Chapter 109 She likes people who dare to have dreams!

The next day.

Xiao Bai woke up from his sleep, stretched his arms comfortably, and stretched a lazy waist.

I slept well last night, had a long, long dream, and didn’t wake up until dawn.

“Are you awake?”

“It seems that I had a good rest last night and had a good night’s sleep.”

Dixia sat at the table, heard Xiao Bai’s noise, and greeted with an expressionless face. Next to Dixia, Dina Zedai was eating a snack, covering her mouth and chuckling;

“Yes, it is a very good dream at first glance, and the smile on my face has never disappeared.”

Dina Zedai’s eyes were full of inexplicable meaning: they are all adults, they all know how to understand.jpg in the face of Dinazedai’s chuckle like watching a play, Xiao Bai did not panic at all, and nodded indifferently: “Yes, a very good dream.” ”

“In the dream, I communicated with Naxida for a long time.”

Hearing that Naxida was related, Dina Zedai was subconsciously curious, and couldn’t help but ask: “Huh?” Did you meet the little auspicious grass king in your dream? ”

Then, Dina Zedai suddenly realized that something was wrong, and lowered her head in embarrassment and said no more.

Compared to the silent Dina Zedai, Dixia became interested and stared at Xiao Bai curiously: “Is this how you treat your own god?” ”

Godless guys!

But… She likes people who dare to dream. This is courage!

940 is admirable!

“What do you think?”

“Don’t you know that virtual terminals are controlled by gods?”

“Connecting the virtual terminal, there is a way to meet Nashida.”

“I just met Nasidha in a dream through a dream and exchanged a little about the Gilded Brigade.”

Xiao Bai’s face was calm, and he despised the two [impure thinking] guys in front of him with disdain.

Di Xia: “….”

Dina Zedai: “…..”

“So that’s it?”

“Do you have a chance to meet the little lucky grass king while wearing a virtual terminal?”

“I don’t know about this!”

“Will I be able to meet the little auspicious grass king in my dreams in the future?”

A look of embarrassment flashed across Dina Zedai’s face, and then she focused on Narcida. Virtual terminals are God’s handiwork!

It turns out that Nashida has not appeared for hundreds of years because it helps the people of Sumeru solve their difficulties in the form of a virtual terminal all the time?

“What does that one think about the Gilded Brigade?”

Compared to Dina Zedai’s desire to meet Narcida, Dixia is particularly curious about Nacida’s opinion. The two of them care about very different things, which are clearly reflected in their personalities and inquiries.

“Regarding the matter of the Gilded Brigade, Nashida’s opinion is…”

Xiao Bai learned Naxida’s tone: “Well, I support you!” ”

End the morning exchange.

After the three finished eating, they said goodbye to Dina Zedai’s parents and left the Humai house.

“Where to go next?”

“There are many gilded brigades, spread throughout Sumeru, from the forest to the desert, there are footprints of survival.”

“Having said that, I am only responsible for leading the way, and I will definitely not participate in any battle.”

“Because, I need to protect Miss, and this matter has nothing to do with me!”

Standing at the intersection, Dixia explained her wishes in advance.

With Dina Zedai following, she had no way to fight with confidence, and she would definitely not participate in it.

“That’s of course, you just protect Dina Zedai.”

“It’s not your turn to help me yet!”

“As for where to go, as a guide, you should know very well, right?”

Xiao Bai turned his head to stare at Di Xiya and did not deny the other party’s words.

And the killing intent in his eyes has revealed his thoughts at the moment. Where to?

Where there is a lot of garbage, he goes!

When all the garbage is cleared, I believe that the people of other gilded brigades will understand what it means to “obediently lie down and surrender, loyal like a puppy”.

Death and surrender, anyone knows how to make a choice. And being lucky enough to make a choice is already a gift!

Because, some people don’t even have a chance to make a choice!


Sensing the killing intent on Xiao Bai’s body, Dixia was silent for a moment, but she had to accept this reality. The gilded brigade was left uncontrolled, and many teams remained unscrupulous for too long before finally ushering in punishment.

She doesn’t have any say at all, and she’s not going to sympathize with those guys. The people of the desert without a king are scattered sand after all!

If anyone can stand up, Dihia is very supportive!

I believe that it is not only her, many homeless and directionless people are also eager for the new life of [Red King]. In this way, they will have hope, and not be mercenaries for life!

“Come with me, I know if the gilded brigades in some places are damned.”

“Don’t worry, although I am also a member of the Gilded Brigade, I will not have any good feelings for these crazy guys, let alone hide them.”

“I am looking forward to whether you can realize your ideas and become our new king.”

Dixia raised her head and stared at Xiao Bai, expressing her attitude for the first time.

As long as Xiao Bai can make the entire desert people submit, she is willing to be driven by it and become a member of Xiao Bai’s subordinates!

“That’s right! That’s right! ”

“This is a good opportunity!”

“As long as we can resolve our differences and fully integrate into Sume, we are a family.”

Next to him, Dina Zedai’s attitude towards Dixia was very happy, and she held her hand very kindly.

Dixia, who was pulled by Dina Zedai, was a little caught off guard, and nodded awkwardly: “Hmm… Maybe…… bar. ”

“Hee-hee… Is Dixia shy? ”

“I didn’t expect that mercenaries also have such an uneasygoing character, no wonder they don’t fit in.”

Seeing Di Xia’s look, Dina Zedai covered her mouth and snickered, and the whole person was very happy.

Since her health has improved, Dinazedai’s spirit has also become better and better, and her personality has changed dramatically.

If it used to be just gentle and kind, then now you must add the words “quirky”. It’s right to think about it!

A girl who has been suffering for more than ten or twenty years, suddenly returns to normal, and the emotions that have been suppressed for countless years burst out, and she will definitely be full of energy.

I want to try to do everything, those are novelties that I have not experienced!


Dixia couldn’t accept the suddenly lively Dinazedai, and couldn’t cope with her straightforward words. In a sense, she does fit in.

But that’s not a bad thing, and Dihia doesn’t want to deal with too many people. With that energy, it is not as comfortable as honing swordsmanship alone.

This is the foundation of the footing.

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