Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 1105: Leave the ruins

Ye Feng couldn't help but ask: "You don't think much about it. After all, it's unusual at this time, it's not a small one. If you are not careful, you will be in a state of annihilation..."

"Don't worry too much, I will go."

The moon closes the princess and smiles. The brilliance of the two brilliances is fascinating. "If you really ask for me, how can you lie to me?"

"Haha, that's good!"

Ye Feng laughed: "Then I will wait for you at the entrance to the ruins. After you have obtained the magic weapon on the third and fourth floors of the treasury, you may encounter other things... Of course, I can’t say it now. However, if there is really a mixture of the power of silence, I hope that you can come out at the entrance to the ruins and hand it over to me. What I need most is this thing."

"A word is fixed."

The Princess of the Moon is focused on the head and reaches out.

Ye Feng also reached out and held it with her delicate little hand. It was an agreement.

With a seven-color ball of light, the princess walked toward the portal to the seventh floor of the relic, and finally looked back and finally stepped into the bright white light of the portal.

Looking at the slender figure of the princess, the princess gradually disappeared into sight, and Ye Feng got up and was ready to leave the ancient ruins.

"Big guy, let me go, take you away from this ruin."

Ye Feng looked back and smiled at the Yanlong Dragon Devil, directly condensed a six-color ball of light and threw it to the other side, and then picked a transfer door and went to a passage through the power of the heavenly space.

"I choose, leave."

Ye Feng’s mind was moving, and a bright white transmission array finally appeared on the side of the passage.

This is the easiest way for practitioners to leave the ancient ruins!

As for the other halls on the sixth floor of the ancient ruins, Ye Feng would rather explore and explore more. After all, it is not particularly dangerous, and there are opportunities to get more reincarnation magic weapons.

It is a pity that the seven-year-old ancient wood in the body has already begun to urge him to leave quickly, so that after the princess enters the seventh floor of the relic, it will be unreasonable for anyone who has brought him to the sky to discover him.

There is nothing wrong with Ye Feng, but the seven-year-old ancient wood does not want to be caught by the people in the sky.

The bright white brilliance flowed, and Ye Feng’s figure disappeared from the ancient ruins. Finally, after a while, it appeared in the sky above the entrance to the ancient ruins!

Surrounded by green trees, many powerful people from all kinds of higher worlds are waiting for them. A strong and arrogant atmosphere of the stocks is scattered in the space, making the whole space seem to be tight.

As soon as Ye Feng’s figure appeared, it immediately caught the attention of everyone around him. The line of sight looked at him in the direction of him.

"It's Ye Feng!"

Yue Yan and Zhang Xinyun paid attention to the scene from beginning to end. At this moment, they suddenly came out with surprises and flew up.

Great, Ye Feng is fine...

The flame figure of Xuan Huo Shenlong turned into a look, and finally nodded with satisfaction, and sure enough, it was the practitioner of the Dragon Sword heritage, did not let him down.

As for what can be brought out from the ancient ruins, it is not important for Xuanhuo Shenlong. What is important is that Ye Feng’s current cultivation has reached 600 years, which is nearly two times higher than when he entered the ancient ruins. century!

This is already a small improvement, not to mention staying in the ancient ruins for so long. It is impossible to say that Ye Feng did not get any magic weapon.

Lin Xuanqi stood in the shade of the tree and chatted with the other eleven ordinary disciples of the Dragon Sword.

When everyone saw Ye Feng's figure appear in the center, he immediately talked about it.

"I didn't expect that the name of the leaf can still live, it is not easy."

"What if you live alive? He certainly can't compare with the five people who came out last time. The five people arrived at the sixth floor of the ancient ruins and got the magic weapon of the reincarnation!"

"Yes, just look at the fact that Ye Feng came out alone, and he knew that he could not reach such a deep place. After all, even if he made progress, it would only be repaired in six hundred years."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and Lin Xuanqi’s face was not very good-looking, and even the two maids behind him were also trembled.

Lin Xuanqi’s face is not good-looking. If they are not good, they will take their two maids out.

Ye Feng, who stayed in the ancient ruins for so long, has also improved for two hundred years! And Lin Xuanqi, who was early rushed out of the ancient ruins, only got a few pieces of equipment, a piece of the upper fairy.

As for the cultivation itself, it has only been improved for ten years. Compared with Ye Feng, the results obtained are very different.

In addition to the Dragon Sword Palace, there are many other directions and many people are excited.

"Oh shit!"

A bearded brave man instantly got up from the shade of the tree, and he was so eager to fly towards Ye Feng!

This person is the moon prince who is close to the world.

"Bad boy, where did you get my sister?"

Abandoning the sky and leaving Ye Feng far away, he yelled at him, arbitrarily waved two palms, two sharp and incomparable instinct swept away toward Ye Feng!

His shots, without warning, surprised many people around.

The abandonment of the sky is the existence of nearly a thousand years of cultivation, and it has reached the sixth floor in the ancient ruins, and it has received a reincarnation magic weapon! This kind of strength, even shot to deal with a young man who has been repaired for six hundred years?

Also, what he said was to ask the young man, where did he bring his sister?

It’s hard to be done. Is the Princess of the Moon walking with this young man?

No wonder the moon has not left yet, it seems that this month is the princess!

Seeing the abandonment of the two palms in the sky, the people around me can't help but admire them. It is a young genius in the world. The two palms are so powerful, and they are much stronger than some young geniuses in other worlds.

Although it has only been repaired for less than a thousand years, the two palms of the moon have been faintly restored to the power of 1600 years!

It seems that the young man who has just come out of the ancient ruins is unlucky.


The central Ye Feng gods suddenly felt that two real airs hit, and the eyes were like electricity, and the heart was very angry.

The two infuriating, even straight toward the moon and Zhang Xinyun who are flying over, if he does not block, then Yue Yan and Zhang Xinyun will die!

"The two palms are only the strength that was cultivated in 1600 years."

Ye Feng did not care, directly carrying the dragon sword, a sword returning to zero.

puff! puff!

A return to zero swords, and two days of abandoning the sky between the palm of the real gas collision, instantly defeated the other side, and then more toward the moon to abandon the sky itself to go empty!

And Ye Feng, the footsteps rushed to meet, will be behind the moon and Zhang Xin.

"Abandon the sky, your sister went to the seventh floor of the ruins, so good!"

Ye Feng sneaked a sigh: "But you are so indiscriminate, what is the intention?"

Seeing that Ye Feng was able to easily defeat the palm of the sky, and said this, the audience was stunned!

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