The butler was killed by his master, the Doctor.

The cloaked man looked at the Doctor walking down the stairs: "What a cruel trick."

The Doctor smiled cruelly: "He is just a waste who is ready to betray me. He deserved to die for luring the Night Heroes of Mondstadt!"

The cloaked man threw the butler's body on the ground: "Humph! They treat human lives as worthless. The Fatui executives are really the same kind of people!"

The Doctor did not care about the cloaked man's sarcasm, but stared at a glowing object on the cloaked man's arm with interest.

"Evil Eye? Hahaha! I didn't expect that the Night Elf hero of Mondstadt would actually use the Evil Eye."

"In order to hide his body skills, he would rather endure the risk of being corroded than use the Eye of God. You really touched me! Diluk!"

As soon as the voice fell, [Doctor] instantly arrived in front of Diluk, and then slapped him with a palm. Diluk couldn't even see [Doctor's] movements clearly, and was slapped against the wall.

"Ahem~" Diluk struggled to stand up. It was not that his strength was too weak, but that [Doctor] was too strong.

If Lin Yuan was here, he would find that [Doctor]'s panel was almost unknown, whether it was life, defense or attack.

As the second seat of the Fatui, [Doctor] already has the power of a god. The palm just now was so fast that Diluk didn't even have the chance to release [Meditation].

"What... do you want to do..." Diluk's mouth was bleeding.

[Doctor] walked up to Diluc step by step: "Hehe, actually, I am a very pure person, I just want to do a good experiment."

"But unfortunately, the materials for the experiment are too hard to find. But since I met you five years ago, I knew that you are the best [raw material] for my experiment."

"But you were still a member of the Knights at that time. If you rashly captured an important member of the Knights, it would definitely damage the relationship between the two countries, thus affecting Her Majesty the Queen's plan..."

"Plus, you had not yet fully grown into the experimental material I expected."

"So I used a little trick to kill your father and let you break up with the Knights. You also made me feel relieved. In less than five years, you have grown into what I expected."

"Hehe, it's great. The completion of the experiment will surely shock the world!"

"So... those children were all used for your experiments?" Diluc's eyes under the mask burned with flames.

"Of course, all successes must be paved with countless failures. Those children have also contributed their own value, right?"

"And now, their death will bring you success. I will transform you into the most powerful humanoid weapon, and my experiment will definitely surpass everyone in this world!"

"So, if I cooperate with you, will you release all the children after the experiment is successful?"

[Doctor] smiled coldly: "Of course not, I still have many experiments!"

"Then my answer is," Diluk stared at [Doctor]'s eyes, and the mask looked at the mask: "You are wishful thinking!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Wolf's End appeared in Diluk's hand in an instant, and then the sword body ignited a raging flame and chopped towards [Doctor].

"Stubborn!" [Doctor] snorted coldly, ready to completely take down Diluk.

At this moment, a green breeze suddenly appeared on Diluk's body, slowly rotating around Diluk.

The breeze was very gentle, but [Doctor] felt a terrifying power from it.

"Damn it, [Madam], you lied to me! Didn't you say that the wind god Barbatos has completely lost his power?"

The face of [Doctor] under the mask changed, and then he disappeared in an instant.

Although this was just a slice of him, it was too unprofitable to be eliminated for no reason.

As [Doctor] left, the breeze around him gradually dissipated, and Diluk sat on the ground, licking his wound silently.

His eyes also fell into the memories of the past...


The Knights of Favonius.

"That's what happened, Jean," Kaeya rubbed his chin, his expression quite serious:

"I checked it myself, and the two Fatui diplomats inside were burned to ashes."

Jin nodded seriously: "Amber, do you find anything?"

Amber shook her head: "This matter is very strange, it can be determined that this is definitely not a simple arson case."

"Because there are many people present,

Everyone saw the flames condense into a black and purple flame snake. "

Qin took a long breath: "In short, at the gate of Mondstadt, in public, two Fatui diplomats were burned alive. This is a serious diplomatic incident, and the cause must be investigated. "

"So I now order: Kaia, you are responsible for the investigation of this incident, and Amber, you are Kaia's deputy. "

"Yes!" Kaia and Amber said in unison.

After receiving the order to investigate, Kaia and Amber walked out of the Knights.

"Captain Kaia, do you have any orders for me to execute?" Amber, as the deputy, asked very professionally.

"I have an idea..." Kaia smiled mysteriously: "But, I am enough for this matter. Before I find you, you can move freely. "

After that, Kaeya walked away on his own.

"Wait..." Amber wanted to say something else, but in a blink of an eye, he saw Kaeya who had already walked away.

Then little Amber was so angry that she trembled all over: "What! You still treat me as a rookie! Humph! Damn stinky Kaeya! I haven't settled the score with you last time!"

After cursing angrily for a long time, Amber snorted coldly and turned around to investigate the clues herself.


The children captured in the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain were quickly rescued with the help of the Knights of Favonius.

Lin Yuan also brought the injured Noel to the headquarters of the Knights of Favonius.

Pushing open the door of the office, Lin Yuan saw Qin who was frowning.

"What's wrong? Has the investigation of the non-accidental death of the Fatui diplomat not yet been concluded? "

"It's you," Qin rubbed his temples, "We have just started the investigation, and the Fatui are pressing us hard. If we can't find out anything about this, our diplomats in Winter Solstice will also be in danger..."

"What's wrong? Do you have something to talk to me about?"

"It's like this," Lin Yuan and Noelle told Qin everything that happened in Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain.

"What! Damn [Doctor]! How could he do such a heartless thing!" Qin slammed the desk heavily.

"It seems that the strength of the Knights is still too weak to truly protect the entire Mondstadt..."

Lin Yuan shook his head, "Captain Qin, you don't have to blame yourself too much. Now that the dragon disaster has been resolved and the wind god has awakened, Mondstadt's development is also booming."

"And [Doctor] has only returned to Mondstadt today since he left five years ago. I have interrogated that group of Fatui, and today is the first time they have arrested someone. ”

“I thought about it afterwards. Even if I didn’t discover the conspiracy of Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain today, the wind god Barbatos would react at the last moment.”

After Lin Yuan said this, Qin gradually cheered up: “You are right. Mond is no longer the Mond five years ago!”

“I will never let what happened five years ago happen again!”

Then she looked at Noelle: “Noelle, I’m glad you are okay. Although you accidentally broke into the conspiracy of the Fatui, if it weren’t for Lin Yuan, you would be in danger...”

After saying a few words, seeing Noelle’s head lowering, Captain Qin didn’t know what to say.

Lin Yuan rubbed Noelle’s head: “This child is too kind and is easily deceived...”

Noelle blushed: “Honorary Knight Senior! I will work hard to practice! In short... I will work hard to become a qualified knight! "

Lin Yuan looked at Noelle, and actually he was thinking: If you are still so overly kind, then Jean will definitely not let you become a knight.

This is actually the puzzlement of many people in Mondstadt, why Klee is so small and so naughty, but she can become a Spark Knight.

And Noelle is so hardworking and diligent, but she is still just a maid.

In fact, the reason why Klee can become a knight is a kind of constraint on her, otherwise the bouncing bomb may appear in the center of Mondstadt one day.

And the reason why Noelle cannot become a knight is a kind of protection for her, otherwise Noelle, who becomes a knight, will definitely work harder for the responsibility in his heart.

With Jean After talking about the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain and admonishing Noel, Lin Yuan walked towards the Dawn Winery again.

Along the way, he was thinking about a question, that is, whether the world line of Teyvat in the real world has changed?

Because according to the world line in the game, these things should not have happened after Mondstadt solved the dragon disaster.

However, when the enemy comes, the general will block the water and the earth will cover the water. This is the state of adventure. Lin Yuan's mind is more active at this moment.

He began to slowly sort out the timeline:

At the beginning, he and Ying and Paimon went to Chengxi Winery to attend the celebration banquet, and then when they left Mondstadt, someone burned Zhidong to death.

The diplomat who came.

Then [Doctor] and his butler came to Chengxi Winery to discuss things with Diluk. As for what they discussed specifically, he was not there and didn't know. He would have to ask Ying later.

Then he went to Longji Snow Mountain to rescue the deceived Noelle and exposed the Fatui's conspiracy...

Before that, the Fatui of [Lady]'s faction had no activities of arresting people, so it can be determined that this was [Doctor's] plan.

According to the information he knew, [Doctor] arrested people to conduct various experiments, and the experiments must require a lot of people. It is not enough to just arrest them, so the purpose of his discussion with Diluk should be clear.

That is to recruit people of the right age in the name of the Fatui official, and conduct experiments in secret with the purpose of training.

Lin Yuan didn't know what happened in Mondstadt five years ago, but combined with what Eula said before and what Qin said just now, he could roughly infer that:

Five years ago, the Knights were in power by three old guys. They signed a plan with [Doctor] and sent a group of Mondstadt children to Solstice...

Now that [Doctor] has come back again, it should be that the materials for the experiment have been exhausted and he wants to sign a plan with the Knights again...

But the Knights today are no longer the Knights five years ago, so it is impossible for them to agree to [Doctor]. The two sides will inevitably have a conflict.

Lin Yuan's brain is running at high speed. Although he lacks a lot of information, he has already inferred the past, present, and upcoming parts of the incident.

However, there is still a doubt, that is, who is the black flame that burned the diplomat of Solstice to death at the city gate?

Did [Doctor] do it deliberately to seize the negotiation opportunity?

Or was it done by the radical elements in Mondstadt?

Or maybe it was a third party...

What happened now has not appeared in the game, so he can't get the answer directly by "cheating", and he has to investigate and reason everything by himself.

While thinking, he has arrived at Chengxi Winery.

At this time, the celebration banquet of the winery has ended, and the guests who attended the banquet have almost left. Only the servants of Chenxi Winery are cleaning.

"Lin Yuan!" Paimeng and Ying were strolling outside the winery, and when they saw Lin Yuan, they hurried over.

"You are finally back, what happened?" Ying asked.

Lin Yuan told them everything that happened, and they were very angry after listening.

Paimeng stamped his feet and said angrily: "Humph! I knew that guy [Doctor] is not a good thing!"

Ying told Lin Yuan what happened in the meeting room.

Lin Yuan nodded: "It's almost what I guessed, but where is Diluk now? Did he disappear after he asked you to pass the message to the butler?"

After Lin Yuan said this, Ying and Paimeng remembered that they hadn't seen Diluk since leaving the meeting room.

"Hey! Three, how was the celebration party?" A frivolous voice came, and the three looked over and saw that it was Kaeya as expected.

"Kaeya!" Paimeng waved his hand: "What are you doing here?"

"Of course I'm going home," Kaeya said lightly.

"Going home?" Ying and Paimeng were stunned. When did Chengxi Winery become Kaeya's home?

Lin Yuan was relatively calm when he heard this. He knew that Kaeya was the adopted son of Diluk's father, and if he really talked about it, he was also half the owner of Chenxi Winery.

"Of course this is my home," Kaeya teased Ying and Paimon, "You may not know yet, but Diluk is my brother."

Paimon looked at Kaeya with some suspicion, "You guy, you always talk nonsense, I don't believe you!"

Just then, a maid passed by the four of them and bowed to Kaeya, "Hello, young master!"

"You, you, you! Are you really the owner of the Dawn Winery?" Paimon was surprised.

"Of course!" Kaeya nodded, "I never lie."

Lin Yuan patted Kaeya on the shoulder, "Tell the truth as a lie, and tell the lie as the truth, maybe this is the way the cavalry captain speaks."

"Lin Yuan saw through me by accident, it seems I still need to hone my skills," Kaeya laughed twice.

"But you three, I'm not here just to 'go home', I'm here to find my 'brother' Diluk."

"There will be a lot of interesting stories next, if you want to hear them, just follow me."

After saying that, Kaeya snapped his fingers and walked towards the villa.

Lin Yuan, Ying and Paimon looked at each other and followed.

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