The old man was very angry.

"Today's Inazuma, under the implementation of the Eye Hunting Order, the wishes of the people are being trampled on."

The eldest lady Linghua, holding a thin fan and half covering her pretty face, walked out from behind the screen.

The skill demonstration began.

"Please teach me."

"Excuse me."

"Shinri Ryu·Frost Destruction!"

After the character demonstration of Shenri Linghua was played, Jiang Ning, who the players had been thinking about, appeared again.

"Really, can't you let me sleep peacefully?"

Jiang Ning, who was woken up by a few sea ghosts, stretched his waist with a little dissatisfaction on his face.

Then, a dangerous arc appeared at the corner of his lips.

"It seems that I have to be more serious."

After she finished speaking, she turned into a white-haired, red-eyed person again.

Ten ice-blue lightsabers slowly unfolded behind her, like an open divine ring.

She, suspended in the air, looked like a god or demon descending to the world, dangerous, terrifying, crazy, and extremely oppressive.

"Prepare to die!"

Under Jiang Ning's crazy laughter, sword energy was swung out, knocking down one sea ghost after another.

Finally, a pair of red pupils suddenly opened wide, and the murderous intent in the eyes reached its extreme.

Facing the new boss-the fire without form, he swung the last sword.

"Ice and snow, bury the gods!"

[Oh my god, Jiang Ning made me climax! ]

[So damn handsome! ]

[It's over, now the crazy woman of Liyue has come to Inazuma to be the crazy woman of Inazuma (covering her face)]

[Wife kills me! 】

【My dear Mihoyo, you just showed the character demo of Linghua, and then you showed the character demo of Jiangning, what does that mean? 】

【The gap between the primitive people and the three-body people forms a strong contrast (covering face)】

【They are all wives, who cares, just draw them! 】

While the players were sighing, the video was already halfway through.

"Fighting the Eye Hunting Order is equivalent to fighting against the gods."

"If you are ready, go to Hanamizaka."

"There is a fireworks store called "Naganohara" there!"

Then, a lively blonde girl with bandages wrapped around her body appeared.

Countless fireworks bloomed in the night sky behind her, forming a gorgeous fireworks display.

"The festival is back!"

"Be careful of the candles."

"I forgot to introduce myself, I, Xiao Gong, please take care of me! ”

[Shaha, the bandages on your body are so astringent, can you untie them so I can take a look? Just for a second!]

[What are you dreaming about!]

[I, Xiao Gong, can make a man spend 300,000 yuan on me with just three sentences!]

[Hello, is this 110? Someone is setting off fireworks and other dangerous items here. I suggest that I be sentenced to imprisonment with a wife.]

[Kid, you are invincible (covering face)]

Then it was the turn of Zaoyou, who had just woken up and looked lazy.

“Zaoyou, the “End of the End”, I am here.”

“Escape with the wind.”

“The art of clones! "

The comments of the players were as harsh as ever.

[This seems to be legal.]

[You actually use reason to convince people?]

[Saoyou wife, kiss!]

[Armored dragon turtle.]

[Small young dragon lizard?]

[I want to see punishment!]

When the character demonstration of Zaoyou was over, Linghua's voice was heard again.

"In addition to us, there are still "resistance forces" far away in the Sea Island."

"Many people have lost... or are afraid of losing the Eye of God."

"They have formed a resistance organization under the Coral Palace in the Sea Island."

The bgm became more and more exciting, and the rhythm became faster and faster.

Kujo Sara led the shogunate army and the resistance army led by Goro confronted each other.

"Deal with all the factors that threaten "eternity". This is the order of the general. "

Then, deafening shouts of killing rang out, and the two armies clashed in an instant.

"The rebels will not betray any of their companions!"

Facing the attack of the shogunate army, Goro also said with a firm face.

And when the two armies faced each other, the bgm also reached its peak.

The Coral Palace Heart Sea slowly fell from the sky.

"Sorry for the wait, my ambushers!"

Until here, the entire video has reached the extreme in mobilizing the emotions of the players.

But the bgm suddenly began to change.

There is a sense of solemnity and majesty.

The barrage also continued to brush the words "high energy ahead".

I saw that a huge vortex was formed with the rich thunder elemental force around me, and the Thunder God in the center of the vortex slowly pulled out the long sword in his chest


In front of the Thousand-Handed Hundred-Eyed Statue, he said to Ying indifferently: "I will build you into the statue!"

At this time, Jiang Ning, who was hiding in the crowd behind Ying, also opened his eyes.

The power of the ice element dissipated from her body, forming a deep blue light column that soared into the sky and confronted the Thunder God.

The preview PV of 2.0 was completely played here.

[Hiss, my scalp is numb! ]

[My XP exploded! ]

[A milky knife. ]

[Raiden Mei? ]

[Kuangfeng, surrender to me! ]

[Why do I want to lick that knife? ]

[Cook, go cook. ]

[I will put you in the pot! ]

[Screenshot successful! ]

[Emma, ​​both of you are my wives, and you are all flesh on your palms and backs. Don't fight! ]

[My harem is on fire. ]

[Jiang Ning: I will make you cry and make a fuss! ]

Players are also itching for this top-notch PV.

They can't wait to go to the 2.0 Inazuma version.

All kinds of crazy remarks appeared in the community.

[I want to play Genshin Impact (crying)! I want to play Genshin Impact (making a fuss)! I want to play Genshin Impact (screaming and scratching)! ]

[Balance -648]

[Make a wish for Jiang Ning. ]

[It doesn't matter if you don't wait for 1.6! ]

[Welcome to watch the large-scale documentary "Waiting for Jiang Ning". ]

[Jiang Ning's wife, ah ah ah! Please make sure to use me as your sword training object, ah ah! Whip me hard with a whip! ]

[Go up and embarrass me! 】

【Two of the top ten in the hot search list are about Jiang Ning. Is this what some haters call "no popularity" (eating melons and laughing.jpg)】

【Hey, did they turn off the lights? Why is it so dark? 】


Different from the players' madness.

After Jiang Ning in the game spent the Lantern Festival with everyone.

He prepared to leave for Inazuma.

"It seems that the modified 2.0 version preview pv has brought me a lot of popularity."

When she felt that her popularity value was growing rapidly again and broke through the bottleneck that was just a little bit away from breaking through before, Jiang Ning nodded with satisfaction.

If her previous strength was just a goalkeeper among ordinary demon gods.

Then now it has been upgraded to the middle level of ordinary demon gods.

"Calculating the time, Ying should go to Beidou of the "Southern Cross" fleet to ask for the way to Inazuma, right? "

Put aside the thoughts in your mind.

Jiang Ning took the luggage that had been packed long ago and left Liyue Port without attracting anyone's attention.

Now, even without external help, she can go to Inazuma alone.

If she still relies on the "Southern Cross" fleet, it will be too troublesome.

There are still a lot of tasks waiting for her to do.

This is why she didn't choose to go to Inazuma with Ying.

Gradually, the whistling wind blew from both sides.

Jiang Ning flew forward at a very fast speed over the vast sea.

Because the speed was too fast.

There were even white air waves behind her.

This high-speed flight lasted for more than ten minutes.

Until she came to the outer sea of ​​Inazuma and saw the terrifying thunderstorm covering the archipelago.

Jiang Ning stopped in mid-air.

But she did not retreat or take a detour.

Instead, she slowly took out her long sword.

There was no other extra reason, she had only one purpose for drawing the sword.

That is to create a passable gap in the middle of this thunderstorm!

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