The host will be able to win the prize.

[After the other person draws the lottery, they will automatically form a bond with the host! ]

[The bond depends on the other person's favorability towards the host, with a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 5 levels! ]

[When the bond reaches level 3, the host can obtain any ability or item of the other party! ]

[When the bond reaches level 4, the host can obtain half of the other party's ability or item! ]

[When the bond reaches level 5, the host can obtain all the other party's abilities and items! ]

[All of the above acquisition behaviors will not cause the other party to lose the ability and item! ]

[If the host chooses a gold skill type, the corresponding proficiency will be obtained according to the other party's proficiency! 】

"So it's to let me play the development system, improve my favorability, and make myself stronger," After the system explained, Lin Yuan understood the gameplay.

Others can bring the original stone to him for a lottery, and the lottery will automatically form a bond. The higher the bond, the more things he can get.

And the system did not say that this ability and item must be obtained by lottery, which means that he can even get other people's unique abilities and items.

[Original stones can upgrade the system and update the card pool. Please try to form bonds with more people and collect original stones! 】

After the system said this, it fell silent and there was no sound.

"Lin Yuan! Lin Yuan! Are you okay?" Just as he was checking the lottery panel, Ying's anxious voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"I'm fine," Lin Yuan turned his head to look at Ying, and then he found that there was also a panel floating above Ying's head.

[Name: Ying]

[Skills: None]

[Life: 100]

[Defense: 0]

[Attack: 10]

[Stamina: 100]

"I'm glad you're okay. I saw you kept talking to yourself after you woke up, and I thought you had a broken head."

Ying was relieved to see that Lin Yuan was okay.

"By the way, what did you just catch? How did you get knocked unconscious? And the thing is gone. I couldn't find it after searching for a long time."

"Do you believe me when I say I caught a system?" Lin Yuan looked at the floating panel above Ying's head and said with a strange expression.

"System?" Ying tilted her head and thought for a while: "I caught a light novel published by Inazuma Yaedo before, in which the protagonist got a system at the beginning. Is that what you are talking about?"

"Almost," Lin Yuan nodded, and then he remembered something: "By the way, I remember you seemed to have caught a strange thing?"

"It's there," Ying pointed at a reef.

Lin Yuan looked over and saw a small white creature with a bulging belly lying on a reef that could get some sun.

"It should be a small creature that accidentally fell into the water. I squeezed out some of the water in her abdominal cavity, and then when she recovered her breathing, I put her on the reef to dry," Ying said as they walked over.

At this moment, Lin Yuan did not hear what Ying said clearly, because he was looking at the panel floating above the white creature's head:

[Name: Paimon]

[Skills: None]

[Life: 60]

[Defense: 0]

[Attack: 0]

[Physical Strength: 0]

"Wow, even Paimon has a panel," Lin Yuan muttered to himself.

"What are you talking about?" Ying asked when she saw Lin Yuan talking to himself.

Ye Chen pointed to the top of Paimon's head: "Can you see what's on it?"

"Hmm? What's that?" Seeing that Lin Yuan did not seem to be joking, Ying took a special look, but he did not see anything.

"Are you stunned?" Ying reached out and touched Lin Yuan's forehead: "You don't have a fever either?"

"I'm serious," Lin Yuan slapped Ying's little hand away: "Not only is there something on her head, there is also something on your head."

Then he told Ying in detail what the thing showed.

"Ah? Panel?" After listening to what Lin Yuan said, Ying touched her head and felt itchy. She felt like she was going to grow a brain.

"Cough cough!" At this moment, Paimeng coughed, and after spitting out a few mouthfuls of sea water, she gradually regained consciousness.

Lin Yuan glanced at Paimeng's panel:

[Life: 63]

"Where am I?" Paimeng opened his eyes and first saw the blue sky, mushroom-like white clouds, and the scorching sun.

Then the crisp cry of seagulls and the sound of waves hitting the rocks came to his ears.

Finally, her retina reflected two people.

One has blonde hair, white dress, and golden eyes, eyes like waves, eyebrows like peaks, skin as delicate as white jade, and a Cecilia flower on her head.

The other has black hair, black clothes, and black eyes, eyebrows like swords, eyes like stars,

Tall and well-proportioned.

"I heard that small animals will regard the first person they see after birth as their mother. Who do you think she saw first?"

Just as Paimon was thinking with his small brain, the black-haired man suddenly spoke.

"I don't know, but isn't that the behavior of small animals? Is she... a small animal?" The blonde woman said uncertainly.

"Hey! I'm not a small animal!" Paimon immediately understood what the two were talking about.

They actually regarded her as a small animal! Now even if they are her saviors, she will not be in a good mood!

"Humph!" Paimon put on a stinky face and flew up.

"Sure enough, I can fly!" Although Lin Yuan knew that Paimon could fly a long time ago, it was still a bit novel to see it with his own eyes.

"Of course I can fly!" Paimon raised his chin proudly.

Lin Yuan: "Then how did you fall into the water?"

Paimeng scratched his head: "Oh, I haven't eaten for a long time, I was too hungry, I couldn't fly without energy, so I fell into the water."

"By the way, you saved me, thank you, if it weren't for you, I might have died," Paimeng said embarrassedly in the air.

"It's okay, my name is Ying, his name is Lin Yuan, I don't know what your name is?" Ying waved her hand.

"My name is Paimeng!" Paimeng's stomach growled as she spoke.

"Oh no, I'm so hungry! I can't fly again!" Paimeng swayed in the air, and finally fell into Ying's arms and fainted.

Ying said to Lin Yuan: "Let's go, let's grill some fish, otherwise this little guy will starve to death."

"Damn it, I didn't catch a single fish today!" Lin Yuan took a last look at the fishing rod. Although he caught a system, he was still a little unwilling.

Shaking his head, he gave up the last struggle and followed.

The two lived in a cave below the Zhaixing Cliff.

The entrance of the cave was narrow, but the inside was spacious and bright. It was divided into two areas by a curtain, which was cool in winter and cool in summer.

Ying carefully placed Paimeng on the straw mat, and then Lin Yuan built a fire outside the cave, gutted the fish, washed it, and roasted it on the fire.

Roasting fish is not too difficult, as long as you control the heat and sprinkle the seasoning.

But I don’t know why Ying can never roast fish well, just like Lin Yuan can never catch fish.

One is born to roast fish and insulate the body.

The other is born to fish and insulate the body.

Fish: So you are just trying to make things difficult for me, right!

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