The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next flight.

Just then, Amber suddenly came up with an idea: "By the way, I'll take you to take the Wind Wings license exam!"

"Wind Wings license?" Ying scratched his head: "Indeed, I haven't used the Wind Wings in Mondstadt for so long."

"I'm free anyway, so I'll take the exam. It will be more convenient to go anywhere in the future," Lin Yuan also wanted to try the feeling of gliding.

"I won't..." Cole subconsciously prepared to refuse, but was pulled by Amber: "You can't refuse."

"Okay, let's go!"

Amber pulled Cole out of the library gate, and Lin Yuan and the other two followed.

But Amber didn't take them to a commanding height with a wide view, but came to the house next to the library.

"Huh? Shouldn't the Wings of Wind test be conducted outdoors?" Paimon asked in confusion.

Amber searched the cabinet for a long time and finally found a few test papers: "You don't know this, the Wings of Wind test is divided into two parts."

"The first part is the written test, and the second part is what you call the practical test."

Lin Yuan: "Uh... it's quite formal," he couldn't help but think of the Adventurer's Association test he took when he first came to Mondstadt.

But that one is more troublesome than the Wings of Wind test, with three parts.

"Okay, okay, the written test is very simple, come and do the questions."

The room is the layout of the examination room, with a single table for each person, which is obviously a test site specially set up by the Knights.

Lin Yuan, Ying, and Cole sat obediently on the chairs, and then Amber handed out the test papers, looking like a serious examiner.

Since Paimon can fly, he doesn't need to take the Wings of Wind test.

Lin Yuan has never been afraid of anyone in terms of exams. He opened the test paper and found that the questions were very simple, with only five multiple-choice questions, each worth 20 points, and 80 points were a pass.

Question 1: How many people can share a Wind Wing at most during flight?

A: A Wind Wing can only be used by one person; B: It depends on the level of the Wind Wing operator; C: It depends on the quality of the Wind Wing; D: No upper limit

Although he knew that the correct answer was A, Lin Yuan felt that B and C were also fine. After all, in the plot, I used a Wind Wing with Xiao Gong, so it was okay.

Question 2: What should I pay attention to when taking off with the Wind Wing?

A: It is fun to take off with the Wind Slime; B: You can carry a lot of cargo; C: You need to take reasonable take-off actions and take-off locations; D: Just jump boldly when you see a cliff

Question 3: What should I pay attention to when landing with the Wind Wing?

A: The most important thing is the posture when landing; B: You need to choose a reasonable landing place, and you cannot fold the wind wings directly; C: Land on the ground as much as possible; D: Have you ever heard of a palm technique that falls from the sky?

"Uh..." Lin Yuan scratched his head, why does option D look so familiar?

Question 4: What should you pay attention to when buying wind wings?

A: Only buy expensive ones instead of the right ones; B: Choose wind wings that are not suitable for your body shape; C: It is impossible to buy them, so you have to steal them; D: Buy the right wind wings in a store with sales qualifications

Question 5: Which of the following places allows the use of wind wings?

A: An open and safe wilderness; B: A busy urban area; C: A place where monsters gather; D: A home less than 30 square meters

The four of them finished answering the questions in less than ten minutes, and then Amber collected the test papers and marked them one by one.

"Wow! You guys are great, all of you got full marks!"

Ying: "Uh... Amber, if you get such a simple test wrong, I'll have to wonder if there's something wrong with my brain."

"Indeed!" Lin Yuan and Ke Lai nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's go take the practical test," Amber fiddled with three wind wings from the cabinet and handed them to Lin Yuan, Ying and Ke Lai.

"Try them and see if they fit. If not, there are other models."

The operation of the wind wings is very simple, just hang them on your back. Lin Yuan tried them and they were OK, they fit well.

Then Amber took the four of them to the highest point of Mondstadt, the roof of the West Wind Cathedral.

"Amber, won't the nuns find you?" Ying looked at the sneaky Amber and said with some concern.

"Don't worry, I often fly here, I won't be discovered."

Lin Yuan shook his head: "I hope Barbara won't find out that we are above her head."

The terrain of Mondstadt is not flat, but a slope, with the lowest point at the city gate and the highest point at the West Wind Cathedral.

In addition, the West Wind Cathedral built all the buildings in Mondstadt.

It is the highest roof in the city, so standing here, you can almost overlook the scenery of the entire Mondstadt.

The four people climbed up to the roof. The wind here was strong and cold, and several people were shaky.

Amber walked to the edge: "Watch it, I will only demonstrate it once."

As soon as the voice fell, Amber spread the wings of wind and jumped down.

"Amber!" Cole was startled and quickly walked forward a few steps. Then he saw Amber flying steadily in the air and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Cole, it's your turn," Lin Yuan patted Cole on the shoulder.

"Me?" Just now, he was concerned about Amber's safety, so he ran to the edge. Now looking down, Cole collapsed directly to the ground and retreated.

"I can't... I... I'm afraid of heights..."

"Believe in yourself, you can do it," Lin Yuan helped Kelai up: "As long as you take this step, you will be greeted by a brand new life."

Ying and Paimon also encouraged: "Kelai, believe in yourself, believe in Amber, believe in us!"

"Okay... okay..." Kelai walked to the edge tremblingly, closed her eyes and dared not look down, swallowed hard, and made up her mind, spread her wind wings and jumped down.

"Ah!" Kelai screamed in mid-air, and then there was no sense of falling as she imagined, so she opened her eyes carefully.

What she saw was the building that kept moving backwards, and the cool air flow kept caressing her skin. Looking forward, it was Amber standing under the statue of the wind god waving at her.

Kelai suddenly felt a strong sense of confidence in her heart, and it was also the first time that she showed a smile that she didn't even notice. Under Amber's guidance, she landed smoothly on the ground.

Lin Yuan and Ying followed closely and flew down. It must be said that the feeling of flying is really great. Lin Yuan felt his adrenaline, endorphins, and dopamine secreted in his body.

The brain and body are very active, and there is even a feeling of being addicted to flying.

He suddenly understood why the Wings of Wind were invented in Mond, because the feeling of flying can be described in two words, that is: freedom.

This is a feeling that you can never experience on land.

"How about it, everyone, isn't it great to fly!" Amber smiled.

Cole's cheeks were red and he nodded.

Ying was also a little excited and said: "There is a feeling of full body transparency."

"Hehe, so this is why I like flying. It always gives me strength when I am confused."

Paimon scratched his head: "Do you have this feeling? Why can't I experience it?"

"Maybe you are used to it. People always yearn for things they have not experienced," Lin Yuan said.

Then he joked: "Why don't you try walking on your feet, can you feel the same as us flying?"

"No way!" Paimon shook his head.

Amber said: "Yes, I don't think I have ever seen Paimon walk, so what are Paimon's two feet used for?"

Paimon stamped his feet: "Oh! Don't dwell on such a strange question!"

Seeing Paimon's actions, everyone suddenly realized: "So it's used for this!"

Paimon: "I'm dizzy!"

There are many people under the statue of the God of Wind at this time. Since tomorrow is the Badminton Festival, many bards are selling their own badminton.

Lin Yuan even saw that guy Wendy, who was also selling a few badmintons in his hand, and the slogan was "Badminton blessed by the God of Wind".

But it seems that there is no problem... It is indeed blessed by the God of Wind.

But obviously, his unserious look made the people around him not believe him very much. His peers have sold several, but he hasn't sold any.

"Lin Yuan!" At this time, Wendy also found a few people, waved and prepared to come over.

At this moment, a figure suddenly flashed by, snatched the badminton from Wendy's hand, and then ran to the edge of the square, spread his wings of wind and jumped down.

"Hehe! The badminton blessed by the God of Wind, I, Weird Bird, will not be polite! Bye everyone!"

"Weird Bird!" Lin Yuan had long known that the person who stole Klee's bouncing bomb was Weird Bird. He didn't expect that the Knights of Favonius had searched for so long, and this person was actually hiding in Mondstadt.

And he robbed things in front of everyone, which was simply bold and presumptuous.

Lin Yuan looked at Wendy: "No, why have you become so weak? How can a mortal rob you of something?"

Wendy shook her head pitifully: "Don't use that (divine power) unless necessary. I am now a complete ordinary person."

Lin Yuan said speechlessly: "Be strong when facing a strong, and weak when facing a weak?"

Wendy scratched her head: "Hey!"

Amber and Cole didn't understand the conversation between the two, but Amber was anxious to chase the strange bird.

Lin Yuan patted Amber's shoulder: "The strange bird has

"They have already flown far away. There may be an ambush outside the city. Let me go. You can take them to continue the assessment."

"How about I go with you," Ying stepped forward.

"It's okay. I can go alone. It's just catching a strange bird. It's quick," Lin Yuan touched Ying's head, and then said to Wendy, "Give me some updraft."

Wendy: "Oh!"

Feeling a green airflow coming from his wind wings, Lin Yuan jumped out from the edge of the square. Instead of descending, he flew higher and higher.

Amber: "???"

Ying hurriedly explained: "This may be the blessing of Lord Barbatos. After all, it is to catch the bad guys who endanger Mond."

"So that's it. Look, Cole, I said that the wind god is real! "Amber suddenly said to Cole.

"I don't believe it. How can God watch mortals? I think it's mostly a coincidence. There happened to be wind." The tragic experience along the way made Cole not believe in the existence of God.

"Anyway, I will prove it to you. Tomorrow is the Badminton Festival, a festival blessed by Lord Barbatos, the God of Wind. You must participate!"

"That doesn't prove that the God of Wind exists..."

Seeing the two arguing endlessly, Ying and Paimon looked at Wendy and thought to themselves: Why don't you show a miracle directly? To announce your strong return, maybe you can also win a large number of believers.

Wendy obviously understood what Ying and Paimon were thinking, but he didn't have such thoughts, so he looked up at the sky and whistled.

With the help of Wendy, Lin Yuan quickly flew out of Mondstadt by controlling the wings of wind and saw the strange bird flying in front of him from a distance.

Generally, In other words, the Wings of Wind can only be used for gliding. If you take off from the square, you can glide to the city gate at most.

But the strange bird is a talent. He tied two wind slimes under the Wings of Wind and flew for a long time by piercing the airflow of the wind slimes.

He flew all the way to Mingguan Gorge before finally exhausting the airflow in the wind slimes and landing on the ground.

The strange bird landed on the ground, but did not run away. Instead, he turned around and looked at Lin Yuan who was gradually flying.

"Your Wings of Wind are a good treasure. Is there any jet mechanism installed?" The strange bird asked while playing with the badminton in his hand.

Lin Yuan landed on the ground, put away the Wings of Wind, and did not answer the strange bird's words, but looked around. There were tall trees and rocks all around, which was very suitable for an ambush.

Seeing that the other party did not speak, the strange bird said: "How about this, you give me your Wings of Wind, and I will return these badmintons to you? "

Lin Yuan has determined that there are no less than thirty people lying in ambush around. His muscles tensed instantly, ready to fight at any time. He squinted at the strange bird:

"You are not qualified to make a deal with me. Let the person behind you come out."

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