Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 57 It’s not true!

"Zhao Yi, what are you going to do?"

"Don't go!"

"Wait for me, let's go together!"

Sun Liang pestered Zhao Yi all day long, not even letting him miss a break.

When he went to the playground to buy sports coins at noon and afternoon, Sun Liang was always 'monitoring' him, as if he was afraid that he would take the opportunity to go to Class 6 to find Gao Yuan.

"I was really just kidding!"

Zhao Yi felt that he had failed. He patiently tried to explain, but it was of no use at all.

It will be easier to wait until evening study hall.

"Does this guy still like Gao Yuan?" Zhao Yi and Lin Xiaoqing complained, "He has been watching me all day, even following me to the toilet. I would not be happy if he changed to a beautiful woman."

"Do you want to change to Linlin?" Lin Xiaoqing blinked her big eyes and pointed to the side, teasing with a smile on her face.

Since the morning, she has been teasing Zhao Yi and Zhao Linlin.

Zhao Yi curled his lips and said, "I want to be you the most."


Lin Xiaoqing looked disdainful, glanced hard at Zhao Yi, and said, "Going to the toilet, disgusting!"

"You are really good at picking out key words."

Zhao Yi rolled his eyes, lowered his head and continued reading the chemistry textbook.

Back row.

When Sun Liang saw Zhao Yi and Lin Xiaoqing talking in low voices, he couldn't help but think about something in his mind. He was really frightened by Zhao Yi's words.

He likes Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan from Class 6 is not tall and a little chubby, but her face is always full of sunshine.

That's the kind of girl he likes.

When he was a freshman in high school, he still thought about putting the arts and science classes together, but the school considered students' adaptation issues and most of the students who were in the same science class were placed together in the same class.

He is still in class three.

Gao Yuan, still in class six.

As time went by, he gradually let go, but during this period he did not have the same feelings for other girls, nor did he have the courage to express his inner love.


Anyway, I really like it!

If Zhao Yi is allowed to say such vulgar things, Gao Yuan's impression of him will definitely be greatly reduced.

This is not possible!

No matter whether we can be together in the future or not, we must leave the best image in each other's heart.

Zhao Yi noticed the look in Sun Liang's eyes and felt strange all over. He really lost his patience. He stood up and walked over and stared at Sun Liang seriously, "Monkey, if you do this again, I will stop you in the morning." The door to Class 6!"

"No, no, haha..." Sun Liang grinned.

"The last time!"

After Zhao Yi finished speaking, he sat back, closed his eyes and turned on the system.

He received the prompt——

【Academic reputation increased! 】

[Research Coin +6. 】


Zhao Yi checked it carefully several times and found that there was indeed no other prompt, so he thought about it carefully.

Is it related to the broadcast of the program?

This improvement in academic reputation must be related to winning the competition, but the system did not give a precise reminder, and there was no corresponding reminder after winning the competition.

"Probably because winning the championship is not considered a scientific achievement, but it has increased my reputation? Academic reputation should be related to fame."

"Not many people watched the live broadcast of the education channel. The satellite channel should broadcast the silhouetted version today..."

"The increase in the number of viewers will bring academic fame?"

Zhao Yi pondered.

There are six scientific research coins added this time. Compared with the original increase, the improvement is quite obvious.

We won’t be able to use the research coins for the time being, so there’s definitely no harm in accumulating more.

Zhao Yi couldn't figure it out, so he simply lowered his head and continued reading.



Before the monthly exam on the weekend, you should carefully review the chemistry and biology books twice.

Each experiment also needs to be passed twice.

This is the goal.

In the next few days, Zhao Yi did nothing but read, studying hard to prepare for the upcoming monthly exam.

The atmosphere in the senior year of high school is like this.

The last elite class placement was sudden, and everyone took the exam directly without any preparation.

This time is different.

Students who have not been admitted to the elite class are holding back their energy to get in.

Students in Class B also hope to enter Class A.

The students at the bottom of Class A are also under a lot of pressure. They are also in Class B. If they fall in and pass the exam, their mentality will definitely be completely different.

During the recess exercise on Tuesday, the school awarded certificates and awards to several people who participated in the competition. In fact, it was a formality to show all teachers and students that they attached great importance to the competition. The real prizes had already been delivered to the students.

Everyone else got a thousand yuan bonus and a desktop computer.

The bonus is paid by the school.

The computer was moved from the computer room. It cannot be said to be an old machine. It has been installed and used for more than half a year.

Zhao Yi’s prize is different from others.

He got a brand new Netbook, the market price is 6,300 yuan.

Principal Wang Chengmin thought about it and felt that Zhao Yi should be distinguished. After all, it was Zhao Yi who entered the preliminaries and won the championship. He heard from the teacher Wang Ping who led the team that Zhao Yi wanted a Netbook. So I decided to make a big hemorrhage and went out in person to choose a Netbook.

Zhao Yi was not satisfied.

He was not dissatisfied with the school's attitude, but with Netbook's standards.

The current Netbook is not the PAD of the future, but like a scaled-down version of a computer. It is quite inconvenient to use. The poor hard drive storage space, memory and CPU of an old machine make the Netbook feel like a useless thing. It is not It needs to be portable, and you can’t bring your computer with you when you come to school.

So, useless.

Of course.

There is no way to exchange the prize if you are not satisfied.

Zhao Yi still focused on his studies, hoping to get good grades in the monthly exams. His focus was on reviewing chemistry and biology.

These two subjects have the greatest room for improvement.

Saturday morning.

take an exam.

The students came to school early, and the teachers were also early. Xue Pinggui was responsible for watching the self-study of Class 3. The other students were all looking at the English test that was about to take place. Only Zhao Yi was studying hard in front of a chemistry book.

"looking at what?"

Zhao Yi looked up and saw Xue Pinggui, holding a chemistry book and asking, "This is the experiment..."

Xue Pinggui patiently finished the explanation.

The get out of class bell rang.

When Xue Pinggui was about to walk away, he suddenly stopped, pulled Zhao Yi to the door of the classroom, and asked in a low voice, "Last time in the park, you said that I would get married soon?"

"You still remember!"

Zhao Yi almost forgot that this happened.

Xue Pinggui nodded vigorously, "Zhao Yi, please help me figure it out. Who does this marriage refer to? Is it..."


"Is that so...I told you, you must never tell anyone else!"

"Teacher Xue, don't worry!" Zhao Yi looked upright.

Xue Pinggui looked at Zhao Yi seriously for a long time and hesitated for a long time before saying, "You...English, Teacher Shen...ahem..."

Zhao Yi immediately shook his head.

"No?" Xue Pinggui lowered his face in disappointment.

Zhao Yi quickly said, "Teacher Xue, I don't know how to read faces! I was trying to bluff people that day because I was afraid that you would be deceived..."

"Just say it, right?" Xue Pinggui didn't believe it at all.

Zhao Yi shook his head and said, "I can't say this, but, Teacher Xue, if you want to know, it's very simple, just ask in person. A man must be brave enough to face failure."

"Besides, it doesn't matter if you fail. Look at Teacher Niu, he still got divorced after several years of marriage, so it doesn't matter if he is single. It's popular now, so don't always take it to heart..."

Zhao Yikai explained a lot of things to Xue Pinggui.

Xue Pinggui nodded after hearing this.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Xue Pinggui hurried to the office to get the papers. Thinking of what Zhao Yi said, "Teacher Niu is divorced," he froze in place and trembled.

"Zhao Yi, this kid, suddenly talks about Niu Lianhua when talking about me. Maybe he did it on purpose?"

"Marriage is all around..."

"Niu Lianhua is divorced and I am single. Our ages are not much different, so..."

Xue Pinggui broke out in cold sweat.

Niu Lianhua happened to come over, patted Xue Pinggui on the shoulder, and shouted with a loud voice, "Teacher Xue, why are you in such a daze! Get the papers quickly, it's time for the exam!"

"oh oh!"

Xue Pinggui was so frightened that he ran two steps to open the door, took the test paper on the table, and rushed out like a plague.


Niulianhua straightened her hair, took off her hair and wiped her eyes. She raised her head and joked to Shen Yan, "This Teacher Xue, I still don't give up on you. Seeing that I am single, I avoid you, for fear that you will misunderstand me!"

Shen Yan is used to being teased by her teachers.

She just chuckled and said, "Teacher Niu, maybe you are wrong. What if he is not interested in me but you?"

"What to me?"

Shen Yan smiled and said nothing, picked up the paper and went out.

Teacher Niu took a deep breath and thought carefully, "To me? What to me? I am a divorced woman..."

She suddenly remembered the fortune-telling thing, and her eyes suddenly widened, "It can't be true!"

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