The test was completed in a hurry.

Lin Yuan looked at Catherine: "I don't know what the assessment content and standards are?"

Catherine said: "The assessment content is divided into two parts, one is a written test and the other is a practical test."

"The written test mainly examines your cultural level, common sense reserves, etc. We set the questions. The full score is 100, and more than 60 points are qualified."

"The practical test mainly examines your physical fitness, hands-on ability, etc. We will issue a small task to you, and you will be qualified if you complete it."

"If you pass both assessments, you can become an F-level adventurer of the Adventurer Association, and you can accept F-level commissions. At the same time, you can enjoy a 10% discount on commissions."

"At the same time, we also have a complete promotion route. You can complete a certain number of F-level commissions. After that, you can participate in the promotion assessment, and you can be promoted to an E-level adventurer if you pass it. "

"E-level adventurers can accept E-level and F-level commissions at the same time, and they can enjoy a 20% discount if they issue commissions themselves. The same applies to A, B, C, and D levels."

Lin Yuan nodded: "So that's how it is. I didn't expect that the system of the Adventurer Association in the real world is so perfect. Catherine, when can we take the assessment?"

Catherine smiled slightly and took out three forms: "You can take the assessment after filling out the application form."

Then Lin Yuan, Ying and Paimeng filled out the application form and entered a room under the leadership of Catherine. There were many single tables and chairs in it. The three of them sat down, but Paimeng could only stand on the chair because of his small size.

Paimeng: "It's really abominable!"

"Three of you, this is your test paper. The test time is 60 minutes. It is a closed-book test. Please answer as soon as possible and don't whisper to each other," Catherine took out three sets of test questions and gave them to the three people.

Lin Yuan took the test paper and scanned it from beginning to end. There were not many questions, ten multiple-choice questions, five fill-in-the-blank questions, and two big questions. It didn't look difficult, but he didn't expect that he would have to take the test after his rebirth.

Question 1: Teyvat has a long history, and each country has its own gods. Who is the god of Mond?

A: Morax; B: The Lone King of the Tower; C: Tevarin; D: Barbatos

The first question was very simple. Lin Yuan chose option D without hesitation. He glanced at Ying and Paimon without leaving a trace. They also made their choices quickly. The god of Mond is Lord Barbatos. This is a well-known fact, and it is not difficult for the three of them.

Then he looked at the second question: When adventuring in Teyvat, we will encounter various mechanisms. Using different strategies can help us solve the puzzle. Which statement about decryption is correct?

A: Use water element to light up the fire element monument; B: Use Mondstadt's shrine key to open the Inazuma shrine; C: Use fire element to burn vines; D: Use thunder element to smash rocks

This question tests the common sense of adventurers and is also a free point question. Lin Yuan was a level 60 rookie in his previous life, so he naturally couldn't be stumped and chose C directly.

Ying also made a choice quickly. Paimon hesitated between C and D for a while, and then made the right choice.

Question 3: Teyvat has a variety of specialties. Which of the following specialties will not appear in Mondstadt?

A: Luoluoberry; B: Jiebolian; C: Xiaodengcao; D: Mufeng Mushroom

Jiebolian is a specialty of Xumi and only grows on the edge of cliffs. When Lin Yuan was cultivating the little grass god, he was looking for this thing all over the world. Fortunately, the little grass god's elemental combat skills allowed him to avoid climbing cliffs everywhere, so this question was not difficult for him.

Question 4: During the adventure in Teyvat, we will encounter various monsters. Defeating monsters will drop different items. Which of the following is the drop of mushroom beasts?

A: Fluorescent spores; B: Glimmering nectar; C: Floating dry core; D: Alien sea condensed beads

Lin Yuan chose A without hesitation.

Question 5: Having a certain amount of geographical knowledge will help us adventure. Which of the following options is correct?

A: The safest route from Mondstadt to Liyue Port is through the snow mountain; B: The western part of Xumi has a rainforest climate, dense vegetation, and rich products; C: Fontaine is lower than other countries; D: Inazuma Tatami Sand is seriously polluted and not suitable for adventure

Option A is definitely wrong. The snow mountain is extremely dangerous and it is impossible to be the safest route. The safest route should be through the stone gate. Option B is also wrong. The western part of Xumi has a desert climate. Option C is the opposite. The terrain of Fontaine is higher than that of other countries. By elimination, only

Choose D.

Question 6: The seven nations of Teyvat have their own power structures. In the process of adventure, it is inevitable to deal with the power agencies of various countries. Which of the following is the highest power agency in Liyue?

A: Seven Stars; B: General Affairs Department; C: Moon Sea Pavilion; D: Eight Gates

The difficulty of question 6 is obviously increasing. If you don’t know Liyue, you may not be able to answer this question. However, it is not difficult for Lin Yuan. He knows that the government agencies of Liyue are: Eight Gates, General Affairs Department, Moon Sea Pavilion, and Seven Stars. Among the Seven Stars, Ningguang, the star of Tianquan, is the most respected. So choose A for this question.

Question 7: The Adventurer's Association can accept and issue commissions. Suppose you are an E-level adventurer, and you complete an E-level commission and receive a reward of 3,200 Moras. At the same time, you issue a commission with an original price of 900 Moras at a 20% discount. Then you complete the promotion assessment and become a D-level adventurer. You complete another D-level commission and receive a reward of 5,600 Moras. You issue a commission with an original price of 1,400 Moras at a 30% discount. How many Moras does the Adventurer's Association need to pay you in the end?

A: 1,700 Moras; B: 6,500 Moras; C: 7,100 Moras; D: 7,820 Moras

This is the first time a math problem has appeared, but this simple arithmetic is not difficult for Lin Yuan. He calculated the result in his mind in a few seconds: 7,100 Moras, choose C.

Looking at Ying, the arithmetic problem was also quickly calculated. Paimeng was miserable. He scratched his head, not knowing what to do, and finally could only guess at random.

Question 8: With the Eye of God, you can deal elemental damage, and the elements can react with each other. Which of the following statements about elemental reactions is correct?

A: The reaction of the fire element and the lightning element is called overload, which can cause a violent explosion and cause lightning element range damage; B: The wind element can react with any element to cause diffuse damage; C: The reaction of the rock element and the fire element is called crystallization, which can produce a shield that provides a defensive effect; D: The reaction of the grass element and the lightning element is called intensification. In the intensified state, the reaction produced by releasing the grass element again is called super intensification.

This question examines the basic elemental reaction theory. Lin Yuan glanced at the four options. A is definitely wrong. Overload deals fire element range damage.

The wind element cannot react with the rock element or the grass element, so B is also wrong.

As for D, releasing the grass element again in the intensified state is called creeping intensification, so this question chooses C.

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