Three days later, in the center of Beloberg Square.

"Wow, there are so many people." Sanyueqi excitedly raised his camera and kept taking pictures.

Danheng followed behind and occasionally reached out to help protect Suze who was almost squeezed out by the crowd.

As for Xing, he had already rushed to the front of the crowd and disappeared.

"Honorary team member Clara! Are you ready for a big adventure together?"

"The goal is to break through this sea of ​​people and successfully meet the old witch... Natasha sister!"

"Clara will cheer up and won't hold you back!"

The two dwarfs were raising their fists and waving, ready to sprint forward.

They were picked up by Swarovski behind them.

"The crowd is crowded, pay attention to safety."

It lifted the two to the shoulder and held them carefully.

Hook's vision suddenly became much wider, "Wow, so tall. As expected of a big guy, it's awesome."

"I declare that from now on you are also a member of our mole party!"

"Hahaha, Clara, let's move forward quickly and take a good position."

"Okay." Clara responded happily and whispered to Swarrow, "Thank you, Mr. Swarrow."

Swarrow did not answer, but walked forward with steady steps, attracting special attention in the crowd.

"Wow, it's Hook and Clara!" March 7's camera locked on them at once.

Her eyes were full of envy, "I also want to sit on it and feel it."

After that, she pressed the camera button in the direction of Hook.

Su Ze felt uncomfortable being squeezed, and he shouted to Dan Heng: "Why don't we just forget it, there are too many people."

"No." San Yue Qi put down his camera immediately after hearing this, and tightly grasped one of Su Ze's arms, "We agreed to attend the Guardian Succession Ceremony together, and you are not allowed to regret it."

"Dan Heng, catch him quickly, don't let him run away."

She promised Natasha to bring people to the scene.

If the people didn't arrive, how could she give a surprise.

San Yue Qi secretly glanced at Dan Heng, and Dan Heng stood behind Su Ze, reaching out to block some of the crowd for him.

"Hey, can we hurry up, I feel like I can't breathe here."

Su Ze looked at the retreat behind him being blocked by Dan Heng, and he also gave up the idea of ​​going back.

Who knew that he would come early today, and there were still so many people at the scene.


I don't know if God heard his call.

The next second, the Silver Mane Guards came out and finally separated the surging crowd and forcibly cleared a passage.

"Mr. Suze, Miss March and Mr. Danheng, please go this way." Jeppard saw the three people squeezed in the crowd at a glance, and quickly directed the Silver Mane Guards to help them get out of the crowd.

"Finally, I can breathe a breath of fresh air." Suze wiped the sweat squeezed out of his forehead.

He could still hear the cheers and shouts of the people of Beloberg.

"Natasha! Great hero! Long live Beloberg!"

"Natasha, we support you!"

"Guardian Natasha, I love you!"

"Long live Natasha! Long live Beloberg!"

One voice higher than the other, like a rolling heat wave that kept surging.

"The people of Beloberg are really enthusiastic." March 7 raised the camera and started taking pictures again, "I want to record this scene, it's really meaningful."

Jepard took out two tissues and handed them to Su Ze and Dan Heng, "I'm sorry to bother you."

"I'm obviously a distinguished guest invited by Lady Natasha, but I have to endure the crowds. I'm really sorry."

Dan Heng simply wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Nothing."

"It's normal to be lively for a big happy event that everyone is celebrating."

"If there is no crowd at this time, I would suspect that the people of Beloberg are frozen silly by the cold wave."

Su Ze made a small joke.

Under the leadership of Jeppard, they walked through another passage and directly entered the distinguished guest viewing area at the succession ceremony.

According to the original plan, the Guardian Succession Ceremony was held on the flat ground in front of Klipperburg.

But considering the large number of people who wanted to participate in the viewing.

In the end, they chose to build a high platform so that the people of Beloberg could watch and witness this scene.

Unfortunately, plans cannot keep up with changes.

The number of people far exceeded expectations. Not only was the entire high platform surrounded by people.

Even the nearby square was crowded with people. Many invited guests were stuck in the crowd and could not get to the scene at all.

A large number of Silver Mane Iron Guards had to be dispatched to clean up the scene and maintain order.


The drums sounded, followed by a solemnMu's music.

The succession ceremony officially began.

Under the gaze of everyone, the former guardian Cocolia slowly walked up to the platform, holding the lance of Lisa Rand in her hand.

It is the weapon of the first generation of guardians and the exclusive weapon of each guardian.

"Next, please welcome the new guardian, Lady Natasha."

Cocolia announced loudly, turning her eyes to the other side of the platform.

"Lady Natasha!"

"Lady Natasha!"


Amidst the shouts, Natasha walked up to the platform in a gorgeous dress and took the lance from Cocolia.

"I, Natasha, swear here that I will abide by the duties of a guardian, fulfill the obligations of a guardian, and work with everyone to build a better Beloberg."

As soon as the voice fell.

There was a warm applause from the bottom of the platform, and the people of Beloberg looked at the new guardian with surging emotions, full of expectations for the future.

After the applause, at Natasha's signal, people returned to silence and waited quietly for her next speech.

"In addition to my succession ceremony today, there are two good news to share with you."

"The first good news is that the cold wave has completely ended, and we don't have to worry about the invasion of blizzards in the future."

"Beloberg has restored the normal four seasons, and there will no longer be only winter in the future."

Although everyone present had already known about this, they were still very happy when the official announced it again.

As the warm applause and cheers rang out, Natasha announced the second news.

"According to the latest data analysis by the Silver Mane Iron Guard intelligence officer this morning, the black rift and monsters that have been threatening and troubling us are also showing a trend of receding."

"So far, three severely affected areas have been reduced to moderately affected areas, two moderately affected areas have been reduced to lightly affected areas, and two lightly affected areas have become safe areas."

"I believe that if things continue like this, Beloberg will one day completely get rid of the influence and threat of the black rift on us."

The emergence of this news completely ignited the fiery hearts of all Beloberg present.

The black rift made them lose their homes, their relatives and friends, and too many things.

And now the new guardian tells them that the black rift is retreating.

How can it not be exciting!

These are all brought to them by the new guardian.

"Long live Beloberg! Long live Lady Natasha!"

"Long live Beloberg! Long live Lady Natasha!"

"Long live Lady Natasha! We will always support you!"

"Woo woo woo, praise Lady Natasha! Thank you for everything you have done for Beloberg!"

"Thank you Lady Natasha!"

"Thank you Lady Natasha!"

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