“Hey, Yura, don’t you have anything you want to share?”

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!”

“If you miss this village, you won’t have this shop!”

“That guy’s knowledge is sold very expensive, it needs fifty million mola!”

“If you choose to share wisdom with each other, you can save 50 million mola.”

“However, he didn’t share much, because when I checked, I knew that he used only five ‘sharing’ props.”

“Hey, hey… I used one first and now there are four left. ”

“If Youra’s heart is moved, you must be fast, otherwise there will be no chance!”

“This kind of sharing wisdom, without wasting energy and time to learn to gain powerful knowledge, once it is spread, it is quickly robbed.”

Amber is not stupid and has his own cleverness.

She strictly inspected all Xiao Bai’s goods!

When Xiao Bai handed herself a copy of the blank canned knowledge, she knew that there were only five of this thing Xiao Bai.

Very precious!

In the spirit of such a good thing, not to let Youra miss it, Amber tried to prove to him the power of “sharing wisdom”.

Without spending a penny, you can get a copy of the “wisdom” you want, which is simply refreshing.

Yesterday, Amber did not sleep all night of excitement, and fried all the dishes he had learned at home.

To this day, her house is still full of delicious food that she can’t eat.


When Youra heard Amber’s words, the whole person was slightly stunned, holding the juice cup in his left hand and gently stirring the spoon in his right hand.

Compared to Amber’s excitement, Youra didn’t have so many impulses in her heart except for feeling incredible and surprised.


She doesn’t seem to need much knowledge!

The martial arts and aristocratic etiquette she has trained hard since she was a child and learned hard are enough to satisfy her.

Martial arts can protect Mondstadt, and etiquette and dance can relieve one’s distress in leisure time.


She is different from Amber.

Youra’s martial arts come from the inheritance of the Lawrence family and are not allowed to be passed on.

Unless she is a member of the Lawrence family, she is qualified to learn the martial arts she possesses.

This is the inheritance of the Lawrence family, and it is also the unique supreme glory of the Lawrence family.

No matter what it is, it is impossible for Youra to share the Lawrence family’s martial arts with others.

She can’t share selflessly.

And in addition to the martial arts that she is proud of, Youra really can’t find the knowledge that she can share.

There is neither the wisdom to be obtained, nor the knowledge to share.

Youra was indifferent to this.

“Yes! That’s right! ”

“Hasn’t Youra always known how to communicate with others, always causing misunderstandings?”

“If Youra can acquire a language skill for communication, it will definitely make the residents of Mondstadt no longer misunderstand you!”

“You can also communicate with people happily, not embarrassingly cold.”

As Youra’s best friend, Amber understands very well how awkward it is for Youra to communicate with people.

This guy because of the so-called aristocratic etiquette, the way of communication is really some… Eh, outrageous.

Amber sincerely hopes that Yura can communicate with people normally, so that the misunderstanding between her and the Mondstadt people can be resolved.

That set of so-called aristocratic etiquette is the source of deepening the hatred and misunderstanding between Yura and the Mondstadt people!

Youra didn’t know anything about this, and she was extremely depressed and drunk, didn’t understand where she offended people, and was rejected by everyone.

The Lawrence family’s so-called aristocratic etiquette is simply a high-ranking emperor posture with a high toe.

“Communicative language skills?”

Youra, who was originally indifferent, was instantly moved after hearing Amber’s words.

Oh, yes!

At this moment, she is secretly distressed that she cannot communicate with people normally, and every time she speaks, she inexplicably offends people and attracts hostility.

Her existence not only did not resolve the gap between the Mondstadt and the Lawrence family, but made people even more disgusted!


She can put aside the so-called aristocratic etiquette of the Lawrence family, and has the skills to communicate with ordinary people, which she can use to communicate with ordinary people.

Well, everything will be different!

Thinking of this, Youra couldn’t hold back the urge in her heart anymore.


Ordinary communication skills are urgently needed!

Amber’s words instantly moved Youra, making Youra unable to refuse.

“But… My martial arts are the inheritance of the family, and there is no way to share them. ”

“If you use aristocratic etiquette as a contribution to sharing wisdom, can you switch to the skill of communicating with ordinary people?”

Youra, who was a little weak, raised her head and stared at Amber with hopeful eyes.

Amber: ⊙▽⊙

Wait a minute!

Yura’s aristocratic etiquette?

This thing will kill people!

Don’t let it out!

Who offends the whole Mondstadt with whom!

Youra has martial arts, and others dare not do anything to her.

If Xiao Bai used this aristocratic etiquette to communicate with the Mondstadt … Amber seriously suspects that there will be a big accident!

“This… This one…… Hmmm…”

Amber was embarrassed for a while, and he couldn’t speak for a long time.

She reacted as well:

Youra, like her, does not have enough capital to “share wisdom”!

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