The wind wings blessed by the wind god flew very fast, and soon the outline of Mondstadt was seen.

Lin Yuan held the strange bird in his left hand and the leader of the Fatui in his right hand, and landed directly at the gate of the Knights of Favonius.

"Lin Yuan, what are you doing?" Kaia was just out of the Knights, and was startled to see Lin Yuan flying down from the sky with two tied-up people.

"It just so happens that these two people are handed over to you, and you can interrogate them carefully," Lin Yuan threw the strange bird and the leader of the Fatui to the ground, and told Kaia what happened again.

"Fire Debtor!"

"Mirror Lady!"

Kaeya's eyes widened: "Wow! You are so strong now! This is the elite among the elites of the Fatui, the third tier of combat power among the Fatui, I didn't expect you to take him down."

"Is he so strong?" Lin Yuan was also stunned when he saw Kaeya's reaction. He had eliminated many Fire Debtors and Mirror Lady in the game, so this thing is not surprising.

Although the battle just now was indeed very dangerous, he still won. If the third tier of the Fatui is at this level, then...

"What do you mean by so strong?" Kaeya shook his head in disdain: "Can you not be so Versailles."

"Let me tell you this, the first tier of the Fatui is the eleven executors, the second tier is the various frost servants and wind servants, and the third tier is the fire debt handlers, the hidden mirror ladies, the lightning wizards, the ice wizards, etc."

"The fourth tier is the advance team, and the fifth tier is the various guards."

"The advance team They already have the strength of elite monsters, not to mention the Fire Debtor and the Hidden Mirror Lady who are one level higher than them. "

"You should know that even among the Fatui who have a rich family, each executive has a limited number of third-level people under his command."

"Talent is the first resource. Now that you have eliminated a Fire Debtor and a Hidden Mirror Lady, it can be regarded as a big loss for [Doctor]. "

Lin Yuan nodded. It turned out that the Fire Debtor and the Hidden Mirror Lady were so powerful. He had a preconceived notion that they were worthless everywhere, just like in the game.

Kaeya kicked the Fatui leader under his feet: "Although this kind of person is a leader, his own value is far less valuable than those two. What is valuable about this person is the information in his head."

"Okay, leave these two people to me, you can rest assured. I have a hundred ways to pry open their mouths," Kaeya smiled frivolously and carried the two to the prison.

Lin Yuan walked into the Knights, not knowing whether Ying and Paimon were here.

As soon as he entered, he heard Amber's chattering voice. Lin Yuan followed the sound to the room where he had taken the exam before. Inside were Ying, Paimon, Amber and Cole.

"Lin Yuan, you're back!" Paimon waved.

Ying walked forward with concern and checked Lin Yuan: "How are you, are you not injured?"

Lin Yuan smiled and shook his head: "Not only was he not injured, but he also made great contributions."

Then he vividly told everyone what happened in Mingguan Gorge.

"It was so thrilling! If I had known, I would have accompanied you!" Ying heard about the dangerous battle and covered her chest with sweat for Lin Yuan.

"I originally thought that the strange bird would at most ambush some treasure-stealing groups, but I didn't expect it to collude with the Fatui," Lin Yuan smiled and looked at Ying: "But it's okay, I'm back safely."

"But you must be careful these days," Lin Yuan glanced at everyone:

"The day after tomorrow is the day for negotiations with [Doctor]. In the next two days, he will definitely find ways to increase his bargaining chips. What happened today is an example."

Amber nodded: "As long as you don't leave the city, it should be fine."

"It's hard to say," Lin Yuan shook his head: "[Doctor] is a cruel person who has no bottom line in doing things. He will do anything to achieve his goals. He may cause trouble in the city."

"Tomorrow is the Badminton Festival. The Knights must strengthen law and order."

After Lin Yuan said this, Amber's expression became serious. After all, she is a teenage girl. Although she has inherited her grandfather's mantle and became a scout knight since she was a child, her experience is still not as good as Lin Yuan's.

In addition, since Jean took over the Knights, there have been fewer intrigues within the Knights, so Amber is still relatively naive and naturally doesn't understand the thoughts of people like [Doctor].

"Then I'll go tell Captain Jean, and then I'll check the city. It just so happens that this is also within my scope of responsibility as a scout knight."

Then Amber took out another

A certificate: "Lin Yuan, this is your Wind Wings flying license."

Lin Yuan took it and saw that it was stamped with the official seal of the Knights of Favonius, which was quite formal.

After handing the certificate to Lin Yuan, Amber took Cole to Qin's office.

Only Lin Yuan, Ying and Paimeng were left in the room. He waved the certificate in his hand and smiled slyly at Ying: "It seems that we have to go to the Wind of Glory to buy the Wind Wings."

The Wind Wings he used for the assessment before had been taken back by Amber, and the Wind Wings were all old models, which he didn't like.

Ying's Wind Wings flying license had been obtained a long time ago, so she nodded: "Let's go, it's noon, let's go to the Deer Hunter Restaurant for lunch."

"Great! Lunch time!" Paimeng stomped his feet excitedly when he heard about eating, and then took the lead and flew out.

Lin Yuan suddenly had an idea and joked to Ying: "I think it's a bit unnecessary for us to take the Wind Wings pilot's license exam."

"Oh? What do you mean?" Ying looked at him in confusion, and Paimon's eyes also looked over.

Lin Yuan chuckled: "Think about it, when Paimon becomes as big as Tevarin, we can just sit on her back."

Ying immediately thought of Paimon, who was so big that he blocked out the sun and the sky. She couldn't help but laugh out loud at the scene.

Paimon looked at Lin Yuan in confusion, then at Ying, and finally stomped her feet in anger: "Ahhh! You two! Bad!"

Finally, she crossed her arms and raised her head in anger, looking like she didn't love anyone.

Lin Yuan stopped laughing and comforted him, "Okay, okay, Paimeng, I'll treat you to a meal later, don't be angry."

Paimeng's eyes rolled when he heard this, as if he was weighing it, and finally pouted: "Hmph! My little Paimeng can't be dismissed with just one meal now!"

Lin Yuan noticed Paimeng's little action, but still said dotingly: "Then pick whatever you want in the Wind of Glory."

"Okay... OK! I'll just accept it reluctantly," Paimeng was originally very excited to turn around, but then he thought about maintaining his persona of reluctantly forgiving Lin Yuan, so he pretended to be indifferent and nodded.

Seeing Paimeng's pretentious look, Lin Yuan and Ying couldn't help laughing again.

"Hey! You two! Too much!" Paimeng was angry and hit the two with his little fists in dissatisfaction.

Unfortunately, her attack power was 0, and she was like massaging people, without any deterrence.

The three of them played around and soon arrived at the Wind of Glory opposite the Adventurers' Association: a five-story luxury store with a transparent glass exterior.

"Hey! It's the three honorary knights who saved Mondstadt! Come on! Come in!" As soon as the three of them entered, the store manager Marjorie came out to greet them.

"Hey! It seems that no matter where we are, we are very famous!" Paimon put his hands on his waist, looking proud.

Ying observed the decoration inside the Wind of Glory: the spacious store area, the simple but not simple decoration, the faint fragrance in the air, and the soft classical music on the record player.

"It must be very expensive here, right? Why don't we go somewhere cheaper?"

Lin Yuan touched Ying's head: "What are you afraid of? Money is meant to be spent. If you lose it, you can earn it again. Besides, we have hundreds of thousands now. I don't believe that there is anything we can't afford in the Wind of Glory?"

While talking, Marjorie came over: "What do the three Honor Knights want to buy?"

"In addition to unique treasures, we also have many well-made products."

"Do you have Wings of Wind?"

"Yes, follow me," Marjorie took the three of them to the fifth floor, where there were a dazzling array of Wings of Wind.

"Wow! Five thousand Mora!" Paimon flipped open the price tag of a Wing of Wind and was shocked.

"This is the cheapest Wing of Wind in our store. It is made of regular fabrics and is strong and durable," Marjorie introduced.

Lin Yuan touched it and found it was similar to the wind wings that Amber gave them for the assessment. He asked, "How much is the most expensive one?"

When Marjorie heard Lin Yuan say this, she smiled even more and quickly took the three of them to a wind wing:

"This is the best wind wing in our store. The frame is made of holly wood, the fabric is precious snow mountain ice silk, and it is decorated with feathers of the king of birds, the phoenix. It is very precious."

"Phoenix feathers?" Lin Yuan looked at Marjorie suspiciously: "Are there phoenixes in Teyvat?"

"And holly wood? Why haven't I heard of this kind of wood in Teyvat?"

Marjorie hesitated for three seconds, then said awkwardly: "Well, to be honest, the material for making this wind wing was purchased from an adventurer. That's what he told me."

"I checked it at the time, and it was indeed

It's a material I've never seen before, and the quality is very good. . "

"Then I made these materials into the Wings of Wind, and made two in total. Because the materials are scarce, the price is a bit higher."

"So that's how it is," Lin Yuan nodded. He could tell from Marjorie's eyes that she was not lying.

And Marjorie is the daughter of Serius. At the beginning, the Wind of Glory also developed by purchasing all kinds of strange things from adventurers.

So it's not uncommon for her to purchase the so-called holly wood and phoenix feathers from adventurers. Of course, this is probably just nonsense from the adventurer.

However, Lin Yuan touched the Wings of Wind, and the material was indeed special: "Then let's take this one. I want both. How much is it? "

"One... 50,000 Mora," Marjorie thought about it and quoted a price.

Lin Yuan picked up the Wing of Wind and tried it. The quality was indeed good. Since the material was special, 50,000 was a bit expensive, but it was okay. Anyway, he was not good at bargaining.

Just when he was about to make a deal, Ying suddenly said: "Miss Marjorie, can you give me a discount? After all, you don't know whether the material is really as the adventurer said, right?"

Marjorie hesitated. She spent 10,000 Mora when purchasing these materials. Adding labor costs and so on, the cost of a Wing of Wind is about 8,000 Mora.

Finally, she gritted her teeth and said: "Then 45,000 Mora for one."

"10,000 Mora!" Ying directly cut a bargain price.

"That won't work. The cost price is not enough. It's too low," Marjorie shook her head: "The lowest price is 35,000 Mora."

"Is that so," Ying put down the Wing of Wind in her hand with some regret and blinked at Lin Yuan: "Then let's go somewhere else first. "

As he said that, he pulled Lin Yuan and walked downstairs.

"Wait a minute!" Marjorie didn't expect that this Honor Knight was not only good at fighting, but also good at bargaining. Anyway, the two Wind Wings would just sit here and collect dust, so she might as well make less money.

So she quickly called the three people: "Twenty thousand Moras, twenty thousand Moras each."

Ying turned her head with a smile: "Fifteen thousand."

"Okay, I'll just take it as a loss to gain publicity," Marjorie shook her head, and then handed the two Wind Wings to Ying and Lin Yuan.

Ying took out her bank card, and Marjorie deducted thirty thousand Moras.

After leaving the Wind of Glory, Lin Yuan looked at Ying with a smile: "Sure! I didn't expect you to be so good at bargaining. You bargained down the total price of one hundred thousand to thirty thousand."

"I guess Marjorie is losing a lot now. ”

Ying poked Lin Yuan’s face: “You don’t understand this, right? The prices of things in this kind of luxury store are all inflated. As long as you bargain, it will definitely be lower than the initial offer.”

“And Marjorie will definitely not lose money, it’s just a matter of how much she makes. If she really loses money, she won’t sell it.”

“There is a lot of knowledge in this, watch carefully and learn well,” Ying finally shook her head, like an old scholar educating students.

Lin Yuan looked at Ying who was talking about it with relish, and said with a smile: “I really don’t know anything about shopping, selling things, and bargaining. I will trouble you in the future.”

“Humph!” Ying raised her head proudly: “Of course, I am very good at shopping and bargaining.”

“Are you born with this or trained?”

“Born, because my brother used to go shopping with me, but he was also stupid like you.”

Paimon looked at the two people who were talking and laughing, and put his hands on his waist: “Hey! Lin Yuan, did you forget something! "

When Paimeng reminded him, Lin Yuan remembered what he had promised Paimeng before, and slapped his forehead: "Oh, look at my memory, let's go, buy whatever you want inside, I'll treat you."

"By the way, Ying, the same goes for you, just take whatever you like," then he smiled and said, "If you want to bargain, it's not impossible."

The three of them walked into the Wind of Glory again.

"Welcome! Hey! Is there anything else? "Marjorie saw the three of them stunned for a moment.

"Buy some more things," Lin Yuan explained.

"Is that so," for some reason, Marjorie felt that Ying was working in vain.

But she had to open the door to be a guest, and she couldn't stop doing business. She could only comfort herself mentally: It's okay if I don't lose money! It's okay if I don't lose money!

The first floor of the Wind of Glory is the reception hall, the second floor is the clothing area, the third floor is the bag area, the third floor is the jewelry area, the fourth floor is the cosmetics area, and the fifth floor is all kinds of miscellaneous things, such as the Wings of Wind are on the fifth floor.

Ying and Paimon are both girls, and they don't feel tired at all when shopping. They go from the second floor to the fifth floor, and then from the fifth floor to the second floor. The two chattered and were as excited as little magpies.

Lin Yuan felt very bored and sleepy following behind. He had fought the Fire Debt Handler and Cangjing in Mingguan Gorge before.

I didn't feel this way when I was a lady, which was very strange. Was it a spell specifically targeting him?

In the end, the two of them bought a lot of things, from clothes, shoes, bags, to jewelry and various small gadgets. After Ying's bargaining, they spent more than 100,000 Mora.

"Slow down, three of you!" Marjorie felt her heart bleeding. Although every item was sold above the cost price, she made almost no money.

It is said that luxury stores don't open for three years, but they can make money for three years after opening. Although she sold a lot of things, it feels that the profit margin is not as good as that of affordable supermarkets.

Some people are happy and some are sad. Ying and Pai wore sun hats on their heads, sunglasses on their eyes, colorful skirts on their bodies, and sparkling jewelry on their hands. They were so happy and comfortable.

It was just hard for Lin Yuan behind him. He carried a dozen shopping bags of various sizes in his hands and worked as a coolie honestly.

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