Changkong City, Me Club.

Raiden Ryoma took charge of Me Club again, and the negative news in the past disappeared online as if it had never happened.

He is still the underground emperor of the Far East.

He is the object of ingratiation to countless people.

He also severely retaliated against those who had bullied Mei Yi before. The teachers and students who had bullied Mei Yi were either permanently unemployed or unemployed, and their family business was also greatly affected.

It was considered a mercy of Raiden Ryoma that Senba Academy was not closed down, but some people who bullied Mei did not end well.

Raiden Ryoma is not good at expressing his love for his daughter, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love Mei.

After his wife died, Mei was his only concern in the world.

Send Mei Yi to another world so that he can show off his talents without any worries.

But his daughter, who had been away for a while, suddenly came back, leaving him a little confused.

She couldn't get anything out of the question, and her daughter told herself very forcefully that no one could hurt them.

Meiyi's character has become quite strong under the guidance of Mr. Luochen.

This is also a good development. Since his accident, his daughter's personality has become too gentle.

This change made Raiden Ryoma curious, but when asked about the situation, Mei didn't say anything.

Oh, what a headache.

Luo Chen's visit cheered up Leiden Ryoma and quickly invited him to the office of Me Company.

"Mr. Luochen, please, this is the good tea I bought specially from China."

"Mr. Ryoma is interested. Luo Chen smiled slightly and tasted the tea. He couldn't taste the good or bad tea.

"Good tea."

Although he can't drink tea, it doesn't stop him from commenting. He always has to give the thunder and lightning dragon horse face.

"That is."Thunder and Lightning Ryoma took tea leaves as an entry point. After chatting with Luo Chen for a few minutes about the picking methods and production methods, he smiled and asked:"My little girl is in Dao Wife. Didn't she cause any trouble to Mr. Luo Chen?"

He is now just like a parent who attends a parent-teacher meeting and wants to find out about their child from the teacher.

Of course, there is no difference.

"No, no, Mei is a very hard-working child and has been taught by Inazuma, the two thunder gods."

Thunder God?

Or two?

Thunder and Lightning Ryoma put down his tea cup and listened to Luo Chen:"The god who rules Dao Zhi is one of the most powerful gods in our world. We are twin sisters. The elder sister is good at governing the country, and the younger sister is good at Niandu. Mei Yi is studying with them there"

"Meiyi is really lucky to be appreciated by the gods. No wonder I was no longer her opponent when we went home to compete." Raiden Ryoma sighed.

Originally, Mei's talent in kendo was much stronger than that of his father, and he reached the point where he was exempted from all odds at a young age. He even defeated himself in kendo before he was caught.

Now with the teachings of Inazuma Raijin, I have reached a higher level of kendo!

"Mei Yi is a very hard-working child. Even this time she suddenly ran back, which surprised me. I asked her why but she wouldn’t tell me."

"this……"Lightning Ryoma doesn't know, and his daughter won't tell him, so it's hard for him to ask.

"She went to school and said that her studies were the most important thing now, but I felt that Thousand Feather Academy was not suitable for her. On the recommendation of Mr. Siegfried, she went to St. Freya Academy."

Isn't it where?

St. Freya Academy?

Isn't that the Far East Demon Cave?

"you sure? Isn't St. Freya Academy destined by fate?"

Thunder Ryoma nodded,"Yes, I was worried at first. After all, St. Freya Academy is the eastern branch of Destiny, and the principal of the academy is the granddaughter of Bishop Destiny."

"But Mr. Siegfried said that Principal Theresa was separated from Bishop Destiny and could be trusted, so Mei and I discussed it and sent her to St. Freya Academy."

Do you dare to believe Theresa?!

"I advise you to call Mei Yi back."

"Is there something wrong with Teresa?"Thunder and Lightning Dragon Horse asked

"How should I put it, she has no brains."

Theresa Apokalis, although her surname is Apokalis, is actually a Kaslana.

The artificial human made by Otto using the genes of Kallen and Honkaiju Vishnu can be considered a modern civilization. Fusion warrior.

Under Otto's pampering, although he is powerful, he has no brains. He is still like a child who has not grown up even in his forties or fifties.

No, it should be said that as long as Otto does not die, Theresa will never die. She won't grow up, she is just a granddaughter who likes to rely on her grandfather


"Of course you don’t have to worry about Theresa’s character, but do you really think that St. Freya Academy is a place beyond the control of the Destiny Headquarters? That was Otto Apokalis, a being who had controlled destiny for five hundred years."

St. Freya Academy doesn't have any secrets in Otto's opinion. He even knows about Theresa's embezzlement of public funds to buy comics. He knows

, but he just doesn't say it.

What does it matter if his granddaughter buys some comics?

Even if the comics are Drawn by Walter Young, the leader of Counter-Entropy, but so what?

Just think of it as giving some research funds to Counter-Entropy. The production of Titans is very expensive.

That little money is a drop in the bucket.

"I was negligent."

Thunder Ryoma was sweating profusely," I immediately called Mei Yi and asked her to come back as quickly as possible."

"I'll go pick her up. You can go through the formalities and identity for me."


Thunder Ryoma moved very quickly, arranged a false identity for Luo Chen, and sent him to St. Freya Academy on his own private plane.

In addition to training Valkyries, St. Freya Academy is also a destiny branch. It is located on an independent island.

Just from the area and the magnificence of the building, it can be seen that Tianming has invested a lot of money in it.

Otto really has nothing to say to Theresa, and he can agree to it in normal times Teresa made many willful demands, asking for money and people.

The Oath of Judas, the key to God that Destiny holds, has always been placed with Teresa.

Honkai is a hazard and energy that favors girls over boys. Most men have no resistance to Honkai Energy. If exposed to excessive amounts of Honkai Energy, they will turn into fly ash.

Women have a higher resistance. If they can withstand it, they will be turned into death warriors by Honkai Energy, and they are very beautiful. One kind.

Those who fight against Honkai energy are basically girls.

There is no way. Dr. Mei of the pre-civilization only improved the resistance of women to Honkai energy. Before the men could do it, the pre-civilization was destroyed.

St. Freya As a school for cultivating Valkyries, the academy has no male students and very few male staff. The sudden appearance of a handsome boy attracted the attention of many girls, and the bold ones even came forward to ask for their contact information.

But Luo Chen No, there is no way to give it to them.

Luochen liked the campus full of youthful vitality.

But his arrival also attracted the attention of Tianming Headquarters

"Lord Bishop, the mysterious man who had been in contact with Lord Hollander before appeared at St. Freya Academy."

The android secretary Amber walked into Otto's room.

And Otto was scoring low in the game he made,"Karen Fantasy", and the key was still in second place.

The first place was the former Destiny's strongest Valkyrie. Cecilia Shaniat.

There is reason to suspect that it is because Otto has been unable to surpass the opponent, so the physical account is banned

"Um? Actually appeared in St. Freya Academy? Go to Teresa?"

The handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes did not look back. He kept staring at the screen. He had already reached the boss level of the pink-furred fox.

"It is very likely that he is looking for Raiden Mei. Some time ago, the Third Herrscher's physical Raiden Mei went to St. Freya Academy to study."Amber replied

"Hmm... I see. I remember Rita was inspecting St. Freya Academy today, right?"


"Okay, let Rita get in touch, and if necessary, capture the other person."

Otto was very interested in this man who suddenly appeared. Raiden Meiyi and K423 suddenly disappeared for a while.

With Tianming's size, no trace could be found. Otto naturally suspected Luochen.

As for reverse entropy?

Where ? He can check the database whenever he wants, and the firewall is useless.[]

He did not ask Hollandel. Although she was his best student in hundreds of years, she was too straightforward and treated Kiana as a sister. If she went too far, it would be counterproductive.

Hollander's memory has not yet recovered, but someone revealed her relationship with K423 to her.

This person should also be the mysterious man

"So, sir, how many surprises will you bring me? Otto looked at the words"

Game Over" on the screen and said with a smile:"Okay, Amber, let Rita investigate it carefully, and let my old friend take action if necessary.""

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Amber immediately retreated, leaving Otto to start dividing again.

"Damn it, why haven’t I surpassed Cecilia after all these years? This girl’s gaming talent is too outrageous, right?"

The Bishop's slightly distressed voice came from the room.

At the same time, Rita, who was inspecting work in St. Freya Academy, received Amber's communication.

After learning about her mission, she immediately started to take action.

"Oh, what a pity, I thought I could spend more time with Theresa-sama."

Rita's pretty and charming face was full of pity.

Lady Teresa is also very cute even though she is small.

Luochen's face appeared on the tablet in her hand. The destined S-class Valkyrie smiled slightly and said:

"Well, sir, let me see what you hide behind your back, and what you said to Lady Hollander."

She walked out of the room and walked towards Luochen.

Luochen was looking for Meiyi. The students coming and going looked at him like a giant panda.

There were also some girls who wanted to eat him alive. Yeah.

I always feel like I'm in a wolf's den.

When a boy enters a girls' school, he may feel comfortable at first, but then he won't feel so comfortable.

Especially in this St. Freya Academy, it feels really bad to be targeted by someone.


"Hello, sir, would you like to have a wonderful encounter?"

The maid with short gray-blonde hair walked out from the corner with a smile.

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