Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 563 Report Meeting and Technical Authorization

"Yanhua University Newspaper" is completely popular!

The school newspaper of Yanhua University is not famous at all, and its influence is limited to Yanhua University. It is even said that it does not have much influence within the university, because most of the articles published in the school newspaper are submitted by undergraduate students, and then there are School-related news.

Therefore, the sales of "Yanhua University Newspaper" are limited to universities and university surroundings.

Normally, only students would read the school newspaper. The purpose is to know about the major events happening in the school. It is regarded as a "campus and surrounding gossip magazine". As for some of the academic content published, those with higher standards will not look at it at all. , those with low levels naturally have no interest.

This issue of "Yanhua University Newspaper" was only circulated among students at first. Less than two hours later, the situation was different.

The school newspaper was sold short.

When the students who bought the school newspaper found out that it was Zhao Yi's paper, they immediately spread the news. There was no need to deliberately promote it at all. The news about photon anti-gravity technology quickly became a hot search on the Internet, and even quickly Rushed to first place.

"It's awesome this time!"

"It turns out that the anti-gravity device relies on photons and light!"

"When there is light, there is antigravity. It turns out that we can use sunlight to directly escape gravity and ascend into space."

"This is not a fantasy, it has already been realized."

"The most important thing is that Master Zhao actually published such an important theory in the school newspaper of Yanhua University..."

"By the way, what is the school newspaper of Yanhua University?"


"Yanhua University Newspaper" became a hot search on the Internet, and it was immediately snapped up by people outside the school. Many people came to the school to see if they could buy the Yanhua University newspaper.

Of course, most people can't buy it. Only those with good luck can buy it from students. Because there are so many people going to the university, an interception is set up at the entrance of the university. Only those with student ID cards can confirm that they are from the school. Access is only possible if you are a student.

In fact, there are indeed many people who buy school newspapers, but very few actually study the contents. Only some professional mathematics people, including interested students and professors of mathematics, will hope to get a copy and read the contents. .

They wanted to know what kind of mathematics could support the theory of photon antigravity.

This top-level mathematical content is difficult for ordinary people to access in their daily lives.

Now you can buy a magazine and read it directly, and your curiosity will drive you to want to read it.

In addition, some people think that photon anti-gravity has a world-class impact and is considered by domestic and foreign public opinion to be the key to the "technological explosion". The first version of the photon anti-gravity theory will definitely be very valuable for collection.

If you can collect a genuine one, no matter how much it will be worth in a few years, and leave it to future generations as a family heirloom, maybe it will become priceless in a hundred years?

This is indeed a great investment!

This is how the "Yanhua University Newspaper" was hyped up, but no matter how many people want to get a copy of the school newspaper, it cannot change the fact that the school newspaper is very rare.

In fact, only a few hundred copies of the first page of each issue of "Yanhua University Newspaper" are printed.

The teachers in charge were well prepared. They went to the factory that the school newspaper cooperated with and told them in advance that more copies would be printed. However, because the company they cooperated with was only a small factory, the production capacity was very limited, and only one copy of the first issue was printed. More than a thousand copies.

Normally, it is definitely enough, but under the wave of 'rush buying', more than a thousand copies can't even make a splash, which makes it difficult to find a school newspaper in Yanhua University.

Many books have simply been ‘collected’ by others.

Wei Shiqing is an example.

As the backbone professor of the School of Life Sciences, he couldn't even get a school newspaper, and wanted to 'cheat' Li Renzhe's school newspaper.

When even the professors at the school can't buy it, you can imagine how popular the school newspaper has become.

Not only did the first page of the school newspaper become popular, the teachers in charge of the school newspaper also became very busy. The phone in the office kept ringing with people wanting to know about the school newspaper.

These callers were at least mathematics professors, and they were the ones who really wanted to study the content of the school newspaper.

The teachers could only say with a wry smile, "We are stepping up printing, and a new magazine will be out tomorrow."

At the same time, they also received calls from overseas. Some were for inquiries about the English version, while others were from publishers hoping to obtain the overseas distribution rights for this issue of the school newspaper.

This needs to be discussed carefully.

The teachers consulted their superiors, and combined with Zhao Yi's "request", they set the price at one thousand US dollars and secured a 50% profit share. In other words, as long as a copy is sold overseas , the school will receive a profit of US$500.

Both parties did not even consider the issue of overseas version numbers.

Because the printing is based on photon anti-gravity technology, there is no problem with the overseas version number at all. As long as you apply, you will get "expedited approval" immediately.

The anti-gravity device had caused a lot of commotion before. Almost everyone knew that the release of the photon anti-gravity theory was one of the results of the negotiations. The only thing they didn't expect was that Zhao Yi decided to publish the theory in the school newspaper.

This is so unexpected!

After negotiating with the overseas publisher, the other party quickly sent a representative to sign the licensing agreement and also paid a deposit of US$50,000 in advance. In just three days, the original copy with a price of US$1,000 was already available overseas. issuance.

While the "Yanhua University Newspaper" is popular, the focus of public opinion is still on the theory of photon antigravity. What the public is talking about is not the theoretical principle, but the relationship between photons and antigravity.

Everyone who knows the news feels it is amazing that photons can actually have anti-gravity properties? It feels incredible just thinking about it.

In addition, it is Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi is the first author of the photon antigravity theory.

When we talked about the mysterious anti-gravity device before, no one knew whose theory it was or what technology it was. Some people could even think of Zhao Yi, but because there was no news, they were not sure.

Now under the photon anti-gravity theory, if you can see Zhao Yi's signature, the matter can be sealed.

The mysterious anti-gravity device is directly related to Zhao Yi.

This result makes many people feel normal. Only a genius like Zhao Yi can develop magical anti-gravity technology.

Many foreign mathematics and physics experts began to study the theories in the school newspaper, but found that it was not easy to fully understand them.

On the one hand, the mathematics in it is obscure and difficult to understand, and on the other hand, it is also related to the basics.

Photon antigravity theory relies on particle boundary theory, superconducting antigravity theory and a little bit of string theory mathematical logic.

If you want to understand the photon antigravity theory, you must have a certain understanding of the three directions.

Zhao Yi's "Boundary Theory of Particles" subsequently became a big seller. The theories published by Zhao Yi and Edward, the theory of superconducting antigravity technology, etc., all attracted a lot of attention, and the paper received a lot of attention. access and download.

Of course.

A lot is relative.

Most people are self-aware and know that it is impossible to understand the mathematical logic and will not pay attention to the basics and the like.

Only mathematicians and physicists who really want to conduct research will focus on paying attention, downloading, and viewing the content to assist in understanding photon antigravity.

When top mathematicians and physicists are studying the photon antigravity theory, some people explain its difficulty.

There is a saying at Princeton University that "if you can completely understand the photon antigravity theory, you can get a full professorship at Princeton University."

This is no joke.

Even Edward Witten feels that the mathematics involved is a bit difficult to study. You must know that Witten has been cooperating with Zhao Yi on research. He has a full understanding of particle boundary theory and string theory. The result evaluation is still "somewhat difficult."

What about the rest?

Those ordinary mathematics professors who have no basic knowledge have no idea what the theory is about.

Each step of mathematical derivation would take them a long time to fully understand the logic inside.

An interesting incident also occurred in China.

There is a star with the image of an academic master, and he also received a doctorate from a top university. As a result, he was left a message on the Internet asking, "Can you understand Zhao Dashen's photon anti-gravity theory?"

"If you can, tell us about it!"

This star with the image of being a master of academics seems to have actually conducted research. Just one day later, he published an article talking about his understanding of the photon anti-gravity theory.

First, he said it was very difficult.

Then he started to 'analyse'. He mainly analyzed a few points, but the content he said was very general, which made people feel that it 'seemed to make sense'. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed that he didn't say anything.

But there are still analytical contents, such as emphasizing that "photons are one of the very few particles with anti-gravity properties."

This sentence is emphasized three times.

Ordinary people may find it reasonable when they hear the theory of photon antigravity. Photons must be very special particles with antigravity properties.

After the Xueba star published his analysis article, he received a lot of praise and even reached the third place in the hot search.

Some fans left messages to Zhao Yi, asking him to comment on the analysis. They definitely hope that their idol can be recognized by Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi saw the news on the Internet and clicked on it to read the analysis article of the academic star. He found that it was really nonsense, so he casually said "haha".


"Isn't it just a sneer?"

"Isn't this definitely recognition? It's probably a sign of disdain? Master Zhao is indeed a genius, so he can look down on my idol!"

"My idol is also a doctor, and he is a thirty-year-old doctor!"

"Super young and handsome. He can analyze so much in one day, which is amazing! It is said that many top foreign mathematicians say they can't understand it at all. My idol can understand it, which is amazing!"

There are many fans of the Xueba star, and there are also many voices leaving messages to Zhao Yi to express their dissatisfaction.


After only two hours, they discovered that the analysis article of the academic star had been deleted.

This really has nothing to do with Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi would not impose any restrictions on comments, so it didn't matter if there were some skeptical voices. This is how it is in the Internet age. He was about to quote the content of the article and make a simple comment, only to find that the article had been deleted.

"It is probably considered to be guiding public opinion..."

"What a stroke of luck."

Zhao Yi smiled and shook his head, and simply made a simple comment, "The fulcrum of the analysis is wrong."

"In the photon antigravity theory I published, it was not mentioned at all, because any example has antigravity properties, and photons are not special."

"I personally think that neutrinos are more suitable as anti-gravity carriers. Photons are chosen just because they are easy to manufacture, nothing more."

After Zhao Yi posted the review, he stopped paying attention to the news online.

He still has a lot to do.

Now anti-gravity is classified as 'civilian', at least on the surface it is just his theory, a technology developed in cooperation with the aviation group.

Then after the theory is published, the next step is to ‘make a report’.

The purpose of most research reports is to let more people know and be recognized. Zhao Yi's report is different. He is not doing it to gain recognition, but simply to explain it to others.

This is the negotiated part.

If there is no explanation, it is not easy for a top mathematician to fully understand it. He needs to sign up for explanation, and the published theory is true.

After the theory was published in the "Yanhua University Newspaper", Yanhua University and the Aviation Group immediately announced that they would hold a report on photon antigravity at the university's mathematics center, and invited the world's top mathematicians, Physicists participate.

In fact, this time it was not an ‘invitation’.

The people who will participate in the photon anti-gravity report meeting have been allocated a long time ago. There are only 120 places in the country, and the others have already been allocated.

These places will definitely be allocated to the world's top mathematicians and physicists.

at the same time.

The aviation group also announced that it would provide anti-gravity technology through patent licensing and sell anti-gravity devices to the world.

The news immediately aroused heated discussion.

The theory is a theory, and technology is a technology. As Zhao Yi said, there is no photon content at all in the photon antigravity theory. It is all about explaining the relationship between particle spin motion and antigravity.

Then there is no way to design an anti-gravity device based on theory.

Some top mathematicians can already understand it roughly.

They knew they wanted to turn theory into technology and design an anti-gravity device, but there was still a part to play in the middle.

This part definitely needs to be studied slowly.


That is not work that can be completed in a short time. It will take at least a few years to develop more in-depth theories and transform the theories into technical applications.

Now that the aviation group has directly announced that it will provide anti-gravity technology to the outside world, some of it must be more advanced theories and mature technologies that have been practiced.

As long as you get relevant theories and technologies, you can skip the further research part and use this as a basis for more in-depth technical research.

This is not to be missed!

Mathematicians are more concerned about the theory, while some related large enterprises and institutions are more concerned about the technology.

They are eager to obtain anti-gravity technology and anti-gravity devices to carry out technological innovation and truly apply them.

We provide anti-gravity technology through patent licensing and sell anti-gravity devices to the world.

However, if you want to directly obtain more advanced theories and devices, you must purchase the anti-gravity device manufactured by the Aviation Group, or use the technology authorization from the Aviation Group.

Then there is only one word left--


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