The film was so good, it was so exciting.

[I was so absorbed in watching it just now, it ended so quickly that I didn't even have time to react. I'm watching it again now. ]

[Same, I was so busy admiring the beauty of Jiang Ning's wife that I didn't pay attention to the fight with the son (laughing and crying.jpg)]

["37,000 people are watching", damn, this is just a cutscene, I just want to get a front row seat, is it so difficult? ]

[6, I didn't expect this to be able to roll up. ]

[An old player who clicked in after seeing the hot search, I've quit the game for two months, let's see how the original god is doing now. 】

【I have never played the game, I have only heard of its reputation, but I was quite shocked to see that even a cutscene cg could be the first on the hot search list, I just took a look out of curiosity. 】

Before the main video started playing, when it was in the dark, many bullet comments were posted

It looked very lively.

After sending the bullet comments symbolizing that they had been there, netizens also focused all their attention on the video again.

After they waited for four or five seconds, the picture in the video began to become clear.

What caught my eye was the young man who walked out of the shadows, with a dangerous smile on his handsome face and gradually approaching.

But Jiang Ning turned around slowly.

Because she was facing the moonlight, her almost perfect face could not be seen clearly in the dim light, and only a vague facial outline of a beauty could be seen.

But those eyes were like sapphires, extremely eye-catching in the dark night, with a kind of cold and noble overlooking the mortal world.

The moment she turned around, the wind picked up!

Her golden hair danced with the wind, making her look like a crazy beauty!

The two started a confrontation in momentum.

And it was obvious that Jiang Ning had the upper hand.

[Opening Lightning! ]

[Oh my god, how can Jiang Ning's face be so beautiful even if you can't see it clearly? It's ridiculous. ]

[Do you understand the value of appearance? ]

[Everyone, I'll lick it first, prprprpr! ]

[Ah, it's lost~]

[6, against the sky. ]

Then the young master activated the water column and took the lead in attacking with two swords in hand, which was a very oppressive scene.

While the players held their breath and worried about Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning easily flicked the young master's blade with one finger, and dealt with the young master's subsequent attacks one by one.

[This finger-snapping sword is so cool, mom, I want to learn this! ]

[From the moment Jiang Ning dared to face the immortal, I knew she was not simple. As expected, don't underestimate the fighting power of the slacker character! ]

Finally, when seeing that the young master chose to compromise with Jiang Ning because he couldn't win, and seemed to leave in disgrace.

Netizens all laughed.

[Young master, you are sweating all over! ]

[Young master: I wanted to pick a soft persimmon, but why is this a pebble? Slip away! ]

[Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west, maybe you are very strong now, but sooner or later you will be weakened, and my Master Tang will stand firm (funny.jpg)]

[The only thing he is tough about is his mouth. Since he can beat him, why does he want to slip away? Don't you want to win? Lao Gong, I miss you! ]

Of course, there are also netizens who discuss things other than the animation content.

【666, the technical ability is getting stronger and stronger. A cutscene is made like a top-level anime, which makes me excited! 】

【No, even the cutscene CG is so messed up, how can other two-dimensional games be played? (covering face)】

【Support fair competition. If Mihoyo is killed by other manufacturers one day, I will not tolerate it. It is not others' fault for being bad. 】

The video of just two minutes and fifty seconds has a rapid increase in playback volume due to its superb production level and Jiang Ning's popularity.

It was soon listed as a must-see in the xx period.

Many people also got into Genshin Impact because of this video, and they also posted comments asking for help under the video.

【Big guys, I got addicted to Jiang Ning because of this video. I really want this character. When can I draw it? 】

【Level 18, I can no longer beat monsters. Can anyone help me? 】

【It's really beautiful to my heart. The first day of saving stones for Ning Bao! 】

For the newbies, surprisingly, there are few malicious comments under this video, as Genshin Impact is in a big rhythm recently.

Everyone is friendly and

Give opinions.

[Although I am a Jiang Ning fan, I don't recommend you to wait for Jiang Ning without drawing anything. There is no information about the card pool now. If you don't draw a character for the new game, it will be very difficult. ]

[Newbies, add me, uid:83876393369, I will lead you to open the new game! ]

[Here I would like to warn all Jiang Ning fans that it is normal for newbies to have many things they don't understand. The less we attack the speech, the more harmonious the community will be.

After all, everyone started as a newbie, right? If the kind-hearted Ningmen knew about it, they would definitely not want us to do this! ]

[Click, build a happy, harmonious and friendly atmosphere, every Ningmen believer has the responsibility, Ningmen! ]

The newbies were also very moved when they saw this scene.

Because some groups deliberately use individual Genshin Impact players to represent all players, their first impression of Genshin Impact players is not very good.

When making comments, they are even prepared to be attacked.

[Wow, thanks, big guys. Because of the stereotypes that others have said, I have made remarks mocking you before. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't be so extreme. ]

[Friends, big guys are also human beings. They also have their own things to do and need to rest.

It is very rare and precious to be able to take time to help us. We must learn to be grateful. At least we should have the most basic courtesy of saying thank you, right? ]

[I agree. I just saw a very disgusting person. The big guys helped him to fight monsters and open up wasteland, but he kicked him out of the world without even saying thank you. Don't spoil such people! ]

[Yes, don't spoil him. Don't let the people who help us down! ]

It's very strange and surprising.

As a comment area of ​​Genshin Impact with its own rhythm, there are actually no monsters so far this time, and only new and old players are asking each other about their well-being.

Some Genshin Impact players who have quit the game for a long time were also a little touched when they saw this scene.

[I was once led into this game by someone, but now that person is gone. 】

【I seem to understand why I liked Genshin so much. Those big guys who brought me up were also so friendly before. I miss that time so much. 】

【I haven't felt this kind of atmosphere for a long time. I once thought that summer would never come back. Now, my youth is back! 】

【Genshin, start! 】

However, once the best things break the circle, they will immediately attract a group of monsters.

Because some people don't want to understand, they just enjoy the feeling of stepping on the high-ranking things that others like.

The cg of the battle between Jiang Ning and the son.

Soon because of the popularity, some extreme elements of Weibo and Tieba led the rhythm and collectively came to the comment area for team building.

With the intervention of various forces, the originally harmonious comment area was instantly broken.

Two comments attacking all Genshin players were pushed to the top two of the hot comments.

Popularity No.1: [Tsk tsk, you are indeed a geek, you can get horny for a virtual character, have you never even held a boy or girl's hand in real life? Yue, it's really disgusting! ]

Popularity No.2: [Genshin Impact players are like this, you don't need to know them to know that they are as extreme as the two precious people I met before, they must be very lacking in love, they deserve to be discriminated against. ]

Normal Genshin Impact players who are not crazy will be angry after seeing such remarks.

But when they want to type on the keyboard, their hands can't help but stop.

Because I think of being discriminated against in real life and cyber violence online for playing Genshin Impact.

I am afraid that I will be attacked by those extremists again for making remarks this time.

I have no choice but to choose to tolerate.

As normal players give in step by step, the comment area is being eaten away by extreme black fans step by step.

It is about to fall completely.

But at the critical moment, two great comments speak out the voices of the players and severely break the defense of extreme black fans.

Reply to the most popular comment:

[Yes, I am a homeboy and have never even held a girl's hand, but I don't know when this became a shameful thing?

I admit that I am in love with virtual characters.

But she will stand up for her friends when they are in danger, and will not waver even if the other party is stronger than her.

Even if she goes to a restaurant she doesn't like, she will pretend to be indifferent just to accommodate her friends.

Even when she sees civilians in danger, she will help them and does not ask for any material rewards.

She also made me experience what friendship is and provided me with emotional value. What's wrong with me liking her?

You can't even understand the character before speaking and you start

Extreme little moss girl, what do you have?

Do you want privileges everywhere in real life, ask the man to pay for everything on dates, and spend hundreds of thousands of betrothal gifts and then cheat immediately after marriage?

Or do you deliberately punch her online and show off your superiority?

Admit it, you are not even as good as her hair, you come here to seek a sense of existence because you are jealous of her being liked by so many people!

For people like you, no matter how beautiful you are in real life, I will only spit at you fiercely, because your dirty heart always exudes a stench that makes me sick! 】

Reply to the comment with the highest popularity:

[《No need to understand》, haha, things without brains are really funny! But in real life, there are so many idiots like you.

We are just playing a game, what qualifications do you have to discriminate against us? What qualifications do you have to sentence us to death online? Have we killed people or broken the law?

We admit that there are some crazy people among the players of Genshin Impact, but you can just attack them, what's the point of attacking normal players? Did someone provoke you or did they owe you?

You also said that we lack love in reality. You are the one who lacks love and is timid!

You dare not say a word when you encounter a crazy person who hates you and bullies you. You hit hard when facing normal players, and you can't even look at them rationally.

What waste, get out of the way! I didn't even look at you when I picked up the garbage! 】

These two comments that fully expressed the players' thoughts also received unprecedented support.

[Well said! ]

[Veil! ]

Soon, the counterattack began, and the attacking comments including the first two hot comments were successfully reported.

After this, the comment area under the video "The Confrontation between Ice and Torrent" became more harmonious.

Even this trend has a tendency to develop in the entire Genshin Impact community.

Many players also came into contact with the teachings of at this stage and responded, vowing to spread the glory of Ningmen to the entire Genshin Impact community.

The purpose is very simple, nothing else, is to maintain a good community atmosphere, in addition to resisting the extremists who maliciously attack normal players.

We must also resist those brainless Genshin crazy people who randomly drag down other games and attack and abuse others!

As for such a change.

I am afraid that even Jiang Ning herself did not expect it.

With her joining, the slightly modified plot can actually exude this kind of inner power from virtual to real.

Gradually eliminate the hostility in the community, let a group of frustrated people hold together for warmth and become united.

In this regard, Jiang Ning, who is dreaming happily somewhere, just wants to say:

Jiang Ning, who is slacking off, doesn’t understand meow, but you who like me have good vision, I hope you are also safe and happy meow (= ̄ω ̄=)

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