The three looked at Lin Yuan in confusion and shock, their eyes meant: What did you do to this guy? He has changed his nature after less than ten minutes of going out? Lin Yuan smiled and spread his hands, looking like he was leaving after the matter was done and hiding his identity. Qin was originally prepared to face the tough attitude of the Fatui diplomats, but she didn't expect the other party to be so polite suddenly. Although she didn't know what happened, it must be Lin Yuan's credit. Glancing at Lin Yuan with gratitude, Qin was no longer overly gentle, and also learned to be even-handed and began to negotiate with Anastasia. Although Qin was too gentle before, her professional ability is still very strong. In just a short moment, she finalized a series of cooperation agreements with the Fatui on security, food, energy, trade, education, etc.

Seeing Qin enter the state, Lin Yuan, Ying and Paimeng also left the office.

After coming out, Lin Yuan accidentally glanced at the panel and found that Qin's bond had become level 2, Ying's bond became level 4, and Paimeng's bond also rose to level 3.

As for the others, except Amber who was level 2, they were all still only level 1.

Since Paimon's bond has reached level 3, can I get [Feast]? With a thought, Lin Yuan clicked the [Skill] column, and the following information popped up:

[Selectable target: Paimon]

[Selectable quantity: 1]

[Selectable skills: Feast (entry level), ***** (unknown)]

[Selectable items: Adventurer's Association membership card, mysterious crown, starry sky cloak, boots...]

"Ahem..." When he saw the last few items, Lin Yuan coughed lightly. This system is still as awesome as ever...

In the end, Lin Yuan chose the skill [Feast], but he was a little curious. What is the skill of that "*****"? Looking at Paimon, it seems that he is not very clear.

"By the way, Lin Yuan, what did you do to change the temper of an extremely arrogant Fatui?" Paimon asked curiously as the three of them walked on the streets of Mond.

Lin Yuan chuckled: "Negotiation is very simple, as long as you have enough information gap, strength and momentum, so I just used three points of information gap, one point of strength, and three points of momentum."

Paimon scratched his head and counted his fingers: "Three plus one is four, four plus three is seven," and then looked at his remaining three fingers: "What is the remaining three points?"

"Of course it's my handsomeness!"

"Oh! So narcissistic!" Paimon flew in the air: "But okay, I admit that you are really handsome."

"I admit it too!" Yingmei raised her hand with a smile.

The three of them laughed and played, and came to the Adventurer's Association. The commission of the Knights of Favonius was completed before, so they naturally came here to receive the reward.

Lin Yuan and Ying each received 500 Mora, and then had a big meal at the Deer Hunter Restaurant. The sun was setting in the west, the sun was setting, and the lights in Mondstadt were also lit.

Just when the three were about to go back to the room to rest, a gust of wind suddenly blew from nowhere, enveloping the three and heading towards a road.

The wind was very gentle, wrapping around them like smooth silk, but the three had no ability to resist and could only be carried forward.

"What's going on!" Ying and Paimeng were shocked.

Lin Yuan was very calm, he knew that it was the unruly guy who took action.

As for whether it was a blessing or a curse? Since he didn't kill him at the most angry moment of the Whispering Forest, it naturally couldn't be a curse now.

So, Lin Yuan said to Ying and Paimeng: "Just let it go, we may meet the most unruly guy in Mond."

Seeing that Lin Yuan was not panicking, Ying and Paimeng seemed to have a backbone and calmed down.

"Don't say, being carried by the wind without doing any effort is quite fun," Ying gradually discovered the blind spot and sat down directly in the air, just like treating the wind as a sofa.

Finally, Feng led the three to the door of a noisy tavern, on which were written five big characters: Angel's Gift.

"AUV, please come in!" The waiter Barton, who was serving wine, opened the door of the tavern in a genuine Mond accent.

Lin Yuan nodded and led the way in.

Under the influence of the dragon disaster, most of Mond's industries were shut down and most of the shops were closed, with only two exceptions.

One was the Adventurer's Association, and the other was the tavern.

And Angel's Gift

, is a century-old brand in Mondstadt. It is the business of Master Diluc of the Dawn Winery. It sells the best quality cider, dandelion wine and other Mondstadt specialties.

Of course, these wines are directly from the Dawn Winery, and they are 100% guaranteed to be authentic, so the Angel's Gift has always been loved by Mondstadt alcoholics.

Except for some extreme cat lovers and those who really have no money, most alcoholics like to come to the Angel's Gift to order a glass of expensive century-old wine, taste it slowly, or chat with other alcoholics.

So when the three of them entered, they felt a completely different atmosphere from the quiet streets outside, a lively and noisy atmosphere.

At the same time, there were all kinds of wine aromas floating in the air, with the smell of apples, cherries, and dandelions.

Of course, Lin Yuan also smelled a sense of freedom inside.

"Wow! It's really lively in here," Paimon said excitedly.

Ying: "Paimon can't drink."

Lin Yuan looked around and didn't find anything, so he went straight to the second floor. As expected, he found the green guy in a corner.

There were fewer people on the second floor than on the first floor, but most of them gathered in that corner.

At this time, the green guy was playing the piano while shaking the glass with his mouth to drink. As the whole glass of wine went into his mouth without a drop leaking, and the piano sound was not out of tune at all, the drunkards watching all gave warm applause.

Some drunkards wanted to throw money to reward the green guy, but he refused: "Sir, why don't you use the money to buy me a glass of wine."

Suddenly, several glasses of wine were placed on the guy's table, including apple wine, cherry wine, dandelion wine...

As the drunkards who were watching dispersed, Lin Yuan sat down in front of the guy, picked up a glass of apple wine casually, and took a sip carefully. The rich apple flavor was mixed with a faint wine aroma, and the taste was smooth like a delicate evening breeze. It must be said that Mond's wine is indeed unique.

"Hey! Sir! This is my wine!" The green guy protested when he saw someone drinking his wine.

Lin Yuan motioned Ying and Paimeng to sit down as well: then he picked up the wine glass and touched it lightly with the wine glass in the green guy's hand, and chuckled: "Your wine, I know, but you "invited" us to come, you can't let us pay for the wine ourselves."

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