Chapter 127 Shadow Arrives with the Evil Persecution of the Skirmishers!

Everything is in the air.

A new day begins!

Dolly did not forget the canning knowledge that Xiao Bai needed, and considering that Xiao Bai easily satisfied her Mora palace dream last night, she immediately became active.

It didn’t take long for Xiao Bai to successfully get the canning knowledge that Xiao Bai needed.

“What do you want canning knowledge in mechanical forging?”

“Are you going to be a powerful robot?”

Next to him, Paimon was extremely curious and particularly interested in Xiao Bai’s behavior.

Since he knew that Xiao Bai had a way to meet the little auspicious grass king, and several people had a private meeting with the little auspicious grass king in a dream last night, Paimon decided that he could not leave Xiao Bai!

In this way, they can seize the opportunity to meet the little auspicious grass king in their dreams in advance.

“What is a robot?”

“You’re talking about the relic guards, right?”

“All I want to do is memorize metal, it’s not that complicated, and I don’t need energy power.”

Xiao Bai shook his head gently.

The forging of the Demon King’s armament is even easier than expected!

Because elemental immunity itself is its characteristic, Xiao Bai only needs to re-fuse these fragments 28 and forge them into memory metal.

No need for any power, no energy, no styling, no other materials. After Xiao Bai used the knowledge of canning, he began to personally make his own demon king weapon.

The process of making memory metals is very tedious, requiring the help of various alchemical technologies to achieve a certain balance of liquid and solid overlap.

These technologies require a lot of instruments to achieve!

Fortunately, Dolly is a businessman and has her own purchase channels, so she can help him buy all the instruments he needs with an excuse. The process of making was very boring, and Paimon looked at it for a while, then gave up the observation with a question mark on his head.

Ying also gave up and took Paimon for a walk on the street.

Dixia accompanied Dina Zedai, chatting secretly and whispering, without disturbing. An hour.

Three hours. Five hours.


The day passed, and the forging was only a fraction of the time.

In order to make it form a memory metal, it needs to repeatedly switch back and forth between liquid and solid state to form the so-called memory. In this way, he can make the Demon King Armament soft as he wants, hard as he wants, and whatever form he wants to turn into! According to the understanding in the canning knowledge, it takes at least a few days and repeated tempering tens of thousands of times to barely qualify! Therefore, Xiao Bai will stay here for the next few days to complete the production of the Demon King Armament.

There are instruments for tempering, he does not need to keep an eye on it, he only needs to observe the situation every once in a while to make sure that there is no deviation.

[The Demon King’s armament is almost in place, just waiting for forging. ] 】

[The crisis of the Gilded Brigade has also been resolved, and the desert people will be the right-hand man to deal with the fools.] 】

[I want to think about what is not perfected…”

Xiao Baixian was bored, paying attention to the situation while thinking about whether his plan had missed anything. He despises the incompetence of travelers, and it would be very funny if his arrival was even inferior to Ying. The matter of Sumi is related to the life and death of Naxida, and Xiao Bai cannot let down his vigilance.

[By the way, I remember that there seems to be a very suspicious message on Sume’s message board in Genshin, and many people even suspect that Ray Movie personally came to Sume. ] 】

[This can’t be true, can it?] 】

Xiao Bai suddenly thought of a very important piece of information.

Skirmishers are stand-ins made by Ray Movies, and they are directly abandoned because of poor quality.

Ray Movie couldn’t bear it, and did not destroy the skirmishers, which eventually led to the skirmishers joining the Fools. As the maker of skirmishers, Ray Movies needs to take some responsibility for it!

If the skirmishers plague the entire country and become gods at the expense of the gods and men of the entire country, will Ray Movie know that the situation will come?

The answer is: definitely!

As gods, it is their duty to protect people.

Now Lei Movie, after experiencing the help of the screen, completely understands the true meaning of “Xu Yi Subject A Dream” and understands the reason for loving people.

She, absolutely, will come!

The guilt in my heart will not disappear if my own mistakes bring disasters to other countries.

[Although I am not sure if the Thunder movie will come to Sume, I can make this possibility an absolute reality! ] 】

[Ray movie over, I am equivalent to having a god as a teammate, this improvement is not a little bit. ] 】

[What’s more, when Ray Movie comes, I don’t have to waste time going to Inazuma… 】

Xiao Bai’s eyes lit up, and he successfully found a new help! This is very important information!

He didn’t know if the thunder movie was coming, but he could use the evil of the skirmishers to force the thunder movie to come 100%!

“Wouldn’t that be more fun?”

A smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Bai’s mouth, and he turned his head to look at Ying and Paimon walking on the street in the distance. Mascots can finally come in handy!

There is a certain risk in letting others blame the shadow! But if you let the screen go, you can 100% guarantee that there will be no problems, and you can still see the movie.

Let Ying accuse Ray Movie with the evil of the skirmishers, go for a walk in Inazuma, and accuse her of being a god but conniving at her puppets to destroy other countries.

[This is the king fried! ] 】

[You can guarantee Sume’s safety 100%, and you can even find a way to obtain Kage’s martial arts without going to Inazuma.] 】

[Obtaining the martial arts of the shadow, I have the possibility of [comparable to the power of the gods], plus a god as combat power. ] 】

[Shadow’s personality is very convincing, let 427 her help deal with some garbage, even cleaner and more indifferent than I handled! ] 】

[What about the fools?] 】

[What about the Abyss Order?] 】

[Give me all to die in Sumi, there will be no slag left! ] 】

Decide to let Inazuma accuse Rai of the movie so that it will come to Sumi 100%.

Xiao Bai couldn’t sit still any longer, and after making sure that there was no problem with the instrument, he headed towards the place of Ying and Paimon. Persuading Ray Movie to come over can be used as a condition for Ying to meet the little auspicious grass king through him!

I think that for this kind of condition, Ying will definitely agree and accept.

“Ying, come here, I have something very important to discuss with you!”

Xiao Bai walked out of the room and waved at the screen in the distance.

Ying and Paimon were full of question marks, looked at each other, and walked towards Xiao Bai’s position.

“What’s the matter?”

“Is it a precaution for seeing the little auspicious grass king?”

“Don’t worry, we will definitely remember!”

Paimon also thought that Xiao Bai was preparing to take them to meet the little auspicious grass king at night, afraid that they would run into each other and tell them in advance what they needed to pay attention to.

Happy waving in the sky. Next to him, Ying nodded approvingly, indicating that he would listen carefully.

They come into contact with more than one god, and each has its own character and faults! I believe Nashida is the same!.

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