【Extraordinary chat group】

【Tvarin:? ? ?】

【Yingmei: Good guy, it took me a long time to figure out that Tevalin is not an attacker, nor is he a villain! It’s just there to pick up Wendy’s! (Surprised.jpg)】

【Alice: This turning point almost missed my waist~】

【Barbara: (face covering.jpg)】

【Zhongli: Unexpected, but reasonable! It is indeed something he can do!】

【Shadow: Barbatos, don’t come here easily in the future, I’m afraid I won’t be able to help but draw the sword. (Serious look.jpg)】

【Nacida: Drinking will ruin things. Drinking will ruin things. You can’t learn this!】

【Funina: Hey, poor Tvarin, he came all the way to pick someone up, but he got beaten for no reason.】

【Paimon: The singer first gave the rice wife a beating, and then let her family members take a beating. It’s true that he has mastered the concept of not doing business.】

【Navilet: Even so, as a wind elemental dragon, you can’t defeat a single Paimon. You’d better withdraw from the group.】

【Paimon:? ? ?】

【Paimon: I am also very strong, Paimon! (Hands on hips.jpg)】

【Tvarin: She’s cheating!】

【Villette: You lose! (Serious.jpg)】



Outside Mondstadt.

Tevalin and Wendy just landed here.

But at this time, the atmosphere between the two became a little weird.

Looking at Tevalin who was looking at her seriously, Wendy touched her head with a smile.

“Ahem, what about that, Tevalin, are you okay?”

Not long ago, he was joking about this guy repeatedly.

He didn’t expect that he would turn around and slap him in the face so quickly!

Tevarin went to Daoqi to pick him up…

Who would have thought of this?

He in the light screen was too uncomfortable. Are you getting down to business?

Wendy felt a strong sense of bad taste coming from the light curtain~

Tewarin was speechless when he heard this. Is everything okay


Is”280″ okay?

It had been wondering why it had to run away without incident. Where to go to Ina Wife?

Now I understand!

Love is here to pick up this guy!

What happened?

Not only did he fly across the sea, but he also suffered an inexplicable round of fire from Ina Wife.

After that, he even had a fight with a giant Paimon.!

If Qian wins, it doesn’t matter.

But the other party made a series of outrageous operations and beat himself up!

Now he is expelled from the dragon by a small-minded dragon.

Even if Tevalin has not experienced it, just I’m watching a video.

But after all, it’s me in the video!

It feels sorry for itself in the light screen.

It’s so miserable~

Why was it fooled by this guy’s piano sound back then?

Look at Wendy being out of tune It seemed that Tevarin was getting angrier and angrier as he thought about it.

Finally, it couldn’t bear it anymore and roared loudly.

“Do something serious, Barbatos~”

Wendy touched her nose after hearing this.

Do something serious?

Aren’t they here to do something serious now?

… villa.

After watching the barrage in the live broadcast room, Luo Chen had fun again, and then he smiled and said

“After watching this video, I think everyone had a lot of fun”

“Okay, that’s the end of the unfair comments about Tevarin.”

“At this point, today’s reviews are all over.”

“Afterwards, I will upload the clips as before”

“At the same time tomorrow, we will continue with the next Genshin Impact character series review!”

“Stay tuned~”

After saying that, Luo Chen closed the live broadcast room.

Then he began to edit the live broadcast video.

After finishing these, it is time to prepare the review of the next character!

Emperor Zhongli of the Rock King!

This is A very interesting character~

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Kuki Ren: I’m here again. Today’s summary is as follows:】

【Kuki Shinobu: Serious comments about Mr. Fengshen——”gods love”、”free”】

【Kuki Shinobu: A serious review about Tevalin, the Familiar of the Wind God – past experience】

【Kuki Shinobu: Irregular comments about Mr. Fengshen——”Baba takes off silk”、”May the wind god fool you”、”Not doing business”、”no mora”、”Afraid of cats”】

【Kuki Shinobi: Indecent comments about Tevarin, the Familiar of the Wind God——”Paimon vs. Tvarin”】

【Arataki Yidou: Aren, good job!】

【Xiangling: Huh? Are there only five inappropriate comments about Fengshen?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Although there are only five, there is a lot of content. Especially the second unscrupulous review, which contains several things】

【Tevalin:”May the wind god fool you” is a joke?】

【Wendy: Hey~】

【Alice: Oh, there are only five gods, but I have six! As expected of Liyue Thunder God! (bad smile.jpg)】

【Nilu: Look at it this way, Miss Keqing’s side is really an exaggeration! It’s currently in a league of its own!】


【Yingmei: In fact, Wendy should also add”Jiu Mengzi”, after all, she is an alcoholic.~】

【Paimon: That makes sense! In this way, there are six unfair comments just like Keqing!】

【Wendy: Hey, I’m the second one to have six inappropriate comments, but I definitely won’t be the last~ (bad smile.jpg)】

【Tvarin: Tsk tsk, I agree with that.~】

【Alice: I remember you had a competition before which god was the most upright, now?~】

【Mandrill: The emperor would never do this!】

【Kujo Sora: The same goes for General!】

【Nilu: The same goes for Mr. Little Grass God!】

【Clolinde: Lady Fonina, uh……】

【Funina:? ? ?】

【Yingmei: Hehe, don’t talk too much.~】

【Paimon: Hehe, I look forward to your comments later.~】


Amid everyone’s discussion, a mechanical sound sounded in the minds of everyone in Teyvat.

【Ding! End of review~】

【The person reviewed will receive a random reward】

【Rewards include but are not limited to food, strength-enhancing items, resurrection props, wear and tear removal and other magical items. 】

Hearing this, everyone’s eyes lit up.

Is this the reward coming?

Sure enough, the next second, the darkened screen lit up again.

It was Wendy and Tvarin outside Mondstadt.

Then, two golden meteors streaked across the sky.

Then it landed in front of the two people.

After a while, the golden light dissipated.

Two items appeared in front of them

【Ding! Congratulations to today’s reviewer, Wind God Barbatos, for receiving the reward – a strange wine gourd!】

【Strange Wine Gourd: There is a chance to produce wine from different worlds once a day. There is a certain chance that strange wine will be produced】

【Note: If a strange wine is produced, it will only be effective for one person!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the person being reviewed today, Tevalin, a member of the Wind God, for receiving a reward – a negative removal card.】

【Negative Elimination Card: After use, all negative effects from the body can be eliminated. Including but not limited to injuries, lost limbs, amnesia, wear and tear, etc.】

【Note: This reward is bound for use and cannot be transferred to others.】

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Shadow: Negative removal card? Can wear and tear be removed? (excited.jpg)】

【Zhongli: The rewards from the light curtain should not be fake. This is something even the gods long for.~】

【Wendy: Yes, Tevalin is really lucky this time. It seems that the beating was not in vain.】


【Tinari: It would be great if Collet had one. Maybe her illness……】

【Kelai: It’s okay, Master Tinari, there will always be a chance】

【Bai Shu: If energy is produced, people in the world will no longer have to worry about being injured.】

【Hutao: Then you are going to be unemployed. Oh no, we are both going to be unemployed!】

【Alice: Something so precious cannot be mass-produced. Even if it is actually mass-produced, it may not necessarily be a good thing.】

【Chang Sheng: Indeed.~】


Outside Mondstadt.

Wendy watched the people in the chat group discussing and looked at Tevarin

“Tevalin, although the reward is bound”

“But it’s better to use it as soon as possible to prevent changes.”


Tvarin nodded, then stretched out his paws to grab the card in front of him.

Then he said softly

“use!”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After he finished speaking, the card on his paw turned into sporadic golden light spots.

Then they rushed towards Tevarin.

When Tevarin saw these lights, his body felt a little unnatural. Get up.

Because it was these light points in the light curtain that resurrected its opponent.

But after seeing the light points heading towards itself, it stopped struggling randomly.

As the light curtain poured into its body, it felt the entire My body warmed up.

At this moment, it seemed as if some shackles had been broken.

I suddenly felt unprecedentedly comfortable and relaxed.

It was like I was back to the moment when I was born from the wind!

Even better!

“How does it feel?”

Wendy said curiously


“very good!”

“Better than ever!”[]

���Valin’s tone was full of joy.

If it had this reward after five hundred years, it wouldn’t have endured five hundred years of torture!

Hearing this, Wendy nodded happily.

He is happy for the old friend to be freed from his shackles.

As for himself… with [Strange Wine Gourd] around, there is always a chance.

Compared to Wendy, the older gods like Ying and Zhongli were a little envious.

Why is one of them thinking about abdicating and the other thinking about making dolls?

A lot of it is to avoid wear and tear!

The last one that was badly worn has been suppressed.

They don’t want to forget the past and do something bad in the future.

It’s a pity that this reward is bound to be used.

Otherwise, they really want to exchange with Tvarin.

This is much more reliable than Navilette’s random water!

Mondstadt, somewhere in the abyss.

Originally, there was still a cheerful atmosphere here.

Everyone was discussing the fun of Fengshen and how to raise cats in the future.

However, after hearing the reward, all Abyss Order members fell silent.

Others have wear and tear, and they also have curses!

Now seeing others receiving such rewards, their emotions are extremely complicated.

There is a hint of envy, jealousy and hatred~

At this time, an abyss mage seemed to have thought of something……..

He quickly said respectfully to the sky

“Your Highness, will there be a reward in the light curtain that can solve the curse on us?”

“Or the wine of the wind god, the water of Villette……”

After hearing the words of their colleagues, the eyes of other Abyss Cult members also lit up one by one.

They hadn’t thought about it before, but now it seems…

If it was possible, wouldn’t they be able to get rid of the curse directly?

After listening to this, Sora waved his hands somewhat sadly.

“As for Fengshen and Navilette, don’t think too much about it.”

“First of all, I don’t believe they are that lucky”

“Secondly, obtaining special wine and water can only be used by one person.”

“For us, it’s a drop in the bucket!”

“As for the rewards in the light curtain……”

Having said this, he glanced at the subordinates under the throne.

Seeing their expectant looks, Kong was silent for a moment, then nodded with a smile.

“Light curtains are so magical, of course they exist!”

“And my luck has always been very good”

“So as long as you review me, there is a great possibility!”

Hearing this, all the members of the Abyss Cult became excited.

After living miserable lives for so many years, they finally saw the light!

They all cheered immediately.

Kong looked at the lively scene in front of him and sighed secretly in his heart. He took a breath.

He couldn’t tell when the review would arrive, let alone the appropriate reward.

The possibility was too low… but he couldn’t bear to let his subordinates’ expectations fall short.


【Extraordinary Chat Group]

After seeing Tevalin’s rewards, everyone now turned their attention to Wendy’s rewards.

【Funina: Strange wine gourd? This looks a bit like Villette’s reward!】

【Navilette: Indeed! But one is water and the other is wine】

【Yingmei: It just so happens that one of you likes drinking water and the other likes drinking. They are a perfect match!】

【Paimon: Now that’s good. The singers and sellers have wine from another world every day. I guess I’m so happy.~】

【Wendy: Hey~】

【Zhongli: I hope Fengshen’s mood will be better, otherwise……】

【Nasida: You’re not going to have a drink made from nuclear wastewater, are you? (Doubtful. Expression)】

【Diona: That would be best, just stop drinking!】



Outside Mondstadt

“Don’t worry, watch my performance!”

Wendy looked confident!

Although he is not as lucky as a European emperor like Xiao Keli.

But he will definitely not be a non-chief like Villette!

With this thought, he stepped forward and took his own Reward.

Wendy used to drink from wine glasses, and never used a gourd. She couldn’t help but look at it curiously.

Well, it was a little light.

There should be no wine in it.

But she also knew that she was live broadcasting, so she didn’t delay too long..After holding the gourd in her hand, Wendy recited silently in her heart.

“Use your random chance today!”

After the words fell, the wine gourd in his hand sank instantly.

It was obviously filled with fine wine.

Then, a series of light text prompts suddenly appeared in the sky above the [Strange Wine Gourd]

【Enhanced Vodka: A 4.9 enhanced version of the drink from another world. Note: Ignoring all powers such as divine power and immortal power, people can feel the purest taste of the wine.】


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Alice: Vodka? Or an enhanced version? Good guy!】

【Barbara: Miss Alice, do you know what kind of wine this is? (curious.jpg)】

【Alice: I’ve heard of this kind of wine in another world. It is said that this wine is very strong and makes you heady after drinking it! As for how to get on top?……】

【Yingmei: This is still ordinary vodka, but Wendy’s this time is an enhanced version, and it can’t be solved with divine power.】

【Xiangling: In other words, in front of this fine wine, all living beings are equal?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: That should be what it means!】

【Qin: Then wouldn’t Lord Barbatos get even more drunk after drinking the enhanced version? 】

When Wendy saw this, she patted her chest with a smile and started to raise the flag!

“I dare not say anything else, but the wine~”

“Hey, I’m a professional!”

“Definitely not drunk!”

“I will never do anything inappropriate!”

As he said that, he directly took off the cork of the wine gourd.

In an instant, a strong aroma of wine came to him.

Wendy couldn’t help but perked up.

Good wine! As an alcoholic, he immediately became greedy. There was no time for more.

Thinking about it, I picked up the gourd and poured it into my mouth.

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Barbara: If Lord Barbatos drinks like this, there won’t be any problems, right?】

【Tvarin: Take out the”no”!】

【Diona: It’s broken, it’s definitely going to happen now! Sure enough, wine is not a good thing!】

【Yingmei: Great! When the time comes, I will perform a live broadcast for everyone to transform a wind god into a cat girl.~】

【Paimon: Hiss~ Looking forward to it!】

【Hutao: Hehe, looking forward to it~】

【Yae Shenzi: Looking forward to it~】

【Funina: Looking forward to it~】


…… ps: Someone is coming to the house today, so the first chapter will be updated early..

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