The girl was very happy.

When she saw the human who looked very similar to her.

The girl felt a sense of belonging to her tribe, like a wild animal wandering outside.

She thought she had found her family.

She was delighted to meet a human.

So she came to this small town called Hejiazhuang with hope.

But before the fire in her heart could burn, she was soon poured with a basin of cold water.

For her unfamiliar face, the townspeople thought she wanted to get close to her and then cheat.

Not only did they ignore it, they also reminded others to beware of her.

In addition, after coming to Hejiazhuang, she could no longer make a living by picking wild vegetables and fruits in the mountains as before.

The girl eventually ended up on the streets.

The pedestrians were indifferent and distant, and their eyes were longing to stay away.

The cold wind.

The feeling of hunger coming from the abdomen.

She had never felt the night so tormented.

One day.

Two days.

Just when the girl thought she would starve to death.

A message from a passerby saved her life.

The clinic opened by He Sanlang in Hejiazhuang lacked a medicine boy to help, and was recruiting recently.

As long as you can still identify the medicinal materials by touch or smell when your eyes are covered with black cloth, you can pass the test.

The girl didn't think too much at the time.

Her mind was full of what the passers-by said, that the medicine boy was treated well, and there were buns or cakes for every meal.

In order to fill her stomach, she followed the flow of people to the registration place.

Because she has the ability to communicate with all living things and feel the heart of plants and trees.

So no matter what kind of medicinal herbs, as long as the girl touches them, relevant information will emerge in her mind.

So, she easily won the selection and became the medicine boy of the clinic.

Then, she really lived a good life for a while.

She almost never mixed up the herbs, which brought great help to the clinic.

He Sanlang no longer needed to spare time to instruct the medicine boy as before.

Instead, he could devote all his energy to treating patients.

Even because she stayed longer.

The girl also learned some superficial medical skills to cure diseases and save lives from He Sanlang.

Sometimes she could also prescribe medicine for patients and diagnose some minor diseases.

And for such a medicine boy who made him worry-free, He Sanlang also liked it very much.

He intended to train the girl as a successor.

When he learned that the girl had no relatives and wandered around.

Not only did he support the girl in life.

He also introduced his relatives to the girl.

His wife, He Wan, was a gentle and intellectual woman who was good at housework, proficient in embroidery, and managed the house in an orderly manner.

When they met, seeing that the girl was wearing thin clothes, he knitted a cotton coat for her.

The girl still remembered that it was snowing that day, and He Wan's hands were red from the cold, and she put on the cotton coat for her with a kind smile.

He also had a little daughter, He Yin, who was only three or four years old.

When she saw the girl, she called her sister, sister, and was very clingy.

Every time before going to bed, she would pester the girl to tell her a story, otherwise she would cry loudly.

It gave the He family a headache.

They could only take the girl to live with He Yin.

Thanks to He Yin, the girl felt the warmth of the bed and quilt for the first time.

Every time before going to bed, looking at the little one in her arms holding her with her little hands, and still showing a sweet smile on her face in her sleep, she felt unprecedented peace of mind.

A sense of happiness arises spontaneously.

That's it.

The He family treated the girl as a family member.

And the girl worked harder to repay them.

Everything was moving in a good direction.

It should continue like this.

But until one day.

When the girl accidentally cut her skin with a leaf while picking up medicine, blue blood flowed in front of the patient.

A turning point occurred.

The girl was mistaken for a monster by the townspeople.

Everyone became afraid of her, hated her, and resented her.

No one dared to come to the clinic for treatment.

The clinic gradually became deserted.

Under pressure, the girl stopped her work of treating and saving people, and she didn't dare to go out on the street on weekdays.

She was terrified all day.

But what comforted her a little was that.

The He family did not give up on her directly.

Even at this juncture, they still chose to stand by her side and speak for her, saying that she was not a monster.

When the townspeople invited the alchemist to

When she was subduing and refining, he also stood in the front and blocked all the troubles for her.

This feeling of being firmly protected.

gave the girl more courage to face life.

Although she was regarded as an alien, the accusations and curses kept coming, and the whole world seemed to fall into darkness.

But she still had hope for the future.

She felt that everything would get better as time passed.

But when she accidentally heard the conversation between the He family couple.

Her thoughts changed.

"How can you bear to let that child go?"

"I know that child very well. She is hardworking, capable and kind-hearted. After finishing the chores in the clinic, she will feel sorry for me and help me with the housework."

"I have long regarded her as my daughter."

"How could she be a monster when she is such a good child?"

"He Sanlang, tell me clearly, has someone drugged you with a drug?"

"Do you think I want to? Do you think I am willing?!"

"Heh... If I were alone, I would definitely not be afraid of anything."

"But do you know how the uncles and aunts, and the people in the whole town talk about you and Yin'er behind your back? Do you know how badly they curse you?"

"We don't need to care about their voices..."

"It's easy to say, but As a human being living in the world, who can live without considering other people's opinions? "

"Just yesterday, Yin'er was bullied by other children again. They said she was the sister of a monster, a little monster, and deserved to die like a monster..."

"Wan'er, we don't have to consider ourselves, but what about our child?"

"But Sanlang, that child is too pitiful. She has no father and no mother. If she leaves us, won't she have to wander around again?"

"Alas, I know this is cruel, but isn't it selfish for us to keep her?"

"You spent your entire childhood in the curses and exclusion of your peers. Wan'er, are you willing to live like this?"

"Sanlang, I, alas..."

When she learned that the impact she had on the family was far greater than she had imagined.

The girl was shaken.

She could choose to continue living like this.

Continue to enjoy the favoritism from He Sanlang, He Wan, and her younger sister.

But there was a voice deep in her heart telling her over and over again.

She couldn't do it.

She couldn't let others suffer and make herself happy.

When she came to He Yin's room and saw He Yin at night, her idea became more firm.

"What's the matter with the wound on your forehead?"

"I... I accidentally... bumped... bumped."

He Yin put his hands behind his back, lowered his head and dared not look at the girl, muttering softly.

"You always lie like this. If you don't tell the truth, I won't tell you a story tonight!"

The girl showed the seriousness that a sister should have.

"Sister, don't, I'll just say it..."

He Yin threw herself into the girl's arms with grievance.

"They were the first to say that my sister was a monster. I was so angry that I rushed up and beat them up."

"But there were a lot of them, I couldn't beat them, so, that's it..."

After saying that, He Yin clenched her fists angrily.

"It's all my fault. If I were more powerful, they wouldn't dare to say that to me!"

The girl touched He Yin's head with some heartache after hearing this.

"Sister, I don't blame you. You've done well enough. I'm proud of you."

"But I can't always be with you like this."

"In the future, you have to learn to be calm and not be so impulsive anymore, okay?"


I don't know how long it took.

After coaxing He Yin to sleep.

The girl sighed and took a last look at He Yin's face.

Then a firm look appeared in her eyes.

She started to pack her luggage.

Sister, this time, I'll let you be protected by me...

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