The ice elemental force shot out from under her feet like a swift sword, forming a white torrent on the wide sea.

Finally, it passed through the ships that were asking for help and exploded on the sea behind.

Suddenly, the dazzling pure white was like ink entering the water, spreading rapidly around with a point as the center of the circle.

Wherever it passed, it was engulfed by the power.

The huge waves that were so fierce that the entire port seemed slightly smaller in front of it, turned into huge wave ice sculptures in an instant.

The seabirds flying off the water and the fish jumping into the air were all frozen and solidified, forming an ice-covered world.

The originally terrifying might was instantly calmed.

The merchants and fishermen on the boats watched this scene in a daze, as if they had seen a miracle.

After they reacted, they hurriedly urged the boats to return to the dock of Liyue Port.

When they got off the boat and saw Jiang Ning standing quietly on the deck, staring at the sea, they all knelt down respectfully and worshiped.

"Thank you for saving us, Master, or we would not be alive! Master, I will never forget your kindness!"

As he said that, he was about to take out some gifts to thank Jiang Ning.

"It's just a small matter, don't worry about it."

"If you must thank me, you can do more good things to the common people in your daily life, which is your reward for today."

"Go away."

Jiang Ning said lightly, brushed his sleeves lightly, and ordered him to leave.

Today she was quite worried and just wanted to be alone and quiet.

If it had been before, she might have really accepted these gifts, smiled heartlessly, and publicized her great deeds to everyone.

After she finished speaking, the ice on the sea in the distance also broke, and everything that was frozen returned to its original state.

"Follow the instructions of the immortal master!"

Seeing this, everyone did not dare to disobey in the slightest, and quickly left the dock with their luggage.

After leaving the dock, they began to discuss.

"Hey, why didn't the immortal master accept our gifts just now? Is he dissatisfied with us?"

"Stupid, do you think the immortal master thinks the same as ordinary people like you and me, and only has ordinary appetite in his eyes? The immortal master must have her reasons for doing this!"

"Yes, in the eyes of the immortal master, Mora and others are all dung in her eyes, this is the pattern!"

The barrage also started.

[Damn, Lao Ning is so fierce, this move is so handsome! ]

[The collapse of Mount Tai in front of her eyes, she is calm and composed, her bare hands can freeze the mountains and rivers, and her sleeves flutter towards the sky. This describes Jiang Ning's current appearance, right? ]

[Upstairs, I envy your cauliflower, delete it quickly so that I can post it! ]

[Really, I feel that Jiang Ning's current cool temperament and sharp moves are too fairy-like, absolutely! ]

[This strong contrast with the previous slacking and fun-loving big sister is simply exploding me! ]

[I understand, betting on Jiang Ning is equivalent to getting two wives with different personalities at the same time, so I have to bet on him now! ]

[My Ning Bao, why don't you take so many golden Moras? It seems a bit inconsistent with your usual style of doing things? ]

[What do you know, Ning Bao is emo. ]

[Hehe, now I will go up and tease her, she won't cry, right? ]

[I'm super, I'm excited, I haven't seen Ning Bao who is a crybaby yet! ]

[Although this part was not included in the original beta test plot, I think it is quite exciting! ]

[Wait, Ying seems to be here! ]

Seeing this, the players immediately turned their attention to the game screen in the live broadcast room.

But Ying and Paimeng slowly walked towards Jiang Ning from the back.

"Ying? Paimeng?"

When Jiang Ning felt the identity of the person behind him, a trace of doubt appeared on his face.

"Didn't you go back to rest?"

Paimeng smiled a little embarrassedly: "Hehe, we were originally planning to do this."

"But on the way, Ying mentioned to me that you were abnormal tonight, and I remembered that you looked uninterested when you were eating at Xinyuexuan."

"So I guessed that the food was not to your taste, and you might not be full, so I went to the nearby Liuli Pavilion with Ying and ordered some authentic glass dishes to send to you."

"This time, it's my Mora!"

Paimeng said proudly.

But Ying looked at him with a hint of displeasure, as if to say: Paimeng, why do you only praise yourself?

Noticing Ying's gaze, Paimeng quickly added a few words: "Yes,


"If she hadn't been paying attention to you since she returned to Liyue Port and told me about your abnormality, I might have been kept in the dark."

"Just now, she was so fast that we were able to sell this meal before the closing of Liuli Pavilion."

Jiang Ning heard this and her previous doubts about them instantly disappeared.

Instead, she felt a heavy feeling in her heart, which made her not know what to say now.

She really liked Li Cai, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't like Yue Cai.

But seeing Paimeng's expectant look at night, she didn't want to dampen their good mood, so she pretended to be indifferent.

She didn't expect to be seen through by them. She thought no one would pay attention to her...

Paimeng observed her reaction and said with a little more caution: "Jiang Ning, what's wrong, are you in a bad mood today? Why are you standing alone at the dock........"

Ying also promptly reminded: "If you have any difficulties or want to talk, you can tell us."

"You not only saved me, but also helped us so much. In our eyes, you are already our friend and partner!"

Paimon echoed: "Yes, partner! Partners should help each other! "

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Ning blocked the strong feeling that was about to burst out of her throat.

She always thought that she was not a person who would cry easily.

But when she heard Ying and Paimeng's words that went straight to the heart, her eyes still felt a little sour and her heart seemed to be shaken.

In her previous life, her parents had passed away when she was very young.

Because of family reasons, she was withdrawn and had no friends since she was a child. Her superstitious relatives wanted to stay away from her, thinking that she was an evil star that killed their parents.

She had always been able to show a strong and optimistic appearance to others, and chose to bury any difficulties in her heart without saying a word.

Although this life was not as miserable as the previous life, due to her identity as a time traveler, she seemed incompatible with this world anyway.

Although everyone Not knowing her identity, they thought she was from Liyue.

But she knew that the kind of thing that was engraved in a person's blood and genes unconsciously made her and the people of this world always have an unbridgeable distance.

As long as this distance is there, no matter how she tries to integrate, she is still an outsider, lonely and withdrawn.

It was the first time for her to feel that someone was thinking about her like now.

Damn, two idiots, can you say less!

And they even deliberately added the words "friend" and "partner" that have special effects on her!

Obviously... obviously tears are about to flow out, which will make her very embarrassed.

Forcibly suppressing the bitterness in his eyes, Jiang Ning pretended to be strong and indifferent and said: "Humph, who wants to make friends with you two weak fish."

"But seeing that you are so sincere, I will reluctantly agree to you. "

Although she said so, she felt that the dark clouds that had filled her heart before, blocking the fog ahead, had dissipated at this moment.

It was like the sun was shining after the clouds had cleared, and it was once again filled with warm sunshine.

Moreover, the feeling of being touched in her heart had not dissipated.

It seemed to remind her that what she had just said was not what she really thought, and only by saying what she wanted to say would her mind become clear again.

So in the expectant eyes of Ying and Paimeng, Jiang Ning finally spoke softly, and said in the most gentle tone she felt: "Ying, Paimeng, thank you so much."

At this moment, more than half of the original god live broadcast rooms were swiping barrages.

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