Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 458 The hidden investment giant!

The 'Highest Science and Technology Award' that Cheng Zhemin refers to is the highest individual award awarded by the Science and Technology Awards Conference, but it is not for scientific research achievements, but for personal contributions to scientific research. It can almost be understood as the 'Lifetime Achievement Award' '.

The 'Lifetime Achievement Award' is a lifelong recognition of a scientist. Those who have won the highest science and technology award are all people over 70 years old. Among the 16 highest science and technology awards so far, there is no precedent for anyone under the age of 70 to win the award.



Zhao Yi's expression was full of indifference. He really didn't care about the Supreme Science and Technology Award, because the winner was too old, and he was only in his early twenties. It was meaningless to win the Supreme Science and Technology Award. He didn't have it yet. What kind of 'affirmation of lifelong achievement' is needed? I just hope that next year's award will be a 'new trick'. Even if it is the first prize in natural science, it will also be for research and development achievements in physics, biomedicine, etc., not just mathematics.


The award ceremony officially begins.

After the previous process of taking group photos and announcing the highest award, it was time to announce the winners of the Natural Science Award.

As expected, Zhao Yi won the first prize in natural science for his research on Fermat's conjecture. Under the eyes of everyone present, he walked to the podium and took the medal and certificate from his hand.

shake hands.

Facing the audience.

During the solemn award ceremony, I also said a few words to Zhao Yi, "This is the third year, right? Academician Zhao."

"Every time I come to present an award, I look forward to this award. You are the youngest person here. When I present the award to you, I feel young."

Zhao Yi faced the audience and replied calmly, "Aren't I getting older? I'm two years older!"

He laughed immediately.

Fortunately, the audience couldn't hear the conversation between the two, and there were no cameras too close, but they only knew what the two seemed to be saying.

Next to him, Academician Zhou, who had just won the highest science and technology award and presented the award with him, was very surprised. Very few people dared to talk to him like this. He found that Zhao Yi was really amazing. I wasn't angry, I even found it interesting and laughed out loud.

In fact, it’s normal to think about it.

Zhao Yi is really a genius. Not only is he a theoretical genius, he has also made achievements in biomedical research and achieved surprising results.

In the eyes of senior officials, Zhao Yi is a national treasure among national treasures and has made many huge contributions to scientific research. The most important thing is that he is only in his early twenties. There are still decades to come. How much can he contribute to scientific research in his lifetime? contribute? It’s scary to think about.

To say that such a person can stand up to an army of millions is a modest statement.

After Zhao Yi received the first prize in natural science, he returned to his seat and watched the award ceremony proceed step by step.

This year, the Institute of Biomedical Sciences was the same. It won the first prize for scientific and technological progress. The project it relied on was the research and discovery of 2CV-Bing Hydrogen Molecule and Tianqing Protein. The conference evaluated it as "making a great contribution to the cause of mankind's fight against AIDS." , it was still Zhang Wei who received the award on behalf of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, because during the research and development process, Zhang Wei has always been the researcher with the second highest contribution.

Yan Xuelin also came to this conference.

Yan Xuelin has only participated in a conference once, but because he is the director of the Institute of Biomedicine, he still knows a lot of people in related fields. He can almost all name the senior medical and biological research academicians and professors who came to the conference. , naturally you can easily break into relevant circles.

When Zhang Wei went up to receive the award, Yan Xuelin kept saying, "It's the first prize for scientific and technological progress again. We have won it for three consecutive years. Look, researcher Zhang Wei, who came to the stage to receive the award on behalf of our institute, is almost a mature woman." A star."

"Actually, it doesn't make sense to always win the same award. Look at Academician Zhao Yi, he looks listless. He probably won too many awards and has lost his feeling."

"We feel the same way."

"If we still win this award next year, I will talk to the judges in advance. Can it be awarded again a year later? It doesn't feel good for us to always win the award. Let's give others a chance..."


Several academicians and professors of medical research around him all darkened their faces. This was the first time they discovered that Yan Xuelin was so annoying. He would just take the prize if he won it. He kept squealing, for fear that others would not. I know they won the first prize for scientific and technological progress three times in three years.


Winning the first prize for scientific and technological progress for three consecutive years is really impressive!

"B-shit luck!"

"Isn't it just because of Academician Zhao's glory? It's all Academician Zhao's research! If Academician Zhao is in our institute, we can also..."

"By the way..."

"How can we recruit Academician Zhao here?"

This is not a few years ago.

When Zhao Yi was preparing to take the college entrance examination, he was still hesitant about which university to apply for. Now he will not consider going elsewhere. The salary and benefits alone cannot attract him at all.

Because he is already very rich.

After attending the Science and Technology Award Conference, he did not exchange too many greetings with others and hurried to attend the product launch of Yutu Robot Company the next day.

This is a very important press conference.

Yuan Zhongchen led the Yutu Robot Team and spent three and a half years to finally complete the research and development of R-os, the robot operating system. They will also announce today that they will open the R-os operating system port to allow all interested programs All employees are involved in building ecological and functional packages.

In more than three years, the Yutu Robot team has become Yutu Robot Co., Ltd., and it is a top-level technical service company favored by investors.

Yutu Robot focuses on robot intelligent ecology and robot customization services. It mainly develops robot operating systems and pursues the unification of the basic code and architecture of robot research and development. Their main income is to provide robot ecology and customization services.

Each company's situation is different and its needs for robots are also different. However, the hardware foundation for building robots is insufficient and it is impossible to provide standard operating functions like a computer.

This requires robot ecology and customized services.

It sounds like the market demand for robot services is not high. In fact, the fields of robots and intelligence are booming around the world. Yutu Robots is a bit of a rising star, but they rely on basic homologous code to achieve high efficiency and have developed dozens of robots. partners and customers.

Basic source code, research and development of R-os operating system.

Yutu Robot Company has not received much financing and has only experienced two rounds of financing. However, the scale of the second round of financing has exceeded 500 million. While the company continues to expand, valuations are also constantly being provided.

The current valuation is around 2.8 billion, and Zhao Yi holds the most shares in the company.

Zhao Yi is the largest shareholder of Yutu Robot Company, with a shareholding ratio of 21%. In addition to the two million invested in the initial establishment of the Yutu team, he also invested nearly 10 million subsequently.

Ten million is not much compared to the valuation, but when he made the investment, Yutu Robot was just a team, and the company had not even been formally established, let alone any financing.

In addition, Zhao Yi also provided technical support. He provided source code for color recognition, dynamic image analysis and other technologies.

This requires technical investment.

Zhao Yi's financial investment is not large, but his financial and technical investment are very critical to Yutu Robot, and it is natural to hold the highest proportion of shares.

The second largest shareholder of Yutu Robot Company is Shengmao Technology Group, with a shareholding ratio of 16%. They are the main sponsor of the second round of financing, with a direct investment of 430 million yuan.

Other major shareholders include Tian Meizhi in the first round of financing, the original Zhouyu Interactive and Yuan Zhongchen himself, who hold 11%, 8% and 7% of the shares respectively. The rest are the earliest employees and scattered small investors.

Zhang Zhen can be regarded as the "little sheep" of small shareholders.

As the first manager to invest in the Yutu Robotics team and also be responsible for the daily affairs of the team, Zhang Zhen originally owned 3% of the shares, but now it has been reduced to less than 0.6%.

This ratio is no longer low.

Based on the initial investment of 200,000, the estimated market value of Zhang Zhen's shares is at least 14 million, with a return on investment of 70 to 80 times, making many people envious.

But Zhang Zhen is still very dissatisfied. The main problem lies in comparison. Zhao Yi has dozens of times more shares than himself. Looking at his very small number of shares, he thinks that he has been working for the Yutu Robot Team for several years...

He is so sore!

"I just don't have money. If I had money, I would vote for Yuan Zhongchen no matter how much I have. By then, I will be the largest shareholder!" Zhang Zhen waited for Zhao Yi at the press conference and immediately said with complaint.

Zhao Yi patted Zhang Zhen on the shoulder empathetically and sighed, "I don't have money either! In the past, if I had money, I would invest in Penguin, Fruit, Microsoft in the initial stage... Now I can't. If anything, he should be the richest man in the world!"

Zhang Zhen was so choked that he almost spat out blood. He could only shake his head and said, "Anyway, I will follow you from now on."

"What? Follow me?"

"I'll invest with you!" Zhang Zhen said matter-of-factly, "I also spent part of my money to invest in stocks with you, and the income is really... amazing!" He said and gave a thumbs up.

Zhang Zhen is one of the few people who knows Zhao Yi's assets.

Zhao Yi has high-profit patent sharing income in country M. He sells professional books translated into several languages ​​around the world, and part of his overseas income goes through Staryi Investment Company.

Staryi Investment Company is under the name of Staryi Technology Company, which was originally established. The purpose of establishing it is to handle Zhao Yi’s personal overseas income and to avoid tax. Zhao Yi’s personal shareholding ratio is as high as 99%. , leaving one point for the actual leaders of the company.

Zhang Zhen is one of them.

He was responsible for managing part of Zhao Yi's overseas income. At first, he was simply helping. Later, he discovered how high Zhao Yi's income was. Not to mention the income from 'selling books', the patent share of digital compression technology alone exceeded 20% last year. Ten million dollars.

Up to now, the total income of Xingyi Investment Company has exceeded more than 30 million US dollars, more than 80% of which has been clearly invested by Zhao Yi in the stock market of country M. It seems that it is spent wherever it is earned. , in fact, it is really an investment, and it is a high-yield investment.

Several M-country technology stocks that Zhao Yi selected have nearly doubled in value in the past two years. One of them has even more than quadrupled in less than a year since he bought it.

Zhang Zhen knew at a glance that Zhao Yi's net worth in US dollars was over 70 million.

That's US dollars!

Let’s talk about domestic.

The current Yutu Robot Company has expanded to a market value of nearly 3 billion yuan, and Zhao Yi is the largest shareholder, with a holding ratio of more than 20%. Even if it is worse, it is worth 700 to 800 million yuan.


Zhao Yi is not only a world-recognized scientific research genius, he is also one of the very few investment tycoons who has amassed a fortune of "100 million" on his own in his early twenties.

The news was enough to shock everyone.

Zhao Yi was very calm. He said nonchalantly, "Don't mention money. To me, money is just a bunch of numbers."


Zhang Zhen had the urge to scold his mother. He subconsciously felt that Zhao Yi did it on purpose, but he couldn't find any evidence.

All right!

When it comes to a national treasure-level scientific research genius, one can only believe that he cares more about scientific research than money.

The press conference started soon.

The first person to come on stage was a branch manager of the company. He came on stage to explain Yutu Robot Company to all the attendees, as well as the company’s business, development concepts, scientific research directions, etc. The purpose was to educate people who didn’t know the situation. , make some simple instructions.

Later, Yuan Zhongchen personally appeared on the stage and announced that the R-os robot operating system was officially completed. At the same time, basic function codes and ports would be opened to robot developers, and all developers were welcome to participate in the construction of the system's ecology and basic application functions.

He introduced the open approach.

Openness means 'sharingism'. R-os has the underlying functional code. All operational applications are completed with basic code, and every application produced by a developer appears in the form of a 'package', which can Choose to upload to the main server, or contribute to other developers.

This function is mainly to increase the reuse rate.

For example, if there is an application made by a developer, other developers do not need to make the same application, but can just use it directly.

This is difficult to reflect on computer operating systems, because computer operating systems are relatively complete and develop very complex application functions, but robot operating systems are different.

There is no fixed standard for robot programs on the market now. Even rewriting codes for new products is time-consuming and labor-intensive and it doesn’t make much sense.

The Yutu Robot team has formulated unified standards and built a complete operating system based on basic code.

In the future, robots can directly use the R-os operating system, and at the same time, they can use various functions contained in the R-os operating system. In the future, more developers will join, and the functions of the R-os operating system will become more and more complete. , which will make the installation and use of enterprise customers more convenient.

This is also the reason why investors are optimistic about Yutu Robot. Formulating unified standards, building a basic operating system, and providing customized functional services are all businesses that stand at the top of the technology chain. The top business is the most promising to make big money. .

Yutu Robot targets enterprise users.

If it can develop in the future and most robots and smart devices on the market use the R-os operating system, they will develop into the top big company.

Of course.

It's too early to talk about developing into a large company. Even though there are several similar companies in China, they are also working hard to formulate standards and provide technical services to enterprise users.

The R-os operating system has just been launched, and there are still many problems.

Yuan Zhongchen personally spoke about the robot operating system for more than 40 minutes, and then showed the company's products to the audience——

A robot.

This robot is somewhat similar to Zhao Yi's. It also moves on rollers and has two very advanced robotic arms. It also has functions such as dynamic distance recognition, color recognition, and high-end automatic obstacle avoidance, but the robot has one more Very important function: language interaction.

A few years from now, most electronic products will have a language interaction function, but now they are still very high-end. Limited by limitations such as algorithms and languages, most top technology companies can only achieve 'speech recognition' at best. , that is, converting speech into text.

This step is easy to do, but not easy to do well.

Error rate is an issue.

The speech recognition error rate of some companies exceeds 20%, which means it is almost unusable. Because some people's Mandarin pronunciation is not standard, the error rate will be surprisingly high when using speech recognition, making the program unusable.

The robots displayed by Yutu Robot have pretty good voice interaction functions. They cannot achieve a very low error rate, but they are better than most companies. The robot displayed at the press conference said a few words to the employee who explained it. Words are all displayed on the 'screen on the face'.

This caused a heated discussion on the scene.

Then we move on to the next test, which is to try to make the robot understand the meaning of human speech. To put it bluntly, it means "capturing keywords" and let the robot answer directly, or search for the answer on the Internet.

For example, "Have you eaten?"

The robot responded directly, "I'm a robot and I don't need to eat like a human."

For example, "Have you bought your train ticket?"

The robot immediately searches for content related to 'train tickets'.


These simplest voice interaction functions are still very high-end at this stage. Even Zhao Yi was a little surprised and had to lament that the times are developing so fast.

I remember when I first traveled back in time, buying a mobile phone seemed very high-end.

Is there any voice interaction now?


"It's my influence!"

Zhao Yi immediately realized the problem. The times are indeed developing rapidly, but in fact it is still only in the 3G era. Even 3G has only just become popular, and voice interaction is relatively too early.

The Yutu Robotics team has been able to quickly discover and come up with such high-end research and development results, which is inseparable from the technology, source code and routes provided by it.

Although he only pays attention to it occasionally and talks about how to do research and development and in which direction, what he talks about is the 'most correct route'. Any R\u0026D team with potential will always follow the 'most correct route' and develop. The speed must be terrible.

Not taking any detours is more important than ability!

Most research and development has to take many detours before they can find the right path and continue on. Then they will encounter detours again. Just move forward slowly and little by little. Maybe you will retreat when you encounter obstacles. No matter how strong your ability is and how fast you are. Definitely not coming soon.

But even if a 'tortoise' crawls slowly, it will definitely crawl out of the maze faster than a rabbit.

Therefore, his guidance is the key!

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