Luo Chen picked up the void on the ground and said,"I think you should know whether Otto is dead."

The void Wanzang, the key of the first god, the key to revelation.

In the past, the weapons made by the Civilization of the Law of Civilization can copy the weapons and props that users understand the principles of constructing the principles.

Internal is the knowledge space that is almost infinitely extended, and there is a lot of knowledge of previous civilization.

Five hundred years ago, he was acquired by the young Otto. He always wanted to control Otto, but in the end, he turned into the shape of Otto.

In fact, Void Manzo had the best chance to control Otto, and that was five hundred years ago, when Destiny wanted to execute Kallen.

At that time, Otto begged his father to sue his grandmother and wanted to find someone to save Kallen, but there was no way.

If Void Wanzang was willing to help, Otto really became the puppet of Void Wanzang

"He is dead."

Kong Kong Manzang's tone was joking,"I never thought that Otto, a man, would die in such a joking way."

It feels that there must be a malfunction in its body. Otto died in this way.

There must be an accident in his body.

"Jizo Royal Soul blocked the possibility of uploading Anto to upload consciousness. Now his consciousness has dissipated, and even if it is collapsed, there is no way to rescue him."

Luo Chen took the void Wanzang, and then closed it.

"The next step is to use the Thousand Realms Yiyuan."

The keys of Yongjie, one by one. The shape exactly like the god of the train is still the key of the god made by the inventor Vervi.

As soon as the world is multiplied, the world of Walter is located, and even if the Qianjie can not be sent back to send Walter back, at least you can get the coordinates.

As long as you can get the coordinates, Valt can use the astrological dome train to return My own world.

In this way, the problem is much simpler.

Luo Chen started the Qianjie multiplied and began to start positioning the world of Walter. I felt like I was going to explode in the next second.

But I finally got the coordinates.

"Thank you. I will ask Kiana from our world to come over later."


Walter said to everyone.

When Luo Chen and Ya Yi left the Chiyo Ride, You Lauder stared at them with people.

"Mr. Luo Chen, I think you should give me an explanation"

"explain? No need to explain, I just want to kill Orto."

You Rauder took a deep breath, Luo Chen directly did Orth, and there would be many accidents.

Even if the destiny now does not require the bishop, he can run himself without any leakage, but there is no kind of backbone. of

"So you are the most important thing now is to let Delisa come back to inherit the position of the Great Bishop, instead of blocking me here."

To this day, you can only do this.

You Lauder immediately asked Lita Torcho was assassinated by the bishop.

When he received the notice, Drisa was embarrassed. He thought it was April Fool's Day today.

"Rita, today is April Fools' Day, right? How could grandpa die?"

Grandpa in memory has always been old -fashioned, omnipotent, how can he die?

"Sorry, Lord Delissa, this time Bishop Ortyan really died."

Lita informed Delissa, which made Delissa dizzy.

The owner of the inverse entropy allaid, Valter Yang, took the law of Thunder and the man who had come to St. Freya Academy before killing his grandfather?!

At this time, Walter Yang walked in in this world. He heard that something happened over there at Anti-Entropy, and he was going to take a leave to go back and have a look.

"Did I come at a bad time?"

Walter asked

"Walter?" Theresa looked at Walter, and then at the photo of Walter that Rita sent to her.

Why is Walter in her school?!

"Well……"I drop the vest?

"Walter, why did you kill my grandfather?"Delissa asked

"ah?"Walter looked at Theresa in confusion.

Isn't it normal for him to want to kill Otto?

Wait, when did I kill Otto?

"I've always been in school, never been out"

"But you obviously killed Grandpa with Lei Zhi"

"But I just finished the class."

Lita at the other side of the communication was silent, why would the owner of the inverse entropy be a teacher at the St. Freya Academy? Is n't it clear that Lord Drisa


As a result, Walter is the real entropy leader and has not participated in the assassination of Orto.

Who is the Valt who killed Orto?

"In short, Lady Theresa, please return to the headquarters immediately and inherit the position of Bishop of Destiny. Destiny now needs you to control the overall situation."

Without Bishop Ortyan, those who had different hearts may appear in the past, but with the support of themselves and You Rauder, the problem should not be big. Delissa was helpless, so he had to go to the headquarters of Tianming to inherit the bishop of the bishop immediately. Position.

Walter also knows that this St. Freya Academy can't stay, choose to return to the headquarters of inverse entropy.

From Tesla and Einstein, the truth of the matter is learned.

"In other words, in the parallel world, I took Ryoma's daughter and the man named Luochen to kill Otto?"

"Yes, they were really neat and tidy."

Einstein couldn't help but sigh. This action was so fast. Otto was gone before they even had time to open the champagne.


Tesla opened a bottle of champagne, which attracted the two men's attention.

"how? Of course, Orto is going to open champagne!"

It is said.

The three of them drank a bottle of wine and celebrated the death of Otto.

Without Orto, their pressure on the inverse entropy will be much less.

And letting Drisa be a bishop, they can also start with destiny with destiny. Cooperation.

The champagne is opened, and the development of the future is slowly.

Luo Chen is being reprimanded by You Lauder at this time.

Otto is indeed not a good thing, but Luo Chen has done too fast, making them busy now.

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry, dare next time."(Looking at the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

You Lauder secretly grinds his teeth. Luo Chen said," Otherwise, go to the Laboratory of Destiny to see what is going on?""

The doubtful You Lauder walked over and found his mother's cloning body, and many.

Luo Chen said:" These cloning bodies are Ortoch, which is used to make the clone of the sacred blood of Saniate. Niate sacred blood can have a strong suppression of collapse."

Three families of God's destiny.

Casilla, Apaccalis and Shaniate.

Among them, Apaccalis, as a bishop, Casastina, as the Cavaliers. Generally speaking, the maiden of the Destiny is the Shaniate.

Compared to the Apokaris family and the Casastina family, which are left with the remaining Ortyan, the people are still prosperous. Effectively suppressing the collapse can be because it is too capable of suppressing the collapse. Instead

, it is difficult for this family to have a strong warrior.

Unlike Casastina, they can go to the battlefield for a few years.

The sacred blood is the most powerful among the Shaniate family, and it is naturally impossible for Otto to give up. The

Cyria clone person is taken for granted.

"Bishop, actually……"

Youlandel raised the white flowers of the black abyss, but was held back by Luo Chen[]

"I think it can be left, anyway, it has been manufactured anyway. Although they are all your mother's face, they do not have their own will, but they only provide the blood storage tank of the sacred blood of Shaniate."

"It is better to stay, maybe it can help to fight against the collapse, and do everything you use. You ca n’t get the sacred blood from the people of the Shaniate family in the future?"

Not everyone in the Shaniyat family has the Holy Blood.

Moreover, the concentration of the Holy Blood is not consistent.

Not everyone has the concentration of Cecilia. If there is one person whose concentration of the Holy Blood exceeds Cecilia's,.

Otto will probably choose the other party

"……you're right."

Ulandelle finally endured it.

At the same time, the two of them were searching for the experiments conducted by Otto underground. There were many, so many that it was outrageous. Although most of them had been destroyed, the records were still left in the computer. Lauder destroyed these records, but some of them can be left, and the records of fighting against collapse still choose to stay. Even if it is full of sin, she may help the future.

In the laboratory, Luo Chen was also going to slip away with the bud.

If you don't leave, Drisa is coming.

Walter (Wang Qian is good):"I have returned to my world, and I have contacted Kiana. She is very interested in you and is happy to help you survive the collapse."

Qi Tian Dasheng is coming?

He looked at You Lauder," I think, let the world have become the end of the law."

Maybe it can be solved.

Luo Chen:" In this case, Mr. Walter, please send that Kaina over."

Walter:" Okay."

Soon after, a white -haired girl in a gorgeous dress appeared in front of the two.

There was also a mature beauty who emitted next to it.

"Hello, I am Kiana, you should know me too."Qiana from the parallel world was on her waist, and she smiled very gentle.

"Hello, I am a thunderbolt bud"

"Hello, I am Luo Chen, this one should not need to introduce it"

"It's my sister, but now my sister is smaller than me."At the end, Qiana held You Lauder's arm." Now my sister is so young."

Shi Yuan Ya Yi said," We Lamadel at that time was not old."

She can feel that the collapse of this world still exists, and her power is constantly rising.

It seems that in this world, her strength is constantly recovering...

NGười MUA: Kỳ miêu miêu

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