Chapter 100 Preparing for the Flower God’s Birthday Festival, Dina Zedai!.

Where will Dina Zedai be? 】

[It should be in the place where the flower god’s birthday festival is being held, right?] 】

[As a person who has been cared for by the little auspicious grass king, Dina Zedai is particularly attentive to the flower god’s birthday festival and gives a lot of support. ] 】

Xiao Bai quickly locked in the first place he was going to, the Great Bazaar of Sumi.

This place is the lower town and where countless ordinary people live.

However, the interesting thing is that the more ordinary people are, the less people who seek wisdom, and the more they like and love the newly born little auspicious grass king.

According to memory, Xiao Bai soon came to the theater of the Grand Bazaar. The stage here has been set up beautifully!

Even though there are still about 20 days before the Flower God Birthday Festival, the people here have already begun to prepare for the celebration. Although this celebration is often spontaneously organized by the people of the Grand Bazaar.

In other parts of Sume, many people don’t care about the so-called flower god’s birthday festival.

The weight of the new gods gradually disappeared from the hearts of the Sumeru people, and it didn’t matter if they existed or lost.

“Dina Zedai, thank you for your generous support for this Flower God Birthday Festival, otherwise, I am afraid that this Flower God Extended Festival will not be able to be held!”

At the entrance of the theater, Nilu was full of gratitude and thanked Dina Zedai.

The Flower God Birthday Festival has not received the support and funding of the Fatwa for a long time, and it has always been held by the people here themselves. In the past, the flower god’s birthday festival was the biggest festival in the entire Sumeru, but now it has fallen to this point.

Without the support of Dina Zedai, it would not have been possible.

“It’s okay, I was once encouraged by the little auspicious grass king to persevere until now.”

“Since you are alive, you should do something meaningful!”

Dina Zedai put her right hand on her chest and involuntarily smiled softly in the face of Nilu’s gratitude.

Because of her own illness, she had no way to have too much emotional fluctuations, let alone participate in the preparation of the Flower God Birthday Festival. Giving financial support is already her best effort, and it is also what she can do.


“Little Auspicious Grass King must be able to feel your heart!”

“We have to be grateful for the life we have now.”

Nilu put her hands on her chest, her eyes full of gratitude.

Although her family background is not good, she has not suffered any disasters since she was a child, and she grew up happily and happily.

All this is not arbitrarily owned, it is the happiness that can be possessed by the existence of God, who guards people all the time. Therefore, as a human being, she should be grateful and express the respect in people’s hearts to the little auspicious grass king for this. How others are, Nilu has no way to change.

But both she and everyone in the Grand Bazaar thought so. Live ordinarily, and be thankful for God who gives them everything silently.


“That’s really good, I’ve always hoped that it can be useful, if more people can feel the existence of the little auspicious grass king, there will be no regrets.”

Dina Zedai sighed softly.

People in the lower city have never forgotten the little auspicious grass king, and the flower god’s birthday festival is held every year as scheduled. ■彐…

In the upper city area where life is richer and more spiritual, no one has mentioned the little auspicious grass king for a long time, let alone spontaneously held the so-called flower god’s birthday festival.

This incredible perception is completely different in the two urban districts of Sumi. Dina Zedai didn’t understand what was happening at all!

The grass god is a symbol of wisdom and gives Sumi omniscient knowledge.

Logically speaking, the more wise and learned people are, the more grateful and awe-inspiring the little auspicious grass king should be. What went wrong?

Dina Zedai couldn’t figure it out at all!

“Miss, we should go back.”

“You’ve been busy for too long today, and your body will be overwhelmed.”

Next to him, Dixia couldn’t help but speak, interrupting the communication between the two. Dina Zedai’s illness, outsiders simply do not know.

Because she didn’t want to spread it, let alone be treated differently, whether it was sympathy or concern. As her condition worsened, Dina Zedai had less energy every day.

Every extra word and one more step is a huge drain and exhausting. This point, Di Xia, who has guarded Dina Zedai for a long time, knows very well in her heart.

“Sorry, because I was so happy, I accidentally overplayed it.”

“Let’s go back!”


Dina Zedai touched her head embarrassedly, apologized to Dixia, and then waved goodbye to Nilu. Nilu was busy preparing for the Flower God’s Birthday Festival, and did not communicate too much with Dina Zedai, and continued to be busy. After Nilu left, Dixia couldn’t help but speak: “Miss, you have consumed too much physical strength and energy in the past two days, and your condition will worsen if you continue like this.” ”

“If you can’t put it down, the family won’t let you come out again!”

“After all, it was you who said it yourself and walked around, and as a result, you went to do this and that every day, but it became weaker and weaker.”

Hearing Dixia’s words, Dina Zedai was silent for a while, and then sighed softly.

“I naturally have my reasons for doing this!”

“Anyway, at least let me participate in the Flower God Birthday Festival again before I leave.”


“I can’t let the Flower God Birthday Festival be canceled before I leave because it can’t be held, that’s too much.”

Dina Zedai has been paying attention to the progress of the Flower God Birthday Festival these days, because too much care consumes too much energy. This caused her to become weaker and weaker, causing dissatisfaction in the family.

If this continues, she will soon be grounded and will never be able to come out again.


Facing Dina Zedai’s words, Dixia sighed helplessly and did not say a word. For Dixia, who is a desert people, the Flower God Birthday Sacrifice has nothing to do with her. After the death of the Red King, the people of the desert lost their faith and fought for their own survival.

“Okay, Miss has said this sentence several times.”

“It’s useless for you to tell me, I’m just hired to protect you!”

Didia didn’t say more, because she knew that no amount of her words would help. What should be done, Dina Zedai will still do it.

“Well, thank you, Dihia.”

“I know you’ll understand my thoughts and support me.”

Dina Zedai smiled, and that smile made Dythea completely unable to blame her.

Only when you know the situation of Dina Zedai and have been in contact with Dina Zedai will you understand that the person in front of you, even if you have lost hope since childhood, has never given up, and everything contains kindness and kindness.

However, such a person will not receive God’s blessing and will die young!

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