Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 1319: Shock of Xiaoyao Yue Ying

The situation in the seventh group of desert space quickly attracted more people's attention, especially from the group of demon swords in the demon repair field.

Several elders of the Ghost Demon Swords, even stood up at this moment, looked a little excited and looked at the scene in the seventh group of desert space. ()

"Ghosts will find that Ye Feng!"

Everyone in the sorcerer's swordsmanship began to boil, and everyone knows that before the sorcerer's sword, one of the emperors was killed by the pity of the fairy demon!

The younger brother of Ghost Millennium, who also has the strength to step into the Eastern Region’s predecessor’s 100th line, is killed by Ye Feng!

In particular, this Ye Feng is rampant in the demon repair territory, hegemonic, and even swallowed up the entire peak of Wu Jian, so that the entire demon sword to repair the race can not comprehend the meaning of Xihua Zijian.

This, let Ye Feng and Xian Yaocheng have already become the common enemy of the entire demon sword repairing ethnic alliance. At this time, the ghosts will soon encounter Ye Feng, isn’t it exciting for them?

In their view, the ghost is a thousand horses, and a leaf front is in the area.

After all, the ghost millennium is the most talented younger generation in the entire demon sword repairing ethnic alliance. If even the ghosts and thousands of marryers can't cope with Ye Feng, the younger generation of the whole demon sword repairing racial union can't be someone. The opponent of the front.

Everyone has never thought that the ghosts may fail, so each one is excited to observe the situation in the seventh group of desert spaces.

Tensions, one touch!

In the fairy demon city, in addition to the stiff face of the reincarnation, including the blazing, the demon hall, the four lobby owners, Yu Jinyi and other people all changed their faces, and Ye Feng was nervous.

Ye Feng, with the hope of the entire fairy demon city to participate in the Eastern Region will be armed, if it is met by the ghosts, will it be brushed off in the first round?

Although the people in the fairy demon city have confidence in Ye Feng, but after all, Ye Feng did not really show the super strength, they still have a little drumming in their hearts.

There was only the pity on the referee's seat. Just looking at the situation here, I took a look away, as if I didn't care about Ye Feng.

She is most confident about Ye Feng. If even a ghost can't cope with it, then why should she win the first place in the Eastern Region?

The seventh group, in the desert space!

Ye Feng did not immediately appear from the Huang Salon roll, but continued to hide in it, quietly waiting for Xiaoyao Yue Ying and Ghost Millennium to be close together.

It can be seen that the speed of Happy Moon Sakura is much slower than that of the Ghosts, but it can still come to the vicinity of the Yellow Salon where Ye Feng is located before being caught by the ghosts.

The distance between Xiaoyueyue Sakura and Ghost Millennium is getting closer and closer!

Xiaoyao Yue Ying occasionally looked back and found that the ghostly figure was closer to himself, and the heartbeat was getting faster and faster.

If there is no turning point when she is caught up by the ghosts, she will only be able to admit defeat, so as not to be killed by the ghosts.

It’s not that Xiaoyao Yue Ying is not persistent. It’s really a big gap between her and the ghosts. If she doesn’t admit defeat, it’s very likely that she will be killed by the ghosts. It’s not necessary.

"The yellow salon roll..."

Xiaoyao Yue Ying glanced at the yellow salon roll in front, and secretly calculated what.

"This yellow salon roll seems to be able to isolate the detection of the monk's knowledge. I am hiding in it, maybe I can get a chance, and there should be other people hiding in the Yellow Salon..."

Xiaoyao Yue Ying refused to admit defeat, and immediately formulated the next plan, flying toward the yellow salon volume where Ye Feng is located!

Distance is getting closer.

Xiaoyao Yue Ying is away from the Yellow Salon, and soon there is only less than a hundred meters left, and the ghostly figure of the ghost is thousands of meters.


Xiaoyao Yue Ying acted at this moment, and the seductive pretty figure suddenly flashed.


The force of the void instantly condensed, tearing open the mouth of the void, and her figure, flickering toward the yellow salon roll within 100 meters of her body.

She, even turned to the past in the yellow salon volume where Ye Feng is located!

At the same time, Xiaoyao Yue Ying held a strong hurricane force in his hand, and his body shape just appeared from the center of the Yellow Salon, and immediately released the hurricane force around the four sides.

She guessed that someone in the Yellow Salon was hiding and waiting for the rabbit, so he wanted to beat the person hiding inside.

But unfortunately, she did not know that Ye Feng was hiding inside.

"This girl is really fierce."

Ye Feng smiled bitterly, and he couldn’t think of Xiaoyao’s cherry blossoms and chose to suddenly teleport and attack him.

However, he did not care. Even so, he had to protect Xiaoyao Sakura. Anyway, the entire seventh group of participants, for Ye Feng, only the ghosts are counted as opponents.


The force of the hurricane, the heavy bombardment on a layer of Jianqi barrier, and that layer of Jianqi barrier is unscathed.

The look of Happy Moon Sakura has changed instantly.


She attacked with all her strength and couldn't beat the guy hiding in the yellow salon. The strength of this guy is definitely one of the strongest of the seventh group!

"I haven't left the tiger's mouth yet, and I have entered the wolf's nest. It seems that this time the Eastern Region will have no chance..."

There are some regrets in the heart of Xiaoyao Yue Ying, who are about to admit defeat directly, but at this moment, she suddenly widened her eyes, because she finally found out that it was hidden in the yellow salon roll, and the force that resisted her hurricane turned out to be - Ye Feng!

The young swordsman, dressed in black, smiled at her at this time, and then a sacred man said: "When you stay, don't move, I will deal with it."

Xiaoyao Yue Ying has been stunned at this time, and did not expect to move anything.

Happy madly stunned her. If she met Ye Feng in the Eastern Region Wuzhong, Ye Feng would help her. At that time, she dismissed her, thinking that a kid who was only five thousand years old could help her.

But now, Xiaoyao Yue Ying clearly knows that Ye Feng’s strength is not weaker than her!

It was just a layer of sword gas barrier, she could not easily defeat, which gave her a sense of frustration in her heart. She was a genius in the realm of immortality, and could not match a child who was only five thousand years old.

In a short while, Xiaoyao Yue Ying felt the ghosts of the ghosts and the ghosts had already been chased, and they could not help but look at them.

"Let's admit defeat together. I heard that you and the ghosts have hatred. Don't lose your life, save your life, and have a future!"

Xiaoyao Yue Ying saw Ye Feng seem to want to fight against the ghosts, and could not help but say a word.

Although Ye Feng blocked her hurricane power, she did not think that Ye Feng was enough to confront the ghosts, so she spoke.

"Reassure, you look at it on the sidelines. If you can't, you should pay attention to it."

Ye Feng faintly said, did not care.

Ghost Millennium, he is trying to fight with him, how can he admit defeat?

However, the war is to fight, that is, the way of warfare does not have to be so bright and straightforward. Now Ye Feng is hiding in the yellow salon volume that shields the gods, that is to say, the ghost millennium does not know that he is inside.

If Ye Feng sneak attacks, the odds are bigger, and you don't need to expose too much of your strength!

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