Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 364 The Enthusiastic Institute of High Energy Physics

When describing energy from a macro perspective, it will be impossible to write down energy values ​​in detail.

For example, the energy value is 1.2345643289…

This is an infinite non-repeating decimal, that is, an irrational number, a number that makes no sense at all.

Microscopically different.

In terms of theoretical physics, many theories have the term "energy base", which is the basic unit of energy. The most typical one is string theory, which uses "string" as the basic unit.

Strings make up everything in the world.

On the premise of having a 'basic energy unit', the value of energy can only be a natural number.

For example, five units, five hundred thousand energy units, one hundred million energy units.


"Constructing particles in energy units, the energy composition will have exact values, and there will be no decimals."

"Different energy values ​​can differentiate into different prime number sequences..."

For example, 5.

This number can be broken down into 2 and 3, and 8 can be broken down into 5 and 3.

Any natural number can be decomposed by adding prime numbers to form different arrangements, which correspond to the energy composition patterns of particles.

"This can not only correspond to the energy composition of particles, but also explain why Fermats and bosons are paired particles..."

"Not only were their energy compositions symmetrical before, but the energy standards they obtained at the beginning of their formation were already symmetrical."

"Maybe it can be understood this way."

"According to Goldbach's theorem, any natural number that is large enough can be decomposed into the sum of two prime numbers. Fermats and bosons are just a large energy group, divided into two energy groups that can just form particles. "

"They naturally appear in pairs, and the energy structure is logical..."


The more Zhao Yi thought about it, the more subtle it seemed to him. He felt that his research had followed an arc and finally connected to the origin, forming a closed loop. The logic was already perfect.

He re-entered the study and used mathematics to structure his ideas.

the other side.

Qian Hong walked out angrily, determined not to care about Zhao Yi. She went directly back to the staff dormitory and lay on the bed for a nap, but she couldn't fall asleep.

In my heart...

It’s so blocked!

As a counselor of two classes, I don’t have free time during the holidays. I need to be responsible for many things such as students’ lives and studies, and I also have to care about many extra things.

For example, a student sent a text message to ask about the club at school.

Qian Hong explained it patiently and expressed her own opinions. Later, she went to the students’ penguin group and said a few words, reminding them not to have too much fun during the National Day holiday, and to calm down and officially devote themselves to studying after the holiday. .


Qian Hong is still very responsible in her first year as a counselor.

When chatting with the freshmen, her mood improved a lot. She felt that there was no need to be angry. As far as personal feelings were concerned, it was not a big deal to send food to Zhao Yi. Zhao Yi would not eat for the time being. It’s also because I’m doing research.

In fact, Qian Hong knew that many people in the school envied him, especially the young female teachers. It was not because Zhao Yi himself had masculine charm, but because of career considerations.

Zhao Yi is the top mathematician in the country and has made remarkable achievements in other fields. He is the "treasure" of Yanhua University, and even the "treasure" of the country. If you can have regular contact with Zhao Yi, you will definitely benefit a lot from your knowledge.

The teachers responsible for teaching in the school also have to write papers and do scientific research.

For example, teachers who are mainly engaged in teaching are generally "hustlers" in scientific research. Publishing papers is about the same as making up the number of words, just to complete the work that needs to be done.

This is a big headache.

Teachers certainly hope to achieve results in scientific research, but if they have the ability, they don’t need to do teaching work. Wouldn’t it be better to simply become a researcher?

Get in touch with Zhao Yi more. As long as you are asked a few words, you will know the research direction. Publishing a paper with content will not be a problem.

This is a work benefit.

Others also envied the personal relationship between Qian Hong and Zhao Yi. For example, she was able to publish a book with Zhao Yi.

Publish a book!

If there are data such as 'real questions' and 'test questions', there is nothing to say. Not everyone can write professional books.

"Boundary Theory of Particles", a professional theoretical physics book, can be considered an achievement for ordinary teachers to sign their name.

"So I am the one who is envied..."

"Why are you still angry?"

"Delivering food is like a job, he is the school's treasure!"

Qian Hong sighed and thought.

After her emotions calmed down, her mood improved a little. She got up after checking the time, ordered two dishes from a restaurant outside, and packed them to be delivered to Zhao Yi.

After opening the door of Zhao Yi's room, Qian Hong walked in and saw the food on the coffee table. His brows suddenly frowned, "Didn't you eat anything at noon?"

She tiptoed towards the study.

Zhao Yi happened to look over. He still put his pen to his chin and asked, "Sister Qian Hong, here you go."

He was talking in high spirits.

"Why didn't you have lunch? What time is it? Hurry up and eat..." Qian Hong said with concern, but was interrupted before he could say anything.

"Don't talk about eating yet."

Zhao Yi stood up energetically, walked to Qian Hong, and asked seriously, "You were particularly angry at noon, right? Then you left?"


Qian Hong didn't know how to respond for a while. She was thinking, should she apologize to me?

Zhao Yidao, "Can you describe it in detail? How did you feel at that time? Your mentality, let's not talk about why you are angry, but how do you feel when you are angry?"

He thought about the choice of words, "Is it the kind of explosion that suddenly explodes, or slowly accumulates, or is it just because of my words, or something..."

Qian Hong was stunned.

She hurried over and touched Zhao Yi's forehead with her hand, and said anxiously, "You don't have a fever either? What's going on? What are you talking about?"

"I'm not kidding, I'm serious."

Zhao Yi said that there was a long muffled sound in his stomach, and the feeling of hunger suddenly came over him. He suddenly felt cold sweat. He turned around and saw the lunch box on the coffee table, and became very appetizing. He walked over and said, "It's better to Let’s eat first. I forgot to eat at noon, I’m so hungry.”

"Yes, eat, eat!"

Qian Hong hurried over to open the lunch box, put the contents in place, and especially went to get the bowls and chopsticks that Zhao Yi often used.

Zhao Yi ate quickly, swallowing dates and stuffing them into his stomach. When his stomach felt better, he had the energy to speak, "Sticking to the same topic just now, Sister Qian Hong, can you tell me specifically, how do you feel?"

He said and explained, "What I said is true. After you left at noon, I remembered the three words 'exploded'. Combined with my research, it is very meaningful..."

He explained.

Qian Hong was dumbfounded when he heard this, and suddenly felt that he had been depressed all afternoon, and it was really his own fault.

This guy……

Not only did he not feel guilty or have any other emotions because he was angry, but he remembered the words "angry" and got the inspiration for his research?

"go to hell……"

Qian Hong almost spit out the fragrance, but luckily she held back and maintained the image of a lady, but her expression was not very ladylike. She looked at Zhao Yi with eyes that seemed to have deep hatred, and she explained herself in a harsh tone that seemed to be a curse. I felt like, "I just wanted to beat you up at that time!"

"Give you two slaps!"

"Let you know my mother...ahem, how powerful I am! How dare you..."

"I'm very angry and just want to vent!"


Zhao Yi nodded while listening, feeling that it seemed to be of some use, so he continued to think about the relationship between the amount of energy and the formation of particles.

Later, he started to explain while thinking about it, because he felt that it would make more sense to speak out.

Qian Hong listened.

She didn't know how to react, so she could only resist the urge to vomit blood and act as a qualified listener.


Zhao Yi realized the key issue-data support.

After all, the theory is theoretical. If it needs to construct the energy mathematics of particles, it must be supported by experimental data, because some of them are outside the structural system, and the data cannot be fabricated randomly.

"Data, data..."

Zhao Yi's first reaction was to check the data shared by CERN, but he suddenly thought that the collision data was too complicated and required many teams to make statistics. Some of the statistical results would not be released to the public.

If you go to the Physics Department of the Academy of Sciences, you can definitely get some data, but it may not be useful.

He needed specific data from the collision experiment.

At the same time, the data must have detailed statistical results, and the intensity of the collision experiment is not required.

"By the way, the Institute of High Energy!"

Zhao Yi suddenly remembered a place and immediately picked up his cell phone, found a number and dialed it.

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of High Energy Physics.

Lin Li stayed in the office all day. After checking the time, he packed up his things and walked out with his briefcase. He greeted the old man Wang at the door of the building and said, "Let's go."

"Are you out of work?"

"Li Sheng's class is tomorrow. I'll come back when the vacation is over." Lin Li smiled and prepared to leave.

The phone rang suddenly.

Lin Li picked up his phone and looked at it, and found a surprising number. He immediately clicked on it and asked in confusion, "Hello, Professor Zhao?"

A voice came from the other side of the phone asking, "Hello, I'm Zhao Yi, am I Professor Lin Li?"

"I am."

Lin Li replied, and then couldn't help but ask, "Professor Zhao, why are you calling..."

"That's right!"

Zhao Yi quickly explained, "I am doing a research that requires particle generation, that is, collision data. I just want to ask, are the data from the High Energy Institute confidential?"

"Some of it is confidential."

Lin Li didn't even think about it and said directly and enthusiastically, "But you must be fine. If you need it, I'll apply. It's no problem. You can come anytime."

The two quickly made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon.

Lin Li also stopped, put down the phone and walked back into the building. The old gatekeeper Wang asked, "Why are you back again?"

"I have to work overtime tomorrow." Lin Li replied a little excitedly.

After he walked into the office building, Old Man Wang muttered strangely, "Working overtime? Are you so happy working overtime? I really don't understand. Shouldn't you curse a few times?"


Stranger things happened.

When it was evening, several people came to the office, including a director of the Institute of High Energy, who came in a hurry and looked a little excited.

Old Man Wang grabbed Li Sheng in confusion and asked, "What happened?"

"You don't know? Zhao Yi, he will come to our office tomorrow." Li Sheng replied, "The director said, treat him well, our office must have a good relationship with Zhao Yi."

"Zhao Yi, who is it?"

Li Sheng shook his head and didn't want to explain more.

The Institute of High Energy Physics, which had been deserted during the National Day holiday, suddenly became lively. Many people returned to the institute during the holidays and discussed the matter of entertaining Zhao Yi together, which was much more serious than the leader's inspection.

What others don't know is that the Institute of High Energy does have reason to be enthusiastic about Zhao Yi, because Zhao Yi is one of the most influential figures in the domestic particle physics community.

If it were twenty years ago, the Institute of High Energy, which controls the electron-positron collider, would really be the number one in the domestic physics community, and no one would look at it seriously.

It's different now.

Times are changing, and the importance of high-energy institutes is constantly declining, so much so that they no longer have any sense of existence.

Scholars from the domestic physics community formed a group to participate in the European Organization for Nuclear Organization's collision experiment data analysis work, but not many people paid attention to the experiment of the Electron Positron Collider of the Institute of High Energy.

the reason is simple.

The performance of the electron-positron collider has been unable to keep up with the times and cannot meet the current needs of the international physics community for microphysical research.

The current research on microphysics in the international physics community is mainly to improve the standard model of particles, or to verify the standard model of particles. The purpose of the collision experiments conducted by the European Organization for Nuclear Organization is also to find data on new particles and find out the data of new particles in large-scale impact experiments. Evidence supporting the Standard Model of Particles.

The electron-positron collider of the Institute of High Energy Physics is far behind in its collision experiments, and the consequence of not keeping up with the times is that it will be eliminated.

Although the Electron Positron Collider is still the only collider in China, because most of the collision data are of little significance, it is difficult to have much appeal. It is better to study the data shared by the European Organization for Nuclear Organization.

When the electron-positron collider fell behind the times, the influence of the Institute of High Energy Physics naturally declined greatly.

People who work in the Institute of High Energy Physics feel like they are staying in a "retirement unit" because their research has not progressed for a long time due to the performance of the particle collider.

Many people are therefore looking forward to the construction of a new collider. The Institute of High Energy, which has rich experience, will definitely come to the fore and play a very important role in the scientific research work surrounding the development of the new collider.

The construction of domestic collider is now full of controversy, and those who have the right to speak are the top physicists.

Zhao Yi is one of them.

Everyone in the industry knows that his voice is even stronger than that of Yang Zhenning, because his personal achievements can be said to have surpassed Yang Zhenning.

The superiors' discussion on the construction of the collider was only a 'consultation' to Yang Zhenning, while it could be said to be an 'inquiry' to Zhao Yi. If Zhao Yi objected, the collider would not be built.

His opinion is very important.

So when I heard that Zhao Yi needed the collision experiment data and would come to the Institute of High Energy in person, everyone at the Institute became very excited, and they also made preparations for it.

On the afternoon of the next day, Zhao Yi put a sports backpack on his shoulders and took his first assistant Qian Hong with him. He drove to the Institute of High Energy in a monotonous manner. When he reached the door, he realized that he had to stop.

There were two rows of people standing in front of the High Energy Institute, and they all looked over with enthusiasm.

There was a semi-bald middle-aged man standing in the middle, and next to him were two fair-looking women, holding flowers in their hands...

What is this for?

Give flowers?

Zhao Yi walked out of the car with surprise.

The middle-aged man at the door came over with a few people, and from a distance I heard two rows of people shouting neatly, "Welcome, welcome, warm welcome!"

"Welcome Professor Zhao to the Institute of High Energy!"

"Professor Zhao is welcome to guide the work..."

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