Under the Fulong tree


“Ahhhhhh, fight with me!”

The Dragon King Ruotuo was going crazy because of wear and tear.

While slapping the ground hard, he scolded Morax in his heart for his betrayal.

Suddenly, a virtual light curtain appeared in front of it.

“This…what is this?”

Although Fat Tuo’s mind was a little unclear, it also discovered something was wrong at this time.

At this time, a mechanical voice sounded in its mind

“Ding! You have been invited to join the [Extraordinary Chat Group]】!

“You can speak in the chat box on the right!”

Extraordinary chat group?


Fat Tuo’s eyes widened.

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Ruotuo Dragon King: What is this chat group? Morax, are you the one causing this?】

【Ruotuo Dragon King: You betrayed me a thousand years ago and then sealed me, and now you are using this thing to play tricks on me!】

【Ruoduo Dragon King: Ahhhhh-Morax, fight with me! 】

After Zhongli saw this scene and spoke, he looked a little nostalgic and sighed a little.

“Old friends, we finally meet again”

“But this time, everything will be fine……”

In addition to him, immortals such as Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Mandrill also felt the same way.

After all, Ruo Tuo Dragon King was once their comrade!

But the emperor cannot be slandered!

Even Ruotuo Dragon King is the same

【Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun: Ruotuo Dragon King, long time no see】

【Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun: First, it was not that the emperor betrayed you, but that you lost your memory due to wear and tear, and then violated the contract. That’s why the emperor sealed you】

【Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun: Secondly, this chat group is not the emperor’s method, but comes from another supreme being.】

【True Lord Liuyun Borrows the Wind: That Existence……】

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun briefly introduced the review of the light curtain.

Hearing this, Feituo also roughly understood something.

Suddenly burst into laughter

【Ruoduo Dragon King: Comment on Morax? Hahaha, okay!】

【Ruotuo Dragon King: If the light curtain is really as powerful as you say, it will definitely tell all the deeds of Morax!】

【Ruotuo Dragon King: By then the entire continent of Teyvat will know about his betrayal!】

【Ruoduo Dragon King: Morax! I wonder how you will handle yourself then? Hahahaha~]

After learning about such a thing, Ruotuo Dragon King also stopped going crazy.

Since force cannot avenge Morax for the time being, telling the”truth of betrayal” is one way.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and others were also speechless after seeing it.

Was everything I said earlier in vain?

But thinking about the wear and tear of this person, I sighed in my heart.

【Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun: Sorry, I made everyone laugh. In fact, it was not originally like this.】

【True Lord Cutting the Moon and Building the Yang: Yes, Dragon King Ruotuo also worked for Liyue with us, but it became like this later due to wear and tear. (sigh.jpg)】

【Mandrill: You should understand when the follow-up review of Light Curtain touches it and the Emperor.】

【Wendy: Hey, it’s okay, Tevarin was like this before too】

【Alice: Yeah, just let Barbara and Jean beat her up! (bad smile.jpg)】




【Yingmei: By the way, what exactly is this wear and tear? I seem to have heard you mention it many times!】

【Zhongli: Wear is a shackles imposed by heaven. People with wear and tear will gradually lose their memory and reason, and become like wild beasts】

【Zhongli: The more powerful the power, the greater the danger it will bring when it is worn away!】

【Shadow: Yes, that’s why I made a doll and entered the Pure Land of Isshin myself!】

【Funina: Huh? So why didn’t I feel it?】

【Wendy: You and the Grass God are both young gods, so naturally there won’t be any at this stage. But after thousands of years, we will be able to clearly feel it】

【Yingmei: Got it! To put it simply, it’s Alzheimer’s disease, right? (wit.jpg)】

【Paimon: Hiss~】

【Alice: Correct! You are such a clever little ghost! (bad smile.jpg)】




【Ruotuo Dragon King:? ? ? 】

Alzheimer’s disease? what is that?

The fat black man has a question mark on his face.

Just when it wanted to speak and ask, there was finally movement on the left side of the light curtain.

Thinking of the previous comments made by people in the group, Ruotuo Dragon King temporarily put aside his doubts and looked over quickly with wide eyes.

… villa.

Luo Chen also started the live broadcast at this time.

As usual, a large number of Blue Star spectators soon poured in.

“Wow, the anchor is finally here!”

“I can’t see the anchor’s comments every day, and my lunch is no longer tasty.~”

“As a native of Mondstadt, I really like the anchor’s comments on Lord Barbatos and Tvarin. Hey, I hope it will be more intense!”

“Anchor, where is our Yanshen?”

“Anchor, where are our Shadow Treasure and Chip Fox?”

“Anchor, where are our little grass god and the big loving tree king?”

“You fake local above, how can you have the Great Ci Tree King!”

“Anchor, where is our Fufu?”

“Anchor, where is our family’s destiny?”

“6ah! The gods are here! Are you a native of Sky Island?”

“You can’t go to the anchor here, you have to go to Mi to fool you!”


Luo Chen looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room, smiled, and said hello.

“Hello everyone, welcome to my live broadcast room”

“There will be reviews from the gods.”

“Yesterday we reviewed the wind god Barbatos and his descendants Tevalin”

“Today we will continue the Genshin Impact character review series!”


After the words fell, at this moment, two all-too-familiar and conspicuous barrages appeared in the live broadcast room.

【Governor Wendy rewards the anchor with 100 small TV spaceships!】

【Governor Tevarin rewards the anchor with 100 small TV spaceships! ]

When Luo Chen saw this, he couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

If it were anyone else, he wouldn’t think it was a big deal.

But Wendy and Tevalin… agreed not to have Maura?

How come you can take out so much after becoming the governor?

In fact, this was given to them by the Knights of the West Wind before.

Now after such a reward, there really aren’t many Mora left in my pocket.

Moreover, since he was in Liyue, Qin could not support him.

If it weren’t for Hutao, the accommodation and food expenses would be waived.

I’m afraid I really have to make a living by singing… but neither Wendy nor Tevalin think it’s a big deal.

Compared to the rewards and the light curtain’s comments on itself, these are insignificant!

Soon, several more conspicuous barrages appeared in the live broadcast room

【Wendy: Hey, hello, that adult in the light curtain~Thank you for your review of Tevalin and me.】

【Wendy: I love the Exotic Wine Gourd. Ahem, but I still prefer recognition from people who are serious about me.~】

【Tevalin: Thank you for your comments and rewards. I feel like I have been reborn. My whole person, oh no, my whole dragon has become much more relaxed.】

【Tevarin: By the way, Barbatos essentially just doesn’t do anything serious and just fishes all day long. You are really good at judging people! ]

Seeing this, Luo Chen showed a smile on his face.

A person who claims to be a serious person!

One said that the other party did not do anything serious all day long, but only fished.

This pairing of the gods and their dependents was really interesting. No, it should be said that the relationship between all the gods and their dependents in Teyvat was very interesting.

Well, except Fontaine

“Thank you both for the reward”

“Well, as for whether Wendy is a decent person?……”

“Everyone in Teyvat should have read my review.”

“Then let them vote~”

Hearing this, Tevarin’s eyes lit up.


This is a good idea!

And Wendy’s mouth twitched.

If this is the case,

I’m afraid it doesn’t matter whether he is serious or not. People, people in the chat group will vote improperly…

He knows these fun people very well~

As for why…

Hey, because he is also one of them.~

After Luo Chen expressed his usual thanks, his expression became serious and he started the business of the day.

“Next, we will move on to today’s main topic – reviews of the Genshin Impact character series!”

“The object I want to comment on today is,”

“Liyue Rock God—Morax!”

“The descendant of Liyueyan God – Ruotuo Dragon King!”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Since yesterday’s review of Mondstadt Fengshen, everyone has vaguely guessed the candidates for subsequent reviews.

But guesses are guesses after all!

After all, it is still difficult to think about the light curtain. It was speculation.

But now that they got the exact news, many people suddenly became excited.


【General chat group】

【Tian Tiezui: Haha, our emperor of Liyue is finally here! I must listen to Lao Tian carefully this time. In this way, we will have the material for storytelling later!】

【Hanxue: I have to write it down too. Let’s see how that guy Zhongli fights with me!~��

【Master Mao: The emperor will definitely be recognized like the Fengshen next door. This is a great joy! To celebrate, all meals at Wanmintang are free today!】

【Ying’er: The boss is so generous!】

【Zhiqiong: Master Mao is so awesome!】

【Wan Yan: Well done, well done! Now everyone knows Morax’s crime!】

【Uncle Tian: Wan Yan, slandering the emperor is a serious crime!】

【Wanyan: Slander? Haha, you will know when the time comes! (sneer.jpg)】

【Sister Lan: The deeds of Mr. Dijun are obvious to all, and justice prevails in the hearts of the people!】[]

【Uncle Tian: Wait for the review from Light Screen! Then you will know the consequences of spreading rumors!】



Hall of Rebirth

“Sure enough!”

After Zhongli heard the words in the light curtain, he was relieved and at the same time, a smile appeared on his face.

He had been looking forward to comments about himself.

Because in this way he could get rewards.

He would have the opportunity to do it later. What he wanted to do

“Master, congratulations~”

Wendy naturally knew how her friend was feeling, so she smiled and sent her congratulations.

“Congratulations, I hope my luck will be better~”

Zhongli shook his head gently.

If he is as lucky as the Water Dragon King, then…

Wendy wanted to say something when she saw this.

At this time, there was a loud sound. The sound of surprise came from the lobby

“Wow, he is really an emperor!”

The speaker is naturally Hutao!

As an authentic Liyue native, of course she is also an imperial chef!

She was also very excited when she saw her own god being commented on.

But she also did not forget the little Heizi at home.

Thinking of it As for what happened before, Hu Tao came to Zhongli’s side with a smile.

“Hehe, Zhongli, today I’m going to comment on Emperor”

“There will definitely be unfair comments by then”

“You little emperor, you must be extremely happy, right?”


Wendy and Tevalin looked strange when they saw this scene.

Emperor Xiao Heizi?


That’s really appropriate!

In line with the mentality of having fun, they also wanted to echo it.

But thinking about the fact that they were on the other side’s territory now, and the old man’s speechless expression.

One God and One Dragon decided to restrain themselves first.

Laugh later.

But now~

“Hey, Hall Master Hu, your emperor’s review is about to begin.”

“How about some snacks and wine to cheer up the fun?”

“Yes, I almost forgot about this!”

Hearing this, Hutao slapped her head suddenly. She had always been prepared in the past.

But today there were guests coming, and she forgot about it for a moment.

But it was not late now either.

Thinking of this, she faced the people in the hall. Several people waved their hands

“You guys sit here while I prepare some snacks. After saying that

, Hutao jumped and ran outside.

…… castle tower

“Son of God, Son of God, it’s Morax, it’s Morax!”

After Ying heard the words of the light curtain, she suddenly became excited.

But she was not excited for Morax, but for herself!

Yesterday she was the God of Wind, and today she is the God of Rock.

So wouldn’t it be her turn tomorrow?

After all, You can’t comment on two gods and then stop commenting on them, right?

The fox also thought of this.

A rare smile flashed on his face.

Now Inazuma, Shin, and Lord Saimiya all have hope!

But the fox will eventually It’s a fox.

Her dandruff can never be changed.

At this happy moment, she raised her eyebrows

“Ying, are you prepared to die later?”

Hearing this, the smile on Ying’s face solidified.

As someone who has watched the reviews all the way, she is very aware of the power of the unfair reviews!

Traveler, Qin, Keqing, Ganyu, Linghua, Villette, Navia, and that guy from Fengshen!

None of them walked out with a smile.

Because you have no idea from what angle the light screen will criticize you improperly!

It’s hard to guard against it!

After seeing it so many times, Rao Yingying was also a little unconfident.

But thinking of his sister, Ying clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

“It doesn’t matter!”

“Anyway, I will also comment on Dependents when the time comes!”

“At worst, we’ll die together!”



【Extraordinary chat group】

【Yingmei: Wow, the person commenting this time is Yanwang Dijun.~】

【Dolly: Morax? Wow, God of Wealth, bless Dolly to make money every day~ (Happy.jpg)】

【Paimon: Huh? Can it still be like this? Then I’ll come too! The God of Wealth is above, bless Paimengri to make a fortune! (Look forward to.jpg)】

【Nacida: It’s time for daily study again! There must be a lot worth learning from Iwagami!】

【Alice: Oh? Did you learn anything from Fengshen yesterday? (dog head. expression)】

【Funina: It’s easy! Drinking, cheating, not doing business… (bad smile.jpg)】

【Tevalin: Is this something that should be learned? Barbatos has taught the children bad things!】

【Shadow: Indeed! If you really want to learn, Morax is more reliable.】

【Yae Shenzi: Yes, the shadow is unreliable~ (laughing.jpg)】


【Wendy:? ? ?】

【Wendy: What about the serious comments before?】

【Wendy: Also, why do you say that the old man is more worthy of learning than me? Maybe the other party is more crooked than me!】

【Yingmei: Hey, this”update” is very interesting.~】

【Mandrill: Impossible! What the emperor does must have its meaning!】

【Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun: That’s right!】

【Ruoduo Dragon King: Haha, you will know about Morax’s betrayal by then!】


…… villa.

Amid everyone’s expectations, Luo Chen spoke.

“First, let’s review the rock god Morax”

“As usual, let’s briefly introduce the background.”

“Morax, the founder of Liyue, the Kingdom of Contract, is currently one of the seven rulers of the world – the God of Rock!”

“People in Liyue prefer to call him Emperor Yanwang.”

“In addition, he also has other titles”

“For example, the God of Contract, the God of Precious Gold, the God of Wealth, the Rock Lord, the God of Martial Arts, etc.”

“This is the identity of a god!”

“And his identity in the human world is the mysterious guest of the Rebirth Hall in Liyue – Zhongli!”

As he said that, he put a photo of Morax in the live broadcast room.

The character in it was none other than Zhongli!

Hutao: ?? Again?.

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