The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

Just when Wendy and others were summoning Tevarin inside the Wind Dragon Ruins, a tall ruins guard was standing on the cliff to the west.

Of course, this is nothing, but what is surprising is that the ruins guard raised his broad palm parallel to the ground, and there was a person sitting in his palm.

Who is so bold! He actually dared to sit in the palm of the ruins guard. This is a monster. Isn't he afraid of the sudden attack of the ruins guard?

As long as he clenched his palm, this person would definitely be crushed to death.

But this ruins guard was unusually quiet, without any signs of going crazy and attacking. The person in the palm had golden hair and was a teenager with a clean face and calm eyes, looking at the dilapidated tower in the distance.

Buzz! The space around the ruins guard fluctuated, and a tall and terrifying man covered in flame armor walked out of the abyss gate.

If Diluk and others were here, they would definitely recognize that this was the Abyss Chanter, who was more terrifying than the Abyss Apostle.

The Abyss Chanter knelt on one knee in front of the blond boy and said respectfully: "Your Highness, they repelled the monster tide. Should we..."

The legendary monster, the terrifying existence of the Abyss Cult, the Abyss Chanter, actually knelt on one knee in front of this boy, and his attitude was so respectful! Who is this person called Your Highness?

The boy spoke softly, his voice as pleasant as the sound of spring water: "No need, let [Abyss] retreat from the Wind Dragon Ruins."

"Yes!" Hearing that the long-planned plan was suddenly to be abandoned, the Abyss Chanter did not question it for a second, showing extremely strong loyalty.

"How are the preparations for Mondstadt going?"

"Your Highness, everything is ready, only the east wind is missing!"

The boy nodded, looked up at the sky, and murmured to himself: "Will there be what I want in the place leading to the sky..."

The breeze was blowing gently, causing the white clouds in the sky to float slowly and the grass on the ground to sway slowly.

It also blew up the boy's hair on his forehead and stirred up the waves in his heart.

The boy called the prince smiled slightly, and his tone was like the warm sun: "My sister, you are finally here!"

Then the ruins guard slowly turned around, turned his back to the sun, and took the boy to the distance. The sunlight stretched the boy's shadow longer and longer...


Inside the Wind Dragon Ruins Tower.

"Wendy, why is there no movement after playing for a long time? Isn't Tevarin here?" Paimon asked in confusion.

Qin comforted him, "It's okay, Paimon. No matter what the result is, we have at least seen a turning point."

"During this period, the entire Mondstadt has been burdened with too much..."

Diluk sneered, "But in the end, it was still the Traveler and... uh... a singer who solved the problem."

"Of course, the Knights can barely be considered to have done some hard work."

"It's coming out!" Lin Yuan's face suddenly became solemn.

"What?" Paimon was about to ask, but suddenly a strong wind blew, and an endless storm came from below, blowing everyone unable to stand steadily, and they could only retreat to the outside of the tower.

"Roar!" Only a dragon roar was heard, and a huge blue figure soared from the inside of the tower, with a six-winged body covering the sky, as if covering the sky with a curtain.

Every time the dragon's wings flapped, it would roll up endless wind elemental power, flying sand and rocks, sweeping thousands of miles, so powerful and terrifying.

Wendy had no choice but to release his divine power to protect everyone from being blown away, but the Sky Harp in his hand was hit by the storm created by Tevarin, breaking several strings.

Lin Yuan felt that it was difficult to breathe, and he used his arms to block the front, so that he could vaguely see the figure of the blue dragon.

[Name: Tevarin]

[Level: Legend]

[Life: ****]

[Defense: ****]

[Attack: ****]

Everyone saw Tevarin's panel clearly, a real legendary monster, no, this level can no longer be called a monster, but a powerful enemy worth remembering.

It's just a pity that the dragon's posture is no longer agile, the color is no longer pure, and the [Abyss] breath all over the body is like a rotten hell, corroding every inch of its flesh and blood all the time.

As one of the former [Four Wind Guardians], Tevarin, the Dragon of the East Wind, in the long years and endless darkness, the clear gem will be covered with dust and become dim, and the proud dragon will be corroded and filled with resentment.

Lin Yuan and Ying looked at each other, Tevarin's

The symptoms were more serious than when they met in the Whispering Forest.

Wendy looked at the festering skin on Tevarin's body, and her heart was filled with grief.

"Barbatos! Are you here with them to hunt me?" Tevarin flapped his wings and stopped in the air, staring at Wendy with eyes full of hatred.

Wendy shook his head: "No, Tevarin, I'm here to save you!"

Tevalin snorted hoarsely: "Barbatos, it's too late! My heart has been tainted by poisonous blood! My blood has been cursed by the abyss! My soul has been spurned by the world! The gem has been covered in dust! The dragon's heart has been burned, it's too late! Barbatos!"

Wendy's whole body exuded a turquoise light, releasing endless divine power to resist the storm raised by Tevarin. His tone was sincere and warm: "No! Tevarin! Dust can be easily wiped away, and doubts and poison can be easily crushed!"

"Fly freely in the deep space!"

"Just like when you and I met, I walked on the earth and sang the wind 's songs. "

"You are in the sky with thin air, overlooking the world."

"There is no snow and wind in the sky now, and the ground is full of green grass. It will be beautiful!"

"If you have walked on the ground, heard the pastoral songs and wind chimes in the distance, and tasted the wine as sweet as honey, you will understand!"

"If you were me, I would have seen your lonely appearance gliding in the blue sky and witnessed your beautiful figure."

"In this way, you will understand that such a sky and earth are worth fighting for."

Wendy's ethereal voice slowly wandered in the ruins of the wind dragon. Everything was quiet, with only the whistling of the wind and these touching and sincere words.

Tevarin slowly closed his eyes, as if he was recalling the past years. After a long time, he slowly spoke:

"Go back, Barbatos, I will not attack Mondstadt again, nor will I disturb the freedom of mankind. Go back, Barbatos, I don't have many years left. Let me stay quietly in this ancient ruin and rot together..."

"No! Tevarin! I am standing here today not to ask you to promise not to attack Mondstadt again!"

"Just because I don't want you to listen to the abyss doesn't mean you have to listen to me!"

Wendy's eyes were firm: "Mondstadt is the freest city-state, the country of Mondstadt The people of Mondstadt are the freest citizens, so I hope that the dragons of Mondstadt are also the freest dragons. "

"If the freedom of Mondstadt requires me to abandon the freedom of a dragon to achieve it, then it is not true freedom!"

"But the power of the [Abyss] cannot be eliminated, and the curse on me cannot be eradicated. Barbatos, I have been corrupted too deeply by the [Abyss]. Even the gods can't do anything about it!"

Tevalin shook his head and planned to fly back to the ruins of the wind dragon. Although Wendy's attitude and intentions made it understand that it was not abandoned, the power of the [Abyss] could not be solved by anyone, and it was a deadlock.

Finally, looking back at Wendy, Tevalin couldn't help but think of the past: Barbatos, let us fight side by side in the next life!

"No! Tevalin! The power of the [Abyss] is not insoluble! I found a way to cure you!"

Wendy saw that Tevalin wanted to fly back and said hurriedly.

"What!" This voice was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, hitting Tevarin's head, making his head buzz. He even suspected that his ears were corroded by the [Abyss].

"It's true, Tevarin, I won't lie to you! I came here today to completely rescue you! Let you return to the sky!"

"In that case, Barbatos! I will believe you one last time!" Tevarin's nostrils spit out two streams of white hot air, but it was mixed with scarlet black blood, showing that his body was not optimistic.

"Ying, it depends on you!" Wendy saw that Tevarin was finally moved, and turned back to Ying.

Ying nodded: "But, Tevarin is in the sky, I can't fly..."

Tevlin was very smart. Just from the conversation between several people, he understood that this blonde girl had the ability to purify the [Abyss]. Then he stopped pretending, snorted coldly, slowly flew down, and lay down obediently on the ground.

Even so, it would be as challenging for Tevarin's huge body to climb up as it would be for rock climbing.

Wendy smiled and said, "Ying, the wind of Mondstadt is with you for thousands of years. I will guide the wind elemental force for you!"

Then countless wind elemental forces condensed into entities and turned into a pair of blue wings that flew to Ying's back.

"It fits well, like adding wings to Ying," Lin Yuan joked, patting Ying on the shoulder, "Be careful, rest when you are tired, don't force yourself.


The amount of [Abyss] curses in Tevarin's body is so large that it is definitely not comparable to the few dragon tears that were purified before.

Lin Yuan was afraid that Ying would tire herself out by showing off.

Ying nodded: "Well! Then I'll go!"

Everyone nodded, and then Ying flapped her wings and flew to Tevarin. The first thing she purified was the most rotten parts, such as the [Abyss] curses behind her neck, which condensed into crystals and emitted corrosive power all the time.

Time passed by minute by minute, and under Ying's purification, Tevarin's rotten and decayed skin gradually recovered its former health, and his eyes gradually became clear, like the color of the blue sky.

Finally, when the sun was halfway down the mountain, Tevarin was finally completely purified!

"How is it? Ying, are you okay? "Seeing Ying flying down, Lin Yuan asked with concern.

"It's really a bit tiring to purify so many [Abysses] at a time," Ying felt her steps were weak and her legs were a little soft, so she let Lin Yuan support her.

"Ying, thank you this time! From now on, Tevarin and I owe you a huge favor!" Wendy stroked Tevarin's dragon head and said.

Paimon: "In my opinion, it shouldn't be called a favor, it should be called a favor and a dragon's favor."

"Hahaha, little Paimon is really a joke," Wendy said: "Of course, the success of rescuing Tevarin this time is also inseparable from the efforts of Lin Yuan and little Paimon. If you need any help in the future, just let me know!"

Then he said to Jean and Diluc: "The same goes for you two."

Compared to the casualness of others, Jean performed a knight's salute with great respect: "This is what I should do, Lord Barbatos! "

"Let's go, it's time to go back. It's been a long time since I climbed on Tevarin's back and flew through the sky. Let's go wild today! You guys come up too, it's fun!"

Under Wendy's guidance, everyone climbed onto Tevarin's back and sat tight.

Then Tevarin let out a long roar, flapped his wings and flew high, soaring straight up, soaring into the sky, free and unrestrained.



Wendy lay on Tevarin's broad back, gently stroking the dragon under him, looking up at the blue sky and white clouds: "Tevarin, we haven't flown together like this for a long time."

"I used to [protect] you, but today you [protect] me, Barbatos, why!"

Wendy's palms were filled with a strong green light, which slowly merged into Tevarin's body: "Because you are my dependent! Tevarin, do you still remember my ambition when I became a god? "

Tevalin felt the connection between his body and Barbatos, and felt the bond of the wind god's followers returning to his body. He remembered the great wish made by the blue elf a hundred years ago:

When I am free, all the heavens, all the living beings, and the billions of dust particles will be free, not shackled, not trapped in cages...

When I am free, all the past, all the present, and the future of billions of dust particles will be free, not subject to reincarnation, and not tortured...

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