
While Xiao Bai was entertaining herself, Dolly had already come to the city alone.

As a merchant who earns mola by smuggling contraband, Dolly rarely comes to Sume.

After all,

Meru City is a very dangerous place for Dolly, and if you are not careful, you can sit in jail.

Here, it is better to go to the port of Omos and get away with it and do whatever you want.

However, because of Xiao Bai, Dolly took the initiative to come to this city that brought her a bad impression for the second time.

In Meru Castle, there is a kind of “wisdom” that everyone takes for granted and is proud of, called the virtual terminal.

This virtual terminal, created with supreme wisdom, can envelop the entire city of Meru.

As long as you are in Meru City, everything can be obtained by the virtual terminal, and even ordinary people can instantly become omniscient all-round geniuses.

This is the pride of Meru Castle!

“I’ll first try to see if I can directly access all the girls who have been imprisoned from birth to the present through the virtual terminal.”

“This kind of authority belongs to the special authority of the fatwa, but I have bribed the students of the fatwa and have certain powers of the fatwa.”

Dolly looked smug.

There is Mora who can make the ghost push and grind!

There is more than one inner ghost she bought in the fatwa!

Because the academic research of the fatwa is very much in need of funds, and many ordinary students cannot receive the research funds of the fatwa at all, and can only pay for their own research.

In order to graduate, many students have to do everything they can to earn research funding.

So, Dolly, a rich businessman, stood up … Hey!

What the fatwa is like is like, no one in the entire Sumeru knows better than Dolly.

Ever since Iris lamented that the Decree House was crazy, Dolly had no good feelings for the Ordinance.

After stepping into Meru City and successfully activating the virtual terminal, Dolly did not hesitate to activate the virtual device and began to ask the void:

“I want to know about the young girl whose freedom has been restricted from birth in Meru Castle for decades!”


Didi’s voice came from the virtual terminal, indicating that her request had been accepted by the virtual terminal.

After a moment, the result came from the virtual terminal:

“No one was found.”

Dolly’s authority is very high, which is also her so-called “omnipotence” and the confidence to be able to sell everything.

Today, however, she didn’t get the answer she wanted!


“Not found?”

“How is it possible!”

Dolly’s surprised glasses almost fell to the ground, and she exclaimed in disbelief.

Did she guess wrong?

This can’t be!

From Xiao Bai’s attitude and tone, it was completely certain that the other party was a person from Meru City!

“Am I being deceived?”

“This is just a lie carefully fabricated by the other party, using my past to gain my trust?”

Thinking of this, Dolly’s face turned faintly white, and her whole body involuntarily trembled slightly.

Her past is a difficult one to look back on, and almost no one knows it.

But what if someone finds out by chance and sets a trap?

If you think about it, Xiao Bai himself is of unknown origin, claiming to be a traveler, and cannot find substantive information at all.

And what the other party took from himself ….

Dolly didn’t dare to think about it!

She is not afraid of being deceived.

With Dolly’s worth, no matter how much Mora is cheated on, he can earn it back.

She was afraid of the scars that she had finally recovered from, but she was once again bloodily opened, betraying her trust again!

“No, no, no! Wrong! ”

“It can’t be fake!”

“At least the knowledge I gained from him does not belong to Sumeru at all, let alone the academic research of the Fatwa.”

“This thing called ‘mathematics’ is enough to prove that he is not lying and has been to many places.”

“It should be that my question was not asked correctly!”

Dolly shook her head hard, and the mathematics she learned from Xiao Bai came to mind, and her face improved slightly.

At the moment when she expected that Xiao Bai might be a liar, she almost went into shock on the spot!

This girl, who is firm and plain on the surface, but actually weak in her heart, cannot bear the second blow at all.

Dolly tried to recall Xiao Bai’s description of the girl at that time, and for the sake of prudence, she directly entered what Xiao Bai said as it was in the virtual terminal for query:

“From birth, he was betrayed by someone he trusted, confined to a small room, and never had freedom.”

“Even if you are imprisoned and lose your freedom, you still do not hate anyone, and strive to help others in your own way.”

“It’s a pity that even so, the group of betrayers still don’t plan to let her go, until she dies.”

Dolly repeated the words in her mind and successfully entered them.

At this time, I have to sigh that I am fortunate that my memory is good, otherwise, I would be blind today!

As a big businessman, excellent memory is the foundation.

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