Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 1012: I want to stay

During the ten months of Ye Feng’s cultivation, Yang Shuning’s cultivation of members of the War Soul Army is also in the process of rapid improvement.

Because of the many treasures that Ye Feng brought back, their repairs quickly returned to the 100 years before the abolition of the control of the soul.

Going further, it’s time to go to the wasteland.

The soul repair will also have a qualitative change when it is cultivated in a hundred years, but it is not the yang god, but the soul god.

"The method of condensing the soul, the night, you guide me to those people."

Ye Feng told the nightmare behind him.


The night of the night has been in the state of soul repair for hundreds of years, but for Ye Feng, this young man is extremely obedient obedience.

There is such a leader of the soul repair in front, but it can make the members of the War Soul Army take a lot of detours, many aspects of the soul to repair the process of attention, you can remind them in advance.

Ye Feng counted the time.

From Shu Shu and others to the wasteland to find materials, and then condense the sun **** in the temple of the refining star, the time has almost passed a year.

"If it goes well, it's almost time to come back!"

Ye Feng thought in his heart.

Some time ago, Zhang Yang and Mu Qingqing, two women on Taohua Island, have reached a hundred years of cultivation, and set off together to go back to the secular world to report their hatred.

Now these two women, the great hatred has been reported, but also entered the wilderness world to experience, want to condense the Yangshen earlier, so that they can practice faster.

There is nothing big on Peach Blossom Island. There is no force on the earth that can threaten Peach Blossom Island. Therefore, the South, the Knife and the like have also gone to the wasteland, and they have gone through the search for materials to condense the sun.

And this year has passed, and Ye Feng’s previous commitment has come to the end.

"You are coming with me, it is time to send you home."

Ye Feng stood in Taohuadao Square and brought together 20 people from the floating islands.

These people worked hard in Peach Blossom Island during the year. Although Peach Blossom Island did not encounter any danger, their efforts were still visible to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng has never kept their thoughts forever. After all, these practitioners who have been cultivated for about two hundred years have been unable to help Ye Feng.

On the one hand, his own strength is enough to deal with the existence of more than 400 years of cultivation. On the other hand, the overall strength of the original team on Peach Blossom Island has also been upgraded.

For example, Ye Wentian and Tang Xuefeng are two old men. At this time, they have been repaired for nearly two hundred years. If they really fight, they will not be much worse than those who have been cultivated for two hundred years.

Ye Feng speaks and counts, of course, to send those who are floating in the mainland to go back.

"Island Lord, I don't want to go back."

Suddenly, one of the middle-aged men stood up and looked at Ye Feng. Some embarrassed said: "I am in the original world, just an orphan. It is better to stay in the world without any warmth for me. Peach Blossom Island, help you!"


Ye Feng was a little surprised and looked at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man's name is Han Yu, and the leader of the crowd, the black-faced man Ma Gui has a very good relationship. He also paid a lot of power when he protected the Peach Blossom Island against the International Fellowship Alliance.

"Since you don't want to go, stay on the island."

Ye Feng nodded.

The black-faced man Ma Gui also looked at this brother who had struggled with him for many years. He didn't know what was going on. What made him suddenly change his decision.

Not to say good, when will you go back together?

No matter what, Ma Gui is definitely going to go back. After all, his roots are in his own world! He is in his own world, there are women, children, he is almost the strongest in his own world!

Instead of living on the Peach Blossom Island to take care of people's lives, Ma Gui feels that it is better to go back to his own world.

"Han Yu brothers, since you make a decision, I will not persuade you. I will take care of myself in the future, I hope there will be another day!"

Ma Gui’s face was sincere and he held Han Yu’s hands.


Han Yu nodded, smiled slightly, and took a picture of Ma Gui’s shoulder: "Brother, goodbye."

The different choices made by the two determine that the future life of the two will be completely different.

However, Han Yu will not regret it. He knows that Ye Feng is an unusual young man!

With Ye Feng, he has the opportunity to reach out to the level that he had never touched before, so that he might reach a stronger level. His desire for power surpassed Ma Gui!

Because, in the world where he used to be, a world of weak meat and strong food, unlike Ma Gui, he is one of the highest ones in his own world.

In fact, Han Yu does not agree with Ma Gui's choice.

Although he is the strongest in his own world, if the world encounters invasion from other worlds, then Ma Gui will have no resistance at all!

Satisfied with the existing strength, it is almost fatal to the immortal.

However, Han Yu did not go to persuade Ma Gui because he knew that the decision made by Ma Gui’s character could not be changed.

After the end of the year, the only ones who want to stay on Peach Blossom Island are Han Yu, which makes Ye Feng a little disappointed, but he doesn't care too much.

Anyway, Ye Feng does not rely on these people, can leave one to count one, and give Peach Blossom Island some strength.

The cross-border transmission array on Peach Blossom Island was opened again.

If you want to send these people back to their respective worlds, they can only go through the one-way transmission array in the Temple of Stars, just as Shu Shu, Zi Jianlan, Zhang Xinyun, and Xiao Yue Xiao Yu are still condensing the sun **** in the Temple of the Stars. Ye Feng can also go to see how the girls are.

Soon the white light flashed, except for Han Yu, all the practitioners from the floating continent, followed Ye Feng back to the wilderness.

Han Yu looked at the transmission array where everyone disappeared, and it was a bit lost.

The brothers who struggled together for so long have left, I believe that no one will feel good, but he quickly recovered from the stunned.

The next thing waiting for him is the improvement of endless strength!

As long as you are qualified to be the help of Ye Feng, you can follow him all the way to see more and more exciting world.

Han Yu is very eager to see how this whole world is like!

"Oh, you are so strange, Ye Haozhu is kind enough to send you home, you don't, I am willing to stay here to listen to him."

The sound of the night sighs and the sound of Sensen sounded from Han Yu.

"Hey, what is this with you?"

Han Yu snorted and turned away.

Although the night of the night is very high, or Ye Feng is the "mentor" who guides the whole battle of the soul of the army, but Han Yu is not afraid of him, this kind of person is not a ghost, he is too lazy to pay attention.

At night, Han Yu turned and left, and the look was gloomy.

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