For the Xianzhou people, the festival is only celebrated once every few years.

So when the New Year comes, the two people who have just arrived in this world only live it as an ordinary day.

The sudden visit of Ribaun draws them into the New Year's family rivalry.

"Your family, it's not okay for us to get involved."

"It's okay, just think of it as foreign aid."

Jing Yuan didn't see Li Baoen's secret mind to poke and pull people, but he was too bored, so he took Yanqing to have fun.

"Eh, Jing Yuan, Yanqing, are you also here to participate?" Sawada Tsunayoshi was a little surprised.

"yes, it looks like fun."

"These two are not from your family." Dino objected.

"But as a foreign aid you can participate." Ribaun sat on Dino's head and suppressed his protests.

"The family that loses pays 100 million yen."

Calmly saying this, Ribaun announced the start of the game.

"The first item, draw lots????????????" The

extreme big brother drew seventeen big murderers, so that Pengelle lost without resistance.

"The second event, tennis ????????????"

Yamamoto Takeshi knocked the tennis ball away in a baseball posture.

"It's really far." Jing Yuan looked at the disappearing tennis ball, holding the lottery tube that had just been removed and drawing a small ji in his hand.

"Yanqing, come to smoke?"


"Yay!! Great luck!!" Yanqing happily looked at Daji who pulled it out and handed it to Jing Yuan.

"Huh?" Jing Yuan took it, "Daji, don't you like it?"

"I like it better in you." Yanqing naturally played a straight ball and took Xiaoji from Jing Yuan's hand.

Jing Yuan laughed lightly a few times and put Daji away.

During the two falling in love, Pengelle lost badly.

"What to do! I can't pay it back for the rest of my life!" Sawada Tsunayoshi broke down and scratched his head.

"The score before that was cleared."

Ribaun's little words caused a huge amount of damage to Dino.

"Then change it to a billion yen."

"Forget it, what Ribaun said can't be changed at all." Dino comforted his little junior brother and began to prepare for the next competition.

The next item was to play rice cakes, and the two foreign players finally had a chance to play.

Yan Qing took his flying sword and began to help the two knock glutinous rice.

"Is it okay to do this?" Yamamoto and Gokudera looked at the flying sword with a hammer struck up and down, and felt shocked.

"Hmph~, a piece of cake." Yanqing was triumphant, he could control many flying swords at the same time.

Jing Yuan went to help another wave make bean paste filling.

"This is ... Is it okay to eat? Jing Yuan looked at the poisonous insects that Bi Yangqi added and silently prayed for the referee who would be waiting for a while.

"As long as there is love, it will definitely be delicious." Bi Yangqi swore by it.

Gabrielone, who had never touched rice cakes, still made decent works.

"We've done our best..." Dino handed over the box containing the rice cakes.

"It's loose and dry, it's not delicious." Ribaun commented disgustedly.

But when Pengele's box opened???????????? a black aura emanated.

Ah, yes, poisonous cuisine.

Facing the rice cake handed over by Bi Yangqi, Ribaun chose to pretend to sleep and sprayed three bubbles from his nose.

"It seems that I can only ask you to taste it." Biyoki shifted her target and handed the mochi to Sawada Tsunayoshi and Dino.

"It's hilarious." Jing Yuan looked at the two leaders who were in chaos, and felt that he was not at a loss for this trip.

"It's such a powerful technique, they all faint." Yanqing looked at the two who were poisoned by Bi Yangqi and expressed her admiration.

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