On the Star Dome Train, Jizi was observing the planet in the distance through the window.

"The activity of the rift intensified, but soon stopped."

"It seems that Yalilo VI is undergoing some changes."

Walter walked quickly to Jizi's side and reported the situation he had just detected.

"Look outside." Jizi pointed to Yalilo VI outside the train window, "The cold wave seems to be receding."

The white on its surface was gradually disappearing, revealing its original blue-gray color.

"What is this?" Walter also saw such a change for the first time, and a trace of shock flashed in his eyes. "Even if they solved the star core, according to calculations, it is impossible to restore the ecosystem of Yalilo VI so quickly."

"Yes, we all know that this is impossible."

"But in fact it really happened before our eyes."

Yalilo VI recovered too quickly, far beyond all their previous cognition.

"Did Danheng and the others send back any news?" Ji Zi thought for a moment and turned to look at Walter and asked, "If there is anything abnormal, they should send a message."

Walter shook his head, "I haven't received their reply, but from the test data, they are not in danger of life for the time being."

"How about I go down and take a look at the specific situation?" He pushed his glasses and turned his eyes back to Yalilo VI outside the window.

It's really strange.

What happened on Yalilo VI.

Just as the two were wondering, the phone suddenly rang.

A long string of messages from March 7 appeared in the group chat of the Star Dome Train family.

[Invincible Beauty: Ji Zi! Ji Zi! Ji Zi! ]

[Invincible Beauty: Important news! Important news! Important news! ]

[Invincible Beauty: Before we made a move, Beloberg's people defeated the star core by themselves! ]

[Invincible Girl: I also took some particularly wonderful pictures...]

[Invincible Girl: Super super super cool magical flames! ]

[Invincible Girl: Clang clang clang! -- Attached Figures 1, 2, and 3]

[Invincible Girl: We also participated in the Guardian's succession ceremony, it was so spectacular! -- Attached Figures 1, 2, and 3]

"Didn't they handle the star core?" Walter was even more shocked when he saw this message.

Everyone knows how destructive the star core is, and the disasters it brings have destroyed countless planets.

If someone can defeat the star core on Yalilo VI, it would not have been covered in ice and snow until now.

Before Walter could reply, the message sent by Danheng once again confirmed what March Seven said.

[Danheng: Someone did defeat the star core, she is very strong]


Who is it?

Jizi and Walter clicked on the photos sent by March Seven in confusion.

"This flame seems a little special."

"It is indeed different from ordinary flames."

"Is there another figure here?"

"It doesn't look like it's from the side of the Grand Duke of Hellfire."

The two looked at each other, and neither of them thought of any person or thing related to the flame in the photo.

"Anyway, it's a good thing." Ji Zi chuckled, "At least Beloberg was saved."

Walter nodded, "Indeed."

"But that flame is still of concern."

He always felt that the solution to the star core was inseparable from this flame.

"Then go and take a look, and enjoy the scenery here."

Ji Zi smiled and turned around to take a sip of the coffee on the table beside her.

"I'm also curious about who defeated the star core."

She lowered her head and sent a message in the group chat.

[Coffee Master: We'll come down to find you now]

[Coffee Master: Where are you]

The next second, Dan Heng sent the address.

[Danheng: Near the fountain in the central square]

[Long Live Gundam: Coming Soon]


Ding Ding Ding——

A salesman of Interstellar Peace Appliances looked at his mobile phone in shock.

"Weird things happen every year, but this year there are more. It's really weird!"

"Are there still people alive on Yalilo VI?"

"Aren't they all dead?"

The salesman was shocked. Looking at the reply message received on his mobile phone, he slowly typed a question mark with some uncertainty.

He had been transferred to be in charge of the business of this planet for a full 78 years, and he had never found any movement.

He had never received a reply.

I didn't expect that this planet had not been extinct under the blizzard.

It was really strange!

The salesman quickly contacted the company. This was a major event. Maybe he could get a promotion and a raise with this news!

Half an hour later, the Strategic Investment Department of Interstellar Peace Company.

"Yalilo VI, Beloberg?"

"Yes, it is a planet covered by a blizzard. The company originally planned to abandon it and treat it as a bad debt."

"But now it seems to be alive again?"

"According to the calculation of the asset group, do you think this account is worth recovering?"

"It seems that there is still a protective power on Yalilo VI."

"The gift of the Amber King?"

Topa, Jade and Gold Dust looked at the freshly baked documents in their hands, with a hint of shock on their faces.

After seven hundred years, this planet covered by a blizzard is still alive and even rejuvenated.

It's incredible.

"These are the latest photos of Yalilo VI that I just received. Are there any of you who are interested in going there?"

Diamond placed a few photos on the desk in front of the three people.

The surface of Yalilo VI is no longer pure white. The gray-blue color is constantly expanding outward and has covered most of it.

"Isn't this recovery speed a bit too fast? "Topa was incredulous. The photo of Yalilo VI mixed in the documents in his hand was completely different from the one on the table.

"Something special must have happened to cause this situation." Sand Gold's colorful eyes flickered twice, and it was obvious that he was also curious and interested in the planet Yalilo VI.

"The power of the star god?"

Emerald did not speak, staring at the two different photos, with the same guess as Sand Gold in his heart.

"You are still as sharp as ever, Sand Gold." Diamond looked up at the Sand Gold in front of him and chuckled, "Maybe it's possible."

He stretched out his finger and tapped the photo on the table, "This is exactly what the company wants to know."

"In addition to collecting the accounts receivable, another mission of going to Yalilo VI this time is to find out the reason for the recovery of Yalilo VI."

"I'm willing to go! "Topa spoke first.

After being attacked by the antimatter army and the cold wave, he was able to survive for so many years.

Now he is beginning to recover little by little, which is an impossible miracle.

She must go and see it with her own eyes.

If it is really a certain star god, can it be...

"What about you?" Diamond glanced at the two people who were also interested.

Gold Dust put down the information about the planet Yalilo VI in his hand and said lightly: "I'd better forget about this kind of mission that is not challenging."

"Since Topa wants to go, let her go."

"Anyway, I still have some work to deal with, and I can't spare any free time in a short time."

"Then let Topa go." Emerald also chose to withdraw.

Diamond nodded, took out another document from the drawer and handed it to Topa, "Our people detected that the Star Dome Train is also near Yalilo VI, and it may collide with it at that time."

"You can judge the degree by yourself."

Topa flipped it and saw that it was all about some information about the Star Dome Train and the latest news.

"I know."

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