The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

"Ying, look, that should be the great shrine maiden of Naruto Grand Shrine - Yae Shinko!"

Paimon also saw Jiang Ning coming in, and reminded Ying beside him.

Ying heard this and wanted to turn around to see the other person's true face.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she set her eyes on Jiang Ning, Jiang Ning walked straight towards her.

"Oh? What a beautiful little sister."

When passing by Ying, Jiang Ning did not forget to tease her and deliberately moved his body very close.

He lowered his head slightly, moved his small nose, and sniffed a hint of body fragrance on Ying's jade-white neck.

"It smells so good... I want to taste it..."

Her tone was full of teasing.

As the warm breath hit her neck and ears, Ying suddenly felt a little numb.

A hint of shame appeared on her face.

But soon, she realized that she was being teased by the other party.

The red face was a little angry, and she wanted to fight back.

But unexpectedly, Jiang Ning seemed to have predicted her actions in advance.

After teasing Ying, he quietly distanced himself from Ying.

Looking at Ying who was at a disadvantage but couldn't do anything about it, a charming smile appeared on her face.

Ying, who was left standing there, bit her silver teeth and looked at her unceremoniously.

【Lao Ning, you finally can't hold back your potential female pervert nature (funny)】

【Sister, you smell so good! 】

【Bad Jiang Ning, I like you so much! (heart eyes.jpg)]

[Who understands? This scene made me stand up straight! ]

[The bullied Yingbao is so cute. ]

But don’t think that so many things happened between the two. In fact, it was just a short moment in the outside world.

In the eyes of Daocheng Yingmei and others, Jiang Ning just passed by Ying.

There were no other extra movements.

Only Paimeng, who was very close to Ying, could see clearly what happened just now.

"Hehe, Ying, that Yae Gongsi seemed to be interested in you just now?"

Paimeng said with a smirk on his face.

"Paimeng, can you stop talking nonsense!"

Ying turned around and glared at Paimeng fiercely.

"Hehe, I saw you blushing just now!"

Paimeng crossed his arms and said, "Tell me, if I tell Jiang Ning about this..."

But before she finished her words, Ying covered her mouth directly.

"Paimon, you don't want to add another customer to the Hall of Rebirth, do you?"

Ying said with a smile.

While Paimon and Ying were playing.

Daocheng Yingmei said respectfully to Jiang Ning who came to her: "Master Palace Master, the preparations you asked me to do have been completed."

"You can activate the magic circle at any time to assist you in exorcising the evil spirits!"

Jiang Ning nodded: "Then let's start."

With Jiang Ning's permission, Daocheng Yingmei activated the magic circle.

As several array talismans that had been set up nearby were activated, a circular magic circle slowly lit up, covering everyone on the scene.

"Master Yamae, is my master... possessed by an evil spirit?"

Nanako noticed the changes around her and asked Jiang Ning hurriedly.

Although he knew nothing about the exorcism ceremony of the shrine, Jiang Ning, who was already familiar with the plot, was not panicked at all.

Pretending that he had devoted himself to the exorcism ceremony.

After a long while, he said, "Unfortunately, there is no evil spirit in your master."

"How could it be...then the master..."

Nanako couldn't believe it.

"Yes, he became like this by himself."

Jiang Ning revealed the truth.

"Because he couldn't bear the huge pressure, his heart collapsed, his mind was damaged, and then he became crazy."

"As for the "cause", I think it should be the loss of the Eye of God."

Jun Ye heard this and looked puzzled: "But Master Yamae, if the master was just deprived of his wish, shouldn't he become an ordinary person? Why did he go crazy?"

"Your sect is called "Mingjing Zhishuiliu", right? "

Jiang Ning said, holding his white chin with his hand.

"It's a good name, but in this world, where is the real "clear mirror and still water"..."

"People who claim to be indifferent to fame and fortune will leave angrily after being defeated by their junior brother. The old swordsman still feels aggrieved and wants to compete with the disciple he taught again."

Speaking of this

, Jiang Ning's tone suddenly changed.

"So, for someone who seems to have no distractions, is he really calm when he defeats his master and senior brother?"

Nanako seemed to understand something, but she felt that she was still a little bit away from the real enlightenment: "Master Yamae means..."

"The way of swordsmanship is ever-changing. It is not easy for mortals to seize the world's number one in swordsmanship."

"You need to hold the sword with both hands and constantly shatter the dreams of others, including those who are closest to him."

After Jiang Ning finished speaking, he told Nanako the conclusion.

"So, only by persisting in the desire to "become the best in the world" can he temporarily put the pain behind him and move forward. ”

“When this wish disappears, he will start to doubt himself, struggle in fear, and become what he is now…”

Hearing Jiang Ning’s words, the players were a little happy.

[I live in Bengbu, Jiang Ning is even trying to steal the lines of the fox.]

[Jiang Ning: Not only do I want to steal the lines, I also want to steal the roles, steamed bun, fox, don’t you want to help?]

[Don’t say it, Jiang Ning plays the chief priest of Narukami Taisha and there is really no sense of disobedience.]

[A certain Yasami bug: I will bear the bad things, and you will take all the good things, right, I ********* (You are such a little cutie )]

After talking with Jiang Ning.

Nanako had a trace of sadness on her face: "It turns out that Master has been suffering from such pain..."

And Tumen happened to hold his head with both hands at this time, and went crazy again.

He talked to himself with a distorted face.

"Don't come over... Don't get close to me..."

"I don't practice sword anymore, please let me go..."

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault..."

"Father, Master, Senior Brother..."

Tumen kept repeating names and kept apologizing.


But suddenly, Anxi next to him shouted at him.

"I really don't have a good impression of you, but I don't want to hear your apology."

"After so many years, I have figured it out."

Anxi said, took a deep breath, and faced his heart.

"You didn't do anything wrong at the beginning, it was me... I couldn't save face and left the sect. "

"I believe that most of the people you defeated did not blame you. On the contrary, we placed our wishes on you, hoping that you can go further."

"I know that your wish has been taken away now."

"But you shouldn't take away their wishes! "Keep practicing kendo and become the best in the world", isn't that what you taught them?"

Anxi pointed at Junya and Nanako and said to Domon.

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