Chapter 142 continues to improve, the goal is clear!

“Oh, our deputy parish master woke up from a sweet dream?”

“Hmph, as a punishment for you, the sect master is ready to go shopping with Dina Zedai and not take you!”

Xiao Bai opened his eyes, but found that the walnut next to him had completely played with Dina Zedai at some point.

“That’s right, that’s right, I want the two of us to go together!”

Dina Zedai was clearly on Walnut’s side, nodding with the same smile.

Xiao Bai smiled lightly when he heard this, probably understanding that the other party did not want to delay his time. After all, if there are a few people around, Xiao Bai wants to improve his strength, and finding the right person will always bring inconvenience.

“Well, I’ll take the punishment.”

“You two don’t run too far, and Walnut, you guy don’t scare Dina Zedai.”

Xiao Bai shrugged his shoulders, not worried that Di Na Zedai’s departure would cause a recurrence of Molin’s disease.

Don’t forget that the meaning of the existence of the Past Life Hall is to eliminate disasters!

Sumi’s Demon Disease, in fact,28 is the same source as Liyue’s calamity.

Walnut may not be able to completely cure Dina Zedai’s disease, but there is absolutely no problem in using his ghost possession to suppress it for a short time.

This is something that Xiao Bai understood after obtaining the martial arts of Hu Tao. Walnut naturally has a strong ability to suppress and eliminate disasters!

She has a way to completely eliminate the Demon Disease, but the price is that Dina Zede will be cremated together. Super.jpg Walnut went shopping with Dina Zedai.

With Hu Tao, a self-ripe who knows Liyue very well, Xiao Bai is not worried that Dina Zedai will be bullied. In fact, Walnut does not bully others, and is already considered lucky for others!

[The next goal is… Ke Qing! 】

After the two left, Xiao Bai continued to focus on improving his strength.

Once, he had acquired Diluc’s swordsmanship, and his understanding of the Great Sword had reached a point of great importance. Then there is Youra, and Dixia’s martial arts bring improvement, almost reaching the limit.

The big sword is no longer Xiao Bai’s shortcoming.

And the bow and arrow, Amber’s marksman ability, is enough to be enough, and does not need to learn too much. After all, bows and arrows are often too restrictive, not practical, and do not need to be paid too much attention. Xiao Bai wanted to continue to improve, but what he needed most now was the skill of the one-handed sword. Among them, Ji Qing became the first target!

Ji Qing’s martial arts are definitely the pinnacle of one-handed swords, and they play dexterity and swiftness to the fullest. If you can master this dexterity, you will only improve Xiao Bai, who has controlled the thick sword of the great sword.

Thick and dexterous coexist, not only can clash with the enemy, but also can use dexterity to suppress and slash like a flash.

[Ji Qing’s martial arts are also inherited from ancient times, and a series of improvements have been made. ] 】

[The extreme of his swordsmanship, he can escape into the sword shadow and make lightning-like slashes at the surrounding enemies. ] 】

[Although I don’t have the Eye of Thunder God and can’t control the power of the thunder element, but the blessing of the power of the wind, the speed will only be faster, right? ] 】

A hint of intention flashed in Xiao Bai’s eyes.

Ji Qing’s martial arts have nothing to do with the Eye of God, which is just the icing on the cake, and the infusion of martial arts makes her more powerful. This martial art will definitely improve Xiao Bai and make him more dexterous and swift.

“Ji Qing’s words are not very good!”

“This guy, as the Seven Stars of Liyue, is now busy trying to prove himself!”

“However, after Ji Qing personally dealt with various problems, he completely lost all the arrogance of the blind.”

“If you want to persuade her to exchange martial arts, the problem should not be very big, just need to prepare a knowledge of economics like Qin”

“I really can’t add a few more canned knowledge related to governance, I don’t believe she is not moved!”

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Xiao Bai’s face.

Before he came, he had already locked his target and prepared in advance the canned knowledge that was enough to make Ji Qing’s heart move. Now Ji Qing is gradually unable to govern, and he has understood that his ability cannot keep up with the development of Liyue. At this critical moment, she needs to grow up especially if she wants to prove herself!

Especially Ji Qing himself is so strong, he is absolutely unwilling to admit that he can’t do it, and he doesn’t want to see Liyue have problems because of his own ability.

“Although the secret code of [Yuheng Charter] was revealed in the original god, it was to climb the Jade Pavilion to see the condensed light, not to see the Qingqing.”

Xiao Bai instantly felt a headache.

Ji Qing often sees the beginning and the end, and the devil knows where she will run. Liyue is so big, it is not generally difficult to find each other.

[Do you want to go to the Jade Pavilion to find Condensation? ] 】

[There is no problem in letting Ning Guang find Ji Qing! ] 】

A thought flashed through Xiao Bai’s mind.

The strongest thing in Condensation itself is the magic, which, with the power of the rock element, has super combat effectiveness. Unfortunately, Xiao Bai did not know the power of rock elements, so he was naturally not interested in the martial arts of condensing light. Not only condensing light, but most people in the entire Liyue are based on magic.

Whether it is the three-eyed and five-manifest immortals, or Zhongli itself. Although Zhongli can be called the martial god of Liyue, what he is best at is magic.

Whether it is the movement of heaven, or the rock spear formed by its own magic, or the creation of various rock creations. They are all super strong realms of magic.

Each technique needs the corresponding elemental attributes, and if Xiao Bai wants to learn, only Shen He and Chongyun’s techniques are suitable.

“Ning Guang is a smart person, or an extremely smart businessman.”

“As a businessman, it is too much brain drain to cooperate with this kind of guy!”

Xiao Bai thought about it, and finally put an end to the idea of finding condensation.

Quite simply, he didn’t want to be targeted by Condensation, and then he was monitored in all directions twenty-four hours a day in Liyue. This kind of thing, Ning Guang can definitely do it!

Compared to Condensation Light, Xiao Bai was more willing to deal with a straightforward person like Ji Qing, and did not have so much mind to intrigue.

“That’s right! Wouldn’t it be nice if I went directly to the General Affairs Department to leave a message? ”

“But I think too much!”

“Ignored the easiest way!”

After tangling for a while, Xiao Bai suddenly patted his forehead and found the easiest way.

With the personality of a workaholic, I know that someone is looking for her about work, and I will come to the door in minutes! The General Affairs Department definitely did not dare to suppress the affairs related to Ji Qing!

Ji Qing, in a sense, is the easiest Liyue Seven Stars to see in Liyue. It is also the companion that civil servants least want to cooperate!

Thinking of this, Xiao Bai immediately went to the General Affairs Department to leave a message, saying that please discuss something very important about Liyue!

Hearing that he was looking for Ji Qing, the guard at the door was more active than him, and immediately asked Xiao Bai to leave a message, and would report it to Ji Qing as soon as possible. The problem that gave Xiao Bai a headache was easily completed like this.

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