Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 433 Simple and crude research and development methods

Peng Engui worked hard to lead the team in research and development to prove that at least in the field of high-end alloy materials, he is an authoritative top expert.

This is also the best way to regain face.

Peng Engui held a meeting with the team and shouted loudly several times. He seemed to have found the feeling he had when he was young, with a strong fighting spirit of working hard and working hard.

He took the lead.

The next morning, Peng Engui went to the data laboratory, took over the work left by Li Rongmao, and began to continuously organize experimental data. In the morning, he also went to the R\u0026D team to discuss issues with others.

All day long, the team was in the process of organizing data and discussing arguments.

The most important thing in the research and development of alloy materials is demonstration.

The purpose of demonstration is to find out the "methods that may produce results" and then conduct the experiment. Whether it is a failure or a success, the data during the experiment need to be compiled to provide support for the next demonstration.

This process is like countless forked roads, and you must make continuous choices. The first choice is very important, and subsequent choices will also determine how far you can go. The purpose of the argument is to choose all the forked roads you want to take, and follow them. Just walk there and when you reach the end, see how far you have gone.

If you can find the optimal solution in the argument, you will obviously be able to continue to produce results.

However, it's almost impossible.

In the research and development of alloy materials, demonstration is indeed very important, but demonstration is also very difficult. It is almost impossible to find the ‘optimal solution’ by demonstration alone. You must continue to experiment and experiment again.

In the process of continuous experiments, large sums of money were spent.

Therefore, the research on alloy materials is very expensive, but with sufficient financial support, you can continue to experiment with new methods, and you can spend money to achieve the results you want.

This is still a question of probability.

Peng Engui hopes that "luck" is on his side, and he must work hard even if he has to work hard.

at the same time.

307 Steel Factory made preparations for more than a week and finally simply corrected the minor problems in the manufacturing process mentioned by Zhao Yi. They even stopped a high-temperature furnace and an entire operation room for this purpose, all for He Guilin. The team conducts experiments.

This shows that 307 Steel Factory attaches great importance to Zhao Yi's suggestions.

He Guilin led the team to correct the manufacturing process of K03A. More than a week later, the work was finally completed, and it was barely possible to conduct a manufacturing experiment.

Finally, the experiment began.

The raw materials before correction were brought over and manufacturing continued from the corrected position. Technicians and workers came over one by one to operate, each machine was running, and many people were taking notes.

He Guilin was in the operation room throughout the process and followed the progress of the experiment. He was very much looking forward to the final result.

Two days passed.

The production of K03A would take three days at the fastest, and it would take nearly two days to start manufacturing in the middle. The experimental operation room worked overtime and started working around the clock to finally produce the sample.

After the finished product was cooled, its performance began to be tested. Many people went to the testing place to watch. Even several leaders of the 307 Steel Plant and directors responsible for other projects also went to watch.

This is a big event.

K03A is one of the proud achievements of 307 Steel Plant, but it has not been improved in the past ten years. It seems that it will soon be replaced by other alloy materials. Everyone at 307 Steel Plant is very unwilling to do so.

Therefore, many people who know the situation are paying attention to the experiments of He Guilin's R\u0026D team.


The first test data is out.

"The melting point is over 1350!"

"It's over 1,400!"


"100% exceeded. I saw it from a distance. Wait a moment and ask the operator!"

The operator also knew that everyone was waiting anxiously, so he quickly came over from a distance and shouted, "1430 degrees or so!"

He came closer and said, "Between 1420 degrees and 1440 degrees, it takes many measurements to get an accurate result, but it must exceed 1430 degrees!"


The crowd suddenly became excited.

Among them, He Guilin had the loudest voice. He shouted excitedly, "It's over 1,400? Is it really over?"

"1420? Even 1420 is fine!"

"Is this data catching up with country E? It's catching up with the international level! Our K03A can also catch up with the international level!"

"Ha ha……"

Many people couldn't help but get excited.

The high-temperature resistance of turbine blade alloy materials is very important, as it can directly determine the maximum power of the turbine engine. There is no exact numerical measurement standard for the international advanced level, but we can roughly understand it from the news released by various foreign companies.

1400 degrees Celsius is the dividing line!

A temperature lower than 1400 degrees is a very ordinary level. The nickel alloys developed by many companies are between 1200 degrees and 1400 degrees, and temperatures exceeding 1400 degrees are considered 'advanced levels'. Only the top international manufacturers can achieve this. Nickel alloys with melting points exceeding 1,400 degrees are produced.

307 Steel Mills can say to the outside world that they have reached the ‘internationally advanced’ level in nickel alloy manufacturing technology.

He Guilin's R\u0026D team experimentally manufactured the second batch of K03A and conducted tests for two days before obtaining accurate data and releasing it confidentially.

Confidentiality releases can only be seen by superiors, relevant R\u0026D groups, and military-industrial departments.

Information on achievements related to national defense and military industry are first released internally in a confidential manner. Only after approval from superiors can the information be released to the outside world. Information released to the outside world is basically abridged.

For example, people involved in R\u0026D.

Most of this is confidential. Generally, only the name of the team leader is disclosed to the outside world. The outside world only knows about this achievement, but does not know who specifically did the research and development, who has contributed more to research and development, etc., but internally it can still be known. Saw the news.

The result news released by 307 Steel Plant mentions that it is the 'report suggestion of Academician Zhao Yi', which means that Zhao Yi is the main contributor to the result, and He Guilin's R\u0026D team is the verifier and 'participated in the design of the revised experimental process' ', 'Design' is a word that explains the contribution.

Zhao Yi was the first contributor, and he made a 'theoretical contribution'; He Guilin's R\u0026D team was the second contributor, and they designed experiments and verified the whole process.

Finally get results.

The results released by 307 Steel Plant caused a sensation. There are two main improvements in K03A. One is that the corrosion resistance is increased by about 20%, and the second is that the melting point is increased to 1431 degrees Celsius.

The corrosion resistance of turbine blade materials is not as obvious as the melting point, but it is directly related to the service life of the material. Only high corrosion resistance can have a longer service life, but the specific length of use still needs to be substantial. After verification, the theoretical calculation is somewhat unreliable.

More people are paying attention to ‘melting point increase’.

The aviation group is the most concerned about the results of turbine blade materials. After seeing the news, I was immediately surprised and became very excited, because the increase in the melting point of the material means that the performance of the independently developed turbine engine will be improved, and it can even catch up with the international advanced level.

This is crucial to the development of domestic aviation technology.

Aviation Group Chairman Liu Jiankun immediately called 307 Steel Factory and personally congratulated them on their latest achievements. He immediately thought of Zhao Yi and was filled with joy, "Believe in Zhao Yi, that's the right thing!"

"Zhao Yi participated in the research and development, and the results will be achieved immediately!"

"How long has it been!"

The Science and Technology Department also feels this way. Previously, Zhao Yi applied for a turbine blade alloy material research and development project, and the direction he chose was nickel-iron alloy. The project application report he wrote was that he would continue research and development in the direction of K03A. They directly allocated funds from the beginning. Later, we also consulted the Turbine Group, the Metal Research Institute, and the Aeronautical Materials Research Institute. Several well-known experts in alloy materials were not optimistic about the research and development direction of nickel-iron alloys.

However, the project has been approved and it is too late to regret. What's more, the other party is Zhao Yi, so they still have expectations.

The results of it?

In less than a month, 307 Steel Factory, under Zhao Yi's suggestion, has improved the manufacturing process to greatly improve the performance of K03A.

This is the result!

There was also discussion within the Science and Technology Department, "I heard that after Academician Zhao got the funds, he spent money to build a metal materials laboratory. I thought there was no hope, so the money was wasted, which is equivalent to supporting the construction of the university. ."

"I didn't expect it, so quickly, with such significant results, 20 million, it's worth it!"

“It’s really worth it!”

"The funds must not have been spent, right? I paid attention two days ago, and I just applied for more than 8 million, and most of them were for new equipment."

"There are still twelve million left!"

"Eight million will produce results, Academician Zhao is very efficient!"

"With the improved performance of K03A, our turbine engine can also catch up with the international level!"


Many people think that the improved performance of K03A is the result of the research and development results of the project applied for by Zhao Yi.

In fact, Zhao Yi's research has not yet begun.

He was in the metal materials laboratory, discussing the issue of rare metals with Shen Binghe. Adding the rare metal rhenium was a new research, and it was also a very high-end research, and it needed to be demonstrated in detail.

Zhao Yi didn't know where to start. He had to have several "consultants" to demonstrate the design and conduct several experiments before he could get enough conditions and know how to add rhenium to improve the performance of K03A.

Li Rongmao is debugging equipment in the operation room. New equipment is just like a new car. It must be run a few times to get used to it. Only after the "warm-up exercise" is completed can it achieve good results.

The work of debugging equipment is still very easy. When he has time, he will sit in front of the computer and read news in related fields.

Li Rongmao enjoys this leisurely working environment, which makes him feel very relaxed. In just over a week, his external spirit has become different.

While browsing the latest news, he saw the results released by 307 Steel Plant.

"Is the performance of K03A further improved?"

"Academician Zhao's suggestion? The melting point reaches 1430 degrees Celsius? Are you kidding me?"

Li Rongmao opened his mouth in surprise. He has been engaged in the research and development of alloy materials and knows better than others what the concept of 1430 degrees Celsius is. They have studied single crystal nickel alloys until now and have created the alloy with the highest melting point, which is only about 1200 degrees Celsius.

This is already quite high.

It was precisely because of the development of a single crystal nickel alloy with a melting point of 1,200 degrees Celsius that Peng Engui dared to tell reporters, "It is only a matter of time before a single crystal nickel alloy can be developed to replace K03A."

It's still a matter of time.

The difference is that before it was a few months or a year, after the last promotion it was three years or five years, and now it is...

"ten years?"

"is it possible?"

"If you are lucky, it is possible in five years, but it will take at least five years. If you are not lucky, it will take ten years, and there is no hope!"

Li Rongmao made a judgment and suddenly thought of a question. He was recruited by Zhao Yi to the metal materials laboratory for the purpose of doing a nickel-iron alloy research and development project, but it seems that the project has ended?

He carefully read the results released by 307 Steel Factory several times, and still came to the same conclusion, "Academician Zhao has completed the demonstration, which greatly improved the performance of K03A."

"Is the project ready to end?"

"But... I don't seem to have done anything. I don't even know what Academician Zhao's suggestion is..."

Li Rongmao felt that he should do something, otherwise he would come and join the team and end it without doing anything, which would make him seem completely useless. He is not the kind of person who sits on success.

He stood up suddenly and quickly ran to the office to find Zhao Yi, "Academician Zhao! Academician Zhao!"

"What's wrong?"

Zhao Yi turned his head and asked in confusion.

"Have you read the news about 307? The performance of K03A has been greatly improved, with a melting point as high as 1430 degrees Celsius!" Li Rongmao said excitedly.

"Have you seen it?" Zhao Yi nodded.

Shen Binghe said, "I just called to congratulate Academician Zhao. I was surprised at first, but..."

He stood up and patted Li Rongmao on the shoulder, "Don't get excited, it's all normal. Academician Zhao!"


Li Rongmao agreed dullly, and then immediately asked, "Then what else can I do?" He felt that he had failed and was not involved at all. He thought for a while and said, "Academician Zhao, the results report should not be written yet, right? Can I see your recommendations report?”

"Recommendation report? What's the use? Hasn't it been verified?" Zhao Yi asked with some confusion.

Li Rongmao said with confusion on his face, "After you have results, shouldn't you write a paper? If you don't publish it, you have to submit a research and development report to your superiors, right?" He was referring to a document similar to a 'project report', which is submitted to explain the research and development process. , explain the process of argumentation, etc.

A brief review will be conducted above, and the report will then be sealed.

These will be important 'R\u0026D process records', which are equivalent to the 'archives' of project R\u0026D. It is best to record them in detail so that they can be reviewed by others in the future. When the results are released to the outside world, they can also be published as papers.


Zhao Yi did not expect this problem at all. He did not regard it as a result at all. Even if it was regarded as a research and development result, he did not intend to write a 'project report', because some of the corrections involved could not be explained at all, because some places were The "Supervisory Law" discovered that the "Supervisory Law" can detect anomalies and even directly find solutions. This does not mean that the "Contact Rate" can be used. Even if it can be used, it will consume a lot of energy.

At that time, he discovered the problems when he visited the K03A manufacturing process. He just recorded the places where the problems occurred. He would definitely not spend more energy to understand the ‘manufacturing process correction principle’.

"This... let's forget it. Why write a report? What a waste of time!" Zhao Yi said without caring.

"Project reports are very important!"

Li Rongmao takes the problem much more seriously, "The project report is a record of the research and development process."

"Academician Zhao, you are great. You don't care about the results of an alloy material. However, making project research and development records is to leave experience for future generations. For example, other people involved in the project, such as Director Shen, can also sign their names when they publish papers in the future. , for us ordinary researchers, papers and results are very important."

Zhao Yi nodded with a smile on his face, feeling that what Li Rongmao said made sense. He was indeed great, but he had to think about others.

Shen Binghe didn't know how to react.

He did agree with what Li Rongmao said, but the expression "our ordinary researchers" sounded very uncomfortable.

Li Rongmao didn't wait for the two people to respond, and immediately said, "Well, Academician Zhao, you must think that writing reports is a waste of time. I have done nothing here, so I will report based on your suggestions and try to write a project report."

He said and explained, "First, I want to learn and see what questions you raised. Second, I also want to write it down for you to see, to prove the level of my argument."

After hearing this, Zhao Yi thought for a while and suddenly felt that recruiting Li Rongmao was indeed the right move.

The difficulty in writing a project report was that he couldn't explain why he made those suggestions, but Li Rongmao came to his door and offered to help 'explain'.

This is an excellent employee!

"That makes sense!"

"That's it. Thank you for your hard work, Professor Li! When it's finished, I'll take a look at it. If you can't give me any advice, it's fine. It's no big problem."

"I trust you!"

Zhao Yi immediately made the decision, but he continued, "But writing reports is just a side job. Contrary to what you understand, the research and development I planned has just begun, and it hasn't even started yet."


This statement is so unexpected.

307 Steel Factory released the news of success. Many people in the industry came to say congratulations, but the research and development work has not started yet?

Li Rongmao didn't understand. He said weakly, "K03A, the performance is already very good, right?"

"It hasn't started yet!"

Zhao Yi said firmly, and then looked at Shen Binghe, meaning that he would be the one to explain.

Shen Binghe said, "That's right. You joined late, so I don't know. Our R\u0026D plan is to do research on adding rare elements based on K03A after it is confirmed that its performance has been improved."


Li Rongmao reacted immediately.


Li Rongmao couldn't help but take a breath. The research and development of adding rare elements to alloys is very high-end. Domestic alloy material technology accumulation is small, and the gap with international standards is still relatively large. Many materials containing rare elements need to be imported from abroad. This is because there are too few relevant studies.

In fact, the root cause is still ‘insufficient accumulation’.

Many domestic research and development related to alloy materials are in their initial stages. In the initial stage of alloy materials, rare elements are not used at all. Improving the element ratio, manufacturing process, and technology is enough to greatly improve the performance of the materials and add rare elements. It's a little too luxurious.

The rare element is to make the material "one hundred feet tall, one step further", but the material is only fifty feet long, and there is still a lot of room for simple improvement, so there is no need to use such high-end things.

Peng Engui's team has also done research and development work on adding rare elements to alloy materials, but it was only briefly 'involved'. After two experiments, the performance of the material was improved a bit, but it did not match the cost at all.

For example, if a rare element is added to a material, its performance is improved, and the cost is doubled.

Another similar material only improves the process or makes the manufacturing process more rigorous, and the cost only increases by 10%, but it achieves the same performance effect.

How to choose?

No choice at all!

Even if the alloy materials are independently developed and produced in China, the performance is only moderate, but the cost is much higher than imported from abroad. There is no value at all, because the performance is only moderate, the probability of being stuck is very small, and it is replaceable. There are also many products.

In short, the research on adding rare elements to alloys is definitely very high-end and very expensive.

Li Rongmao was looking forward to it.

Often in high-end research like this, each experiment must go through repeated demonstrations to find out the most likely way to improve the materials, and then only after discussion can an experiment be conducted.

So Li Rongmao immediately asked, "Academician Zhao, when will we start the demonstration?"

"Argument? Argument for what?"

Zhao Yi asked in confusion, and immediately said, "I have already figured out how to do it. You are all experts in alloy materials. Everyone should study the latest K03A, and then design a method to add rhenium into it."

"If there are no big problems, conduct the experiment according to your design. Do this from the beginning, and you will gain experience after doing it a few times."


"Each of us?"

This time even Shen Binghe was stunned.


Zhao Yi nodded with certainty, "This is the method. Everyone has to design and add methods, and then directly enter the experimental stage. Zhang Hongtao and I also said that they will come up with two plans and we will come up with two."

"First design and conduct four experiments to see how the data is, and then make adjustments later!"

Li Rongmao grinned as he listened blankly, and then looked at Zhao Yi as if he were looking at a 'scientific research tycoon'.

"Each experiment can easily burn hundreds of thousands, right?"

"Let us do the design without complicated arguments and directly enter the experimental process?"

"One for each person, four times?"

Li Rongmao thought of the days when he was under Peng Engui, gesturing with his fingers in the hope of saving R\u0026D funds, and suddenly felt the urge to cry.

People cannot be compared.

There is also a huge gap between teams!

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