Wait a minute!

The way to gain powerful force in an instant?

Just when Xiao Bai felt despair in his heart, unable to protect Naxida because of his weakness, a flash of light flashed in his mind.

If memory serves, there is a thing in Sumi called “canned knowledge”!

As long as you have “canned knowledge”, you can instantly control all the knowledge you have inside!

In the past, there was a screen to buy a piece of combat knowledge and instantly improve it.

Although this canned knowledge of combat is very small for the screen.

But that’s just the combat experience and knowledge of ordinary people!


“I can have a lifetime of combat experience and knowledge of countless powerful martial artists, and with all their martial arts, can I be strong enough?”

Xiao Bai’s eyes flickered, and this information was like a dawn in the dark, giving him the direction of progress.

When you have enough canned knowledge, you can integrate countless martial arts into one, like Lei Movie, and integrate what you have learned all your life into “no thought of a knife”.

Whether it’s a mortal or a demon, it only takes a sword!

Not only that!

If she has enough to move people’s hearts, persuade Kage to trade with herself, encapsulate the martial arts she has learned all her life, and turn it into canned knowledge and give it to herself….

Achieving a demigod is not a dream at all!

The powerful power of Lei Movies comes from his own martial arts, and there is no half-dime relationship with the heart of God!

Even the source of all the martial arts and genres of the entire Inazuma was created by Ray Movies!

The power of Thunder Movie ranks among the best among the Demon Gods, and countless Demon God corpses can prove it.

She easily killed countless enemies in the Demon God War, forging Inazuma to her current glory!

As long as he can obtain the martial arts of Lei Film’s life, Xiao Bai will be invincible under the seven gods in the entire Teyvat continent.

Even if you face the Seven Gods, you have the ability to protect yourself!

What’s more, the entire Teyvat continent is not only the martial arts of Thunder Movies!

Mondstadt’s qin, Yula, Liyue’s carving, Beidou… and so on, all with martial arts as the core!

As long as all people’s martial arts are encapsulated into canned knowledge, it is turned into their own instinctive energy.

Don’t talk about skirmishers, it’s skirmishers, after the skirmishers are bullied, Xiao Bai is sure to defeat!

“That’s right!”

“Canned knowledge!”

“If you get it, you can turn it into your own strength and experience, without any cost or sequelae!”

“This is the fastest way and direction for my improvement!”

“And as a traverser, I am familiar with the information of all countries and outstanding people, and I have advantages that ordinary people do not have!”

“Turn this advantage into your own resources, and you can increase it to an unimaginable speed at an incredible speed!”

“As long as I exist, the whole Sumeru… No! In the entire Teyvat continent, no one will dare to bully Nasidha! ”

“Nasida will have the freedom to realize her ideals.”

Xiao Bai thought of this, the whole person’s inner emotions tumbled, and there was an impatient excitement.


Finally found your own way forward!

The next step is to find a way to get knowledge of canning!

And how to persuade those excellent people to willingly package all their experience, martial arts, and skills related to combat, package and sell them to themselves!

“Canned knowledge is contraband in Sume, and there is no way to trade it in the open.”

“To get information about it, you need to go to another place!”

“Someone there must have the knowledge of canning manufacturing methods, which can better meet everything I want.”

Xiao Bai’s figure appeared in Dolly’s mind.

As Sumi’s “most connected” merchant, anything can be bought from Dolly.

As long as you have enough Mora!

Of course, she must pay special attention to the price of the things there, because it is very expensive.

“Dolly is in Port Homos, which means I need to go to Port Oros to find her.”

“Although I don’t have any morrahs, I have something far more attractive than morrahs.”

“These are priceless treasures enough to convince Dolly to trade with me!”

Xiao Bai is exceptionally clear at this moment, understanding what he wants and how to achieve it!

The road has to be taken step by step.

The power of Lei movies is Xiao Bai’s ultimate goal!

But the character of Ray’s film is there.

To gain her approval, you must have enough strength.

To gain her powers, you must have enough attractive trading items!

All this needs Xiao Bai to obtain slowly until he succeeds.

As a traverser, Xiao Bai not only has no power to bind chickens, but also has nothing.

How can you do everything you want in this situation?

This requires the use of the strongest commercial means in the world – the white wolf with empty gloves!

It just so happens that Xiao Bai has the conditions and “connections” of the white wolf with empty gloves.

“Nashida, wait for me.”

“It won’t be too long, I’ll be by your side soon.”

Xiao Bai’s face showed a determined look, standing on a high place and looking at Sumi from a distance.

For a moment,

He did not hesitate to turn around and move towards the location of Port Homos!

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