Chapter 111 Clean Up! Port of Homos!.

Xiao Bai’s work efficiency is very high!

In just half a day, the entire gilded brigade on the road was completely wiped out. For these guys, Xiao Bai did not have the slightest sympathy!

Because, if it is not completely destroyed, in the end these gilded brigades will turn into the mercenaries of the Doctor and cause him trouble!

The strength of the doctor is unknown to Xiao Bai, but the fact that the other party can become the fourth seat of the fools is enough to prove its strong strength.

Especially… The evil eye of the fools is most likely created by the doctor! Not only that, in addition to the evil eye, the doctor’s research is also related to the demon disease.

And about the treatment of Demon Lin’s disease… Simply put, it is to inject the residue of the demon god into the human body. With the help of the remaining demon god power in the residue of the demon god, violently devour and transform!

Compared to the power of the Demon God, the Demon Lin Disease is naturally not enough to see.

But this kind of practice, in terms of the physique of ordinary people, is simply unbearable, either violent death or becoming a madman. And the creation of the evil eye is also the residue of the demon god, which is created by using the power of the demon god.

This is also the reason why Yasujima has an evil eye manufacturing plant, which is the death point of Orobas! From a certain point of view, Xiao Bai, who relies on the power of Andreus, can also be regarded as a kind of [evil eye].

The difference is that he signed a contract with Andreus, while the evil eye forcibly used the power of the deceased demon god. Xiao Bai needs to clear up the unstable factors as soon as possible in order to concentrate on fighting against the Fools and the Abyss Order!

This garbage is not worth wasting too much time on him, let alone being kind to him.

“This has been cleaned up, there will be fewer gilded brigades on other roads and weaker.”

“I probably understand now why the king of the desert is called the [Red King].”

Dixia stared at Xiao Bai, who was expressionless, who had cleaned up more than a dozen gilded brigades but did not move at all, and the look in her eyes had already turned from recognition to respect.

In her eyes, Xiao Bai was a terrifying existence that exuded blood-colored aura.

But what puzzled Dixia was that every time Xiao Bai used power, the slogan in his mouth was [Lover]. Kill because you love someone?

Gentleness is sometimes cruel, and cruelty is sometimes tenderness. Dixia knows this very well. **Two days down.

All the gilded brigades outside Sumi have been cleared!

Only after realizing it did the gold-plated brigade gradually react, living in panic, afraid that it would become the next target. Who is it?

Who can’t get along with the Gilded Brigade?

Some people say that the Gilded Brigade provoked people who should not be provoked and caused a devastating disaster. Some say that they betrayed their faith, and the Red King was born again to give divine punishment. But in any case, no information could be found about the destruction of the Gilded Brigade.

“The guys who fell into the grass for Cole have all been cleaned up, and it’s the mercenary group’s turn next!”

Xiao Bai raised his head and stared at Di Xia, his eyes full of oppression.

Dixia subconsciously took a step back, and then noticed the fear in her heart, a trace of shame flashed in her eyes, and she raised her head to look at Xiao Bai.

“Hmph, why are you watching me?”

“I don’t change my name or change my surname, and all the employment I accept can withstand scrutiny.”

“If you think I’m damned, you can do it at any time!”

Dixia no longer had the intention of fighting Xiao Bai, and in the past few days, she was deeply aware of the horror of Xiao Bai’s power. That’s not something she can fight against!

The power of the other party has long been beyond the scope of ordinary people, beyond the understanding of the owner of the Divine Eye.

“What are you excited about?”

“If I didn’t believe in your character, how would I have asked you as a guide?”

“As a member of the Gilded Brigade, I believe you also hope that the Gilded Brigade can restore its former glory, right?”

“If you want to go to glory, you need to go through the pain and clean up the garbage.”

“You should thank Nasida for being kind, if it weren’t for the fact that Nasida might blame herself for this, the Gilded Brigade and I didn’t leave Xiao Bai’s eyes cold.”

He was never a benevolent man, and his kindness was built on the kindness of Nashida.

At the moment when the Gilded Brigade was hired by the Doctor in the Genshin and ran through Catherine’s body, Xiao Bai did not have a good impression of this group:

Now there will be a part of those who have not done evil, and in addition to the fear that Nasidha’s mercy will blame himself for this, it will be used more to fight dog eats dog and fight against the Fools and the Abyss Order.

This can be regarded as a gilded brigade to prove its value of living and fight for a future for its desert people. After this, Xiao Bai hated Nashida for them and wrote off the destruction of Sume.


Dihia fell silent.

She was vaguely aware of Xiao Bai’s dissatisfaction with the gilded brigade, as well as a certain restraint in her heart.

If it weren’t for Nasidha’s kindness, too many killings would cause Nashida’s dissatisfaction, and I’m afraid that this guy in front of him would not let anyone go.

Although he didn’t understand why Xiao Bai had such a great hatred for the Gilded Brigade, Dixia knew the behavior of the Gilded Brigade over the past few hundred years.

There is no perishing, it is already a gift from the gods!

“If you are a mercenary, it is best to go to Port Homos.”

“It is the port connected to the world and the place with the most mercenaries.”

“The port of Omos is mixed, and countless mercenaries who see money have gathered here.”

“As long as they can afford the price, whether it is to rob the goods or kidnap the merchants, they will do it.”

Tricia spoke again after being silent.

When it comes to mercenaries, you have to mention Port of Omos!

This is a mercenary paradise, and 4.8 is also the darkest place in Sume. The fatwa can’t control the city!

Countless mercenaries are mixed, countless power groups are intertwined, and it is a port city that truly has no owner.

Profit-seeking businessmen, mercenaries who see money, ordinary people who survive in the cracks of survival… The result is this beautiful port city.

And Dolly, with her own divine eye, as well as countless Mora, is also the biggest big sister in Port Omos! Of course, she is a businessman.

What Xiao Bai was looking for was indeed a gilded brigade. The two are not in conflict!

“Okay, let’s go to Port Omos.”

Xiao Bai nodded gently, and the three of them moved forward again, this time targeting Port Omos. A marginal port far from Sume!

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