Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 38 Many people say that my calculations are accurate

"Is this money earned? Is it earned? Or is it earned?"

Choose one of three.

Money must be earned!

Zhao Yi knew that a little hesitation was meaningless, and he would definitely agree in the end.

The temptation of one million is too great.

Even more than ten years ago, when house prices were easily in the millions, money measured in ‘millions’ was still enough to drive people crazy.

However, the email he replied to Caballero still said 'reply within three days'.

the reason is simple--

He needs a period of time to think, a period of time to try to accept, leaving room for a very small possibility of rejection.

This is no small matter.

Although everything seems to be beneficial to me, just attending the press conference and letting the fruit company use the rewards given to me to achieve publicity purposes, it will also have some follow-up effects.

For example, he will be reported by the media.

For example, he would be considered a computer genius.


Zhao Yi is not sure whether his increased fame is a good thing or a bad thing. After all, he is not a star who makes money from his fame.

"Call him on the weekend and ask for details!"

Zhao Yi decided.

The next morning, Zhao Yi was still thinking about what Caballero said and seemed a little absent-minded.

Sun Liang noticed the expression of the 'financier', and his pride burst out, "You don't regret agreeing to invite me, do you?"

"It doesn't matter!"

"You don't need to ask, I told my dad and he gave me the money!"

He said and took out a green note from his pocket.


Zhao Yi curled his lips in a funny way, took out a stack of red tickets from his pocket, pulled out several and handed them to Sun Liang, "I told you I'm treating you, come in and play as you like!"

"So generous?"

Sun Liang immediately forgot his pride, grabbed the money, and counted it twice with his hand, "The bonus given by the school..."

"Don't mention the bonus!"

Zhao Yi had a headache after hearing this, so he sat aside and continued to meditate.

ten minutes later.

Lin Xiaoqing ran over with her schoolbag in hand, bouncing on her toes, obviously in a good mood, "You are all here, I thought I was the first!"

"It's so slow!" Sun Liang muttered dissatisfiedly.

Zhao Yi said hello and sat on the roadside to continue waiting.

Lin Xiaoqing and Sun Liang stood nearby, chattering about Happy Valley, talking about the projects they knew about, and planning what to play.

Seeing that Zhao Yi didn't speak for a long time, Lin Xiaoqing asked curiously, "What's wrong with you? Don't want to go?"

"That's it!"

Sun Liang said jokingly, "It's not because Zhao Linlin didn't come, she wouldn't have the energy to stay with us!"

Lin Xiaoqing continued to look at Zhao Yi.


Zhao Yi sighed.

"What are you worried about? Didn't you do well in the math test yesterday?"

"I'm's useless to tell you." Zhao Yi glanced at the two of them, shook his head and continued to sigh.

"That's what you said!"

"Speak quickly!"

"All right."

Zhao Yi shook his head and said, "That's the company that invited me to participate in their activities and gave me a large sum of money for appearance fees. I was hesitating whether to agree or not."


"I bother!"

Sun Liang couldn't help but said dirty words, "Damn it, you think you are Andy Lau!"


Lin Xiaoqing simply grabbed Zhao Yi's arm and shook it from side to side, "Wake up! Wake up!"

"Stop shaking!"

"Are you awake?"


"Are you awake?" Lin Xiaoqing shook and laughed.

Zhao Yi simply pulled hard, and Lin Xiaoqing was immediately pulled over, unable to steady her center of gravity and fell into his arms.

By the way...

The right hand holding Lin Xiaoqing's body, somehow, happened to press on the most fleshy part, and she couldn't help but squeeze hard.


Time is frozen!

Zhao Yi lowered his head and looked at Lin Xiaoqing, but the classic plot only lasted less than a second. Lin Xiaoqing suddenly reacted and pushed Zhao Yi away with strong force.

"Zhao! Yi!"

With a high-pitched roar, Lin Xiaoqing raised her fist and rushed over like crazy.

Zhao Yi was pushed so hard that he almost fell to the ground. The next moment, he ran wildly along the roadside, "No! I didn't mean it!"


"I really didn't mean it!"

"I'll beat you to death!"


Chase and fight all the way.

Zhao Linlin became the savior because Niu Lianhua was with her.

Lin Xiaoqing was still very gentle when the teacher was around, but the dangerous look she glanced at still made people's hair go up.

You can't afford to offend this girl!

Zhao Yi's face was full of 'grievance', as if he was really being bullied, but he unconsciously put his hand in front of the tip of his nose.


"Zhao! Yi!"

Lin Xiaoqing's face turned red, and she didn't know whether she was angry or ashamed.

Along the way.

Lin Xiaoqing stared at Zhao Yi, as if looking at the enemy who killed her father.

Zhao Yi followed Niu Lianhua and became a good student, constantly asking questions about mathematics.

Niu Lianhua was a little worried when asked.

Today is Saturday!

Originally, she was taking Zhao Linlin out to relax so that she could relax herself. Unexpectedly, Zhao Linlin made an appointment with her classmates.

The other students were fine.

Zhao Yi?

This guy seems to be very popular with girls!

Look at Lin Xiaoqing...

From Niu Lianhua's perspective over the years, the way Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Yi were playing around looked like they were happy enemies.

"That's fine!"

"Linlin is safe, but Linlin..."

Niu Lianhua glanced at Zhao Linlin, feeling a little worried.

Happy Valley has arrived.

The original site of Happy Valley in Fuxinqiao was an old park, which was transformed into a playground after more than a year of renovation.

The scenery of the park is definitely not bad. There are mountains and water. The greening is relatively good. It is very comfortable to stroll around.

The amusement facilities are very complete.

There are free-to-visit castles and mazes, free-to-use slides and swings, and a sandy area by the river. There are also paid carousels, small trains, etc., which are all entertainment facilities that children like.

Older children and adults can play Ferris wheels, pirate ships, and even a small roller coaster. Projects such as CS, archery, horse riding, go-karts, etc. are naturally indispensable.

Several people were dazzled.

Lin Xiaoqing immediately forgot her unhappiness just now. She walked and looked around, and when she encountered something she wanted to play, she pulled a few people along.


Zhao Yi discovered a problem.

He didn't think about the money, he just played if he wanted to.

Lin Xiaoqing didn't seem to care about money. When she saw a project she liked, she didn't even think about it and just went to buy tickets.

This is not small money!

Each event costs dozens of yuan, and a round of play costs hundreds of yuan. For ordinary high school students, it can definitely be considered a luxury.

"Lin Xiaoqing..."

"She is really white, rich and beautiful!" Zhao Yi sighed with emotion.

Sun Liang cares the most.

no way.

Sun Liang's expenses were all paid by Zhao Yi. He was used to being poor himself. He found that there were projects that charged dozens of yuan, the time to play was very short, and the price/performance ratio was very low, so he simply stopped going.

Zhao Linlin kept looking at Niu Lianhua.

Cow Lotus is a little confused.

The income of being a teacher is not high, and the extravagant spending is indeed a bit distressing, but she is spending time with her classmates, and she also takes Zhao Linlin's face into consideration.

"This money must be spent!"

"By the way...why doesn't Zhao Yi care about money?"

This is where Niulianhua is confused.

Zhao Yi's family is not considered poor, but it is certainly not rich either.


Lin Xiaoqing is Bai Fumei, Zhao Yi supports the two people's expenses, and Niu Lianhua supports Zhao Linlin. The few of them really have no scruples and can play whatever they want.

roller coaster!

Pirate Ship!

horse riding!


Not a single one was left behind!

The archery shooting place is halfway up the mountain, close to the hillside where the bungee jumping is.

Several people went over to take a look.

Even more than ten years later, bungee jumping is still a very "advanced" project, not because the technology is advanced, but because few people dare to do bungee jumping.

It seemed like he was trying his best...

Lin Xiaoqing was curious and wanted to give it a try. Zhao Linlin wanted to go even more than she did, but due to the pressure from Niu Lianhua's eyes, she still shook her head hesitantly.

Zhao Yi simply shook his head, "No! It's too dangerous!"

He really didn't want to travel through time again.


"You are brave, don't tie the rope if you can!"


Lin Xiaoqing was so angry that she almost exploded, but finally shook her head and gave up. She said she might want to go, but she was just curious, but she still felt a little scared.

Sun Liang became more energetic, perhaps because he showed his manly will to fight, "I want to give it a try!"

Zhao Yi gave a thumbs up and said, "Come on!"

Zhao Linlin took out the camera from her bag and pointed to the hillside over there, "Let's go over there and take pictures for you!"

“Be sure to take more pictures!”

Sun Liang just talked casually, and when he heard that he could take pictures, he wanted to go even more.

Several people separated.

Sun Liang climbed up alone and lined up for a bungee jumping exercise.

Zhao Yi and others went to the opposite hillside to wait for Sun Liang to fall down and take some more photos while admiring it.

Division of labor is clear.

When they reached the bottom of the hillside, Zhao Yi and the others stopped. They all saw an acquaintance.

"Teacher Xue?"

"Are you here too? How about fortune telling?"

A group of people gathered around.

Xue Pinggui was at the fortune-telling stall, talking to a monk wearing cassocks. He also extended his palm to show the other person, which was obviously 'fortune-telling'.

When several people gathered around, they happened to see Xue Pinggui taking out money.

Two, red tickets.

How generous!

"Master, please give me another look..."

The old master silently put away the money and said casually, "As I said just now, marriage has appeared around you, but if you want to get marriage, you must seize it..."

"Ula Ula..."

A lot of lies.

Everyone else listened very seriously, and Zhao Yi felt like laughing.

Marriage is just around the corner?

This statement is always true.

Anyone who has lived in his twenties or thirties will have met someone he likes or someone he likes.

After listening, think carefully...

It’s so right!

Xue Pinggui was about to continue to pay, and asked, "Master, can you make it clear, who are you referring to by marriage?"

He had someone in mind.

Shen Yan.

He had just fallen in love with Shen Yan as soon as she came to No. 13 Middle School.



Xue Pinggui felt that Shen Yan was his match, but there were great obstacles in the pursuit. The other party didn't seem to care about him at all, and even said he was a little disgusted.

Now he hopes to find clarification with the 'old master'. As long as he can be more clarified, he can gain confidence.

keep it up!

Sooner or later, Shen Yan will be impressed by what he can do!

A hand stopped in front of Xue Pinggui, stopping him from taking out money.

"Zhao Yi?"

Xue Pinggui was a little confused.

Zhao Yi smiled and said, "Teacher Xue, you tell fortunes just for fun. You spent a little too much money."

"You just gave me two hundred." Niu Lianhua also said.

Xue Pinggui turned around and saw Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin, and his face turned red with embarrassment. He came to ask about marriage, and it was as awkward as it was to have three students beside him.


You can’t just ask half of it!

Xue Pinggui said to Niu Lianhua, "This master's calculations are very accurate. He has said it all in my heart."

"Which one is accurate?" Zhao Yi asked.

The old master spoke again, "Young man, fortune-telling works if you believe it, but if you don't believe it, it won't work. What this donor is asking for is marriage. His face is red and his face is normal. It is obvious that marriage has come. mega……"

"Wow wow wow..."

A bunch of crap.

Xue Pinggui nodded continuously after hearing this, and even Niu Lianhua thought it made sense.

Zhao Yi smiled and said, "Then you can do the calculation for me. If the calculation is accurate, I will also give you the money." He also took out two red tickets.

The old master's attitude suddenly changed, "Sit here, sit here."

"Let me see!"

"You, Zhao Yi, this is a good name, Yi, you are big, you look rich!"

"You're an only child, right?"

"You're quite virtuous!" Zhao Yi was slightly surprised.

The old master continued nonchalantly, "You should also have a girl you like, and she is around you."


After hearing this, Niu Lianhua immediately turned to look at Zhao Linlin.

Zhao Linlin and Lin Xiaoqing looked at each other, their faces becoming slightly rosy.

Zhao Yi shook his head and smiled.

"Don't deny it in a hurry!" the old master continued.

Zhao Yi suddenly interrupted with a smile, "How about this, master, I'll do the math for you too."

"I also learned fortune telling."

"Many people say that my calculations are accurate."

Thanks for the 500-coin reward from Huitou丨草!

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