The two of them were so happy that they had to face each other.

"Hehe, little Paimon is still as 'cute' as ever."

Yae Shenzi spoke up to break the awkward atmosphere.

"The reason you were able to see Ying last time was largely because Ying was curious about you."

"And now, she has a preliminary understanding of you, and she is no longer as curious as before, plus you are still an eternal threat."

"So if you go to Ying without any plan this time, the result may be..."

Yae Shenzi said word by word: "Before entering the castle tower, you will face Ying's "Unthinking Sword" directly, without any chance to discuss."

"Because Ying's personality is like this, once she identifies the other party as an enemy, then next time she will resolve the battle neatly."

"Ah this..."

Paimon was scared all of a sudden, and didn't even dare to say a word.

Regarding the Unthinking Sword, she and Ying have been constantly mentioned since they set foot on Inazuma.

It is said that it is a sword that can kill even demon gods in seconds.

If it is used on them, wouldn't it be as easy to kill them as cutting melons and vegetables?

"Then what should we do?"

Ying asked at this time.

"It's very simple."

"Since the warrior's decisiveness against the enemy has become a stumbling block for you to see Ying."

"Then we can also use the warrior's glory to let you bypass the level of General Raiden and see Ying again."

Yae Shenzi smiled, a smile that came naturally from the heart because of her understanding of her old friend.

"And all we need is a guide."

"Someone who can let you enter the castle tower quietly, go to General Raiden, and then challenge Ying to a duel."

"Not to other people, not to that puppet general, but directly to the real Thunder God?"

Paimon was shocked by Yae Shenzi's answer and exclaimed.

I always feel that this decision is a bit too bold.

Jiang Ning was slightly thoughtful when he saw this scene.

The original plot was that Ying challenged the lady to a duel, but now it has become that they challenged Ying to a duel.

It seems that her participation has caused some changes in the plot to varying degrees.

I just don't know how things will develop in the future, and whether the ending will be the same as the original plot?

"But God, how can you guarantee that the other party will agree to the duel we challenge the Thunder God?"

"If the Thunder God does not respond at that time, we cannot enter the Pure Land of One Heart, and we will face the attack of the puppet general?"

Ying said with some worry, and said the problem she was worried about.

"Hehe, I know Ying, just like I know myself."

"As a warrior, she attaches great importance to the honor of the duel, and she cannot allow it to be tarnished. She regards it as one of her principles."

"As long as you can successfully go to the Thunder General and challenge him, she will definitely agree. You don't have to worry about this."

Yae God said.

It seems that she can see that Ying and Paimon are still a little worried, so she continued to add.

"I guess you have never heard of such a thing in the land of Inazuma, so it's no wonder you are surprised."

"After all, challenging the Thunder God, who commands the entire Inazuma and has reached the peak of status and force, is undoubtedly a way to death for ordinary people."

"So every duelist will exclude the high and mighty Kage by default before initiating a duel."

Speaking of this, Yae Shinko's tone has a hint of sigh.

"But do you know that the actions of the two demons who died at the hands of Ying were also a form of duel against Ying."

"It's just that they lost in the 'duel' in the end."

"And I said so much just to tell you that you don't have to regard my idea as an advanced attempt, because there have always been people who challenge the divine power."

"As long as you can trace the root, the gods may not be invincible."

Hearing this, Jiang Ning applauded: "What the Son of God said makes my blood boil, so..."

"I plan to eat an extra bowl of rice tonight! (˵•̀◡•́)"

It's okay to be passionate, but when I think of Wuxiang's knife, I still have to avoid the limelight (´◔ ₃ ◔`)

This is called a double standard with a flexible bottom line... oh no... cough... it's called Xixi Dancer Wei Junjie also

's clever little ghost.

"Goddess, don't keep us in suspense. Who is that person?"

After listening to Yae Goddess's talk, but only understanding a few words, Paimeng was a little impatient.

Heard, but it was as if he didn't hear.

As if he heard!

"The person who leads the shogunate army will come to the shrine to worship at this time every month, and he is also our guest today."

After Yae Goddess finished speaking, he looked behind Paimeng and others.

"Well, she seems... to be behind you."


Ying and Paimeng were confused when they heard this, and immediately turned around to look behind them.

But they saw that they didn't know when, Kujo Sara had appeared behind them with his men...

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