The old man was very happy.

Lin Yuan looked at the iceberg girl in front of him: "It's not your fault to be born in the Lawrence family. Your background and bloodline are not your own choice. Being able to join the Knights shows that you are a very good, hard-working, and upright person..."

"I know gossip hurts people... But I believe that everything will change. The label of the Lawrence family will no longer be a shackle on you!"

"Hahaha! So that's how you think of me? It's very different from others! I'll remember this grudge!"

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Youla laughed and clinked glasses with Lin Yuan, and drank the remaining dandelion wine.

"But I can understand everyone's malice towards the Lawrence family..."

"After all, the Lawrence family did something utterly evil. You may not know that I have read the archives of the library. There are some things in it that make me feel cold just by reading the text descriptions. I can't imagine that this is something that a human can do..."

"Even what Schubert said today is not worth mentioning in comparison... Hehe... If humans become evil, it will be darker than hell..."

"And I am the blood of the Lawrence family, and some of the guilt is indeed something I should bear. After all, I also enjoyed the money and education of the Lawrence family when I was a child..."

"This money may be obtained by the Lawrence family by squeezing the people of Mond..."

After two glasses of wine, Eula was obviously drunk, with a blurry look in her eyes and red cheeks.

After pouring herself another full glass, Lin Yuan frowned and pressed the glass down.

"Hmm?" Eula pushed Lin Yuan's hand away in dissatisfaction: "Don't worry about me, let me drink to my heart's content!"

"In fact, I can't say whether the Lawrence family is a shackle or something else to me," Eula took out a badge: "This is the Lawrence family emblem [Ice Seal]."

"Do you know? In fact, the Lawrence family had not fallen into the later scene in the early days of Mondstadt..."

"This badge is the supreme symbol of the family's military power, representing the family's original will:"

"Cold and noble, not afraid of anger, tough and calm, and not shaken!"

" This is the family's highest honor and the original hope. When I was young, I worked hard for this hope..."

"But later, I found that the Lawrence family was indeed rotten to the core. No one in the family remembered the [Ice Seal] anymore. They only had [Revenge] in their minds..."

Lin Yuan listened quietly to Youla telling these past events. It was the first time he felt the inner struggle and depression of this girl. The mistakes of history made her gasp for breath...

In the end, Youla almost drank the whole barrel of wine alone, and Lin Yuan drank a few glasses.

Lin Yuan glanced out the window. It was completely dark. It was obviously late.

"Youla, you are drunk. Go back and rest."

"Burp..." Youla burped: "Huh! Are you impatient? Want to drive me away? Huh! I will remember this grudge!"

But she still struggled to stand up: "Let's go, take me back, this is my key."

She took out a key from her pocket and threw it to Lin Yuan.

"This is not good..." Lin Yuan frowned and wanted to see if there were any girls in the tavern, but after a glance, he saw only drunken men.

"What? Are you afraid that I will eat you?" Eula took a step forward, but her steps were weak after drinking, and she was about to fall down.

Lin Yuan was quick to support Eula. Well, she definitely couldn't go back in this state.

Lin Yuan had no choice but to support Eula and walk towards her home.

Eula's home is in the Lawrence family manor in Mondstadt. It's called a manor, but in fact it's just a few houses surrounded by walls, with a few lawns and gardens at most.

But not the entire manor belongs to Eula. Her house is a small room in the corner of the manor.

Because in the eyes of the Lawrence family, Eula's joining the Knights who are irreconcilable with them is a complete betrayal. If Eula hadn't been powerful, she would have been driven out long ago.

After opening the door, the room was not as big as Lin Yuan had imagined. It was just a living room, a bedroom, a bathroom, and even no kitchen.

However, the room was cleaned in an orderly manner and decorated simply. There was nothing except the necessary furniture.

The evening breeze blew along the way, and Eula sobered up a little. After entering, she sat on the sofa in the living room and rubbed her temples with her eyes closed.


After a while, he opened his eyes and found Lin Yuan still standing. He realized that he was being rude, so he quickly motioned Lin Yuan to sit down, and then poured a cup of tea.

Lin Yuan nodded, sat down, and took a sip of tea.

With nothing to do, he looked at his panel:

[Name: Lin Yuan]

[Bonds: Ying (level 3), Paimon (level 3), Wendy (level 3)... Eula (level 2)...]

[Skills: Soul Draining Strike (Mastery), Feast (Proficient), Way of the Wanderer (Proficient)]

[Life: 100]

[Defense: 0]

[Attack: 500]

[Physical Strength: 100]

Since upgrading [Soul Draining Strike] to the proficient level, the attack power has been increasing faster and faster.

After all, killing an ordinary enemy like a thug hillman can increase the attack power by 10 points, and killing an elite enemy like a fire axe hillman can increase the attack power by 30 points.

There are many monsters in Wangfeng Mountain, such as the Qiuqiu Camp, which has at least 30 or 40 monsters.

There are more than a dozen Qiuqiu people in each camp, so even if they share it with Ying, they can still get a lot.

Moreover, he has only cleared half of the monsters in Wangfeng Mountain at most. If all of them are cleared, the attack power will conservatively exceed four digits.

This is the advantage of growth skills such as [Soul Draining Strike]. Although it is difficult to beat a small slime when you just draw it, you can only run for your life when you encounter the Fire Axe Qiuqiu Thug.

It is far inferior to skills such as [Exile Edge] and [Secret Secret! Heavenly Thunder Prison Attraction] that can kill all around when you draw it.

But as long as you can survive and develop slowly, you will sooner or later become powerful enough to dominate the whole field. Just looking at the panel, Lin Yuan is already the most powerful existence in Mondstadt.

Of course, except for the drunkard Venti and Klee whose attack power is unknown.

No, there is another person that Lin Yuan may not be able to defeat at the moment. He remembered the guy in the snowy mountain. Yes, that is Albedo.

According to the plot, Albedo is the creation of [Gold] Rhinedot, and his strength is so strong that he can easily destroy Mondstadt.

As for the situation in reality, Lin Yuan has to see Albedo in person and look at his panel to know.

However, his panel is currently very biased, that is, the attack power is already quite high, but the life and defense are still basic values.

Let’s not talk about defense for the time being, the skill [Hell Curse] has not been drawn yet.

As for life, he has [Feast], but the problem is that the skill [Feast] consumes 100 physical strength when released once. His current physical strength limit is only 100, and he will be dead after releasing it.

It seems that the next clearing task in Wangfeng Mountain is too heavy to appropriately reduce the use of [Soul Draining Strike], and use [Feast] appropriately to add some health value when it is absolutely safe.

"Alas! I thought Schubert was just an elder who didn't do his job properly, but I didn't expect..."

Eula still felt disgusted, angry and even scared when she thought of the dirty words she heard at the Fatui base during the day.

This was completely different from the emotions that Mond citizens had when they were rude to her.

She originally thought that the people in her family simply hated her, but she never expected that Schubert would have such dirty, vulgar and evil thoughts.

This made her feel a chill in her spine, as if she suddenly found that someone was eyeing her from behind when she thought she was safe.

Especially now that she lives in the manor of the Lawrence family, she doesn't know how many people have the same idea as Schubert. She used to think that living here was nothing, but now she feels like lying in a devil's cave.

Although she is very strong in combat, she is an ordinary person with flesh and blood after all. In a one-on-one face-to-face battle, she will not be afraid of anyone.

But will a despicable person with that kind of idea fight her one-on-one? It's impossible to even think about it with your heels.

What if he used something like a charm... or something like that? She asked herself, could she resist it?

"I really didn't expect Schubert to have that kind of idea," Lin Yuan heard Eula muttering to herself, and sighed. Reality is indeed not a 12+ game, dark! It's really dark!

Looking at the time, it was already late, and Lin Yuan didn't want to talk more about this issue that had caused Eula psychological trauma, so he stopped talking.

"Okay, you have a good rest, I'll leave first," Lin Yuan said, and then he stood up and prepared to say goodbye.

"Wait! Sit for a while before leaving!" Eula seemed to be afraid of staying here alone. When she heard that Lin Yuan was leaving, her face unconsciously became uglier.

"I haven't finished my tea yet! You drink tea first! Wait for me to take a shower, and then we'll talk! I've been saving raw stones recently, and I'm quite interested in your lottery system."

Eula hurriedly stood up from the sofa, poured another cup of tea for Lin Yuan, and then walked to the bathroom.

"Okay," although she felt lonely

It was a bit impolite to stay alone in the girl's boudoir, but he could see that Eula was irritated by what happened during the day.

Although she was the captain of the Knights' guerrilla squad and the famous Wave Knight, she was just a girl after all. You can't think of people as too fragile, but you can't think of people as too strong.

If a person is extremely powerful and has no weaknesses in your eyes, it may be that you are not qualified enough and can't see their fragile side.

Lin Yuan accurately grasped Eula's heart just from her words and tone.

"Oh, no, it's said that a woman's heart is as deep as the sea. How can I, a pure boy, know what she is thinking?" Shaking his head, he threw these thoughts out of his head.

The sound of water rushing in the bathroom soon came, and it was obvious that Eula was taking a bath.

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