The more you work, the more you will be able to do it.

"Hey, when will it be time to get off work? I have a pet battle with my friends."

"Don't mention it. They ask us to change ways to urge those authors who update at a snail's pace all day long. Don't you think they have the ability to do it?

This kind of work day after day is really boring and meaningless."

"That's right, look at the other side. Not only is the salary high enough, but it also provides three meals a day and accommodation.

In addition, you can travel at public expense and have a fierce pet battle with guests in your spare time.

Compared to our treatment It's simply several levels higher!"

"Stop talking, I'm going to switch jobs across the street if you keep talking."

"Hello, customer, are you here to buy light novels? Well, just browse around, they're all the same.

Are you also interested in pet battles? Hahaha, to be honest, I know a lot more about this!"

"Light novels? What kind of boring thing are light novels? How can they be compared with pet battles? They are rated as not as good as pet battles!"

Yae Shenzi:................

Hearing the voice coming from Yae Hall.

When the name was covered, she almost thought this was not Yae Hall, but a store called "Pet Battle House".

The light novel publisher did not introduce light novels to customers, but recommended pets sold in the pet shop across the street.

She almost laughed out of anger.

If she had come a few days later, her house would probably have been robbed, right?

"I want to see what kind of magic the pets sold in your pet shop have that can actually bewitch my employees."

Yae Shenzi stood up and walked towards the "Mo Yu Ren Zhi Jia" pet shop with interest.

It seems unreasonable for her not to get back some face after destroying her place.

After communicating with the customers who came and went near the pet shop and getting a general understanding of the pet shop.

She came to the pet shop in Jiangning when it was about to close.

"God... God?"

Qi Liangliang saw Yae Shenzi, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, and said respectfully with some helplessness.

"Haha, don't panic."

Yae Shenzi gestured for her to relax.

"I heard that the pet shop opened by your manager is called 'Inazuma's No. 1 Pet Shop' by the people of Inazuma, so I came to take a look with some interest."

Then he pretended to be curious and asked: "Oh, by the way, where is your manager? She won't throw all the work to you, right?"

"Tsk, it seems that your manager........."

Yae Shenzi showed surprise on her face.

Then she changed to an expression of 'your manager looks very bad'.

Qi Liangliang was about to explain, but a figure came behind her.

"Hey, Miss Pink Fox Spirit, are you here...oh, to find food!"

Jiang Ning pretended to be enlightened.

Then he said with a little apology on his face: "But it's a pity that our store has not yet opened the service of feeding stray animals."

Looking at Yae Shenzi with a hint of danger in her eyes, Qi Liangliang quickly touched Jiang Ning's arm with his hand.

"Store.....Manager, this Yae Shinko is not a stray animal, she is...the chief priest of Narugami Taisha."

Jiang Ning slapped his forehead immediately: "Oh, I didn't recognize you just now because of my old eyesight. It turned out to be Yae Shinko. Sorry, please come in!"

Yae Shinko heard Jiang Ning's provocation, even though she was angry in her heart, she still managed her expression well, and still had a smile on her face.

But when walking with Jiang Ning, she observed the layout of the store and started to find faults, ready to save her face.

"The people of Inazuma said that your pet shop is the best pet shop in Inazuma. Now I have seen it with my own eyes. Many details are really well done."

"But I feel that there is still a gap from the top level. We need to continue to work hard."

"It seems that there is a store nearby that is at the top level in all aspects. You can learn from it."

There are only two stores nearby, one is Jiang Ning's pet store, and the other is Yae Hall.

The words of Yaejinko, when translated, means: Your pet shop is not worthy of its name, it is not as good as my Yaetang, little sister, you should learn more, hehe~

But Jiang Ning is also a master at playing dumb, pretending not to know that Yaetang is the property of Yaejinko.

"There seem to be a lot of shops nearby, which one are you talking about, Lord Palace Manager?"

"Compared to other shops, I really don't have confidence. After all, our shop is just a second-rate shop."

"But compared to the third-rate shop Yaedo across the street, our shop can still beat it!"

The translation of Jiang Ning's words is: No matter how bad my pet shop is, it is better than someone's Yaedo~

"It seems that this store manager has a lot of opinions about Yaedo, but I still think Yaedo's light novels are better."

"Pets may be popular for a while, but over time..."

Yae Shenzi didn't finish what she said next.

But no matter who it is, they know what it means.

And Jiang Ning also took all of her continuous moves.

"Oh, Lord Palace Manager, you are joking."

"If light novels are old-fashioned things, if they don't seek innovation, they will probably fade out of people's sight earlier than pets."

The smell of gunpowder between the two gradually became heavier.

Yaejinko also felt that she had met an opponent for the first time.

But she, who had never suffered a loss in the main battle, did not want to lose to Jiang Ning even in words, and began to expose Jiang Ning's past.

"Haha, it seems that both of us have our own opinions."

Yaejinko chuckled and asked Jiang Ning curiously:

"But when I just passed by, I heard someone say that the manager of the "Slacker's Home" pet shop "likes to smell girls' bandages" and "likes to drink water with girls' tabi."

"What's going on?"

Jiang Ning heard this and said indifferently: "It's just a rumor. I only have two hobbies, slacking off and watching fun."

As he said this, his face was thoughtful.

"Well, for example, what expression will the editor-in-chief of Yaetang show when he sees his employees slacking off at work promoting competitors?"

"It would be fun if he was sad and hid in the quilt crying and making a fuss at night. "

After she finished speaking, her eyes and Yae Shinko's eyes collided again in the air.

The two seemed to be talking with their eyes.

Haha, you are so poisonous at such a young age, be careful that no one will want you in the future.

Same here, I am still a little inferior to you, an old woman.

Qiliangliang felt the strong smell of gunpowder in the air, as if a volcano was about to erupt, and it was a tremor of fear.

Praying in her heart: "I am just a nobody, you guys fight your own battles, don't bother me, please, please! (Put your hands together)"

But the more she feared something, the more it happened.

"I think the two of us will never be able to discuss which one is better, pets or light novels."

"Maybe outsiders will see it more clearly."

"Are you right, Qiliangliang? "

Yaejinko turned her head with a smile and looked at Qiliangliang.

Jiang Ning also nodded, and then said to Qiliangliang: "Don't worry, tell the truth. I am not a narrow-minded person, and I will never settle accounts with you afterwards."


Why is she the one who got hurt again.


Seeing these two women full of malice looking at her, Qiliangliang suddenly felt that her life was bleak.

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