. However, as the only collider in the country, the results of those engaged in related research are still relatively high.

Lin Li is a member of the Capital Spectrometer International Cooperation Group and has produced many results in the field of high energy physics.

Although he is just an ordinary researcher, he only thinks that he is no worse than anyone else in the fields of high-energy physics and accelerator technology. He feels confident when he comes to give a report at a quantum physics seminar.

That's how it was.

Now Lin Li's mentality has changed. Huang Zhong, who came up before him, is also very powerful and is a top figure in theoretical physics research in the country. However, his mistake was pointed out midway through the report.

“Is there an error in my report?”

During the twenty-minute break, Lin Li had been thinking carefully about his report and found that there was indeed nothing wrong with it. But Huang Zhong must have thought that there was nothing wrong before he came on stage, right?

What if?

If a problem is pointed out directly, it always feels a bit embarrassing.

Lin Li is very concerned about this aspect.

In fact, it is related to the 'academic contempt chain'. There are also big differences in the field of physics research. Lin Li's best achievements are in accelerator technology, but accelerator technology is considered to be 'engineering', not quantum physics. science.

Lin Li, who majored in engineering, was partly labeled as an engineer.

Although no one said this directly, Lin Li didn't want to make a wrong report in public. Maybe someone behind his back laughed and said, "This is the level of engineering research!"

So Lin Li was a little nervous when he came on stage. He walked up and glanced at Zhao Yi several times, with a "cowardly" and "worried" emotion in his eyes.

Zhao Yi was looked at inexplicably. He didn't know Lin Li at all. Why did he look at him like this?

Am I that terrible?

This is just the beginning.

Lin Li adjusted his mentality and began to give a report. The content of his report was the research on "lattice information transmission of new particles" in the field of high-energy physics.

High-energy physics, also known as particle physics or elementary particle physics, is a branch of physics that studies the structural properties of matter in the microscopic world at a deeper level than atomic nuclei, and the phenomenon of mutual transformation of these materials at very high energies. , analyze the causes and patterns of phenomena.

‘Lattice information conduction’ is a characteristic of particles.

In other words, the content of Lin Li's report is an analysis of the detection characteristics of new particles. It can almost be understood as discovering a certain substance and testing the new substance through experimental methods in order to learn more about this substance.

Lin Li used a lot of experimental data in his report, and then used some methods to analyze the data.

His report was much easier to understand than Huang Zhong's research, and it also made the venue quiet. Everyone listened patiently to the explanation on the stage.

Judging from the response at the scene, Linley's report was undoubtedly successful.

While Lin Li was making a report, he was very nervous. Occasionally, after finishing a section, he would look up at Zhao Yi, as if he was afraid to see Zhao Yi suddenly raise his hand or perform some other behavior.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly.

During the nearly forty minutes of the report, Zhao Yi did not take any action. He just sat in his seat and listened carefully.


When the report was about to end, Lin Li took a breath and felt a lot more relaxed. When he finished the last word, his heart lifted again because Zhao Yi moved his hands.

"Is there a mistake?"


Lin Li became very anxious for a moment, and then felt relieved the next moment. Zhao Yi did not raise his hand in question, but took the lead in applauding.

The audience burst into applause.

Under the warm applause, Lin Li bowed slightly towards the audience and finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

When Lin Li stepped down from the stage, he took another special look at Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yidu felt confused, but he still stood up and shook hands with Lin Li, praising his research and attracting the attention of almost everyone in the venue.

The next person to make a report is Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi did not rush to make preparations. Instead, he asked Lin Li to chat for a few words. He talked about the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Academy of Sciences and the Capital Electron Positron Collider. He had a basic understanding of the only collider in the country and also If you have any needs in the future, such as finding information or designing experiments for verification, you may be able to use the collider.

The Capital Electron Positron Collider cannot keep up with the times in terms of performance, but it is still the only collider in the country. Some experiments that do not require high performance can still be performed and studied.

Next came Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi did not prepare the backstage, nor did he look for any information. He just asked the staff to help prepare a large whiteboard, and projected the content on the whiteboard onto the screen. What was written on the whiteboard, people in the venue All can be seen very clearly.

This is enough.

Before coming to Jiangzhou University, Zhao Yi planned to give a report on the mathematical theory of photon energy distribution. It was almost a formality and showed off a small branch of results.

When he discovered that the seminar attracted so many people and had so many interviews with reporters, and then remembered the controversy over the 'collider', he suddenly changed his mind and felt that he should take advantage of the opportunity to show the charm of mathematics to more people.

He walked on stage with a smile.

The whole audience's attention was focused.

Zhao Yi stood on the stage, chuckled and said, "Recently I have been doing research on particle energy distribution, hoping to deduce the principles of the Higgs mechanism and connect it closely to M theory."

"This is a collaborative research and development project, and Mr. Edward Witten is responsible for the second half. No one else is more suitable to study M theory than Mr. Edward Witten."


The latter sentence made many people laugh, and the atmosphere at the venue became much more relaxed.

Edward Witten studied string theory and initiated the first and second revolutions of string theory. He recently created M theory, which has multi-dimensional space as its core and contains many contents. It can be said that M theory was created by him. Of course, no one is more suitable for research than him.

When the venue calmed down again, Zhao Yi continued in a joking tone, "Some people will definitely say, what is the use of studying this? String theory, multi-dimensional space, the Big Bang, particle energy distribution? Now even some particles are analyzed The conclusion drawn from the data, rather than directly detected, cannot be proven at all even if the study of particle structure is completed.”

This sentence silenced the venue.

"That's true!"

Zhao Yi continued jokingly, "Not to mention other people, two years ago, I felt that theoretical physics was meaningless. It was just the conjecture of a group of top scholars about the structure of the universe."

"Of course, there is some meaning."

“The most important purpose of theoretical physics is to unify existing physical systems with theory. The ultimate purpose of M theory is to use a law to describe all known forces, including electromagnetic force, weak force, strong force, gravity, etc. wait."

Zhao Yi gave a very serious explanation, and then his tone turned to ridicule, "However, I personally think that this goal will not be seen in my lifetime."


The venue burst into laughter again, and many people started discussing.

How can unified mechanics be so simple?

If one law can be used to describe all forces, it means that human beings' understanding of the universe has reached a very high level. Not only quantum physics, but also other aspects must have undergone tremendous development, and the dimensions of science and technology will be improved by several levels. grade.

Zhao Yi continued, "So, since the research cannot be proven, why do we still do it? For academic development? For the future of mankind? I don't think it is that great."

"The next thing I want to talk about is theoretical physics research. Another attractive point - the beautiful mathematical structures!"

With the introduction in a joking tone, he entered the topic of the report, "The research I have done recently is related to shaping the energy structure of particles, and part of it is the analysis of Fermats and bosons."

"We all know that Fermats and bosons are a pair of particles, and they are considered to have symmetry."

"The problem is supersymmetry."

"Fermats and bosons both have symmetry breaking properties, but their other properties are completely different. If you only look at their properties, it is difficult to imagine that they would be considered symmetric particles."

"I think this 'symmetry' property is imposed by physicists, but according to other theories, they 'must' be symmetrical, otherwise it will subvert many existing theories."

"So when we do research, we must first recognize the properties of 'supersymmetry'. Even if it has not been proven, it must become a 'prerequisite' unless it is determined during the research process that it is not symmetrical..."

"Let's not talk about the latter for now."

"The following I will use existing recognized research as a basis to shape the mathematics of particles..."

"Please pay attention here..."

Zhao Yi really got into the topic when he said this. He explained slowly while writing and drawing on the whiteboard. His explanation speed was very slow. He hoped that more people could follow the idea and at least understand him. If you can understand what is being described, just look at the overall framework.

According to the ideas in his mind, an image created by relying on mathematical symbols, formulas and rules was displayed in front of everyone.

Although Zhao Yi's explanation was very fast, after about half an hour, he still put down his pen, stood a little further away and looked at the audience with a smile, allowing everyone to carefully watch the content on the whiteboard.

After a long while, he said, "Have you discovered it? The left and right, the top and bottom columns, and their overall composition."

The top scholars in the front row could easily understand what Zhao Yi said and just looked at it with a smile. Some of them were interested in particle mathematics and found Zhao Yi's research and analysis of particle energy very interesting.

Someone in the back row shouted in surprise, "Oh~~What a coincidence!"

"Yes, the function graph of the front and back series exactly forms a circle. How is it possible?"

There is a more professional analysis, "If you perform geometric topology analysis on the left and right columns, it will be a perfect spherical shape, but they are all derived."

"From the beginning to the end, it seems that I am not deducing, but painting with mathematics..."

Of course more people don't understand.

Many people in the venue only have graduate degrees and have never done mathematics-related research. It involves complex theoretical physics and mathematical structures, so it is difficult to understand them.

But enough is enough.

It is impossible for Zhao Yi to make everyone understand. Theoretical physics is very complicated. If he can use a small part of the research as an example and a detailed explanation to make some people in the room understand, it is already amazing.

He walked to the table with a smile and made a brief summary, "Studying the energy composition of particles is a kind of theoretical physics research, and most theoretical physics research is beautiful."

"If you do more in-depth research, whether it is string theory, the big bang, cosmology, or anything else, you will find that their theoretical mathematical structures are so incredible and so beautiful."

"It is precisely because of the mathematical charm of theoretical physics that many scholars fall in love with them and believe that they must exist."

"Even if I know it won't be proven, or even if it's fiction, I will still do the research wholeheartedly."

"This is my report today: the beautiful mathematics in theoretical physics. I hope that through my explanation, more people will like the research work of theoretical physics, or mathematics."

"thank you all!"

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