“I will choose…report to the emperor!”

The corner of Ningguang’s mouth raised a slight arc.

Ke Qing:”……”

Gan Yu:”……”

Good guy!

I asked you how to solve it, but you gave the ball to the emperor?

You know how to handle it!

For a moment, the two women rolled their eyes cutely.

When Ning Guang saw this, he spread his hands and said in a helpless tone.

“no way!”

“I’m not Navilet, I’m human”

“It’s really hard to make a final verdict!”

“If you really encounter such a dilemma, you can either avoid suspicion or report it directly to the emperor.”

“Thinking about it, only the emperor can give a reasonable solution.”

Ningguang really thinks so.

If she really encounters it, especially if it involves someone close to her, she may not really know how to deal with it.

After hearing this, Ke Qing and Gan Yu agreed after thinking about it. He nodded.


Not everyone is from Villette!

“The word”justice” seems simple, but it is not so easy to bear!


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Kaia: Guilty? I really didn’t expect such a verdict!】

【Arataki Yidou: Yes, it is obviously to avenge a friend, so loyal! And the people at the scene supported him!】

【Kuki Ren: Boss, those people are not sympathizing with and supporting Watling, they just want to use this to have a good relationship with Navilette.】

【Leosley: Although I also support Watling’s behavior, if he is found not guilty, it will not be Villette!】

【Shigwen: Hey, Lord Villette’s discomfort can also be seen from the light curtain! but……】

【Schiavorei: Because of justice, the verdict is guilty!】

【Nasida: Is this the difference between personal justice and legal justice?】

【Elhaysen: The Supreme Judge is really not that easy to be! Perhaps this is also the reason why he did not contact others later, also to avoid this happening.】

【Hutao: Hum hum, let me tell you, that time was four hundred years ago. Now, as long as Yan Fei takes action, Watling will be released without charge!】

【Charlotte: Yan Fei’s legal counsel? I’ve heard of it too! He is a very powerful legal advisor!】

【Yingmei: The situation is too small, why not just acquit? Maybe in turn, the Supreme Judge will be sent in!】

【Alice: That’s right! Play stable, acquitted! Use your extraordinary skills to send the Supreme Judge in!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Is it so powerful?】

【Navia: Hey, I should have known that I would have contacted Yan Fei’s consultant directly.】

【Yan Fei:……】

Yan Fei also twitched her lips when she saw the comments in the chat group.

The traveler and Ms. Alice are both really good at boasting, right?

Although she was confident of her legal achievements, she wouldn’t be able to plead not guilty and be acquitted under those circumstances, right?

Um, no, maybe there is a chance.

But sending the Supreme Inquisitor in would be outrageous!

She is a lawyer!

Not an outlaw……

【Barbara: Looking at it this way, it’s a bit sad that among the originally harmonious trio, one person died, one person was sent to prison, and one person personally tried his former subordinates!】

【Nilu: Yes, judging from Watling’s roar at the end, he must be in a very complicated mood.】

【Sarnath Heizo: No! That’s not complicated, maybe it’s intentional!】

【Tinari: On purpose? you mean……】

【Paimon: What? on purpose? Is there any inside story inside?】

【Leosley: You will know if you look down.】

…… villa.

Seeing the barrage in the live broadcast room, Luo Chen raised his eyebrows.

Did anyone notice it so quickly?

But it’s normal.

After all, the gap between Watling’s behavior before and after is really big.

What Teyvat lacks most is smart people!

Thinking of this, he coughed twice and said with a smile.

“Maybe someone has noticed something is wrong.”

“Watling obviously said that he voluntarily took on everything, but why did he say that in the court?”

“That’s right!”

“In fact, he did all this on purpose!”

“Watling is well aware of the complexity of the current situation”

“I know people in Fontaine are suspicious of Navilette.”

“That’s why he chose to do this!”

“As Navilette’s former subordinate, he knew that the other party would definitely make a selfless judgment!”

“Therefore, in the court, as long as he shows more hatred,”

“The audience at the scene can experience the fairness and justice of Villette more and more!”

“This will make Fontaine more able to accept and believe in Villette and Meluxin!”

“What happened over the next four hundred years has proven this!”

“And Watling was not depressed after being imprisoned in Merlot Petersburg.”

“Instead, a mutual aid association was established!”

“They are not big, but they have been doing what they can”

“One of the core ideas is this – don’t hate a fair trial!”

“From here, we can also see Watling’s thoughts”

“He has never regretted his choice!”

Speaking of this, Luo Chen sounded a little emotional.

“It’s true that a counselor enters the situation with his own body and wins the battle!”


Fontainebleau, Momang Palace

“Mutual aid club!”

“Don’t hate a fair trial……”

“Ms. Funina, it’s exactly what you said.”

After knowing the truth, Villette had mixed emotions in his heart.

But he didn’t know how to describe it.

There were surprise, relief, fear, guilt… a mixture of emotions.

When Funina saw this, she smiled slightly

“Even Watling is so open-minded. You, the Water Dragon King, can’t lag behind him!”

“Keep reading”

“Maybe you can find the answer you want!”

At this moment, there was no trace of confusion on her face.

The soft voice seemed to have a layer of divine brilliance.

This made Navilette a little stunned for a moment.

But he didn’t care to think about it, and looked at it again light curtain


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Paimon: So there is such a secret!】

【Xiang Ling: I really didn’t expect it. It seems that all the people in Fontaine at that time were deceived.】

【Schiavorei: Maybe it’s not appropriate to use”cheat”, it should be”performance””!】

【Kaia: After being treated like this, he still has such an innocent heart. Real man Watling!】

【Kamisato Ayato: First, take revenge with your own hands, and at the same time clear the obstacles for Navilette! Then he used himself to set off the fairness of the supreme judge in the court! Finally, a hope organization, a mutual aid club, was established in the prison!】

【Kamisato Ayato: You can really stand up to a real man!】

【Kamisato Ayato: Or, it would be more appropriate to use the phrase in the light curtain,”A counselor enters the game with his own body, and he can win half the battle!”】

【Yae Kamiko: Unexpectedly, it was obviously a comment about Villette, but in the end the focus was on Watling!】

【Keqing: Navilette, Watling, and Meluxin, they are one! It’s hard to separate!】

【Yan Fei: That’s true! All three of them explained to us in different ways what”justice” means.”!】

【Nacida: It is truly a country of justice!】

【Yingmei: Even their justice is so wonderful! Now I am even more curious about the”justice” of the God of Justice!】

【Wendy: Hey, I’m curious too~】

【Zhongli: I think you won’t let us down!】


“Is my justice?”

Funina looked a little confused when she saw the speech in the chat group.

Then she gradually became firmer!

Her justice is to let the Fontaine people break the prophecy and allow them to live!

This is justice above all else at this moment.!

This is also the driving force for her persistence in the past five hundred years!

…… villa.

Luo Chen continued to speak at this time.

“The above is the classic trial case I mentioned.”

“Here, you can also see the justice of Villette, Watling, and Meluxin!”

“Next, there will be a detailed version of the video”

“There are some details in there, among other things”

“After reading it, you will have a deeper understanding.”

After that, he started to play the legendary mission of Villette.

The video is one and a half hours long.

It can be called one of the most classic legendary missions.

Although everyone has just listened to the review and understood the general content.

But at this moment , still looked at it seriously.

Following the footsteps of the travelers in the picture, they explored step by step.

In the past, everyone hated and rejected Meiluxin!

But now, all Fontaine people consciously protect Meiluxin! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The so-called threatening letter is just the revenge of a small person.

In contrast, Fontaine’s current situation has changed tremendously.

After reading it, everyone was filled with emotion.

Especially the figures of Carolee and Watling who appeared in the last scene.

Although everyone knew it was fake, it was still touching to watch.[]

Fontaine, Momang���

“In human society, you will see many happy and unhappy things”

“One day, you will accommodate enough of the past”

“At that time, you will be qualified to represent the history of Fontaine to judge everything!”

“Is this… the voice of the man in the mirror?”

Funina was thoughtful after seeing the content of the light curtain.

Sure enough!

Her guess was right!

Fukalos took the trouble to invite Navilette to Fontaine for a purpose!

It was to make up for her lack of combat power. Insufficient, but also to solve the crisis predicted by Fontaine

“But what is the connection between my trial and Villette’s solution to the prophecy?”

Funina frowned slightly.

From the outside, they are completely two things she doesn’t want to do!

Is it possible that Villette can be made even more powerful?

After thinking about it for a long time, she didn’t figure it out. This happened, so I simply didn’t think about it for the time being.

I turned around and looked at Villette, and found that he was different from the previous confusion, and now there was a look in his eyes.

He couldn’t help but smile and said

“Figured out?”

“Well, figured it out!”

Navilette smiled softly.

He followed himself in the light curtain and experienced it all the way.

Now, he in the light curtain can figure it out, and he can naturally do the same.

Just like Gan Yu back then!

“That’s good!”

“Water Dragon, Water Dragon, don’t cry easily again in the future.~”

“People in Fontaine still prefer sunny weather!”

Funina joked with a smile.

0 Please give me flowers. After hearing this, Villette nodded slightly.

After wiping the remaining tears from the corners of his eyes, he said

“Ms. Funina, although the threat of Meluxin shown in the light curtain is a small matter”

“But we should still pay attention”

“Don’t worry, Leosley won’t let us down.”

Funina waved her hand.

After hearing this, Villette also nodded slightly.

…… villa.

After Luo Chen finished playing the video, he continued to speak

“After watching this video, you all have a deeper understanding of Villette’s justice.”

“At this point, the serious review of Navellet ends.”

“Actually, there was originally another item”

“But because it involves the water god”

“Let’s wait until we review the Water God later.”

“Now, let’s make a serious comment from Navia, the president of the Rose of Thorns Society!”

The third serious comment in Luo Chen’s mouth naturally refers to – judging the gods!

Compared with the previous disrespectful gods, this is undoubtedly much more domineering!

But Villette does have this qualification and ability!

But this It happened after taking back the power of Gu Long.

So Luo Chen didn’t mention it for the time being.

We’ll discuss it together when I review Funina one day.


Fontainebleau, Momang Palace

“Water God?”

“In other words, do you really want to criticize me behind the light curtain?”

After hearing this, Fu Nina couldn’t sit still.

If she had been lucky before, she hoped that the light screen would not comment on her.

But now, this luck has been shattered!

The light screen has clearly wanted to comment on it. She!

Even if it wasn’t her, it would be Fuka���Si!

Next it’s a matter of time!

And when they are criticized, all their secrets and plans will be exposed!

Thinking of this, Funina suddenly became panicked.

Even walking around the office anxiously.

When Villette saw this, he wasn’t too surprised.

Because he had already guessed that Funina had a secret through the clues he had learned before.

It’s still a secret related to the predicted crisis!

It’s just that the other party has been unwilling to disclose it.

It’s not easy for him to always ask.

But at this time, the light curtain has already booked Fu Nina.

The secret will be exposed sooner or later!

In such an environment, there is no point in hiding anything.

Thinking of this, Villette said softly:

“Ms. Funina, if you have anything, you might as well say it directly”

“Just tell us and we can help you or discuss the solution together.”

“I have already guessed what you are hiding. It should be related to the prophecy crisis, right?”

“Maybe it’s also related to the trial shown in the review of Traveler!”

“you you……”

“Villette, I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

Funina swallowed nervously.

She didn’t expect Villette to know so much without saying anything.

Then would he guess that she was no longer the water god?

The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became.

However, Funina was overly worried.

Navilette had not guessed this yet.

After all, this idea was somewhat bold!

Seeing Funina’s expression getting more and more nervous, Navilette���Te couldn’t help but sigh

“Ms. Funina, I didn’t mean to press you.”

“But I want to tell you that the future has changed since the light curtain appeared.”

“The scene you have been waiting for for the travelers, me, and Clolind to judge you will no longer happen.”

“I believe they think the same way!”

“Through the light curtain, we will know how to save Fontaine”

“Therefore, there is no need for you to hide it.”

After hearing these words, Funina fell silent.

How could she not know?

But, she couldn’t help it! If she didn’t say it, there might be a glimmer of hope.

But if she said it, there would definitely be no hope…

See you Funina still remained silent, and Villette looked a little helpless.

But at the same time, she was also confused.

What kind of secret kept her unwilling to speak?

Even if she faced the scene of being judged by the people in the end, this would still be the case.!

“God is the lord of a country”

“Except for the one in Sumeru who is a bit special, there should be no one who is afraid.”


At this time, Navilette suddenly thought of something and couldn’t help but raise his head and look out the window.

You can also see a corner of Sky Island from this angle.

Heavenly law!


If it is the law of heaven, then it is possible!

So what Ms. Funina wants to hide is related to heavenly principles?

What things related to prophecy cannot be known by heaven?

Then Villette didn’t understand.

“Forget it, let’s do this for now”

“Wait until you get the reward after the review is over.”

“If we can use this to solve the Fontaine crisis, that would be great.”

“If not……”

Villette shook his head gently and didn’t think about it any more.

He looked into the light curtain.

After Fu Nina saw it, she felt relieved.

But thinking about the upcoming reviews, she became anxious again

“What should I do now?”.

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