The two of them were busy, and the two of them were busy.

"Let's go, let's go cook," Lin Yuan walked over.

"You three are adventurers who are taking the practical test," the woman in green said as the three walked over.

Paimon: "Hey, you know all this."

The woman in green: "Of course, my name is Lin, but I'm a survival expert of the Adventurer's Association, a D-level adventurer, and I'm completing the [Wild Survival Challenge]. I can't even remember when I last went back to Mondstadt."

"But I heard there was a dragon disaster recently. Is it really okay for you to stay in the wild for a long time?" Paimon said with some concern.

"The dragon disaster is nothing more than adding a little difficulty to my [Wild Survival Challenge]," Lin showed a powerful smile: "Go and complete your first assessment with the iron pan. I can't remember how many newcomers like you I have helped."

"Okay, thank you," Paimon nodded.

The three of them quickly fried the Teyvat omelette in the iron pan, and then found two windmill chrysanthemums around, and completed the first two tasks directly.

"President Serius! President Serius!" Paimon shook the strong arms of the middle-aged uncle who was sleeping soundly.

"Ah? What's wrong?" Serius rubbed his sleepy eyes: "It's you, what's wrong? Have you finished it?"

Lin Yuan said: "President Serius, this is the Teyvat simple we made and the special windmill chrysanthemums we found, please take a look."

"Okay, follow me, we will start the last assessment," President Serius took the three to a training ground after checking.

The training ground is located in Mondstadt, where many adventurers are training, some are lifting weights, some are fencing, and some are shooting arrows.

Serius brought the three to a sunken fighting field, which was paved with stone. There were even spots of blood rust on the ground, and there was a faint murderous atmosphere.

There were several large iron gates around the fighting field, and there was a faint breath of monsters inside.

"You two, this is the place for the last test. You only need to defeat a hillman to pass the level."

After that, Serius waved his hand, the iron gate opened, and two ordinary hillmen ran out.


[Level: Ordinary]

[HP: 60]

[Defense: 0]

[Attack: 5]

"What a big deal, there is such a large training ground in Mondstadt, and monsters are raised there," Lin Yuan glanced at the data of the hillmen and had a deeper understanding of the background of the Adventurer's Association.

Ying heaved a sigh of relief: "I thought it would be some difficult monster, but it turned out to be just two ordinary hillbillies."

"One for each of us, a quick fight and a quick decision," Ying said.

Lin Yuan nodded. Two ordinary hillbillies were a piece of cake for them. With a step and a rush, they rushed to the hillbillies in a few steps, and then punched them, dealing 15 points of damage.

Then two more punches, directly killing the hillbillies by 45 points of health.

"Soul-sucking Strike!" Lin Yuan roared, and his right hand was instantly covered with a layer of powerful power. With a bang, the hillbillies were beaten to ashes and dissipated into the earth veins.

Attack power +2!

Lin Yuan's attack power reached 17 points.

Ying eliminated the hillbillies faster than Lin Yuan, and his attack power also increased by two points, becoming 32 points of attack power.

"You two are really good at it," Serius' eyes lit up when he saw the two of them destroy the hillbillies so quickly and without injury. It seemed that the Adventurer's Association had found a treasure this time.

"Hehe, they are really powerful. Just two ordinary hillbillies are not worth mentioning," Paimon raised his head and said proudly.

"Very good, the Adventurer's Association is in need of talents like you. Here is your assessment pass form. Just take it to find Catherine," Serius nodded with great satisfaction.

"Okay, please trouble President Serius," Lin Yuan took the form and said.

"Hahaha, no trouble, if you don't understand anything in the future, you can always go to Catherine, or find me, I'm usually in the training ground."

Lin Yuan and Ying nodded, and the three of them walked to the Adventurer's Association again.

Soon, Catherine certified the two as F-level adventurers and distributed a set of green clothes, but Lin Yuan and Ying agreed that the clothes were too ugly, so they didn't wear them.

"By the way, the rental order you posted earlier has been accepted by someone. Here is the person's information. You can find him at the address," Catherine said.

"Okay," Lin Yuan took the letter and

The address is: Windmill Street, South Wind District, Mondstadt…

Windmill Street, South Wind District, Lin Yuan really didn’t know how to get there. Fortunately, after asking a few passers-by, he finally found the place, a three-story wooden building, located in the south of Mondstadt, with several large windmills next to it. No wonder it is called Windmill Street, South Wind District.

“Three, you guys want to rent a house, right?” A little old man stood up from a bench and walked over.

Lin Yuan nodded: “Yes, are you the landlord?”

“I am the landlord, my name is Godwig, you can just call me Goethe, come on, I’ll show you the house.”

The little old man hunched over and led the three people to the third floor: “This house has very good conditions for its accessories. It is not far from the Deer Hunter Restaurant and the Adventurer’s Association. The first and second floors are rented out. You are lucky to be able to catch up with the third floor.”

“Come in,” Goethe opened the door, and the layout inside jumped into the eyes of the three people.

Lin Yuan took a look and found that the layout was a warm European style decoration, with two bedrooms and one living room, bright sunshine, and good conditions.

"How is it? Are you satisfied?" Goethe said.

"Are you two okay? I think it's pretty good," Lin Yuan looked at Ying and Paimeng and asked.

"Okay, let's do it here," Ying and Paimeng nodded.

Goethe took out a contract: "The rent is 3,000 Mora a month, one deposit and three payments, water and electricity are at your own expense, sign here."

Lin Yuan signed his name quickly.

"Finally I can rest, I'm so tired," Paimeng fell on the sofa after Goethe left.

"The house price in Mond is really expensive," Lin Yuan paid one month's rent and deposit, and Ying and Paimeng each paid half of the remaining two months' rent.

Even so, he only had more than 10,000 Mora left in his pocket.

Ying said, "Yes, we still can't rest. We have to earn money by doing commissions while looking for my brother's whereabouts."

"Let's rest today. Let's go to the Adventurer's Association tomorrow to see if there are any commissions." Lin Yuan returned to his room and fell asleep.

The next morning, the three of them washed up, had breakfast, and came to the lobby of the Adventurer's Association.

Like yesterday, there were many people in the lobby, but most of them gathered in the F and E halls. There were fewer people in the halls above.

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