Yunhan Club, in the rest room.

Ah Feng knocked on the door respectfully and called softly, "Miss Yunjin, Master Xingqiu is here."

"Please come in, Master Xingqiu."

The door was slowly opened from the inside, and Yunjin's assistant Yunshang was waiting on the side.

"Sister Yunshang, long time no see."

Xingqiu smiled and greeted Yunshang inside the door and walked in.

The door was slowly closed, and Xingqiu sat on a chair.

Yunshang handed a cup of hot tea to him.

"You are so anxious to see me, is there something important?"

Yunjin changed into another set of costumes, walked out of the small room on the left, and sat opposite Xingqiu.

"Miss, drink some tea to moisten your throat."

Yunshang skillfully poured a cup and handed it to Yunjin, then silently stepped back and stopped talking.

"Hurry up, I have to go on stage later."

Yun Jin blew the hot tea in his hand gently and took a sip.

"I hope to borrow the stage of Yun Han Society after the performance."

"What?" Yun Jin raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, "You want to sing opera too?"

"Oh, look at what you said, you know me, I really don't have the talent to sing opera. Don't make fun of me."

"What are you going to do?"

"Everyone knows that Master Yun Jinyun is famous for singing opera in Liyue, and tickets are hard to come by. Every show is full of guests and in short supply. It can be said that it is one of the most popular and lively places in Liyue."

Xingqiu smiled embarrassedly, and praised Yun Jin first. Seeing that Yun Jin didn't have any special reaction, he turned to tell the purpose of this trip.

"I just want to use the liveliness and popularity of Yunhan Society to help promote it."

"Promotion?" Yun Jin didn't understand Xingqiu's operation this time, and asked puzzledly: "Feiyun Chamber of Commerce has always been famous and well-known. I haven't heard of any problems."

Hearing this, Xingqiu knew that Yun Jin had misunderstood.

He waved his hand quickly, "It's not Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, it's the Wine King Competition held in Mondstadt that needs to borrow your place to promote it, so that more people know about this event."

"Mondstadt? Wine King Competition? Hosted by your family?" Yun Jin became more and more confused.

Xingqiu immediately took out the flyer in his arms and handed it over, "It's not organized by my family, but it's very important to me."

"You should have heard the rumor from Mondstadt that was popular in Liyue some time ago."

"Are you referring to the cavalry captain named Kaeya who defeated the wind dragon single-handedly?"

"Not this one, there is another one, the wandering merchant who became more famous after him."

Yun Jin was stunned and looked down at the flyer in his hand, "So you want to win the first prize?"

If it was a peerless opera score, he might be interested, but as for some ancient and mysterious wine recipe, he was not very interested.

"Whether I win the first prize or not is not particularly important to me. But if there is a chance, I will definitely give it a try."

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't work, at least I can meet the wandering merchant."

"And the reason I came here to ask for your help today is mainly because I promised someone."

"Help her let the whole Liyue know about this event within one day."

After saying that, Xingqiu stood up, walked to Yunjin's side, and brought the gift he had prepared in front of her.

The gift box was slowly opened, and a faint tea fragrance wafted out.

"This is..." Yun Jin's eyes widened suddenly. She looked up at Xing Qiu with some uncertainty, "Top-quality Chenxian Jade Tea?"

"Yes, I brought it out from home specially for you." Xing Qiu smiled proudly, closed the box, and continued: "I dare not say anything else, at least in the whole Liyue, there are no more than five boxes of Chenxian Jade Tea of ​​such good quality, and the price of each box is at least 500,000 Mora, and there is no market for it."

"I remember that three boxes appeared on the market some time ago, and one of them was bought by your grandfather. The transaction price seems to be over a hundred, right?" Yun Jin chuckled, pushed the gift to Xing Qiu, and joked: "You spent so much money, didn't your grandfather beat you?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, it was definitely obtained by legitimate means, my grandfather knows it."

Xing Qiu answered with a smile, but thought in his heart: If I hadn't run fast, he would have almost beaten me.

"Since you are asking me so sincerely, I will certainly help you."

"But no need for gifts. Just treat me to a cup of this top-grade Shenxian Jade Tea next time you have a chance."

"Thank you very much, Yunjin." Xingqiu took back the gift with a happy look on his face.

With Yunjin's help, I think Fischl's request will be met.

After the two chatted briefly for a few more words,, Yun Jin was ready to go on stage, and Xing Qiu also stood up to say goodbye.

Before leaving, Yun Shang, who was seeing him off, asked in confusion: "Master Xing Qiu, since you are going to participate in that competition, why do you have to promote it so quietly?"

"If fewer people know, won't you have a better chance of winning?"

Hearing this, Xing Qiu smiled politely, "Sister Yun Shang, a gentleman values ​​his promise, and a promise is worth a thousand gold."

"Besides, how do you know that I will definitely lose?" He looked up at the vast sky and continued: "Stepping back, if I really lose, it must be because I am not as skilled as others and have not had enough experience."

"What difference does it make whether there are more or fewer people?"


In the evening, Yun Han Society finally At the end of a performance, when it was about to end, Yun Jin stood on the stage and shouted: "Today's performance ends here. Thank you all for coming."

"It is our honor to enjoy Master Yun's performance."

"Yes, yes, thank you Master Yun. You brought us such a wonderful performance."

"Hahaha... Miss Yun Jin, you sang so well. I wonder when the next performance of Yun Han Society will come."

"Yes, yes, we are all looking forward to the next wonderful performance of Miss Yun Jin and Yun Han Society!"

The audience shouted loudly, obviously very satisfied with this performance.

"Thank you all for your kindness. Please sit for a while."

"My friend Xing Qiu has a very interesting activity that he wants to share with everyone."

After Yun Jin finished speaking, he looked at Xing Qiu in the audience and showed a sly smile.

"Please welcome Master Xingqiu to the stage!"

"Please welcome Master Xingqiu to the stage!"

Yun Shang and A Feng in the audience clapped and shouted loudly.

The curiosity of the audience was immediately aroused.

"Xingqiu? Who is he?"

"Are you stupid? That's the second master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce."

"Oh, is there any new activity of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce?"

"I haven't heard of it."

"Do you know what activity it is?"

"I don't know..."

"Master Xingqiu is here to listen to the opera?"

"Isn't he sitting over there?"

The audience discussed enthusiastically, and all their eyes were focused on Xingqiu, who was dumbfounded in the third row behind them.

What's going on?

Didn't Yun Jin agree to help?

Why did he have to go on stage!

Help... He didn't know how to start!

Suddenly so many people looked at him, so nervous!

Xingqiu forced a smile and nodded to the audience, but he was actually panicking.

This was totally different from what he had planned.

At this moment, the villain in Xingqiu's heart was rolling on the ground like crazy, howling.

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